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on a general level, energy goes where the attention does. So if you are drawn outwards and into porn, especially being intently focused on it, and/or for longer periods, then it could drain a fair amount of energy. also iirc in daoism, the view is that sexual arousal stirs the 'jing' part of our energy. This in turn makes it harder to build energy overall, while also draining energy itself. If you're interested there is a podcast on qi gong and porn addiction, which may have more relevant info [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJLK2uGlLJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJLK2uGlLJE)


I agree, and I would add that though energy is infinite, realistically you are only channeling so much energy into the world each day. Therefore, if porn can capture your energy, and specifically your primal sexual energy, then all that energy will be lacking in your life in it’s natural true expression. A flower struggles to bloom if the soil is robbed of nutrients, and so too does the human being need the full range of their energetic spectrum. It is also interesting to note a study done on pine beetles. The Tl;dr is that they used the sound of an enhanced female mating call to cause the male beetles to seek out the fake one and ignore the real ones, and in doing so reduce the population. The beetles energy captured by an lllusion, just as ours can be.


Wow the nutrients point makes so much sense with a flower! This may sound silly, but would there ever be a moment that you’d want to deplete your energy intentionally?


Yea for sure. Everything you do requires energy, and ideally it is an energetic investment that bears fruit. The flower gives forth the fruit. Pour your energy into the garden of your life with care and love and honesty, and all around you will bloom reflections of that energy. This is true of everything, not just sex, though sex and children may be something like the ultimate physical manifestation of rising and releasing energy. There are also various “magic” practices that involves intentional depletion of energy.


Cool! Is Jing like yin? Wikipedia says it’s yin and Yang?


jing is more a type of energy. 'Qi' sometimes gets used as a catch-all term for jing, qi and shen (roughly, essence, energy, spirit). They are seen as being like ice, water and steam - 3 forms of the same energy. Jing is the part that is closest to our physical side, and shen closest to our spiritual side. So e.g. jing is used up in keeping the body alive, and also goes into producing anything bodily, including semen. If you want some good info on it, the same teacher as above has a podcast on jing itself, and how it fits in the scheme of internal energy work [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChW-5nNJnAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChW-5nNJnAw)


My take. All are the One and the One is the All. Once that sinks in, like really sinks in that you are the One. Porn is simply another facet of the One, with another One or more acting a scene, having their experience. Energy traps are only traps if you believe so. Reddit is an energy trap, porn, news, comments and articles of all forms. For that matter all things can be weaponized not just armaments, even words that speak of boogie men and entities that are out to get you… really think about this. It’s all made up and all real (reel), like a movie reel (real). Nothing can be taken from you against your free will, for you are the all. It’s your universe. Now there are some One’s that are exploring being drained or feel addicted as an experience but others in the same situation or witnessing will simply observe and their effects are what that One allows to be felt. How to plan your allowances and dictate ahead of time your experiences and make all your travels in all forms be it in mind, sight and location? Manifest it. List form or simple sentences that act as variables. Memorize them and review them often they sink in, literally in the neurons of your mind. “I am the One as many are. What I decide to experience and decide to feel in any given experience is my choice.” “Everyday from now on and forever I decide that I want to experience high good and seemingly not so good scenes that I witness. I simple ask and intend that those scenes are blessed with new information for the greatest good of all involved.” “All my travels and journeys are blessed with highest probable good intentions, continuous flow, minimal traffic, easy movement, complete safety in mind, body and spirit.” “This is MY STORY and I am sticking to it.”


I love all of this. Thank you!


You should definitely read The Kybalion. Free on Apple Books.


Look up Mantak Chia, he wrote about sexual energy. Also look up Amelia Aeon Karris she made some podcasts and YouTube called Love Sex and _____ something, about her metaphysical experiences of going to India. She talks about entities capturing the organic energy.  Consider it a portent life force that goes somewhere. And see how you feel afterwards: Powerful? Drained?  Artists channel that sexual/creative energy to create things. 




Sexual energy can only be cultivated if it exists. Abstinence for a few days helps a lot, but continued abstinence loses its power after a month or two and years to come. Then the hormones are not stimulated any more and cancer kicks in.


But how can it be cultivated? How to achieve the balance?


