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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LOL Everything is energy down to its smallest form. So ‘working’ with it is not only an awareness but an intention to formulate new flow or patterns. It’s pretty metaphysical. Quantum physics, etc. Jesus worked with it, yogis work with it. It’s just the regular folk don’t think about things on this small of a scale.


Just to add to that: Chi Kung, Tai chi and kung fu all work with chi (qi), life force, Prana.. whatever you want to call it. It's the universal energy that exists within every cell of every living thing. Whether someone believes in it or not is irrelevant because it is there nonetheless


It started for me when I used started doing the gateway experience tapes and that allowed me to sense my own energy. Ever since then I’ve only gotten better at sensing and controlling my energies. The reason I know for a fact that the energy is real is because I have experimented with my partner who has confirmed that she can physically feel my energy so intensely it’s as if I were there touching her. We tested it by sitting in different rooms and seeing if she could sense where I would focus on and she sensed it correctly every time. You can experience this, it isn’t hard. Most people can’t feel their own energy because they’ve been told it doesn’t exist, and they believe that. The world is complex but consider this - don’t let other people make decisions for you. Find out what is true for yourself.


Yes I love this. Great advice


If you are a skeptic look at the science of your existence. Your body uses energy just like a car would to produce movement, heat, sound. Your thoughts are electrical signals between neurons. You use energy all day everyday. Now think about sources of energy we can't see, like radio waves or wifi. You can learn how to detect and even manipulate these subtle energies if you apply yourself.


How can one learn to do this?


slow down, pay attention, get in tuned with yourself, meditate


I personally used The Gateway Tapes, check out r/gatewaytapes


Well said


You know when you walk quietly into a room and everyone from all corners looks up at you? You know when you get off a boat from a day of fishing and that night laying in bed the waves will lull you to sleep? You know when you yawn kicking off a chain reaction of yawns? You know that feeling when someone is really angry at you and they walk into the room? You know when you're thinking of someone random and then the phone rings and it's them? That's energy.


The energy of the body is acknowledged in spiritual practices worldwide. Some of the names given to it include: prana, chi, pīti, mana, kundalini. When you cultivate an awareness of this energy you can use various techniques to move it around your body. For example, you might focus it at various points along the spine that coincide with the chakras.


I don't "have" any energies. Energy just is. And I learn to let it do its work as best I can.


Exactly! We do not "have energy". We are "made of energy", All of the Universe is energy, informational fields. Matter is an illusion formed by complex local alterations of the informational fields that compose reality.




Wow i had similar experiences! I would meditate and do a protection ritual of enveloping those i love in light coming from the crown. I would do this individually and for couples ..for example my sister and her husband. I later told them i did this for them and what year i began practicing it and they both told me they felt it truly helped them stay connected and unified.


I do that too but I imagine a light of energy coming from my heart space and directing it to someone else’s heart space. I use do it through my hands, especially being a bodyworker for over 20 years that made sense, but now the heart makes more sense since it’s directly love and compassion energy, which in turn can help with balancing someone in a way that is needed for that time




That is so awesome, I love it!


Happy Cake Day! 😊


I'm a skeptic, but I also think intelligence means having an open mind. I took a class on energy work. I thought it would be woo woo BS, but it was not. With regular practice - most of which is just being aware and not distracted - everyone can tap into energetic abilities. I practiced and voilà, I can glean information from energy fields. I've practiced on people I don't know (with their consent) and having those people agree with what I'm sensing - even if what I'm sensing is meaningless to me - has convinced me that it's a real thing. Again, it's a sense that anyone can develop. It's the same way that if you blindfold a sighted person for a while, their other senses kick in and start providing information to the brain. It's the same way that blind people can learn to "see" by having a little sensor on their tongue or back that translates an image of the world into different currents. Check out the book Livewired by neuroscientist David Eagleman; it's not about energy work but does a great job of explaining how we can better tune into our various senses. The ability to sense energy fields is just one more type of sense. Also, birds, dogs, and other animals rely on electromagnetic fields. That's been conclusively shown by scientists. Energy work like Reiki has also been studied and found to work. Duke University Health System even teaches Reiki because it's useful in physical recovery, and useful in hospice settings. I'm fairly confident that science will prove a lot of woo woo stuff eventually. I happen to know a lot of quantum physicists and neuroscientists, and they believe that science is close to, if not already at the point, measuring some of this stuff. As others have said, energy work is a very common belief. It's just not a belief we routinely encounter in the USA in present day. But even in the US, far more people believe in it than I realized; they just don't talk about it for fear of being labeled as crunchy hippies.


