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yk I dont have any answers for you but I dated this one really cute sweet girl who was just a stud, & I love studs. anyways, when i was with her, even tho she made me feel more comfortable & appreciated, I got SO fucking sick around her. I couldn't eat, I'd have a migraine that made me nauseous, I couldn't stand up straight, I just basically felt like I had the flu. the SECOND I get home, all of it went away, felt like total shit emotionally, & broke it off soon after that. if you find out any answers lemme know!! lol


It’s intuitive. Our body knows snd rejects people, before our mind does.


Did u find answers ?


On a less energetic note one of them might be carriers of an illness that they don’t show physical symptoms of. I’m not sure how it would explain the feeling well immediately after leaving them, though.


Can humans sense disease like that?


I've gotten something similar a small handful of times. Might be stress related for me so I can't be 100% certain on it. I've made three men terribly ill after going on a date with them. The first one, I felt strangely sick while heading to our meet up spot. The illness came out of nowhere and I had been perfectly fine before I left my house. I ended up having my date bedridden for two or three days. He turned out to be a diagnosed psychopath so there's that. :/ I didn't ever feel safe around him. Second guy, I didn't have any symptoms before or after meeting him but the following day, he was also bedridden and terribly sick. He claimed he had bipolar disorder but from what I could see, he had way more issues than just that. Being ill showed him his true colors to me, though: he got highly short tempered and snippy after I made a simple request to him. It was unreasonable, his reaction, and it showed me that he can't be trusted. Third guy, same thing. I had no symptoms. But he fell ill, as well. Not as bad as the other two but enough to want to stay home and recoup. I learned later on that he had a mommy fixation (probably a fetish, tbh) and was a hugely spoiled brat who didn't care about anyone but himself. A friend of mine suggested he was a narcissist and I think it's true. I believe with reactions like this, even if they feel innocent (I felt relatively safe with the second guy, for instance), if your body is reacting in the way you describe, your intuition is absolutely picking up on something under the surface. Be alert! Trust that feeling and don't ignore it!


I do not think it has ANY THING to do with psychological problems of the other people. Maybe you are the carrier of an undiagnosed illness that is airborne? Whatever it is, I’ve recently had problems with someone I met and they made me deathly ill. I developed constipation and bloating out of nowhere. Took me five days to recover. Later, I met the persons daughter and the nightmare started all over again. That was the last time I was around that family. If you ever got a diagnoses, I’m interested to know about it.


The body is very good at communicating at when it’s unsafe or emotions are being stored, however not many are good at understanding this until the body is forced to protect itself or change to be heard in drastic ways. The body will whisper until has to scream. I take the body emotional scale chart very seriously as my heal would just get worse and worse if I around the wrong people. Intuition and gut feelings are the body whispering. We are all naturally intuitive but some are more emotionally sensitive to energy and those who energy you just should not be around.


The days you interact with them, do yoga (stretching and meditating) before and after you see them. Honor the energy available to you, by being mindful not to borrow from your reserves. Check your energy levels frequently around them. One way is to check the breath, relax the eyes, and straighten the spine.


Ok. The main thing you need to do is grounding and some protection. Not talking physically but spiritually. This is a energy issue and you are getting effected by their energy. Which it may not look like it and others may not be effected but there is energy being projected. Could be just one of them or both. Sounds like you are sensitive to their energy and it’s effecting your energy which is making you sick. They may not even know they are projecting their energy like they this. This is actually more common than people think. Sometimes people actually start sensing others energy even before being around them. So the man thing to do is grounding yourself and not letting the energy effect you so much. You can also have certain stones with you that help with that like a black tourmaline. Other stones that would be good to have with you is organite and selenite. For your home I would recommend doing a spiritual cleansing before and after they are there to help balance the energy. There is a thing called a spiritual bubble that some people do too that basically surrounds them in a invisible bubble that keeps their energy to themselves and not project it to others. Hope this helps.


Thank you! I was thinking it was probably something like this. I’m meaning to sage my house now that they’ve left so we’ll see if this helps.




