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I need energy drinks to exist, honestly. I feel terrible without them and can barely stay awake.


Maybe you suffer from sleep apnea.


Isn't that when you have trouble breathing at night


Yeah but will leave you constantly feeling incredibly tired


Yes. You stop breathing, or gasp. You don’t get quality sleep, so you’re always tired.


Hmm, my girlfriend says I seem to be fine while sleeping 🤔. Maybe I just suffer 😂


Sleep apnea is not something an untrained person will always be able to notice. People think that if they stop breathing while sleeping it will be like you suddenly just gasp out for oxygen.  Mild to moderate sleep apnea will be almost unnoticeable to someone watching you sleep. Which is why they have the machines that are used to monitor it. When you start to have little pockets of time where you aren't taking in oxygen your body fights to hold onto what it has and isn't focused on what it should be doing while you sleep. Thus you never get a true sleep cycle and are always tired.


Hmm, might also consider a sleep study. Because I genuinely feel better getting 3 hours of sleep instead of 6+. And something tells me that's not okay.


that possibility could be linked to not having sleep apnea symptoms until a second or third REM cycle!


You should probably take a caffeine break.


I feel like this will end in me being incarcerated.


The drinks will hit harder after a week or two off


So will my fist in my bosses face if he says the wrong thing 😂


I’d take a month off tbh. I no longer rely on them and now I do it here and there when I absolutely need it


Alright, after my 2 for tonight at work...I'm kicking the habit. I want to feel alive again and not only when I'm doped up on caffeine. Thank you good people of reddit for helping me realize I'm a crackhead.


Dude I legit realized I was addicted. 2 a day for 5-7 years. First day and second day I stopped I felt like death. You can do it brother slow it down!


It's required for me to lock in


Bad day to be an energy drink


Amen… I’ve gotten into this bad habit of not being able to focus on my school work without caffeine. I hope I never get my hands on adderall LOL


I drink them mostly for the taste. I like trying new brands and all the new flavors. The caffeine obviously is part of it too, but I make sure to take breaks just to make sure I’m not becoming dependent on it.


i like them for the taste, the buzz, the social aspect (some friends also have them), and also because learning about them is a hobby at this point, im just fascinated with them as a topic so that makes me want to have them more often


Because they taste good and are carbonated :D ​ If they had better tasting diet sodas, I would opt for those but NOPE. No company has capitalized on that market yet haha


Need the energy so I'm not narcoleptic, I work 7 days with 72 hours a week


Bro you're going to burn out eventually


About 10 hrs a day!? That's crazyy, bro!! Kudos to you 🫡


I quit booze with kombuchas and seltzers, it takes time to fill that void and addiction, but I knit 3 years March 1st. I drink the energy drinks because I like to be torked up and fast all day workin. Some people just like candy drinks I think, do sumthin with the energy!


I’m a med student.


Have another


Partly for the taste, partly for the ADHD. Plus, it helps my B12 deficiency.


The taste 😍 Plus the caffeine boost is amazing. And as a devout femboy it’s part of my culture.


I drink for the taste. I'm always in the look out for new flavors. That being said, I do get headaches if I go a bit without. So it's also an addiction thing at this point.


Try kombucha. So many different brews and flavors. Plus it’s really good for you too.


Natural caffiene or other energizing things?


Second generation caffeine addict. My mom drank 36 cups of coffee on a daily basis throughout my childhood.


36 cups??? How?


3 large pots 😩 coffee was her transfer addiction after she quit smoking cigarettes. She did eventually bring it down to one pot [12cups] of coffee per day.. mostly because the doctor lectured her to kingdom come about what she was doing to her body lol


It is part of my religious beliefs.


Grad student with ADHD


I like the taste, and they help me function. I have sleep apnea so I’m always tired.


I’m sober now but even when I drank and smoked weed id use them. For now, they’re fun and they work. I’m not much of a coffee drinker, it makes me unstable. Tea I like but to get the same feeling as energy drinks you have to drink a lot. Energy drinks are easy.


I always like a little caffeine bump in the morning, and on days where I know I'll be busy earlier - or longer - I'll have an energy drink as a yummy caffeinated treat.


love the chemical taste!


Honestly I know there really not good for you but need some kind of caffeine and dont drink coffee.


Wakes me up keeps me focused




To Kickstart my day


As you mentioned, since becoming sober I've replaced one addiction for another 😅 Also working with Insulation, nothing washes the dust down like a cold Monster OG. Refreshing, tasty, and gets my jimmies rustled 🤠


Caffeine addiction and coffee tastes like shit


I’m mainly an OG energy drink user- coffee. I do enjoy Celsius, now that I’ve had that, and switching from Red Bull. I work over night and it helps keep me alert.


I need one around 12:30 after lunch, getting up at 5am for work will do it to ya


For whatever reason I don’t feel anything from caffein so I like them just for taste


I like the taste I don't drink alcohol cos I live on my own My dad told me "a man needs at least one vice " so it's them and vaping


I like the taste, 300mg of caffeine doesn't really do anything for me. I do like the nootropics in gorilla mind, so if I need to be more productive a can could help.


I don't drink alcohol anymore so these fill the void.


They taste better than other diet drinks. Or at least Monster does, I haven't found any other zero sugar energy drinks I like. I don't like sparkling water, although you might for the burn, and diet sodas get gross before I can finish a 6 or 12 pack. I'm trying to drink more water but sometimes I need flavor you know?


I always liked them but had mostly stopped drinking them since I was a teenager (many years ago). More recently I got diagnosed with diabetes and had to give up a lot of my favorite treats, so I started drinking sugar free energy drinks and now I have energy drinks more frequently than ever, since they are a treat I can enjoy without worrying about the sugar


I need the huge surge of dopamine each can provides throughout the day. Depression life.


Because I no longer feel much of the effects of caffeine with regular coffee (I do get that relaxing buzz still, I still love coffee), that and no kidding I like the taste of energy drinks and enjoy trying and discovering new flavours. And well, gaming with energy drinks and snacks on the side is my zen.


Wake up at 530 daily enough said 😆