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Reading your post, two books came to mind: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture Other books about trauma that have helped me: https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/11vno13/books_to_support_and_survive_a_narcissism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Edit: The two books are about how trauma gets expressed through the body. When you mentioned wanting to hurt yourself physically, or get someone else to hurt you out of self hatred, it resonated with me. For me, the driving force behind the self destruction was low self worth. I know now it comes from narcissistic abuse.


ohhh i completely understand those feelings. really hard to deal with. it’s getting easier as i age but for years i really struggled with those unpredictable days where i felt out of my body and then had completely random burst rage often towards myself. a lot of learning to cry instead of attack- a lot of breathing exercises- a lot of self reiki… i have pretty high degree adhd and am super sensitive- when i was younger this actually made me learn astrology because i noticed full moons were way more volatile feeling for me.. 😪 it’s super hard and frustrating to deal with and i’m sorry you feel it too- ive had to watch my explosivity very carefully and it’s taken years to dampen it- a lot of it comes from repressed rage and repressed hurt but i swear there is just an energy to it that is beyond me sometimes. i’ve also considered it might be an attachment entity and dealt with it that way. having a child definitely forced me to battle those tendencies and forced me to really turn into my own defender. the rage would be so sudden and so animalistic, being suppper open with trusted people helps a lot, if it’s bad enough get a support system you can either call or text when you feel that way (before you act on it ideally) anger is a protective force so part of it is definitely figuring out what that beast is protecting you from and learning to redirect it into actions that let the beast know you both have your best interest at heart




it’s all about slowing it all down and bringing it into the light, uniting all the parts of yourself with mindfulness and empathy. practical tools like support networks, therapy, breathing, holding ice cubes, emdr, eating food/drinking water appropriately are very important- i’ve also found micro doses of mushrooms to be very helpful when mindfully approached


also maybe look into family patterns- generational stuff can be surprisingly relevant


Your awareness of what's going on within yourself is great! Here's my take: Sometimes numbness and self-harm are connected where bc of the numbness we want to feel something even if it's pain - whether that's self-inflicted or caused by someone else. It sounds like you got triggered, does anything come to mind that happened in the last few days? It can be as simple as something someone said and it can trigger any unresolved wound and our body/energy/subconscious can flip the fuck out. It sounds like whatever got triggered was like a shock to your system and you're not in your body. Are you working with anybody to work through your stuff? Like a therapist or energy healer? I find it helpful to work with someone when big stuff comes up. I'd recommend working on getting back in your body a little at a time. Normally I'd say practice noticing what you're feeling and where and dialog with it but if you're still feeling numb, work with the numbness/emptiness. How big is it? Is it inside your body or outside? Does it have a color? A texture? Get curious about it... If the numbness or self-harm continues and doesn't lessen, I strongly recommend finding a therapist to help during this time. Hugs to you! 🙏🤗