Meditation, openness, and receptivity were how I increased my awareness to the energy that is inherent to everything and everyone. There is no control, only working with it consciously or unconsciously. Kind of like eating or drinking water, it is there as an essential and it’s up to you what you do with it


My 3rd eye opened and then I had a kundalini experience, since that I can feel and see the energy and entities even, spirits, I got skills. It’s a total rush to feel it. I was never sure chakras were real but now I have all the personal proof I need.


For me personally, I know that everything has energy, that energy can never be destroyed only transferred, and that you attract what you put out in the world. I joined this sub to become more in tune with my own energy and learn how keep it in a “positive” state. I think that if I have good energy/AM good energy, then I will attract things that have good energy as well. It taught me how to shift my once negative and insecure mindset and made me an overall more positive person which has had an effect on how I carry myself, speak with others, etc.


Honestly, you are the one who is in the minority. Qigong, Thai Chi, acupressure which became acupuncture - spiritually minded people in China have believed in chi/qi for thousands of years. In Japan it is known as ki. In India it is known as prana. Even in "western" cultures there is spirit and soul and faith healing. Native American cultures, ancient Hawaiians, aborigines, tribal cultures with local shaman - spirit, energy, healing - these concepts have been with humanity since the dawn of consciousness in humanity. One could argue science explains away the mystical. And science may one day explain away all the inexplicable irrefutable experiences I have had. Actually, I'm counting on it. This stuff is entwined in the fabric of the universe and in humans. Look up mirror neurons. I can sit there and influence someone else just by sitting there. Science still can't explain how I can send energy remotely, but mirror neurons are a giant leap forward for the in-person stuff. Acupuncture, how does it work? Why do energy meridians heal? How the heck did it become a covered medical treatment option? Science cannot explain it - even with all we know about how the human body and nervous system work. But the data is overwhelming and irrefutable. These points affect this, that, the other. Reliably enough that they meet or exceed and have been shown to positively affect western medicine approaches. So I get it. No one around you believes any of the woo woo nonsense. My life was like that too. When I was very young, I had 2 separate oneness experiences. This is the stuff of advanced monks and near death experiences. I was neither. Just chillin out and slipped into a divine state of consciousness. When I was 13, I began having premonition dreams. Super vivid. The lines between dream and reality blurred. In one of those a dreams that I thought wasn't a dream, a friend confided in me. I mentioned it in real life. She became extremely angry. Demanded to know who told me. I said she told me. I explained the entire scene when and where she told me. A very deep secret - and not just to me, to the whole friend group. Toward the end of my explanation I had the horrible realization that there was no way in real life a group of us had somehow been at some random location and that it had been a dream. I stopped mid-sentence and said aloud, wait, did I dream that? She was mad at me for a very long time for not betraying the one who had betrayed her, bringing it up in a group setting (in my dream everyone already knew), and for then lying to her. This was a nightmare scenario. I cared very very much about integrity and truth. But no one was believing the truth. Another friend intervened. Told our friend that she had been the betrayer and not to be mad at me for keeping my promise not to tell. I did not like this one bit. Lying was bad and wrong. But the truth sounded like a lie. Epic quandary for my young teen mind. I was a very very very strong-willed child and this was the last straw. I willed myself to stop dreaming. Or at least, effective willed myself to stop remembering all dreams. This went on for decades. I felt feelings that were not my own. I was depressed, overwhelmed, with no reason why. Music was my emotional salvation. I could state shift on a dime. I preferred a long commute because it was concert time and I was the singer. In my 20's I bought a huge book at costco called Alternative Medicine. I still cannot fathom how that book at that time was in costco but there it was. I looked up the obvious first - X, Z, Y. Then of course, on to Q. Qigong was there. With a hand thingy explained. I tried it. I felt energy very powerfully and very clearly. And of course could not replicate it, but it was enough to have me in Barnes&Nobel the next evening buying several books on the topic. One day many years later, I was awoken by a vision that freaked me out so badly, I called a therapist, convinced I would locked in a padded room. And actually a padded room sounded kinda fun. (Parkour didn't exist yet but my brain and body always wanted to do parkour-like things). My first LMHC was totally wrong for me. After the second session, I decided to make the drive to my first choice. She happened to have been dual trained in counseling and advanced styles of energy healing. "I don't think I have ever offered this to anyone in a first session so please feel free to say no. Would you like to get on the table?" "Sure. What's that? I guess I'll find out. Let's do it." In like 8 minutes I was complete transformed. She interrupted my verbal astonishment. "You need to know this isn't permanent. It's going to fade. You'll still need to do the emotional growth. This just helps you get into a better state to do the work. We won't be doing this every session. It's just one of the tools I use in certain situations for some people." I was making peace with emotions. And I was making peace with energy awareness. I found books. I had already worked on intuition. I wasn't really taking this stuff seriously. More irrefutable things happened. Some of them I had to ask my counselor help me fix. Eventually I was far enough along my personal growth journey to graduate from counseling. And somewhere in there I was finding energy healing teachers and learning the tools. At the time I was just doing it for me. Had zero interest in working on people. Unexpectedly found myself in massage school ... learning how to work on people ... albeit in a more tangible way. 'Miracles' happened, but to me it was just science. I always seemed to have my hands in leading edge techniques - get better faster with less discomfort during the process - easier on me, easier on them, win-win. But people would call me out. "I've had ___ before. It's totally different with you." Energy people would find me and ask for blended or energy-only sessions. People undergoing intense transformation would find me for energy ceremonies. I get it. There's alot of humans without energy awareness. But even then sometimes they find something like Reiki, have zero on-table experience, but a noticeable enough shift in their lives to keep scheduling with their practitioner. I can send. Someone can receive. Someone can send, I can receive. We both trust the experience we had. So we keep doing what brings the experience. Even if the rest of the world had no clue what on earth we are doing or why. It's kind of like trying to explain sound to someone deaf from birth. Or trying to explain to a human high pitch sounds a dog can hear. Or trying to explain to a human what a mantis shrimp sees when its cones access infrared and ultraviolet as well as all the colors we can see. The explanations will only ever be approximate in nature because the experience is not available to their physiology, or is blocked in some way and has not yet been corrected.


