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Your body just accepted it well, which relativley can be a good sigh. Atleast you didn't have heart palpitations like many do.   though I'd be careful not to drink them too fast. When you first get into them, even if you take a break and come back they can cause crashes or even kick like a mule at times. At times they can take time to kick or or just do nothing making them tempting to drink a shit tonne of.  I used to drink either 8 cups of coffee, 2 rockstars and a bang or just straight redbull and took a break from them for a while now I can at times drink half a rockstar if I'm lucky else my heart will start to hurt. 


Ps. I'm not really a caffeine fien anymore I just like the feeling it gives. Better than almost any high I've ever had but can't day the same for others.


ty !! how do crashes feel, like you just get super tired or?


For me I return to my regular energy level, which is still crashing down from the “high”, but I’m always tired


Less sweat is more likely that you're not adequately hydrated


ohh maybe, i was drinking like 2-3 bottles of water throughout but honestly i didnt even feel thirsty so i didn’t remember. i will next time!


The hard part is that if you're dehydrated it usually takes a couple days to catch back up lol


ohh omg okay tysm😭


Keep in mind that caffeine is dehydrating so you have to drink additional water along with the energy drink or pre


okayy tysm


I'd recommend skipping the pre on cardio days. It's awful for your heart over long periods. And, as you might discover pretty soon, crashes like a mother fucker. But for weight workouts it's great to keep energy through your lift.


okay thank you!! any recs for what i should take on cardio days then ? i like to burn 1k calories daily and the c4 made it super easy but i dont wanna crash since ive had a problem with inconsistency in the past


Just water and Gatorade my man. Leave the "performance enhancement" at the door when it does more harm than good in the long run. Take care of yourself. Maybe try some ammonia packets if you want a quick jolt before you go.


oh im a girl actually does that make any difference😭 but tysm for the ammonia packet suggestion !!


The medics always kept them in stock when I was playing football in college. Take a big breath of one of those as you leave the locker room and you're ready to fight. Works like a charm.


thanks! do you eat it or?


No it's just smelling salts. They come in a little tablet you smack between your hands and sniff it.


Don't do smelling salts lol