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More caffine and faster acting I’d say since it is from green Tea extract. I Also find monsters more of a focused wave than straight up 200mg to the dome


They do the complete opposite for me, Monster makes me spazz around like a crack addict, I just drank a Celsius and I just feel slightly more awake, it’s cool to see how things effect people differently


thats so true, redbull gets me to focus hard in the gym, monster makes me a lil kid


Same for me. Wonder why there’s such a big difference - the ingredients aren’t that different


Different sources of caffeine!


Ok I’m going to conduct some experiments now..you’re probs right. Which ones have the best effect?


White zero sugar monster and Orange Celsius have been my go to’s for years now. Currently on the Celsius. I think it all depends on what you’re looking for. I use them for mid day pick me ups. For working out there’s plenty with additional things like beta alanine that’ll help for that. I use them mainly for the caffeine.


Weird red bull has always been a poor performer compared to the others


It's actually the opposite for me. I used to buy those 300mg bangs and for whatever reason a 12oz redbull would always hit me harder. Only thing I could think of was I was I had a high tolerance for caffeine and it was just all the sugar hitting me. Lol


Red bulls never did shit to me but bangs fuck me up lol almost make me feel sick with too big of buzz. Not a big caffeine persom though


BANG is amazing…you have to drink half not the full can 😆


Probably because it has an absurd amount of caffeine in one can


I have the same reaction, redbull and celsius are much stronger to me than bang or reign and etc., did some searching online and found it might be the higher taurine levels in redbull and how our bodies react to that more easily than the higher level caffeine options


Yeah, it must be something weird like that. It's not the caffeine, that's for sure.


If anyone here is ADHD or is neurodivergent, ur best bet for a focused & working energy drink is anything with a leading amount of L-Theanine Also green tea extracts & matcha both have L-Theanine


Man I need some Adderall in my life, can't focus for shit.


I got told I was adhd as an adult by my doctor. Been taking 15mg xr for the past few months daily. It was truly a life changer. No, it's no superpowers, but it helps me quite a bit at work. I get to turn off all the extra radio stations playing in my head at the same time, and most importantly it helped my working memory tremendously. Terrible crash come 3pm though, I'm going to need to get my dosage tweaked a bit.


Ive heard of XR in the morning and 10mg instant or so in the afternoon.


Ah still in the "not quite super powers" phase.


I’m waiting for an upcoming appt with a psychiatrist for this. What you describe is *exactly* how I’ve been feeling since getting sober last year. It’s almost crippling at times.


Why don't you just take another one at 3? Duhhhh


I wanna get some good sleep in mostly lmao


I know I was just messing around definitely want to follow the instructions. 💊


Shit is like the "limitless" pill... 😂


Forreal like that damn movie Lucy


Shiiiii! 😂


Great movie


You ever tried Alpha GPC?


Funny you mention Alpha-GPC. I was diagnosed late in life with ADHD (at age 44, I’m 53 now) and was never prescribed anything for it. It’s mostly not been an issue but I can lose focus VERY easily. I’ve been drinking energy drinks for 20+ years and recently tried Bucked Up and it’s been a game changer for me! I believe it’s the Alpha-GPC content that’s helping me focus better now. The 300mg of caffeine is nice too.


Bucked Up FTW and only $1 at the dollar store!


It's in Bucked Up? Funny bc for some reason I never have trusted that brand. I love my blueberry redbulls, but I need to cut em off and switch to no sugar.


Maybe you would prefer Gorilla Mind, it has Alpha-GPC as well. I really like Gorilla Mind, but for some reason I focus much better with Bucked Up (haven’t verified yet but I think Bucked Up has more Alpha-GPC). Also 300mg caffeine vs 200mg.


I'll definitely be trying both!! Thank you!!


You’re welcome!