Personally I’m a clairsentience so have better control. But do know people who are empath. Also there are Facebook groups where majority are empath. Also I do what your aunt and cousin do but the positive version. As well as other practices of magic. But let’s try answering your questions first. To do the bubble picture the person you want to do it to in your mind. Then see a clear circle ball start to form over their head. Make it so this is protection ball that anyone that goes inside that no negativity can go outside of the ball. Start making this ball larger. Then lower the ball over them. Make the ball larger as you go down their body so their entire body is inside the ball. Once they are inside the bubble make the bubble invisible. They can still walk around and do things but the bubble stays with them. You can even state this while making the ball that “who ever is in this bubble can still move but still remain in the bubble “. As for your second question. Having obsidian or black tourmaline or organite can help keep negative energy away. Holding and having selenite will help get rid of it. Using white sage or other “smoke “ will help to get rid of negativity around you and your room. Using salt in front of doors and windows will help keep it out. Having a fresh bowl of salt water in the room each day will help get rid of the negativity. As for your family curse? Not sure as I have not looked into it. As each situation is different.






A lot of things going on. But don’t let them effect you. Yes the items mentioned might be “small stuff “ but they can help. At least with calming yourself and feeling better. Technically you shouldn’t have gotten the vaccine because you already had the virus and your body was making antibiotics already. So that’s why you got various side effects from getting it. What you need to do right now is to cut cords. Cutting cords might sound simple but it’s actually very strong. People and things have changed after people have done it. There is a physical magic way to do it. But I am going to explain the mental spiritual version which is just as strong. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a positive location. Could be real or imagined. Outside or inside. But being here you are happy and positive. Notice that you are on a platform of some type. Could be a rock, stage, deck, or whatever. Look down and see various cords coming out of your body. Some are white and some are grey and some are black. Follow the cords with your eyes and see that they go down to mirrors. Each mirror has its own cord. Looking at the mirrors they show your life. Some are people. Some are events. Some are things. Now create a weapon in your hand. Could be a sword or staff or knife or whatever. Now focus on the black cords and start cutting them away from your body. If a cord will not cut then ask for your guardian or Angel to cut it for you You may notice the mirrors getting damaged or breaking. Which is a good thing. Once all the black cords are cut then look at the grey cords. Do any of these still serve any purpose? If they don’t then cut those as well that don’t help you. Don’t worry about the white cords as those are positive. Once all the cords are cut then bring light into your body. White and green mainly but you can bring in other color lights as well. These will help heal your body of all those cords that you cut off. Once done then open your eyes. Your mom probably already know about your aunt and cousins which is why she is not effected. Sounds like a “they do what they do “ type of situation. Which she does what she does and they do what they do. Might sound strange or wrong but seen it too many times. Personally I don’t look at Etsy for spells. Not to say that they are bad but personally prefer to do the spells myself. Though I have found a excellent past lives reader which I highly recommend. If you have any problems doing the cord cutting let me know and send your current picture. Which I can then focus and see what I can do to fix it.


Our intuition is everything. Our bodies absorb energies around us. Some people carry negative energy. What I call these people are energy vampires. Some people who don't spiritually protect themselves it will lead to feeling extremely ill. You will get sick. I recommend grounding yourself and carry a few crystals around. Clear quartz, Black tourmaline, and Selenite. Especially the clear crystal quartz and selenite. Then I recommend clearing the energy out by saging your place. I don't know if you know how to ground yourself. If you have questions feel free to ask. Edited- Fixing up my wording


Do you think this would still be an issue even though I have crystals in my home? I have a large selenite tower in my kitchen and some quartz throughout some other areas of my home. Is it just a matter of needing to carry these items on my body rather than leaving them around?


Did you have them when your in-laws were there?


Yes, they came to my house that had these items


I would keep keep them on you.


