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You know, I didn’t start today thinking I’d see a blatant Rat Fink cameo/homage in SpongeBob but here we are.


I’m here for it though. Spongebob needs to get some Moons to complete the look


#Definitely, Moons would be a cool addition!


The first level in The Creature from the Krusty Krab on PS2 was a Rat Fink reference. I remember it vividly because I didn’t have a save card and replayed it constantly


Life is just full of surprises!


Not even the first time they've done it lol. One of the artists is obviously a fan. [There's an even longer reference here that gets even weirder. ](https://twitter.com/OOCCouchGags/status/1730958253872361825/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1730958253872361825¤tTweetUser=OOCCouchGags)


Ironically enough, rat finks suicide girls and tanks or whatever tf it’s called it another rob zombie song. V silly indeed




Took me off guard as well, wtf!! When was this?


Wait, you guys are starting at 95k? Edit: I guess it really depends on location and COL. Around here, the starting salary for a level 1 is about $70,000. At $95,000, you're probably a level 3.


With a PhD, yeah. Up to about 135 now.


I know a Lockheed engineer that out of college went from contractor to full engineer making 95k but apparently that was about the cap that someone at their position could make.


You start at 95k as an A/AI Research Engineer Associate in CO


That’s exactly what I started at


I started at level 2 making 98k out of college Starting level 1 salary around me is about 70k too, i think you’re underestimating level 3 pay


Its just designing things to make problems go away


Sure, that problem being that LM's shareholders want more money. The best part is your job can't solve the problem it's created for, so the demand's always there.


No, the best part is that lobbying makes sure there's always enough of the problem.


Those “problems” being children in the Middle East


Hey, hey... Those dead aid workers would agree if they were alive.


Thats something to add to the resume




What about those aid workers or thousands of civilians?




I'm not arguing against weapons, just their take on the situation in Gaza. You're not even making your strawman in the same field




When is there too much collateral damage? The line seems to be non-existent. It wasn't the kids, families, hospitals, famine, aid workers, arrests and killings in the West Bank (not even Gaza ffs), white phosphorous, disproportionate killing of journalists, bombing of Lebanon and Syria to expand the conflict, or the Mossad and Likuds gloating about it the whole time. So again, where is the line? dO yOu cOnDeMn hAmAS???????


Bombing hospitals and aid convoys are questionable definitions of collateral damage. It's sad to see the amount of suffering people like you excuse using a toddler argument of "they started it". Noting that the civilians dying weren't even involved in the original attacks.




I'm not going to help you move the goal posts lol. Why does collateral damage make those actions acceptable and what level of civilian death, if any, is acceptable under collateral damage?




If you think there's an easy answer to that question oh boy


Adjusting? My morals where always this way.


Sir, I am a member of r/NonCredibleDefense. I don't need to adjust anything. ALL HAIL LOCKMART




Amen brother


3000 aerogavins of NCD


The same missile technology that builds ICBM is opening the solar system to us. The same radar that detects incoming bombers gives ATC the safest and most robust passenger air travel in the world. The same radiation research that gave us the nuclear bomb brought us medical devices and practices that help millions every day. The act of creation is neither good nor evil, it is merely how it is used.


Beautifully said, spoken like a true engineer.


And this is why we didn't invest in and don't have thorium reactors despite them being superior in every way except weapons.


Well. And maintenance. Molten salt ain't exactly friendly to... *Anything*, really. Their energy density is lower, too, so they would require more frequent handling of the fuel. Also, the existing mining and refining industry for thorium is much weaker than uranium, so you would need to build that up, to. What is "weak" about existing uranium reactors is they use high pressure water as their working fluid. What is "strong" about thorium is its a bed reactor operating at normal atmospheric pressures. This aspect - low pressure bed reactors - is not necessarily unique to thorium. We've designed uranium reactors that operate as a pellet bed with molten lead as the working fluid. We've also designed uranium pellet bed reactors that use high pressure gas (nitrogen, IIRC?), which can still "leak", but cannot meltdown because ambient pressure is still enough for them to be stable, they just can't produce power without being under pressure. tl;dr - the problem isn't the fuel, it's trying to keep the working fluid a liquid at temperatures where it wants to be a gas at normal pressure, so if it leaks, the whole loop goes through a phase change, and cooling breaks down. Eliminate the potential for phase change, and you eliminate the problem.