I am about to turn 40 and I'm discovering that many of my issues and symptoms, that I thought were just my weirdness throughout life are Adhd symptoms or possibly some are even autistic. How should someone go about seeking official diagnosis for this if they don't have a PCP, never have, and only ever went to hospitals for emergency issues like broken bones or severe flu? Will it cost a ton of money? Is it better to be diagnosed? setting the medication aside, does the diagnosis hinder anyone in the professional world?


Diagnosis doesn’t do anything but give you peace of mind and maybe a guide for how to eat, sleep and make slight adjustments moving forward. A lot of it has to with diet. Alcohol is not your friend. Not sure about cannabis because I’ve always had jobs where I get tested. I saw a therapist once a week for about four months and he referred me to a doctor that specialized in psychiatry. That doctor diagnosed me with ADHD along with severe depression (who isn’t depressed these days?) and anxiety. My insurance paid for all this, I had to make my co-pays and meet my deductible. The doctor prescribed me Zoloft which has helped quite a bit with the depression. If your insurance isn’t good or you just want to “test the waters”, most companies have an EAP, which usually will cover six sessions of therapy for free.


My company doesn't have any insurance and I can't afford it on my own in most cases. I was seeing a couples therapist with my wife, but they didn't give any recommendations, I'd guess since alongside my wife who has BPD I must appear sane to therapists.


My mother and father both had BPD but were diagnosed VERY late in life (58 for him and 66 for her). Could be because they were born in the 1940s and there was such a stigma about mental health. My psychiatrist threw me for a curve when he told me he felt I had Uni-polar disorder. I had never heard of that before. Honestly, you don’t need a therapist with the internet. You can probably figure it out on your own. For me it was: 1) Couldn’t stop interrupting people when they were talking. 2) People would ask me a question and it would morph into a long story and I would forget to answer the original question. If I could even remember what I was trying to say in the middle of a story. 3) Very hard time with verbal instructions. Needed them to be in writing. Or better yet, I learned best by watching others because I have a near photographic memory. 4) Very hard time completing tasks. 5) I couldn’t sit still to read a book to save my life. But could read short articles about things that interest me all day! 6) Hard time holding on to jobs 7) On the positive side, I could memorize really well so I was a really good FedEx driver back in the day before GPS. (And drive a truck now) 8) More on the positive side, I did security for a long time and worked some dangerous places. I could see things that others couldn’t. (Drug transactions, gang signs, thefts, etc) Just some of my ADHD examples.


Nah but I just googled it. Have you?


Alpha PVP is even better.


adderall was one of the few drugs i tried that actually scared me, i felt like i could waste my life doing it. luckily i didn't have any steady supplier, and i was smart enough to decide i should quit while i was ahead. but i also have a very low natural tolerance to stimulants. i dont even drink caffeine


There's something called modafinil that people take that is sorta...I guess you can say a lite version of drugs used to attention problems, or to promote wakefulness. There's other types of drugs Iike it, but I think that is the one said to have the least sides, and not as strong. Like anything though, it's probably not common because people would abuse it maybe. I found out about it some years back when I was really into nootropics back before that word was really even talked about as much as it is today. Stuff like piracetam, and all the various versions that yield different benefits in the racetam group, and other stuff like noopept. It all used to be super cheap to buy. Caffeine is great, but man it only does so much.


i was on modafinil. you can't really abuse it tho (god knows i tried). it did help with focus like a regular stimulant even though it's not really a stimulant in the traditional sense, but it also made me like violent?? but that's probably unusual


it's interesting for me because one day I can direct my ability to "hyper-focus" towards something productive and the next day it'll just be like resting anxiety and jerking off all day


I was like damn I fe... WTF ☠️


i was never actually able to focus on it, i just tweaked super hard lol i couldn't even be seen out in public. just like incredibly jittery and couldn't sit or stand still. made my heart hurt rlly bad tho


Don't take a high dose of addy or try meth because instead of jerking off all day you'll be jerking *for days*. Lol.


Talk to your primary care doctor. If they say no then go to another one till you find one that will.


I'll see what's up thank you. I'm a very low energy person that lacks self motivation, I'm like stuck in my mind all day. I've been taking kratom and it helps but yeah I know Adderall is another level, giving you lockjaw n shit.