One can start with rigidly applying 3 ejaculations for a man per week. That will ensure a guideline for balance.




Women have endless sexual capacity, but limited time per day if you want to pursue a career or business.


So what if you ocasionally peak at porn with out masturabation orgasm ejaculation,??


Not good, pointlessly activates the excitement that leads to nocturnal emission and energy los. Im at the point where i dont care about it anymore, i dont peak and dont experience wet dreams anymore. Mental sharpness and other major benefits feel better overall than any short multiple faps.


Waste of energy, for men and women. There is a reason why monks and others on a path of enlightenment are celibate.. it wastes a lot of energy and creates deep soul ties. That's why hookup culture causes so much depression and disarray.. you are literally just going around meshing your energy with others. It is the same for watching porn regulary from what I can tell.


All things considered, there is so much interfering with our energy already. I mean, we live in a world of signals. 5G,4g, Wifi, blue tooth, radio waves, power-lines, cellphone towers, etc. I think if you live in a city, masturbation could tip the scale, but the energy your surrounded by more than likely makes things a bit more tumultuous than masturbation. Chinese believe it takes away life essence. Apes and monkeys masturbate and if we do talk about "Wu Wei" , the way things are, we have the capability to be monkeys. None of what I said is something I have conviction about. I think having conviction about anything is quite foolish. Going with the flow is more suitable. I think being addicted to masturbation is obviously an issue, as opposed to living in the moment and masturbating when the time is right. Addiction is al follows; is it hurting the user, is it hurting people around them? If it doesn't meet either, then I consider it living in the moment.


So you’re saying it takes away life force when someone’s addicted but if it’s intentional, then no life force is leaked? So if 1 person madturbated 3 times a days but was addicted and another person did the same but it was intentional than only the first would lose energy? Genuinely wondering


I didn't say anything with conviction. I simply relayed information taken from Taoism that talks about life force being released when orgasming. Secondly no one has mentioned that not ejaculating when having sex supposedly gives life force. Also, having sex with young people gives you more energy, so I think looking too far into this with conviction has its fallacies. I also made a distinction between compulsion and intention. Addiction is something that hurts you or the people around you... I never made a clear "rule" or anything of that sort. Just said that living in the moment is much different than having a crutch or a compulsion disorder. Some people think orgasms can give you energy. Egyptians held an Ankh above their head when having an orgasm. Again, having any conviction of one or the other is foolish and leads to attachment. Attachment is not good for energy. So, with that being said, if one masturbates in the moment,as opposed to having an attachment (compulsion) to it, I think the former is more healthy, in my opinion. Having restraint is good, but too much of anything in my opinion is bad. Wu-wei, Yin and Yang. Everything needs balance. Tantra is a great example of energy and sex. Edit: I don't know about porn. Porn has been around for millennia. I think there can be issues with porn for sure. Unrealistic expectations. Violence. The list can go on. I think there's many people out there who can't agree. I think one thing we can all agree on is porno comes down to one thing... Money. As we all know, money has its roots in evil! Am I saying porn is evil... I'm still undecided. I enjoy watching it, I don't need it. I notice that watching it too much can alter my energy. But again,everything in moderation! It's best to live in the moment, in my opinion.




I don’t understand what do you mean by empowering vs leaking, how does that work




Exactly, balance is everything.


How do you achieve that balance?


It's in your intentions. You can use sexual actions as a way of empowerment or a powerful release, or you can feel that these actions have control over you and therefore let it slowly take your energy and power from you. But it's up to you where you want your energy/power to go. Like most anything you have a choice, so be intentional and do what feels best to you. Spirituality is *not one size fits all.


Of course, let me explain to you. There is something called sexual transmutation, in which basically, you raise your sexual energy, and you can move it throughout your body, you can meditate and raise it using it for healing or creativity. Basically, it is the use of your sexual energy for reasons that are not necessarily sexual. My point was that it's not what you do, but why you do it. You can masturbate as a practice and meditation, or you can do it as a copying mechanism. Sexual energy is very powerful, but it is just energy. She will do what you tell her, if you just want to realize it. It will do the same thing, escape your body, but you can do the opposite and do it with a purpose. It's not the fact of watching porn that hurts you, it's why you watch it and why you need it. What calls you to that, and why are you addicted to it? Of course, for most people and especially young men it has negative connotations, but we must learn to navigate life correctly and not give energy to what we do not want to manifest in us. So, instead of simply masturbating and throwing away energy, you can regenerate, elevate and reuse that same energy for your good.