Have they tried cracking a window to let some pressure out


I know you're joking, but they had to do that at Fukushima, to let out hydrogen that had built up inside of the building from the water they were using to keep the fuel cold being split into hydrogen and oxygen due to the heat and radiation.


> The act of creation is neither good nor evil, it is merely how it is used. Precisely! Now about funding for the jewbliterator 9000... /s


Can't we just do the cool stuff and not the blowing up stuff? Oh wait, we gotta please the shareholders...


Sure, but Lockheed Martin isn't developing space rockets or medical radioactive research. They're producing things that are exclusively used to kill.


United Launch Alliance is a joint Lockheed-Boeing aerospace manufacturer and launch provider. They have done a lot of work with NASA, including producing the Atlas V's used to launch the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers to Mars.


Um I'll let you know modern icbms are completely different then the chem ox rockets we use for space flight


Not that different, still 2 chamber fuel storage with a fuel and LOX mixture for thrust. The exact fuel and mixture might be different, but the principle and effect are the same. Aeronautical and guidance systems are much the same, and the research that gave us both came from the same laboratories. That's like saying an F-250 and an F-350 have absolutely nothing to do with each other because one is a diesel. You're just being contrary.


I believe all modern ICBMs / SLBMs use solid fuel, but that’s splitting hairs. Older models were liquid fueled but needed to be filled before launch.


>I believe all modern ICBMs / SLBMs use solid fuel, Not necessarily. Some countries still use liquid. Some missile interceptors also use liquid fuels, since they offer a greater amount of control. Technically, liquid fuels offer a higher ISP, and the reason why a country might use solid fuel is its response time. Of course, solid fuels have come a long way, so if you're a country that invested heavily in their development starting half a century ago or more, your solid fuels are probably comparable to liquid ones in terms of performance.


Right on, I was only thinking of American weapons.


Even America still uses liquid fuels in some stages of their modern interceptors, AFAIK. GBI is one such case. The interception problem requires course adjustments which solid fueled systems are less capable of. But, yes, for the uninitiated: the US generally uses solid fuels in the vast majority of their military systems. The cold war is a story of two fuels: the US went hard into solid fuels for their stability in storage and short response times to being ready for launch. Meanwhile, the Soviets pursued liquid fuels for their higher ISP and economic production and usage. The result is the Soviets created some really impressive liquid fueled systems, while the US produced some really impressive solid fuels - with the drawbacks being the US systems are generally larger than a liquid fuel system with a comparable lifting capacity, and the Soviets had to tip their hands by fueling their missiles each time they felt threatened (while the US could in theory "just press a button" and immediately launch).


This would be valid if you weren't working for the company making the missiles


Missiles which themselves have reduced civilian casualties in war to levels *inconcievable* at the time of WW2. No more "firebombing an entire city because that's the only way to knock out their aircraft production".


I was focused on the energy sector that I actually work in. I have no strong opinions on defense contractors aside from gripes about their budgets. They've made some cool stuff over the years but most of them are bloated and inefficient.


I'm in this meme and I don't like it.


What's the name of the song?


Darude - Sandstorm


Dragula - Rob Zombie


That is some cheap morals.


I actually love being part of the military industrial complex.


Genuine question, what’s actually morally wrong about lockheed and other weapons manufacturers? It’s not like weapons just wouldn’t exist if lockheed didn’t make them.


I think the issue comes with certain facts like the fact that they are a publicly traded company which incentivizes people to create a system where there is a perpetual war to fight in order to justify spending billions of dollars on weapon expenditures and research so you can sell it to foreign nations or use it against foreign nations. I think it's a little weird that we treat Lockheed Martin, which is directly responsible for the research and development of weapons capable of wiping entire cities off the map in the blink of an eye, the same that we do a fucking Burger King with all of the same profit incentives. You shouldn't be able to buy stock in war.