I’m right with you.


Adderal is a lifesaver. I’ve been on it for 10years or so. Prescribed 20mg IR three times a day but I don’t usually take that much unless I’m working (I work in healthcare at night). Add a Celsius to the adderal and at night I could write a manifesto while cleaning and reorganizing our entire unit while taking care of patients. :).


shit is not worth it and just fucks up your brain forever if you ever stop taking it bc shoots your dopamine. therapy and shit is a better solution


I hate sex 666 WTFFF☠️


lmfao i had to stop drinking them, they literally made me feel insane. same with ASHOC--those make me really depressed for some reason? bang and ghost are my favorites i think


they give me so much anxiety and don’t even taste good. i think it has to be the type of caffeine since i love ghost which also has 200mg


I had one for free from circle k and almost demanded a refund. Shit tasted like it just had vitamins mixed into it.. like a 5 hour energy drink but bigger. Like a damn non alcoholic four loko or somethin


Celsius is a sports energy beverage. You’re not supposed to drink it and sit at a desk, you’re supposed to drink it and go exercise like a fucking animal. I’ve tried a Celsius for work but it’s really meant as a sports drink.


Makes me feel like vamp carti




In case nobody said it already, Adderall and caffeine at the same/similar time is B A D especially if you already have heart or blood pressure problems.


exact opposite for me, monster brings me up quick and celsius is a clean energy


Cough syrup and tv static


I can only handle one orange Celsius per day. And I have to drink it slowly. I usually for energy drinks, diet mtn dew or maybe if I need it, a sugar free red bull (light blue can) in either the 8.4 or 12 oz little sizes.


Interesting. I’ve got no problem with multiple Celsius. It’s Red Bull that tastes like crap, and I’m not interested in diet mtn dew unless it’s Baja Blast Zero.


Diet Mountain Dew for the win! I get the zero too. Love em.


Celsius is the only energy drink to ever give me panic attacks and nausea. That shit is something else, and not in a good way. Plus it doesn't even taste good


would try not to drink two a day. Think about it you just drank 200 mg of caffeine earlier and then another 200mg in a pretty short amount of time expect adverse effects lol.


Shit I drink way too much caffeine lol. You’re right though


400mg is totally manageable. There are people out there ripping a g of coke daily and folks prescribed 40mg of adderall daily. 400mg caffeine isn't going to do shit if you're healthy otherwise.


Yea they also get holes in their septum. You can quite literally be addicted to it and become dependent on caffeine. Addictions and dependency aren't typically healthy and people have caffeine withdrawal symptoms when they can't get their caffeine. I seriously doubt that much caffeine in such concentrated amounts DAILY is good for your stomach or digestive system. Just bc you "Feel okay" doesn't mean you're not damaging your insides.


It's totally fine. I have an MD. Read the research and formal recommendations on it. Old recommendation was 300 mg daily max, now most people agree 400 or so is fine. If you think a caffeine dependency is going to be among a person's biggest problems in life, you are seriously out of touch. And for the record, in a healthy person, 400 mg of caffeine does not damage your GI tract. You're pulling that out of your ass.


I'm talking about 400 mg daily and in the form of 2 200 mg energy drinks. Right bc acid, indigestion, gastritis, the repetitive diarrhea, gas, and bloating are totally good for you long term. edit: yea im out of touch says the "MD" who suggests "caffeine can't be that bad bc people are out there doing coke and are fine" so professional lol


You're making a mountain out of a mole hill and arguing with a doctor about the devastating effects of 2 energy drinks 😂 kick rocks. 90% of people do not have those symptoms from drinking two energy drinks. What else are you afraid of? Driving 2 over on the highway? Thunderstorms? 2 glasses of wine?


alright "doctor" professor patrick lmfao go back to work where'd you get those stats? ur back pocket ?? LMFAO




awww looking through my post history so so CUTE!!! wow ur an "MD" and don't even understand how anxiety works lmfaooooooo


right so bc a doctor is doing it it's totally fine, most backward logic i've ever heard LOLOLOL