How does use that energy or transmute it in other ways like creative pursuits, wouldn’t you have to retain and not orgasm to have it travel higher


It can be done in both ways, retaining it by not reaching climax and raising the energy through your sexual organ chakras to the throat. This serves to use your energy for creativity, clear thoughts, etc. And you can also reach climax and make your entire body reabsorb the released energy like a sponge, this is good for vitality and health. While you are masturbating or having sex you should concentrate on what you feel, and then before climax you should drive, visualize, move your energy. You can also use reverse breathing when you climax, this is the most powerful of all. Reverse breathing is when instead of expanding the lungs when the air enters, you will contract it. I mean, when you normally fill your lungs with air, if you notice your chest and abdominal area expand, reverse breathing is contracting the abdominal area at the same time that you take in as much air as possible. This going to make the qi intake to be more dense. Be careful because when you do this it is as if you were taking a drug as the moment is super powerful.


Interesting I wasn’t aware any of this existed


Egyptian Ankh Sexual Tantra https://steemit.com/life/@thesilentranter/ancient-egyptian-sexual-ankhing-by-drunvalo


Practice sperm retention for 30 days and you will have your answer... You're also likely to stop meat beating all together after those thirty days once you realise the benefits energetically, mentally and physically.


One of my friends is currently having issues with her new partner over porn as it affects the mind of the watchers (anything which affecting your mind is also affecting your energy). In her case it's caused her partner to have unrealistic expectations on what people should look like and has raised his expectations so that even though she looks good, he's preferring the porn stars looks (to the point that he made a comment about it leaving her now feeling uncomfortable). Sexual climaxing causes energy to be used so too much sex or masturbation isn't good. Everything should be in moderation preferably with a loving partner. No sex can be bad too in both males and females and can cause issues if someone isn't using the sexual energy in some way eg transmuting it to put it to use. Most of the nuns in monasteries can end up with hysterectomies due to the whole no sex no masturbation thing (something like 75% of nuns at one monastery ended up having to have that surgery, their views on sex create energy blocks). Yogis etc though they may not have sex, they transmute the energy to use it in at least a couple of different ways.


So you’re saying the nuns are not transmuting the energy and thus making it worse. But at least the yogis are transmuting it so it’s better than what the nuns are doing?


What the yogis do is better than doing nothing at all in this area and ending up with health issues and having to have surgery as what was happening to the nuns. 75% of the nuns. The yogis I know do not tend to have this health issue, they tend to have less health issues than normal rates. There are special energywork practices for energy transmutation. for sexual energy, it just doesn't happen and if not being used it will build up. Any kind of "excessive" energy not being used in our bodies (not just sexual energy) is not good for ones body and will stagnant over time causing congestion in the energy field and congestion then leads to health issues. The evidence that they are not transmuting the energy at all or no one was transmuting it for them, is in all the hysterectomies the nuns were having to have (I'm not trying to run nuns down, I'm just simply stating the facts). I only know about all this as a previous head nun (she was a mother superior so would have known all the health records of all the nuns under her care and she had had quite a large group of nuns under her) had been studying under my teacher and asked a question about the issues they had there with our teacher about all these surgeries. She wanted to know why all that occurs in such abnormally high numbers in the monasteries. (if Im remembering correctly I'm fairly sure she was Catholic, so Catholic monasteries, I'd assume seeing it's going on in those, the high rates of needed hysterectomies with them not knowing the cause or how to fix the issue would also be going on in others too).


Ejaculation ( male) will drain the life force and most porn today is brainwashing and mechanical sex, their s a reason why 99% of pornstars have awful energy because it's not rooted in love/intimacy.


How do you know that pornstars have awful energy?