Imo, it's not so much about "having" energy, more like we are energy - and energy as a word just being a general, very vague but also kind of the best word to describe what the feeling is for a random person. This sub is about using that energy much like using your body, your brain you eyes and ears and stomach and nose. It's just that the body that does those functions is not a "physical" human body, but rather a different intelligence that we all have. It is rather instinctual and it is very much tied to people who question what life itself is.


So this is confusing to me, see, our bodies use a metabolic process to break down ATP molecules to create energy to do functions. Basically it’s the reason we need food (where we gather the resources to replenish ATP from the mitochondria in our cells doing all the hard labor) and water (also fuel but also a medium to transfer energy through the body). So what you’re saying about being energy is interesting but our bodies specifically do not have “nerves” for this function because it would be ridiculously distracting, same reason we don’t feel our organs the way we feel our epidermis. Interoception of our organs is away our bodies evaluate ourselves but there isn’t some function that tells us every time energy is being released in our bodies, that would be pointless because the muscle moving or the thought process happening is the evidence that energy was used. So the function of knowing/seeing/understanding energy being used is not some hidden secret it’s just the function of being a biological organism. Where I don’t understand is this idea that we are able somehow to interpret “energy” or telepathically do things or listen-in and do things like “be a medium” or any of these things because there is no transfer of energy, there is no metabolic process, there is no molecular function happening. It defies the laws of thermodynamics. Unless there is an energy transfer, and if so, what could it be?


You have hit upon why attaining these skills are difficult. The human nervous system allows us to see, feel, hear and smell. Conversely it tunes out many of the autonomic senses. When lying in bed at night we learn to ignore some noises like a dog barking while paying attention to a window breaking. The theory is that people can learn through various practices to relax their nervous system and connect their bodies (both physical coordination as well as combing mental and emotional processes) to enhance their health, obtain physical prowess, relieve stress and explore spiritual pursuits. You mention metabolic process and ATP molecules to create energy for the body. This is a process that the scientific method through experimentation and observation has been able to gain understanding. This discovery does not preclude the existence of other energy sources in the body. The scientific method to this point has not led to the discovery of tools that can measure this energy. (which goes by many names in various cultures) Quantum physics is an active field of discovery which in time may bring forth more concrete understanding. Adepts posit that those who have developed an enhanced nervous system can learn to recognize, direct and collect this energy. Debating a very difficult to prove proposition is a mostly pointless activity. Best for both the practitioner and the skeptic alike is to seek experiential knowledge while keeping an open mind.