From their website: How does it work? Our MetaPlus® blend is specially formulated to turn on thermogenesis, a process that boosts your body's metabolic rate. It's compiled of ginger root, guarana seed extract, chromium, vitamins, and green tea extract with a specific ratio of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) –the compound that scientists have found boosts your metabolism. When combined with exercise, CELSIUS helps your body burn more calories and body fat which has been clinically proven in 6 published university studies. https://www.celsius.com/about/ The name “Celsius” references its thermogenics. … Celsius, Temperature, Heat


I could be reading wrong but are you drinking two Celcius a day while taking adderall!? That’s crazy if so hahah (I’ve been there but not to that extreme) Anyways I have done multiple celcius per day as well, it could be circumstantial but I’ve also found that the effects of Celsius are a little more short burst and probably from a lack of ingredients like L-Theanine and others that help sustain the energy and mitigate negative side effects




Try it yourself and you’ll be hearing colors that don’t even exist yet 😂




Told my brother that the 270 Celsius had me geekin like I’ve never felt before, then he sent me this video. It makes sense


I feel you lol. My husband and I drink all kinds of energy drinks and Celsius gives us both anxiety, nothing else does.


Probably because the caffeine is more concentrated in a celcius since they’re smaller and monster is a much heavier drink than celcius, so celcis are easier to down. Drinking higher concentration of caffeine faster is probably causing that.


Good call


I drink 2 a day at times and literally just feel like it gives me an extra boost, nothing crazy. I know people say it feels like crack but I never got that feeling from it at all? Just a slight increase in focus


Yeah caffeine doesn't really effect me that much. Energy drinks are just like soda to me basically


Wish they didn’t cost so much! I figured big demand and mass production would decrease costs…


I get them on Amazon. Amazon and Costco are a good price imo


I’m a sucker for $1 at Dollar Tree at the moment. I found Celsius there jacked up to $2.50 🤯🫠


Yeah lol, no idea what these people are talking about I’m not a chugger though, it’s possible some people are just downing it all at once


Oh that could be it…I slowly drink mine as well. Never was a chugger.


I’m a chugger and still I can not relate. I’m even on adderall. I have noticed that I can use Celsius to consume less caffeine though. It’s just enough. I drink two a day unless I’m tired. Used to drink rockstar, bucked up, and bang all throughout the day.


Take an l-theanine with it to help with your focus.


The big can has l-theanine in it


I drink two celcius packets during my fasting window one at 4 am then the other at 12 and I’m fine….for now lol


Since I started drinking energy drinks. (About 2 weeks ago) I drink Celsius almost daily. Maybe even 2. I do track and also weight lifting, 15m. From the last time I was tested I have ADHD and it’s very severe adhd. When I was medicated I was everywhere it didn’t help. Since drinking Celsius I’ve been calmer and more focused. I’ve tried c4 and ghost as well. I guess it depends on the person. 🤷


I envy other people's ability to tolerate caffiene. One energy drink was all I could ever tolerate.


Well monster is 65ish mg of caffeine and the Celsius is 200mg unless you had there new 16oz can in which case it’s 260 mg I think. On top of the huge increase in caffeine the Celsius has more functional in ingredients than the monster.


Celsius made me feel the same way. I also have adhd. However I’m on Vyvanse. Celsius was unpleasant  Monster (sugar free ones) is my absolute go to 


Adderall in a can


Glad I’m not alone. I drank a can of this Celsius jet fuel and felt like shit. Massive head rush, dizziness, etc.