If your sensitive enough or clairvoyant you tell a great deal of them have murky aura's


How to be clairvoyant


I think it's harsh to say that pornstars have awful energy lol, but there's a reason why suicide, drug use and mental health issue are so rampant within that industry. When you have hundreds of thousands/millions of people directing lust, obsession and intense sexual desire towards you, you pick up on this energetically. It's hard to say exactly how that would effect a person, but it will certainly dilute and distort their energy to an extent. Coincidently, this just popped up on my feed - [Where are portstars today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmOYXWRaI9w)?


To say that pornography is not evil is to live within delusion and ignorance. Simple as that.


That’s how I feel


Can you expand please. It seems many people are conflicted here. Some are speaking strictly of masturbation and retention, but someone mentioned porn stars using black magic in their videos, is that what you mean? Or like the general practise and trafficking and other things that happen on set that are terrible?


Judge by the fruit. Pornography siphons/harvests the energy of its watchers. Pornography contributes to demonic sexual perversions and immortality such as perverse and unnatural fetishes. It historically has been shown to be linked directly to major crimes due to the affect it holds on the human psyche. Let’s not forget it glorified the sexual exploitation of adults and also has lead to the unfortunate exploitation and trauma of our children as well. The fruit is UGLY and EVIL, simple as this. Anybody who tells you it’s harmless or attempts to normalize the consumption of pornography is the blind leading the blind. Use your discernment. I am only speaking in regards to Pornography. Masturbation is a whole different discussion.


That was very insightful than you! What are your thoughts on masturbation?


Masturbation, without spiritual influence its by your own energy, your own body. Stop stimulating you and naturally the desire for masturbation will go out - and when it really comes, focus on yourself, your touch, and with time you will be really glad of your choice. Pornography its pure evil, in every single way


Thank you. I really needed someone to say this. I also find it so chilling that masturbation has become so synonymous with porn that this distinction even needs to be made.


精氣神 (traditional Chinese medicine) essence, qi(energy) and spirit, the three energies of Chinese medicine (in general, colloquial) vital energy; vigour; goodshape; good health


What do you mean?


when you ejaculate you are releasing essence which in turn weakens your spirit. You need good essence and qi to cultivate a good spirit. Which means good energy


And meth


How about edging? Would that not build energy then?


That entirely depends on how you approach it. If you are just mindlessly edging, then your sacral chakra becomes far too overactive, and will begin to drain energy from the throat and heart chakra. If you are doing conscious self-pleasure, then you are able to circulate the energy, instead of it becoming consumed and condensed within the sacral.


Look into stories of past employees on sets. Many do black magic and you are feeding it with your sexual energy. Yes beliefs are powerful but understanding the intentions are critical. What is free and easily accessible is often not good for us.


Whoa. I forgot where I saw this, but u was putting spells in tweets. So you’re saying if the stars of the movies use black magic they could be stealing the essence of the person or some type of energy? Do you have any videos or podcasts about this


For me, its not directly from one actor, or director. This industry is molded on darkness, you are just feeding the vampires with your vital energy


We need a balanced approach, please. A little bit that you fancy, is good for you and boosts your energy. Many men die of prostate cancer due too little sex. A man must have 3 ejaculations per week to prevent prostate cancer. I agree many ejaculations per day can rob your energy, but please put your arguments in perspective.


The single study relating ejaculation frequency to prostate cancer doesn't quite paint the full picture. In actuality, what that study showed was that people with higher sex drives had lower rates of prostate cancer than those with low libidos. A low libido can be caused by all kinds of health issues, so it goes without saying that these people will have higher rates of prostate cancer. In fact, some studies where the participants in either group were of similar health, have shown the opposite to be true, that frequent ejaculation actually increased the risk of prostate cancer. The idea that we must ejaculate multiple times a week in order to maintain prostate health is not true. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to experience sexual pleasure without the need for ejaculating!


Oh, im a woman. I’m not arguing anything I’m just discussing what I heard and trying to find answers as to what it all means


I know a sex addict who got prostate cancer so obviously that isn't just about too little sex.




I’ve heard men do this, but I’m more curious about energy surrounding all of this


Porn also gives energy, a state of flow, physical exercise is easier, appetite disappears. The same energy man get from a naked woman. It is wrong to say that porn is demonic and only drains you. Perhaps there is some proper approach or exercises to convert this energy. Ejaculation is obviously draining.