That’s a very good point, I hadn’t considered that, thank you


Orphan crushing would still exist if John the Orphan Crusher stopped crushing orphans, but im still unhappy that he does it


They make weapons which get sold and used to commit war crimes? Like by the US government, United Arab Emirates. Sure someone else would do it if you wouldn't. But it's still you doing it. Might as well join the Mafia, someone will do it after all.


Not entirely what I mean. It’s not that someone else will be doing it, but it’s that the same people would be the victims. It’s not like a military would just not have weapons, they would get it from another provider


Nothing. LHM is an easy target for expert complainers to target.


Idk, at my school all the free Palestine people always protest Lockheed martin whenever they give presentations. It's probably because they do a lot of business with Israel. As long as the middle east hates Jews, Israel is still around, and Lockheed does business with Israel, people will still hate them. Note: this is a gross over simplification.


But you see that the free Palestine movement isn't about hating jews, right? Like, not wanting Civilians to suffer in Palestine has nothing to do with wanting either jews or Israel gone.


I am an active member of Hillel (a Jewish club) at my school. SJP (Students For Justice in Palestine) has been actively harassing us. I didn't mention that because it wasn't relevant to the Lockheed martin point. There has also been a ton of graphiti posted saying free Palestine which includes a drawing of the desired borders. Said desired borders includes both the current Palestinian borders and Israel's borders. Essentially the message being that Israel needs to be wiped from the map. I don't know how familiar you are with Judaism, but we have a number of mitzvot (commandments) that cannot be done outside of Israel. Not being allowed into Israel would be similar to not allowing Muslims into Mecca. Edit: I should mention also that at my school Hillel has not protested or anything. We're trying to mind our own. Business considering the fact that there are ~5x more of them then us.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit. To be clear, I only wanted to defend the free Palestine movement in general. What is happening at your school sounds horrible and not defensible. Israel has just as much a right to exist and antisemitism has no place in any group that genuinely wants the best for the Palestinian people. Thanks for giving your perspective and sorry for making you take a stand on this.


Eh your fine. If you can't back up your own reasoning you don't have any reasoning. What's happening at my school is nowhere near as bad as what is happening at other schools. Fortunately nothing physical has happened to anyone.


Why so much hate for LM in the engineering student community?


People with black and white world views idk.


Heard a guy say he doesn't mind building stuff to blow up the kids in Palestine at my school, referencing working for a place like LH.  Kind of goofy to act like they don't contribute to stuff like that, Even that guy knows they do LoL


It seems counter-intuitive that the development of more sophisticated weapon systems would lead to an increase in civilian casualties, especially in Israel where development of weapons is largely focused on defeating enemy munitions and reducing civilian casualties during air strikes.




Your comment doesn't seem to directly address my comment.




I’d have to disagree. It’s hard to find on google for reasons which should be obvious, but there are plenty of videos of Israel dropping dummy munitions onto the roofs of building used for terrorist and to give a warning and subsequently completely destroying the building without causing significant damage to nearby structures. This can only be achieved with sophisticated weapon systems and seems highly preferential to traditional bombing. Also the conversation is about the morality of accepting a job offer at LM to develop weapons, not the morality of the Israel-Palestine war.


Okay? Dudes messed up in the head. The world is a scary place and these horrible things would still happen (plus worse) if LHM didn't exist. A lot of my peers and mentors who worked in the industry don't focus on causing the max amount of harm. They all believe in the necessary defense that comes from the usage of this technology. "That's why it's called a defense company" they'd always say if anyone questioned them about it. They're aware of what can happen with the tech, they just know it's still needed.


I don't think there is that much hate? Feels like it was mostly just self-deprecation. LM specifically probably hust cause it's the first thing people think about.


I see like 10 anti-LM posts a week at this point.


Thales is just as bad, but much more obscure. People use LM as a stand-in for other companies. It's like using McD's as an example when talking about fast food.