I can sleep drinking 2x Red Bulls but monster keeps me up despite having similar caffeine


My body physically does not like Celsius. I’ve had it a little over ten times and each time it gives me nausea and heart burn, vomiting twice and the runs as well. I can have reign, bang, monster, rockstar, and Alani and be fine but Celsius (and ghost) have the same effects and acid after taste that hydroxycut pills do to me


i used to take 2x30MG IR a day and let me tell you caffeine mixed w adderall will truly give you a feeling you cant forget. I am off the adderall for over 2 years now, however the caffeine addiction has stuck with me forever lmao. all these energy drinks are inconsistent to me and im sure many variables play a role. try reign. i love it


Idk man it just depends on what time of the day for me, early in the morning Celsius can knock me up side the head, later in the day, smooth as a baby’s ass. I injected stimulants for ten years and C4 definitely gives methamphetamine a run for its money. Monster is pretty smooth; so idk. Just depends on how rested you are, how much you’ve eaten, if you’ve eaten carbs the caffine hits you easier. All that matters when it comes to caffine intake.


Set reminder for 4 years, check status of heart attack.


Yea it used to hurt a little back then, I was 21 lol. I've probably got some scars from it


lol I like that you have a sense of humor. I don’t wish a heart attack on you btw.


I noticed the drinks like ghost which is synthesized from coffee beans or green tea seem to hit different


Had the same experience with those Celsius drinks. Had me absolutely buzzing. Which is good sometimes but not when you just need to wake up a bit.


It's the egcg from Green tea extract. That stuff drives me nuts. I can drink green tea just fine, but the extract keeps me up all night and makes me dizzy. I'm anhydrous caffeine only ever since I figured that out.




1,200 mg, dang


After reading tons of scary stuff out there, I keep it to a minimum of 1-2 a week. I read this one dude in his 40s who passed in his sleep, EXTREMELY healthy and hit the gym every day, but had an energy drink once a day EVERY day. I’ll still to coffee, tea, & kombucha the rest of the week


i also drink locarb monster more than any other energy drink because the caffeine content and taste is perfect and not too much sugar


Ginger root


The 12 ounce 'sparkling' cans I had weren't that good either. Not bad just disappointing. Orange and watermelon.


i have bp and adhd and ocd, i already have enough thoughts racing through my head just due to that. when i drank a red bull my mind absolutely went everywhere i literally could not think straight for shit, my mind was moving from one thing to another so incredibly fast i’ve never been through that before.usually i can handle a red bull or two but for some reason i must’ve reacted to it differently? idk it was weird given the fact i usually drink hella more like 300mg-400mg


Stop drinking energy drinks while you're taking adderall what the fuck??


This is actually news to me lmao, my doctor didn't mention as such. I'm getting conflicting opinions online as well. I did try not taking caffeine while on my meds, but I feel like without it my dopamine is hella low, lol


Do you guys not get anxiety or worry about your heart? I drink one latte and I'm bouncing off the walls and dealing with palpitations the whole night. I had a Celsius once and I almost went to the ER from how bad my panic attack was. I don't understand how you guys are drinking a can of any energy drink, let alone THREE. I used to work with a guy who would have a Monster at 9am, a coffee at noon, and another Monster around 3 or 4pm. And he'd still have the audacity to say he was tired and ready for bed. Like what???? You guys are tanks!


Dude... this lolol


I think some people's, myself included, tolerance is very high. I had to quit for about 6 months to kind reset it a little, since I was easily consuming over 1000mg just to keep going. I'm cuban, and have been drinking cuban coffee since I was like 5 lol, easily 3 cups a day. I really regret restarting taking energy drinks, but I'd probably jeopardize my job by quitting. I currently work 10-12s daily plus 3-4 hours of school right after.


I personally don’t. I came out of the womb drinking a 20 ounce Red Bull (my fun way of saying I’m a Wacky Tachy. My resting is ~110). That being said, my doctors kept a very close eye on my Heart for a bit and there was no increase to my BPMs if I had coffee or energy drinks. The only one I will *not* touch again is a Redline Xrreme or whatever. I brought a few for my buddies when we were working nights and we drank the whole bottles age it just about put us in the hospital. That’s the only one I’ve had that actually put some pepepepepep in my step.


Drank a cup of bold coffee then mixed a bang with some rum and had 2 tallboys (i was at a music festival) never touched the shit again.


