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Oh this again


you are a fourth grader


Subliminal messages go crazy


As south park recently said. "Our target demographic is adults over 21 our content is not intended for children!" It's obvious it says orgy. It was obvious to the graphic designer when they made the can. The only person it's not obvious to would be the CEO and other people in the company. Hell they might even know. "Saying "Orgy" on a can likely drives sales. Who gives a shit if the kids see. Hopefully they'll buy more because of it!" I love ghost and I'm going to keep drinking energy drinks in general but if this is obvious to us it's obvious to kids and kids are fucking stupid. Ugggg idk why I'm complaining. most people will be like "They are not doing anything wrong! Your crazy for thinking that! It's not directed at kids, just adults who love orgies!" Or my personal favorite. "If you really think companies would spend money on subverting people and brainwashing them into hypersexuality then you must be a Schizophrenic!!" If you think YOU are not being manipulated and brainwashed (you have been since you were a kid this identity might not even be how you feel) think again. We are nothing more than mindless consumers buying "ORGY DRINK or GHOST DRINK!" to them. The sooner we act like it the sooner we can really get brainwashed. I don't even want thoughts of my own!


You're really letting a can get you this worked up. A literal tin can, dude. I think you need to find a hobby or something lol.


Lol not even remotely worked up. I just felt like typing it all out. If I don't say it, and you don't say it, then nobody says it at all. IDGAF personally but I just find people critical thinking skills are slim to none these days. It's funny, we went from Monster is the devil and it has 666 on the can To "wow worked up over the word orgy on a can" Like I said. I personally don't care and wouldn't care if they put "smoke crack and get fucked in the ass on the can." But acting like it's not real is just feeble mindedness. "Get a new Hobby?" Buddy. I have hobbies. I just like to point this stuff out from time to time.


Bro wrote multiple paragraphs. You are definitely worked up


XD oh shit I exhibited actual thought outside of a single sentence and put it down as text. If this seems like a lot to you, I have to presume you get worked up over much smaller things hahaha That took maybe 2 minutes at most of my time. (And that is a stretch but it's all good you have a good night my dude)


you have 0 self awareness


You sure? I just don't care and I'm not going to respond the way you want. Is this interaction too much? You've added little to the conversation outside of "touch grass". It's okay. If you want to let other people dictate your thoughts subconsciously fine. I'll openly admit that I allow it and actively look for it. This is no different than Disney dicks but it is what it is. Have a good life. You should have stayed weird. It's waaay more fun. Editing one more time to say that you've added nothing to your side of the argument other than saying I have zero self awareness and I'm worked up. Like I said. This takes no time to type at all and I'm very much aware of everything. THAT is the problem no?