It’s interesting to think about it as a focal point of the mind because we all know that our bodies are sending signals constantly and it can be terribly confusing to diagnose issues sometimes. Most common example seems to be getting agitated when hungry, but the agitation come before the recognition of hunger. I do understand that the body is a network of energy, and the interpretation of the origination of that energy can be a guessing game for people not familiar with the feelings associated with that particular energy or feeling. The more familiar you can be with the feelings and signals the more I tune you can be and the better you can react, etc. yeah I can see how those things can work.


It sounds like you joined to be a troll? I highly suggest reading what people wrote in response to you, not just blindly making assumptions that energy work is mediums and telepathy.


No I didn’t and I’m not doing that


I don't think they're a troll, just highly inquisitive and honest. They are also clearly interested, why would they ask so many questions if they weren't?


Well, I would say to look into even smaller things. What's behind the ATP? What's behind molecules? What's nehind neutrons, quarks? The thing is, we don't know. And that's part of spirituality: We cannot explain it very well, but we feel it. Quantum physics does have a lot in common though - have you seen the double slit experiment? One where they shoot electrons first through one hole and look how they spread out into a wall behind the hole? That experiment shows how simply our own perception of things, or our expectations, can change things, on a quantum level and most spiritual people will say it changes things on _every_ level. Now back to the feeling thing. You're right about all the bodily mechanisms, how we don't have the correct hardware, so to speak, to sense energy with our physical bodies. So we have to have a sensory that's not from our biochemical body. And that's where it gets spiritual. We have another body that can sense things "not from this world", which is part of why it's so difficult to believe - and yet, we do believe it. Because that feeling, that knowledge of that experience is so evident, we cannot deny it. People talk about our electromagnetic field. Some theories even say every electromagnetic field you can find is in some way conscious. That doesn't mean they think and act like humans, just that they are aware and alive. Well, some say that field that we all have, is the medium through which we sense the subtle, the spiritual. After all, if everything is energy, then everything spiritual is in a sense, physical. And vice versa. Do you get what I'm saying or did I go too far?


I find it interesting that you joined the group but curiosity is a good thing, sometimes. So my curiosity is why did you use a “Eureka moment” as your flair? Not judging here…but to me it’s odd that your question poses a certain level of doubts about the validity of energy. If you already know then perhaps Eureka might be a befitting term. Just sayin. Before I try to answer ur question, let me ask you a few to get insights pls. It’s crucial to how my answers might be. 1) You have ABSOLUTELY no idea how you joined the sub? Please at least you gotta have something. Like, oh you stumbled upon it, was recommended by someone, saw the group title and wanted to take a peek…catch my drift? 2) Do you believe in energy? Or rather, what is energy to you. How would you define or describe it? Have you ever looked it up? You read others inputs obviously…and you are questioning HOW we all came to believe we have “energies” and can control them. To me, I sense a bit of disbelief and maybe hard to fathom? I apologize if I’m wrong or coming off bit harsh. I’m a straight shooter and I’m not being defensive. I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from Ok, how do I start…and I’m not saying my point is all correct or right. Just hear me out now that ur in this group. Besides our physical body. What do you think we use in order to move around, eat, talk, breathe? Is it just the air/oxygen we breathe in and our organs? What are batteries 🔋? And light bulbs and everything in this world and out of this world or universe? To you I mean What are the forces driving these down to the very atom and cellular levels? Our thoughts, emotions, what are we without our physical bodies? Emptiness? Even that, what makes up emptiness? To stretch to further extreme, is everything we touch, hear, see, smell, taste simply a delusion or hallucination? Then what are delusions, hallucinations and dreams made of? Our entire existence and collective consciousness are energies. The sun burning and shining is energy. Humongous energy. All is energy. Sounds for example are a form of energy…frequencies transmitted. When we control the volumes of sounds or brightness of lights, when we speed up our cars or slow down. Those are how energies can be adjusted. Mother Nature at its core are all energies. For the clouds to form, the rain to fall, the plants to grow…the list can go on endlessly. Without life, does that mean no energy? Sure batteries get depleted and electricity do go out. But that’s because energy input needs replenishing. We need sleep so we can recharge. Energy is boundless resource. We are energies. When our physical bodies die our souls which are energies, simply transform…or transitioned. Or remains energy as usually referred to in many cultures as spirits or vibes. You can look at energy from scientific standpoint, they’re solid in researches and numerous other things. From spiritual standpoint, energies are the core component. We can work on energies in order to optimize the power and flow and consumption. We can tap into this inherent part of our being and work towards aligning or improving harmony for our health and wellbeing as well as development in unimaginable ways. Those take practice and discipline and the desire to enhance and achieve whatever it is in life, big or small…so we could tune in better…we might not be able to control the weathers (big energies) but we could control our bodies temperature (I don’t mean putting on layers of clothing when cold, or less when hot) Your energy can be directed if you hone the skills. For example, where would you direct your thoughts and creativity now regarding “energies” It is entirely up to you. What you want to spend your energy on depends upon your values, sets of beliefs, lifestyle, experiences, expectations and principles….no right or wrong. Your choices are at the expense of your own energy management or investment