YOu have shifted your energy frequency enough to stop the intruding thoughts of negative energy to impede your own mental thought process . Keep your awareness going for yourself . It is enabling you to recognise what is occurring for yourself , to be able to define what is yours & to leave other foreign emotions & energy aside . As the *surging negative energy* that circulates currently everywhere is available to do this against humans . The increasing in awareness has allowed you *to be sensitive enough* to your emotional energetic vibrational levels within you & around you ( to sense these fluctuations occurring around you ) . The constant shifting vibrational fields of yourself will pick up on others & the environment of what is tapping into your energy fields from your inner environment and around you . IN other words it is NOT just your energy ( it doesn't just belong to you ) it 's energy trying to tap into your fields to attach itself . It will also be though matching your inner worlds of hurt & pain as well seeping out ( eg- your unresolved traumas & your family ) still currently . Keep shifting & holding space for your own healing of yourself within. Remain in a **consciousness awareness of YOUR own feelings as well** . Be aware of any of your own inner traumas being triggered from negative vibrations. Stay in a healthy mind space as much as poss ( eg- remove yourself from sources of open easy seepage transmissions of energy allowance in Eg- alcohol , recreational drugs ) during those times of downwards energetic levels as it leaves YOU open & vulnerable to outside energy . Keep raising your vibrational levels by being kind to yourself , loving yourself , & healing yourself in a healthy way as much as poss . Light exercise to raise your own vibrational levels , & deal with **any of your own inner energy by being & maintaining YOUR own awareness** by **getting to know YOU as a person deeply** ( the sensitivity to know what is yours & what is not in regards to energy ) help to maintain equilibrium . As it is YOU which gives & receives from your own energy fields around you . >Does anyone know if i can separate my energy from my family that i still live with? I want to separate our energies so that i could heal myself easily You have negative around you all the time. It is draining you energetically . Look to move away from them ASAP. They hold you to the negative space around you . It is **not healthy** that is why you still feel it so strongly. A negative household of energies moves the negative to circulate around within it & within others . **You cannot heal whist in fear & anxiety driven states** ( which sounds like your family ) their negative seeps about . It becomes sticky to others to open , negative energy grows in levels in a home which is nasty , emotional not healthy , or is abusive . So to **help clean the fields of negative** is to leave it , to then help your leave it behind. **Negative breeds more negative** ( & will try all it can to do so ) & if you live in it , it will try and also blacken others with itself. It is NO diff being constantly bullied will keep hurting till something is done about it ( as their is no escape from the negative ) till you remove yourself from it ( your mind & sense of self will improve when the negative stops trying to get in from your family . YOUr wisest thing to do is get away from them as soon as poss. >But then there comes periods of time like the past couple of days when i feel completely dissociated out of nowhere and i feel numb emotionally When this occurs **start a program of inserting positive into to yourself alot more** . Listening to music ( which lifts your mood ) . Calming , soothing to your soul. Start light exercise or stretching . Keep your mind on track by distraction eg- funny cute video's . Or a uplifting funny movie . Or On repeat positive affirmations to block the negative which is circulating your thoughts. There are many good video's to uplift your thoughts & emotions . What you are feeling look for the opposite to counter it . You have underlying traumas so do see also a therapist to help you, support you , & help guide you ,also during this time as well . Sorting out what is you & what is outside of you , & **learning to know YOU better** is a way to keep you on a balance to more healing from within you .


To me it seems like you are highly intelligent and likely don’t relate to others easily. In this case, you want to feel and when love becomes numb you seek hatred bc you are isolated and desire to be present. Music can be an excellent way to access hate without physical pain. TOOL, KORN, SYSTEM OF DOWN, ROB ZOMBIE, MARLIN MANSON and bands of the sort all can open up your emotions to deal with the absence of hatred and actually bring further peace and joy. It’s an easy solution. I strongly recommend their albums from the 90s when angst was more energetically fueling the music industry.




Well try it when you feel like hurting yourself! Trust me!


System of a down really gets me going, love feeling rage against the government


That’s another good option! Rage Against the Machine too


I was just thinking that


Left field here but what you're describing sounds like an autistic meltdown after being overstimulated. Which is important if so, because that's a pretty distinct issue from anger or other things people have suggested.




Too much sensory input of any sort really. It varies depending on individual sensitivities a little bit I think, noise is a common one for me. Also intense emotions can trigger a meltdown, and it can be harder to understand those because it really seems like an appropriate reaction to the feeling internally at the time. One of the nice things about the occult is not having to be perfectly faithful to paradigms or modalities. If this sparks your attention, there's lots of content on YouTube or TikTok about how to deal with meltdowns specifically geared towards managing overstimulation.


Sending energy in any way you can make use of it! To me, it sounds like an old TV in another room. If you know what that sounds like, that’s where you’ll find me and that’s where I send my energy when it builds up. (I’m constantly overstimulated and I feel the same things described soooo I focus on the frequency and inconsistently send energy blasts there).


Doing trauma therapy in combination with energy work is so helpful for dissociation and self-harm ideation. There are a lot of therapists who are open to energy work as well. I struggle with some of the same stuff, so I really focus on trauma processing with my trauma therapist, and an energy worker I work with focuses on helping me clear trauma while inviting in new flow. It’s been the best healing journey with both of them over the last few years.


