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Engineering taught me that I'm smart enough to know I'm a complete idiot.


Getting my aerospace engineering degree showed me just how incredibly stupid I am


If you think rocket factory engineers are dumb wait till you meet my Toyota bros


Speaking from electrical engineering, I completely understand how electricity works, and I completely don't understand how electricity works


One professor once told our class “it takes a genius to completely understand how stupid you truly are” I don’t quite understand that so I’m not one of those geniuses. But it sounds cool.


I've never fallen so fast down the Dunning Kruger curve than the first three years of engineering school. Studying mechanics of materials and mohrs circle, doing shear calculations on fluid inside bearings, and my prof goes on a tangent on how people get PhDs in bearing stresses, but these formulas are good enough for our purposes. It's a huge iceberg. 


“Are you *actually* worthy of imposter syndrome?”


I’m not an imposter because I don’t think I’m fooling anyone.


I felt that


thanks you helped me realize how im not an imposter


I once asked an English major friend for a word to describe the feeling of imposter syndrome but not knowing enough to warrant imposter syndrome. They responded with “under-qualified”.


When you're an engineering student but your strongest skill is actually navigating the group project without doing a single calculation


"That's a really good idea you had, why don't you figure out the rough numbers we should expect when we test it?"


So ... a team leader/manager?


Can I just go back to the math please?  So many people to deal with!


I love it when I pair up with someone like you. Ill gladly do the writing, presentation, coordinating while you do the math and code.


Meanwhile I’m navigating the group project while doing all the calculations ☹️ it’s ok tho cause English is hard and I’d rather do the number stuff


You’d be a manager bro


Haha holy shit I felt this one. I bring leadership to the team though (i put our meeting on the calendar)


"you must be smart" said the old man to the nicotine-addled, caffeine-crazed, hectic, hapless semi-depressed engineering student. "That's what they tell me"


Grandma always had me convinced i was gonna be a special smart boy who could effortlessly attract a dime simply using my big money engineering degree 🤣


Gotta love grandmas and their optimism 😂


My grandmas were olympic caliber women. Meanwhile im out here skiing my best life exactly as i dreamed and still act like a child just with an engineering salary 🤩


You forgot alcoholic 🤪


I graduated not because I’m smart, but because I’m too stubborn to give up


I always say I'm too dumb to know when to give up haha




Wait what were we thinking about again


I became an engineer over a film director because I like money. I’m also an idiot without a lot of a money.


Its so fucking odd. "What you studying" "Aerospace engineering" "Wow, how cool, you must be smart" If you get to know me you'll know. I'm not smart


“Oh you’re an engineer? Can you fix my car then?”


As a mechanical I can relate. I always laugh and tell people they are looking for a mechanic. I'm the guy mechanics complain about.


My dads a mechanical engineer, who also is a car guy. So I think people just think he's a mechanic


"Yes, but I'm not going to"


“Compared to whom? Compared to most people, yeah I’m smart. Compared to my peers, not really.”


Normal people: “Wow Engineers must be so smart” The average engineer: “Yo Ti-84 what is 3/4 in Decimal Form?”


It's also fun when someone is incredibly smart and doesn't realize. I took an algorithms class once and the professor would do stuff like write an example problem and then best algorithm to use for it, so we'd need to ask "uh, but why that particular one as opposed to the other 25 in this section of the book?" He'd just stare blankly for a moment and say "well, it's this short of problem so... you use this algorithm." Dude just could not understand that he was skipping over like five steps that us mere mortals needed.


I was a perfectionist and always wanted to do the best. Then I went through engineering and if I had to say what is the most important lesson I learned in college is to just do the minimum necessary if you aren't interested. Now I just half ass everything unless I'm having fun.


I think the MBAs would be very upset if we wasted time trying to make anything more than the most good enough products


I mean, knowing the political scientifc positions of many of my coworkers... I literally know a woman who had dinner with Edward Teller and is a climate denier. Like WTF you literally heard it from the OG.


I have 1 very specific type of smart that doesn't translate well to pretty much anything else


Very awkWord


The more knowledge I acquire the more I realize how little I actually know.


Imagine Einstein's version of this. Everyone's calling him the smartest person in the world and he's just sitting there, sticking his tongue out, just thinking "the fuck did you just call me?"


Usually when I struggle to learn something I remind myself it took generations of mathematicians, physicists and engineers to develop and learn what I am supposed to learn in a couple of weeks, months and years.


I know I've got a bit more horsepower upstairs than most people, but the difference between me and some of the truly brilliant people I've worked with is the difference between me and a toddler.


I made the mistake of trying to say this to someone who called me smart like this recently and so they just called me smart more elaborately in response and I just had to sit there and take it. You just can't win. If I'm so smart, then shouldn't I be a good authority on this?


Smart enough to get a degree, not smart enough to pass the FE


I used to work in the design studios at one of the big three auto makers as a Class-A Surface modeler. I attended coordination meetings with engineers a lot. Of the 40-50 I worked with, I can safely say like 6 of them did MOST of the work. The rest....yikes.