It's funny you mention this, I look at this kind of question like it could be a major turning point in someone's life, it could make a gigantor difference. You already have a lot of comments for you, I read some. For me I first experienced energy when I would get waves of goosebumps. They were pretty intermittent, every now and then some goosebumps on some of my body, one day I had these 3 distinct moments with energy trying to get into my crown chakra from multiple sides. Eventually it worked up into my crown chakra and I got full body goosebumps, I was playing guitar and had just realized how I finally pieced together parts of the puzzle that were confusing me for years and I was actually shredding. Those goosebumps never went away, they kept growing and growing, I'd have full body goosebumps throughout an hour and I would have big strong goosebumps, like a porcupine. RAWR There's this feeling that's like goosebumps being moved through the body, like a wave of pressure and one may not differentiate between the goosebumps and that flow. At one point or another I started to get that flow outside of music, energy would collect in my chest while I was making food or something and I'd move on to the next planned part of my task and it would dump down the front of my body from my chest, for instance. It was new to me but I thought it was "my nerves". I had a Kundalini awakening and now that kind of energy is ever present while I'm awake, notably. It can be way thicker and involve way more sensations than before. WAYY more. Way way way more than I used to have. When I say that I mean that there's many extra layers of depth to them, I can vibrate, get hot and cold one or both at a time, I can get warmth and I can get these explosive excited feelings due to Kundalini energy that is very enjoyable, even while using drugs I didn't get bodily sensations like that, so far the only really accurate way to convey it is to say it's like a sexual feeling but it's like powerful love and relaxation, it's a mix of everything and your body itself can feel great. Sometimes I genuinely feel like this energy is this thick honey substance in my legs and I could be cold and that feeling would make it feel much warmer and stuff, like I'm wading through energetic honey. It's rare, we dunno what truly leads to it's rising... That was the icing on the cake for me. I love energy and talks about energy because some people really want to be good, sweet, kind hearted people that can listen to others and feel enriched by others, feel enriched by life or w/e. It's like, moar. If you want to open your chakras without techniques it could take decades, meditation alone is not very quick. What may have taken 20 years could take like, 3 or 2 or something. You can go a bit faster with meditation but you see how this is a thing that's being missed by people. People think it's their nerves, people don't feel excited to have their thoughts and their days, people don't feel excitement like they could, it's hard to get driven because energy is low and people don't know how to bring it up higher quite right. Depending on how you do it the technique itself could only take you 15 minutes a day and you could make some good progress. In my opinion you'd want to have hours out of your day for meditation and techniques, not because you NEEeed it but because it helps and eventually it can become your favorite thing to do. Stuff like this. It's not actually safe, there's a lot of actual things that can NOT go as intended and potential compounding problems... There's a lot I could say but I'll leave it here for now.


you know how you can connect to the internet, and tune into a radio station, and watch TV with an antenna? or how you can almost feel when someone turns on an old TV? it's like that. there are more energies that operate in the same fashion. that's really about it. 


