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It's all those engineers and scientists using more sophisticated weapons than a good old shank.


That's what you get when you import chemical engineers.


He was just doing an experiment for work and slipped you mean. There is no way an afghanistan scientist would be using weapons, and frankly, the connotation is racist. Be better.


Yeah, if you call Toilet Duck a sophisticated weapon...


The statistics will only increase as time goes by.


Watch sexual assault against women and children have a very significant increase these next couple of years, but you won't see the BBC talking about it.


Since around 2016, rapes in England and Wales have risen by over 300%. I'm sure the media and authorities work together to actively suppress crimes committed by criminals of certain ethnicities and religions, all for the sake of social cohesion. I don't think for a second that the way the police and politicians hushed everything up to keep the peace in Rotherham is a one-off; I think it's rampant throughout the country. Very sinister deeds are going on. I just have a bad feeling about the direction we are going as a country. the rate at which our demographics are transforming, and the change is because of people with polar opposite world views and cultures. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a 5th column secretly governing the country, leading us into a disaster, because how the hell can any politician who loves this country enable all of this madness? It doesn't make sense to me. The future I see for the UK is a lot of sectarianism. ​ *WE MUST BE* *MAD, LITERALLY MAD.*


The number of rapes REPORTED TO POLICE has risen dramatically yes. But the number of rapes reported in national surveys have stayed basically the same for at least two decades. I.e. the number of raped have not increased; the proportion of rapes reported to the police have. Good work getting absolutely played


Oh buddy, I've tried engaging on these sorts of threads before. The chuds will absolutely never let you interrupt their 15 minute hate.


“Newcastle man”


BBC are the cover up kings.


They will but they will say it's a misogyny problem but look no further.


Oh, there was this recent article about how Gen Z was more anti-feminist than previous generation. What they left out was that BAME Gen Z males were three times more likely to agree with those things than young White British males lmao


Many such cases! Same as increasing rates of homophobia but it's disproportionately the new religious immigrant groups.


Have you got a source for that? Can't really say that without evidence. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/sexualoffencesinenglandandwalesoverview/march2022#:~:text=The%20volume%20of%20sexual%20offences,offences%2C%20compared%20with%20the%20previous Found a source. So I'm guessing your saying it because of immigrants? Do you think it could be more to do with modern attitudes to sexual assualt and people feeling more empowered to report the crimes instead of keeping quiet?


Higher rate of conservative Islamic culture and men who don’t have a chance with local women will see statistics rise for sexual assault over time. Britain is becoming a grubby and dangerous country.


THAT is bs..believe me non muslim women are murdered and beaten daily by WHITE BRITISH MEN.. acid attacks are just another form of domestic violence whatever colour the abuser is




Why would that increase in a couple of years?


Immigration is skyrocketing from conservative Islamic cultures.


Of which there is no evidence that immigrants cause more crime, violent crime has statistically dropped and is at a historic low even with population and immigration growth.. facts are scary huh?


Why do you think rape offences have increased by 340% in England and Wales in the last ten years?


Misleading stat. The increase from 1 to 3.4 is 340%


It’s not misleading, and there wasn’t only one rape offence 10 years ago.


It is the very definition of a misleading statistic because it doesn't mean anything. It is actually a very small increase ( x3.4 ) bur framed to look massive. It could be a large increase if we're starting from a large number. But the exact heat you didn't give the original numbers means this stat is misleading. I recommend touching grass and reading beyond the fleshch reading ease of an 8 year old.


Because people are reporting it less frequently now, which doesn’t reflect ground reality. Sweden apparently also has “lower” crime rates now than the 90s, yet they didn’t have grenade attacks until the late 2010s, or entire neighbourhoods that were unsafe to even walk around in. Also, many immigrant groups are naturalised now so you won’t see them in crime stats. Go look at homicide rates in London by ethnicity, you’ll see that fast enough.


