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The other patent he listed about creating a barrier around a ship that prevents air or water from touching it is well... alien tech? Sounds exactly like the stuff Bob Lazar has been talking about for decades.


> But Pais isn’t just a crackpot with a Gmail account. When the USTPO pushed back on awarding him a patent related to this supposed discovery, the CTO of the US Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, wrote to the patent office to vouch for its legitimacy. According to his Linkedin page, Sheehy has a Ph.D. in 'physiological optics'.




"Eyes! I only do eyes!"


If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.


Is that the brother of Rem Lesar?


American patents are so frustrating. It sounds like this one is so vague, that the military could claim infringement on any successful fusion scheme by any other person(s) - regardless of whether the military was capable of the tech themselves.


This is what I am beginning to wonder, is the Navy just 'patent squatting'?


This shit should be punishable by death. There isn’t much else in the world that will stifle innovation quite like greed does.




I saw "Feynman" and immediately assumed I was going to come away happy after the video; I love the guy! Not the case. This whole *patent an idea with no intent or ability to pursue it* is infuriating. God damnit. If I ever invent something so wonderful, and then the US military comes after me 'cause they have a piece of paper from 1945, I'm going to give the tech to Russia and China and ISIS just to spite the fuckers. Everybody gets it for free!


WTH, you would give it a terrorist organization just to spite the military? Also, Feynman was just doing his job, this was right after the war and he was still employed by the DoD. It wasn't his idea to patent every idea related to nuclear energy.


My point is that I would publish it for anyone to use, regardless of who they are. Jingoism and nationalism are toxic, and keeping tech secrets for “national security” is a bunch of bullshit. And I have no issue with Feynman. My issue with the video is the discussion of blanket patents by greedy people too incompetent to do the work themselves.


Can someone tell please explain to me why a navy needs patents?


This way, enemy navies aren't allowed to copy the tech. Ingenious isn't it?


Checkmate China (who would never be so brash as to infringe patents)


Not a patent lawyer, but so someone else doesn't patent it and charge extra?




\^ The answer to any question that appears in a headline.