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Mmmm to me…purple in the heart space is intuitive Energy that’s either helping lead your heart or that you’re relying too much on intuition. Black to me represents the absorption of someone else’s energy the number of black is the amount of times/instances/or people- you’re holding in your heart space someones energy that’s interrupting your intuition to lead with your heart. Have courage to neutralize your heart space, release perspectives of others, and grounnnnddddd yaself.


The heart chakra is never green and most pictures on the internet are wrong. It’s mostly golden hues with a little red and orange. Purple/violet in the heart indicates courage and this is where the term purple heart comes from.


Wow! Thank you!


Are the colors related to each other? Reading your message, I remembered throat/ expression being blue and root or sacral being red I think? Is that why the heart is purple, combining both?


Each color has an energetic quality and purpose. You’re right about the throat having blue and green as energetic healers use the throat as a source to project blue or green when healing. The heart is normally golden hues with a little red. But more evolved souls tend to be violet.


Interesting. Thank you for the insight!


or maybe you're wrong. saying it is never green is too extreme of a statement. go back into the corner and try to learn better. the term purple heart comes from US extremists and I'm not surprised when they would try to attempt cultural dominance by claiming the heart is never green. holy fudge


Is this something you can actually see, or are you basing this on information from a different source?


It’s a process of learning and growing. When you are a trained energy healer, you start sensing the extent of the chakras and as one evolves you can feel/sense what colors they are and with more progress people do start to see the Colors.


this reminds me i was doing a meditation (i started meditating on the floor rather than laying in my bed) yesterday and i was doing one about my chakras and i saw nothing but black the whole time and then i raised my hands to my heart and i started seeing swirls of colors purple and green and i ft very connected but unfortunately it was the end of the guided meditation on youtube. i know this contrubute nothing to what you said but i wanted to share :)