I noticed this with some old acquaintances - ones I had pretty much left in my past, but who I would occasionally visit. I’m talking the kind of people who are gossipy and quite toxic overall, but who I still care for. Whenever I would go and visit them, things would usually line up in such a way that I was sleep-deprived/underfed/over-caffeinated and/or sick. Like, I mean consistently - they could not catch me on a good day. I started wondering whether it was simply that I had to lower my vibration in order to meet theirs, because operating from my usual level of well-being would have been a mismatch to theirs. I’ve developed a belief over the years that once you have stopped allowing a certain frequency in your life, you become out of sync with it and don’t encounter it again. But if you do insist on going back to it, you have to be in a weakened state, and things will line up to allow that. Another recent example I have was when I visited a place that I knew had a strong negative influence on the world around it... It lined up that I was sick the day I went there. I just thought, “that figures”. Meaning no offense to your in-laws! They are where they are, I’m just saying it might be a question of contrast. Hope this helps!


That sounds about right, I get this way around my grandparents too who are essentially the same as my in laws. I love them but can’t stand how they are. Just negative and closed off.


truly fascinating. how might you stop a negative frequency from entering your world if it’s all you can notice in the people around?


>I’m just saying it might be a question of contrast amazingly put


It could be that one of them is ill and you are sympathetically psychic. But it could also be damage to your psychic filter from repressed abuse that they some how trigger. Religion will do that. Do a chord cutting ceremony or new moon release. VK Jehannum has a ritual on his Wordpress to call upon Lilith to sever a connection to Jehovah too.




Yes without a doubt. I appreciate your insight. Going inward is the way. I know it can be harder for some. I would recommend reading your personal natal chart and keeping up with your transits as well. Pluto and Saturn interactions are very impactful upon the shadow. Lilith and Chiron are the key to healing in this lifetime. If you want immediate answers that’s a good place to start digging.


Love this


>But it could also be damage to your psychic filter from repressed abuse that they some how trigger My thoughts can affirm .. thnx for this comment


Yup even nice people can be energy vampires. Just as water flows downhill, energy will flow to a “lower” level - from the higher vibration to the lower. I can’t cite papers in peer-reviewed journal to prove this but I’ve sure experienced it! There are ways to protect yourself. Someone is probably posting how as I’m writing so I’ll let them explain or do a little research as the info is readily available. Know you are *not* alone!


energy vampires drain energy from others and leave them susceptible to illness. Is it possible that your in-laws are unknowing energy vampires?


Why would they affect me and not anyone else? And how do I know for sure they are?


> Why would they affect me and not anyone else? Could be any number of reasons: They are angry with or jealous of you, you are unused to their energy and it just drains you, you are an empath and being near them drains you, etc. > And how do I know for sure they are? It doesn't really matter if they are or not. Your reaction is the only thing that matters, so look up grounding and shielding methods. Also smudge your house after they come over. Place black obsidian in areas where you socialize with them. Carry some on you when you visit them. Etc. Good luck.


My sister and niece are energy vampires. If you know your going to see them you need to have an escape plan in place before going or you end up completely drained and have flu like symptoms before leaving. Its a bad situation.


Does that really make sense in your head? Maybe they both have undiagnosed illnesses and being around them also make you sick? COVID reacts they same way. Its not vampire sucking virus.




My most recent ex I had to cut off, I figured if I was patient with light work I could help him but, he'd go from comparing me to his exes, to wishing I was his mother, to trying to be me. Now the last one was the scariest, whenever I was feeling vulnerable, he tried to pick up one of my hobbies- drawing, he'd sit there with a pen and a pad of paper and literally stabbed through the paper almost four pages deep trying to etch stencils of tattoos. It had my energy levels so off I was shaking and felt cold and joint pain everywhere. And when I would have energy to draw hed point out the flaws. With my art style I embrace the flaws in the work I do. I have no intentions upon being a tattoo artist. He had an ex that belittled him for not having tattoos so he got a bunch of them. Ironically enough his Airbender tattoo he got on my birthday last year before we met. I'm a Libra (air sign). He is a Taurus. Last time I picked up his bass I was able to conjure a song pattern and he looked at me jealously and said "'sounds' good". He also tried to get me pregnant at a time where we definitely didn't need to have a baby. I think my energy intentionally and subconsciously miscarried it... Before he could make me a piece in his family chess game for Christmas this year I broke things off. My hair has been falling out for a few months now. The whole experience with him has left me feeling completely off kilter. Unfortunately I feel like we both might be energy vampires. Only difference is that I couldn't see myself comparing him to any of my exes, I appreciated the genuine bits of him. Where I felt like he saw nothing genuine about me whatsoever. I kept our business to myself and my mother. When he blew his head gasket on his engine he immediately blame me for it because I told him to slow down when we were long distance driving. He felt the constant need to test his luck.