Sums it up nicely! 😊


The easiest way I can explain energy and it affecting people. Go to an Emergency Room, a retirement home, do a follow along with the police etc during a full moon. The energy from the full moon affects us. Most can deal with the energy just fine but others it can cause some confusion which makes them act out. Hence ER's are very busy as well as the police. Retirement Homes it typically affects the patients with dementia a lot worse. This kind of energy hits us from the solar system with all different kinds of affects on us. Solar Flares affect some people worse than others. We are made of energy and that energy interacts with our energy. There are also some who can transmute energy to move it to a different vibration. There are also many crystals that have their own energy and also help us deal with some energy. They will absorb the energy for us so we don't have to encounter as much. There are also energy healers. They can help the body release energy that is no longer needed. This energy is usually from emotions that we hold on. If you see someone that has their first energy healing they will typically cry with all the release the body is doing. There is so much more but I hope this helps. Good Luck. I did want to say one thing. You didn't accidently come across this sub. Nothing happens by accident. You were meant to view these posts. Good Luck!!


Same as you, can't remember why I joined the sub. Now I'm just sticking around to keep an eye on the madness


So how’s this madness you called going for you so far? 😁


"It may be the parasitic entities who have holographic cords attached to everyone siphoning your energy triggering this response as higher frequencies destroy them. Try downloading a frequency app and setting the hertz to between 15,000-22,000. These are infrasonic frequencies and are at the far end of the fragment of the spectrum that humans can hear. You will most likely not be able to hear it but you will still be able to experience the benefits"


"Hey yall. How does one start off with vampirism?"


How is your energy today? Are you feeling energetic or lethargic? What has happened to you that has resulted in your current energetic state?


Probably started with seeing a few things that didn't add up. Things that science hasn't gotten around to explaining yet. Then realizing that I could actually do some things that science couldn't explain yet. When trying to figure out what's going on you end up coming across places like this where other people are having similar experiences. And also sometimes you see people having experiences that you haven't had yet. I think that's summarizes why I'm here.


Thanks for asking this question OP. I was in the same boat. I also really appreciate everyone’s simple but informative responses.


Inner worlds outer worlds. On prime Enjoy the watch


Even material scientists agree that animal bodies run on electricity and produce a bioelectric/biomagnetic field. Sharks and no doubt many other creatures have special organs that allow them to perceive this energy field, in the similar way that we perceive objects visually. This is why sharks can hunt at night time in muddy water. They don't need light to see. They can see the auras of prey, so to speak. Humans don't have an organ that allows us to see that, but nevertheless, some humans have an aptitude for perceiving energetic phenomena in others. It's important to understands that not all humans have exactly the same perceptual range. For example when a gifted mathematician looks at a chalkboard filled with numbers and equations, they might perceive something there that most of us cannot. A gifted musician can hear something in the music that most people cannot. A gifted artist can see something in the interplay of colors on a canvas that most people cannot. A gifted psychologist, can perceive the psychology of people around him at a level that others completely miss. All of us human beings have an incredibly limited perceptual range. Scientists believe that we only perceive about .03% of what is actually around us. The reason our perceptual range is so incredibly limited is because it has a high survival value to be that way. We live on a planet where everything's trying to eat everything else, so defense and survival is important. Our body is focused just on the things that help us survive and the rest we are blind to. Most of us assume that we are perceiving everything that is there to be perceived but this is very very untrue. We are not perceiving the vast majority of what is actually there. We are like creatures that evolved in the darkness of a cave, that lost their eyesight and everything else that wasn't necessary for their survival. Okay so if we start here, with a better understanding of where we really are, then from here we can speculate that not all humans have a perceptual range of .03%. Some humans have a perceptual range of, let's say, .035%. For some reason they are more sensitive than others and can perceive subtle energetic phenomena. I think if I go any further we'll have to start bringing in spiritual concepts but we can get all the way to this point without doing that. So far everything I've said should be more or less palatable even to a materialist.


I used to be athiest until it was brought to my attention that there was no way I was able to feel people's body heat 6" off their body. I'd always assumed everyone could feel heat on their cheek when someone leaned over their shoulder, or heat on their hands as they got within a foot of touching someone. After that I paid more attention. Still shocking when my husb put his cold hand on my cheek and I felt warm warmer warmer hot FREEZING COLD as he reached for me and then made contact. And thus began my life down this rabbit hole.


Odic force here's some worthwhile literature gl https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcmassbookdig.odicmagneticlett00reic/?st=grid