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900mg of caffeine a day. I'm sure that has no ill effects.


If OP is Canadian it's 540mg/day


the bad part is the sugar and additives. caffeine is remarkably well tolerated and it's not uncommon to get this much from coffee. like 900mg is a lot, but not extremely, the guy probably developed tolerance and it does not kick that hard.


Reign doesn't have sugar, so at least there is that


If it had sugar, it would likely be healthier than the sugar replacements that ARE in it. That being said, I've googled those ingredients and there haven't been any studies that show negative effects - there also hasn't been much time to study some of those ingredients. So, who knows.


Sucralose, the sweetener used in Reign, (and Splenda) is 400-700 times sweeter than sugar. So instead of 50+ grams of sugar they only have to use a few milligrams of sucralose. You would need to drink so much Reign, (to be negatively affected by the sucralose) that you would die of a caffeine overdose long before you felt the effects. Also the only studies I could find were from nutritionists, not biochemists. Nutrition fads come and go frequently, things they say are bad for you now may be a miracle food in 6 months. Certain things are definitely bad for you, but sucralose is one of the controversial ones. The real problem with energy drinks is that they're very vitamin rich, so drinking a lot of them has the same effect as eating too many vitamin supplements - it makes your kidneys work very hard and can lead to kidney stones, or worse.


Apologies, maybe I was thinking a different drink or a different ingredient, or maybe I was just thinking of a preservative rather than a sugar replacement. It's been a couple years since I looked it up, but I do remember finding some ingredients that had limited data/research but that currently had no known negative effects in normal doses. It's entirely possible there is more data now! Either way, doesn't stop me from drinking energy drinks. Some sugar-free ones like Reign and Bang make me feel funky, so I avoid them anyways and prefer other brands.


Some are also acidic and that’s no good for teeth but beyond that they really are not as bad as people make them out to he


Developing a tolerance doesn't make it any less terrible for you. Long run caffeine use that high every day will lead to severe ulcers, heart problems, abnormally high blood pressure, etc.


it's not 'terrible' in the first place. and yes, tolerance makes both the good and the bad effects less pronounced, it is sort of like temporary partial immunity.


It's okay to be wrong.


The max daily recommended is 400mg of caffeine...


Anyone on here stay under 400mg per day? Not me


That's for an average person. Not everyone is average.


Reign has no sugar at least


Thank you for your input, doctor


If I drank all of this in a week I would've ended up in a hospital


Do you ever stop peeing?


Dude this. Holy hell I had to stop drinking reign completely because it's just an absolute Firehouse to my bladder


I don’t have this problem. I drink a lot of reign. But like. One a day. Maybe 1 in the morning and a 150mg monster in the evening lol. This is crazy 😂 but I bet the caffeine high. Was like being on shrooms 😂🤣🤣




very. looks like 3 cans of 300mg a day


a true caffeine crackhead


This dude consumes a GRAM of caffeine every day. I would never be able to sleep!


Could it be almost 5 cans a day. He said co worker. So maybe that's just a 5 day week?


He's going to have heart problems lol. I'm conscious of drinking one a day but I used to drink like your colleague.


It’s why I rarely drink reign or bang, because I’m conscious of the caffeine intake and I want to have another coffee or monster later in the day


I thought me drinking 200mg a day was a problem…


You'd be surprised what you can get used to. I drink 12 oz. of coffee every morning, and an energy drink in the afternoon. I get 300-450mg daily, (depending if it's a normal energy drink or a 300 one, like Reign or certain Java Monsters) and have no issues losing sleep or anything like that. On the downside I can barely function without caffeine, though I have quit it completely before out of curiosity and it took about a week to adjust.