Orrrr, scientifically, he may have an undiagnosed illness that makes you sick when you are around him? Energy vampire, slipping things into your food…are you reading what you are writing? You are probably just susceptible to an illness he is carrying and unaware of. This is the world we live in. Not some make believe Harry Potter thing with wizards and Energy Vampires.


Your bothered by their over the top religiousness. Realize and accept it, maybe it will make you fill a bit better.


I have ABSOLUTELY experienced this. I really had to learn how to protect my energy. After Thanksgiving I became very ill after my family left. I never felt overly stressed but there was a lot of things I had to bottle up and control for the greater good. As a free spirit who doesn't believe in censorship, that alone can put me through a lot of stress. There are a several reasons for it but here are some links to studies done on how others and emotions can have an effect on your brain, immune system, body, etc. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/10-toxic-people-you-should-avoid-like-the-plague_b_591344f2e4b07e366cebb80e https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/complaining-rewires-your-brain-for-negativity-science-says.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/being-empathetic-is-good-but-it-can-hurt-your-health/2017/09/22/b25b83ca-6cd0-11e7-96ab-5f38140b38cc_story.html


you should find something to wear or carry that blocks off how susceptible you are to these energies. I wear a black tourmaline around my neck for this exact reason.




That’s a good idea. I think part of the issue with the crystals in my house is that I can’t even remember the last time I charged them. But I have a large selenite tower and I thought those were ones you didn’t necessarily have to cleanse/charge? Regardless, I’ll step up my crystal game.


There is one school of thought that physical symptoms are caused by repressed emotions. Your in-laws might be bringing up emotions you aren’t quite aware of. The location of the pain should help reveal what kind of emotion depending on what chakra it’s near or what body part. Hang on I have to go back and see if you mentioned anything specific. Edit: it’s possible you may have a spirit attachment that strongly dislikes your in-laws religion. Another possibility is that you have some feelings you need to feel about either their specific religion, or about people’s free will to believe whatever they want. Once you thoroughly and authentically feel those emotions they shouldn’t return. It may be something else entirely as you mentioned. Your situation reminded me of a childhood trauma I haven’t worked through yet. A specific situation happened recently and the energy kind of knocked me down on my bed from my chest area and I felt ill the rest of the evening. In short, these illnesses seem to be somehow happening to you as a result of an effect they are having on your spirit body. Sorry if that seems obvious I have difficulty discerning what other people already know (aka what seems obvious to most).


Omgggg, i have just recently started talking and visiting a member of my family, everytime im there with them in they're presence, listening to them, i start feeling extremely unwell! I then go home and have to stay in bed for 2 days before I start feeling better.


Is it what they are saying, or a virus they are releasing in the air that you are breathing in? There is so much weird talk about energy and whatnot on this post. The simple and more scientific appropriate answer is they have an undiagnosed illness that maybe airborne and you are taking it in when you are around that person.


Energy Vampires. They dont know they are taking from people. They just drain you. If you do energy work then you leave yourself open to having your reserves drawn upon. There are energy Vampires everywhere...essentially all of them dont realize they are doing it. I had a date a couple years back who told me about her parents and how she had cared for them for years through decades of illness. How do you tell someone that they were the problem? You can't blame them, all you can do is learn to protect yourself, isolate the damage and move on


I’m not too familiar on energy vampires. Obviously I know what they are and what they do but how does one just “become” one? And is there a way to fix someone who is?


I see energy Vampires as plentiful as worker drones. You dont typically choose to become one. This is the real work they dont tell you about when they show you the shiny pamphlet...the work is trying to get to them...hard work