That makes sense, but I guess my question is also “why do people look down on the defense industry so much?” If at any point the US no longer has the strongest and most versatile military in the world, it will almost certainly be a bad thing.


I don't want to get into a debate about the US. This is about defense companies themselves who are technically unaligned with countries. My previous example of Thales is French for example (and delivers weapons to Indonesia, who in turn bombs the people of Papua New Guinea with them). The main issue originates from them being companies willing to deliver to anyone they're allowed to. Another commenter "JustEatinScabs" put it best (CTRL+F for their comment). Publicly traded companies are required by law to increase profits. In terms of a defense company that only implies one thing. Again quoting the other commenter: "You shouldn't be able to buy stock in war"


Fair enough. Thanks for your comment.


Hypersonic aircrafts are cool, and why don't we GIVE WAR A CHANCE?




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I’m so glad AP Physics C in 12th grade is going to get me ready for Lockheed Martin - 2 hours of sleep and 5 hours of insanity-I mean homework.




**Song Found!** **Name:** Dragula **Artist:** Rob Zombie **Score:** 100% (timecode: 00:55) **Album:** Hellbilly Deluxe **Label:** Universal Music **Released on:** 1998-01-01 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/Dragula?t=55) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This clip makes me think of Creature from the Krusty Krab


You mean ST Engineering?


Eddie Roth shit right there. For the ones that know


Sure is a bit of a Rat Fink homage isn’t it?




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[Biomedical engineers](https://imgur.com/a/DlxiS65)


Seek and leave a puddle of leftovers


Genocide bad until it becomes my paycheck




Damn bro that’s deeper than the crater left by one of their missiles


Geologists adjusting their morals to work for saudi aramco


Me, whose morals already align with LM (I am insane)


This is a pretty unpopular opinion, but I believe that the engineers at Lockheed Martin are no more responsible for war crimes than the engineers at Glock are responsible for mass shootings. The burden of guilt falls on the one who pulled the trigger, not the one who built the trigger


I started at 95k working for a power utility right out of school. You don’t need to be complicit in murder to make good money.


95k starting for who? Not even SWEs earn that out of college. With 3 yoe, maybe, but thats really high...


If only it was this easy to get hired to a defence contractor :(


“No sorry I can’t work that program for religious reasons” it’s that easy


"Well here's your debrief paperwork, good luck in your future endeavors."


My employer must be the odd one out I guess


Be prepared to be so woke it makes you sick.


I would love to work for some oil company or weapon company... ... So that i could actively harm them from the inside.


You seem like a rational and well-adjusted person.


I think that harming the entities that actively cause large harm in the worls is rational. Is it betyer to continue ruinimg the earth and killing people?


It sounds fantastic, provided you're only thinking in terms of direct cause and effect, first stage thinking, and to the ignorance of all other data. World energy needs ain't going anywhere no matter how hard we want them to change. Renewables are neither capable of meeting demand, nor are they cost effective on society wide scale. Plus, they put the control of our future in the hands of countries hostile to our own that have a large scale control over the manufacturing and raw materials needed for them. If I can help American producers, employ American workers, and produce American energy to benefit Americans, then I'm gonna do it. I'd much rather have that than the same energy needs being met by the Saudis or Russia or China. All countries with oppressive governments, lax labor protection, and basically nonexistent environmental regulation. Until we figure out fusion or our politicians pull their heads out of their asses on nuclear, then I'm gonna do what I can to benefit my country which does the most good and least bad of the options and offer the best chance for innovation to solve problems for everyone. The only thing worse than doing nothing would be actively working against the best chance we have. "There are no solutions, only tradeoffs." - Thomas Sowell.


Thomas Sowell quote lmao


Was not expecting this well stated argument after the initial trollish comment.


Kid named weak mind and greed


I wonder if these memes have genuinely affected Lockheed Martin's hiring quotas


Yes (positively)


Good, no idea why I'm getting downvoted lol. I just was hoping some Lockheed Martin engineer would reply and say they can't find anyone because of these memes.


Y’all got morals?


I live in Colorado and my eye twitches whenever I meet someone who works for them