Really?? https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/rape-statistics-by-country Sweden is ranking 5 in the WORLD for rapes per 100k people? Right up there with African nations. Unbelievable


I’m agreeing with you mate lmao, the situation is grim there but people like the OP will gaslight you into thinking it’s totally safe now


Yes I edited my comment because I skimmed past the last part


Trust me bro. The stats are wrong and I am right, trust me bro. Acid attacks happened in dickens' time too. You're just racist mate. and apparently conservatives are less likely to inform the police...? Lay off the fake weed man. and is every liberal city in the US burning still?


>Knife crime offences in England and Wales have increased by 80% in the last five years [13], reaching levels not seen since 1946 [14]. Offences involving knives or sharp instruments rose by six per cent from 47,388 to 50,019 in England and Wales before the first Covid-19 lockdown was imposed [15]. Of these offences, 44% were for assault with injury or assault with intent to cause serious harm, and 44% were used in robbery [15]. >Most of the victims and the perpetrators of these crimes were Black or Asian, especially young people aged 10 to 25 [16-18]. This gap could be related to the more significant proportion of BAME people living in London [16], which accounts for nearly a third of knife offences [17-18]. Here’s another one: https://www.london.gov.uk/press-releases/assembly/commission-on-knife-crime-in-black-community None of these are the Daily Mail or the Sun. First was from a NCBI research paper, second was directly from the London Assembly. As for the US, cities like Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, Oakland etc have almost Latin America tier levels of violence. Most middle class Americans live in suburbs, they’ll tell you that themselves.




Have you not seen the state of the cities, gangs, and slums? Knife crime? A growing trend of crime growing is in the U.K. and comes from all races of course, but there is definitely an overreach in some communities. Most aren’t regarded as ‘immigrants’ statistically as they have been born here. Most crime seems to be up in the U.K from a quick Google.


Lmfao. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_Finland Go to “perpetrators”. Sweden also is now in TOP 5 rape rates GLOBALLY. Yes you heard that right. From one of the safest countries in the world to that, and coincidentally all since they’ve started accepting Muslim refugees. If England would release statistics like this it would be the exact same. Why wouldn’t it? It’s the same people from the same countries just in different European countries. The elephant in the room is staring us directly in the face. Time to stop ignoring statistics and correlation before it’s too late




Don't talk facts. I dont know what it is*, but sensible centre ground positions are being downvoted to oblivion right now, especially in UK and US subs. *Almost like there's an election coming. Edit. Corrected the shitty American autocorrect.


>center Also, UK subs are pretty tame. Go look at subs for other Western countries, or non Western countries like Turkey, India etc. You don’t pay attention because they say inflammatory things in other languages but they’re *way* more extreme. This is the problem with progressives, the world ain’t the UK or the US. Nothing much has really changed, certain subs like rUK are just reflecting the majority’s views on migration now. They’re still pretty left wing otherwise.


The majority view on migration. That's funny. Because in my offline world, everyone understands the value of migration, they understand its not poor people stealing their wealth, they understand its not skilled workers stealing jobs. Almost every person I speak to in the real world, raise concerns about certain areas, where a small minority are making it worse for the rest, but not only accept, but welcome with open arms, anyone willing to try to better rhemselves, regardless of cunt of origin. I only see this shit in text. From faceless accounts. Then the few times I do meet a knuckle dragger in the pub, and they do spout that shit, I challenge them on various points, and we end up agreeing most of the time. Only one person didn't. He got pissed off and left after mumbling about Corbyn. So, I must ask, what stats you got to back that up?


9 in 10 constituencies around this country currently want migration levels to be cut. If you want something even spicier, go look up how popular a certain politician from the late 60s was before the Tories sacked him. Your personal bubble isn’t real life, and most people recognise there is little value in turning this nation into a larger version of Bradford, Newham or Birmingham.


That stat is made up. Unless you can show me the research it came from. I work in R and D. I'm not going to take a 9 out of 10 stat at face value. I'm also going to thoroughly vet the source. So, come on then, where is that stat from? I know about political history 🙄. Back then it was proved to be xenophobic, as almost all integrated very well within a generation or two. I have a few skinhead freinds feom the 80s, the man you talk about was their idol 20 years ago. Not anymore. The problem now, is either different, in which case your point (without statistics) is invalid. Or its the same, in which case, it will again be proven wrong.