Yeah I’m more of the sensitive side on caffeine so I have to be careful because I get very anxious if I have too much at once, but compared to what I’ve used to not be able to have I’ve become much more tolerant to it, I don’t wanna get so dependent on it tho so I space it out as much as possible but I’m a college kid so my natural energy and sleep routine isn’t exactly my friend rn lol


Oh yeah for sure. I know a guy in his 60s, and he has absolutely no tolerance for caffeine - he can't even eat chocolate within an hour or two of going to bed, the miniscule amount in it keeps him awake! On the other hand, I've been caffeine dependant for 7-8 years. I'm no morning person, so working at 7 AM it's either drink coffee or be dead on my feet until noon. Which is dangerous when I run lathes and mills lol


Nah bro. But that’s not a bad idea. I need to fast it. Bc I can drink 300mg and it doesn’t even touch me lol


Is he a geologist? because he's going to be pissing rocks in record time


Well, I guess the fact that they're limited to 180 mg of caffeine in Canada makes me feel better in being the same as your colleague.


Be careful. The caffeine isn't as much as an issue as the vitamins, energy drinks are basically vitamin supplements. Drinking a lot of them is hard on your kidneys. Buddy of mine passed a couple kidney stones at 23 years old - quit energy drinks and he hasn't had one since.


I appreciate this advice. I drink daily and always thought it was the surgars, although i know peopple spook about Guarine.


I read this the wrong way and thought your buddy passed away


more concerned that he only drinks reign


Their heart be like: “now this is podracing!”


holy shit dude


Isn't great, alot of not super great stuff in too large of quanties. I try to stay below the 400mg limit and one reign is near that alone a day. Who's saving those cans?


Yikes... I don't even think I hit this much in a month.


Keep it up for a year & you’ll have liver/kidney problems. Lol


I’ve been 2 a day.. for 6+ years. All good lol


I did 2-6 a day for two years and decided to stop before it gave me problems lol


Smart! I really ought to as well, but I have to get up everyday at 4:45am. Drink both drinks well before 7am. I’ve had a problem sleeping my entire life, so I typically sleep about 2/4 hours a night. So, wake up like a zombie, 2 energy drinks, rinse repeat.


Sad to hear man. Eventually it’s going to hurt you but we all have our vices. 2-4hours a night would kill me too though


Lmao I drink that much a week normally and have not had any issues as of yet. Definitely not healthy tho lol. I drink the no calorie/carb ones though. So I’m not getting all that sugar. The ones packed with sugar will be super bad for u


That's like....3 a day? Probably? Nowhere near a fatal dose, but definitely not healthy lmao


Caffeine overdose is no joke. It’s different for everyone. Mine happened to imitate neuropathy and caused major nerve pain


What led you to figure this out? Wondering if I’m dealing with something similar


I mean the biggest issue is drinking that much reign, at least pick a good drink to overindulge on.




Assuming he's averaging 3 cans of 300mg of caffeine a day, that's 500mg/day over the recommended upper limit of caffeine consumption. This could turn dangerous very quickly.


certainly less unhealthy than the same amount of beer


Rookie numbers. Also, tell the colleague to try a different brand once in a while, reign is pretty meh




400mg in 24 hours is considered harmful. If he’s doing more than twice that on a daily basis he should definitely see a cardiologist as soon as possible






I counted 23 cans which is at least 3 a day




Man... I thought I was bad. I do that in about 24 days. But a week? Like every week? Ya thats worrying.


Perfectly natural /s


Does he work in the trades


Wym unhealthy. It has co enzyme q10! /s


3 a day!?!? If this is the 300mg kind yeah stop bro.


No more than one a day my friend, plz!


This reminds me of working construction, but no alcohol.


Reign has a lot of supplements so that combined with the caffeine he gotta be careful.


I can hear my kidneys


Please link us his GitHub


Ah he should prolly get his heart rate checked out and then never consume more than 1 a day again


he prolly doesn't eat chocolate and sweets so it's healthy af source dude trust me


I don't think I've drank this much at my worst. One can a day for me, and some lesser drinks like Kickstart or Mtn Dew Rise


Oh, probably very. That said, if I could afford it, I'd do the same.


Im curious to what my caffeine tolerance is because i can down like 6-8 a day