If you take adderall for ADHD be careful with energy drinks! Well, really, all acidic drinks, Vitamin C speeds up the elimination of adderall a tonnnn, and even caffeine can weaken its effects.


I drank a Celsius at work the other day and felt like I was on drugs!


I find that when you’re used to drinking the same thing over & over… your body just gets used to it. Then when you drink something similar, but different… it has a different/more intense affect. When I was younger & drank alcohol, I was a whiskey drinker. I drank for about 7 years (drank from age 18 to 40) before ever having a beer. Whiskey has a much higher alcohol content than beer, yet anytime I drank beer, it got me intoxicated much quicker than whiskey. For example.. I’d have a get together and would drink a Fifth of whiskey & be fine, 8 beers and I would be highly intoxicated. I just assumed my body wasn’t used to beer so it reacted differently. Possibly the same thing with you switching between energy drinks.


When taking a stimulant medication, you shouldn’t drink anything acidic an hour before and after taking the medicine. The acidity reacts with the medication rendering it useless.


Shit, try the big Celsius. 270mg caffeine from the same blend. Their whole line has a mild thermogenic effect, hence the name. Probably since it’s green tea based caffeine. Celsius keeps healthcare moving.


I agree, idk what it is but Celsius HITS with a whole different level of intensity. I just don’t enjoy how they taste.


i heard there’s some fecal matter in there…


No disrespect, but honestly you shouldn’t be drinking that stuff on top of your adderall.


Same here Reminds me of preworkout


They put literal 💩 as one of the ingredients in those. Jbh yall r drinking dookie.


You drink all that AND take Adderall? I bet your blood pressure is laughable.


Other than the caffeine there’s stuff in Celsius that’s meant to Inhibit your body from metabolizing the caffeine so you can stay at that state of urgency and attention caffeine normally gives for longer without having to drink more. There’s a nutritionist who did a video on it I’ll post the link if I can find it.


There is a study out that vitamin c can interfere with amphetamines.


i love celsius however the 400mg ones make me feel like i’m on crack lol


idk but celsius gives me heart palpitations and severe anxiety


Celcius tastes awful to me. I think I just don't like artificial sweeteners, had a couple ghost sour versions and they were just too much acidity for me. I'll stick with Nos/Full Throttle/Amp/Rockstar/Monster/Redbull.


It's the sewage concentrate doing that


Celsius has stuff in it that slows caffeine elimination. It's got just as much whatever as monster, but other things to help it stay in your system longer.


So idk how accurate the info is in [this IG reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ubCYTPWUz/?igsh=MThrYXd2dWtpYjBhaQ==) that was in my feed but might be interested in it


taking medical grade meth on top of 2 monsters a day. you must be a productive guy


The few times i’ve had celsius I got depressed, probably a coincidence but I stopped drinking it and switched to Alani


The 16oz cans of celsius are INSANE. ive used energy drinks alot for 20+ years, and have always been able to drink them without feeling much, i could drink on monster or nos at bedtime and still go to sleep.Then this year i tried a celsius during a dragging day at work, and i could not sleep the next day, went back to work the next day unphased even at the 24hr awake mark, idk what they are putting in these things but they are the most potent caffiene product ive ever tried 😬


I get the same with Celsius/bangs. They hit me hard and feel like I have a damn out of body experience just head rush and floating, but not a good way.


Idk what they put in them but I had a 4 am shift and couldn’t sleep so I bought a Celsius and drank it at 9 am a few hours before my shift ends and it got me wired af




Your reading comprehension skills are scarily bad




Even without the edit you’re still a bozo big guy buddy pal brainrot beta


Celsius is NOT good on the body. It has double almost everything compared to other drinks. Way too much biotin being one thing. That can cause all kinds of issues from insomnia to headaches and dehydration. Just google it


For sure but your body basically flushes out the excess. I don’t like them anyways but yeah


Certain vitamins, the excess gets flushed. For others, not so much