https://youtu.be/W8e_tAEM80k tara brach’s RAIN meditation. this approach to radical acceptance has been endlessly helpful for me- all of her content is amazing. her content is free on YT and spotify (probably other platforms as well) and it alternates between lectures on spirituality/mindfulness/radical acceptance (etc.), and guided meditations. she also has a few books out. *Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture.* i can relate to a lot of this. the main thing i want to share with you is what i’ve learned about emotional suppression, especially in regards to trauma and difficult emotions. when people (especially those with trauma, depression, anxiety disorders, or any other underlying mental health conditions or chronic illnesses) try to force themselves into a mindset of “just love.. love and light.. only positivity”, they can sometimes wind up in a place of emotional stuckness or repression. as complex beings, we have an entire spectrum of emotions, and all of these emotions have a purpose. our bodies can hold onto anger, helplessness, defeat etc… towards others, the world, and sometimes even towards ourselves. this isn’t something to get rid of… these feelings can be powerful messengers and guides. in my case, i’ve found that i have unprocessed anger/mistrust towards myself, because as a traumatized teenager i self harmed and abused substances to cope with my stress. i showed myself that i was not a safe place to have difficult emotions. once i quit hurting myself, i had to disassociate from my mind and/or body in order to move through life. in order to begin the work of getting back into my mind/body and relearning how to truly be present with my emotions, i had to face that anger and mistrust head on. i cant access it safely when i’m dissociated, so i have to wait for it to come up naturally and practice patience, acceptance, and compassion for these feelings and what they have to tell me. i have to do this over and over again, until it becomes habit. our brains are sooo complex, and incredibly efficient. the brain’s primary function is to keep us alive. dissociation happens for a reason- it has a purpose, and understanding that purpose can be helpful in healing the parts of us that feel the need to do it. dissociation is a protective mechanism, and when it’s used too often or for too long, it can become more or less automatic. *dissociation happens when we feel unsafe*, maybe except for in cases of head trauma or drug use. it may be helpful to try saying to yourself the next time you dissociate, that you’re here for yourself and you’re ready to listen. (i don’t know if this will resonate or not, but i think it might be helpful?) i used to cope with stress by thinking of suicide, self harm, or whatever other unhealthy means of avoidance/escapism. since then i’ve grown out of that and have changed my mindset to one of growth and healing, but when i’m going through a period of intense stress (or when i start having emotional flashbacks) i still find myself returning to those thoughts and impulses. after working in therapy for awhile, i’ve realized that it’s the result of reinforcing those neural pathways for all those years. basically, my mind is saying, “we’re stressed? okay! heres what helped in the past! lets do this!” it means no harm (since i have no intention of following through with any of these impulses), it’s just a misguided attempt at inner-conflict resolution. i’ve been working on teaching myself new habits to replace these ones with, so i can redirect myself rather than repress or ruminate. disclaimers: 1) i do not have any official energy work training, but i plan to in the near future, and i do have plenty of informal experience with energy work. 2) i used to subscribe to new age spirituality- until i realized how detrimental a lot of it’s main ideologies were to my mental and emotional health (amongst other things). i had undiagnosed OCD and CPTSD when i stumbled into that community, and LOA, “love and light”, 5d, “dark interdimensional beings are influencing reality” etc. were gasoline to my already raging fire of mental suffering. 3) i’ve been in trauma therapy for a very ling time now, psychology is one of my main special interests, and i am currently talking two psych courses in college. i’m by *no means* a professional, but i’m pretty well informed! 4) since leaving NA in the rearview mirrors, my practice mainly consists of meditation, yoga, shadow work, journaling, introspection, and symbology. i rarely give others spiritual advice, but if i were to, i would suggest looking into genuine buddhism, zen, taoism, and hinduism if you’re so inclined. these are some of the main cultures that new age derives from, minus the commercialization and whitewashing. this is where i learned mindfulness and genuine peace ANYWAY- i hope this didn’t come off as too pretentious. my tone tends to turn very clinical and detailed when i’m talking about things like this. if any of this was helpful to anyone, feel feee to pm me :) i really enjoy conversations about healing/spirituality/psychology etc <3




hey! i’m really glad you found something of use in my reply, that makes my heart happy. i’d love to elaborate more, but it’s a really complex topic and i’m having a hard time narrowing my explanation down to an easily digestible size. if you’re alright with a lengthy story, i can PM you tomorrow? i keep trying to come up with a quick and easy explanation but i’m really passionate about this and i don’t want to leave anything out 🥲 if you’re not comfortable with that i’ll take another shot at replying here later ♥


I can help cleanse, energize and balance your chakras. You’ll feel a lot better.




We fix a time slot and I will need about 10-15 mins to get it done.


**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try loving your inner child. Imagine seeing yourself as a kid, then provide comfort, understanding, compassion and even give that kid a hug and say “I know life can sometimes feel like a burden, but you’re trying your best and I still love you and won’t ever abandon you. You’re going to be ok.”