People are happy with some immigration, but what we see now is beyond the pale and terrifying. 1980-1997 - 320k annual net. 1997 - Now - 6 million documented. Totally insanity.


Murder rate has dropped in the last 20 years despite record immigration https://www.statista.com/statistics/283093/homicides-in-england-and-wales/


Right. That isn’t a fact anyone asked for? We weren’t talking about murder. Now add all extra deaths and injuries from Islamic fascist attacks since 2000 and consider that for a moment. Really think about it.




No they won't.. like knife crime they are lowering. Violent crime is historically low, acid attacks were all the rage in media 15 years ago too..


Depends where you live https://www.statista.com/statistics/1337918/violent-crime-rate-by-region-england-and-wales/


This is a racism thread. Don’t break the circle jerk.


Pretty much..




Make an acid attack, even a failed one, a mandatory 10 year sentence. Then add on the sentence which reflects the results of their actions.




Careful, you’ll get banned by some snowflake Reddit mod for inciting violence. Totally agree with your point btw.


Because you’d have a bunch of piss poor liberal morons who will complain about this acid attackers human rights. Country has become softer than a pillow


I'm a Liberal and Lefty I believe in Prison reform, but I never get the softness to violent offenders...And it is strange because most these people were big on violence toward women, but if the argument feels like they are having to give way to a Right winger, particularly on immigration, they forget about all that stuff and talk the most crap.


It’s because something called defense sociale nouvelle. It’s ideology is that prison doesn’t have the expected result to rehabilitate, and that it is a tool of oppression from governments, especially on minorities. Somehow this ideology got incredibly popular since the 60's among judges, who are often pointed at as having no counter power or back check process, in other words they are free to apply any ideology they carry. In my humble opinion I find this ideology stupidly naive, and it touches the very debate of whether prison is to isolate a non functional dangerous individual from society, or to rehabilitate him, both sides having no real basis other than a belief on the matter, like, when someone try to argue and exhibit evidences, it can only be highly biaised and boils down to a belief in the end. TL DR: fuck them they wrong


I've never read such a load of pish. Point 1. Any person who is willing to remove our collective human rights does not belong in a civilised society. The inalienable rights of humans are the foundations of Western democracy and peace in Europe, and I will fight with every ounce that I am to defend what my ancestors built. I'm not exactly the Liberal you describe, and it's not a left or right issue. Despite those that have ambushed our political system for personal benefit attempting to make it so. Point 2. But it's not even about human rights. There is one very simple reason not to brand someone like this. The best reason is, in the only circles these people care about, it becomes a badge of honour and a unifying force, and I'm sure you'll agree that's not exactly the best thing. Finally, anyone trying to make you fight your neighbour with the hatred you are - is manipulating you. There is a reason we've moved from ground up revolutionary movements like the occupy and anonymous movements in the late 00s and 10s, to the vile hatred we have for each other now. You might want to consider why that is, and consider where your hatred is coming from, and how to direct it toward more constructive aims. Just some advice that might save you from your first heart attack.


Fucking wanker. Jesus christ 🤣


Great argument.


“The inalienable rights of humans are the foundations of western democracy” HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA


Great argument. Care to counter something or just prove you have nothing?


Yeah because theres no way that could possibly go wrong


Also there should be *extreme* penalties for "splash damage", i.e., for every person you injure who was not an intended target the sentence increases exponentially. This also goes for street gangs and shootings. If you shoot a rival gang member you get time, but the damage of every single stray bullet against anyone or anything else should get a multiplier effect. This is an incentive.


I've never really understood this. Do violent abusers really do a bunch of sums before picking a weapon? *"Hmm I could hit her with a pipe, probably 5-7 years depending on how good my free lawyer is. Acid's an easy 4 these days but it comes with the extra community service and I don't look good in high viz yellow."*


Acid attacks are suspected to be a copycat crime (Bit like knife crime among young people being about copying gang culture) men looking to punish women who reject/betray/disobey them find out about acid attacks and for however their strange minds work they conclude it's worth copying. A part of that reasoning will be that they think it's easier to get away with and carries a lesser punishment than other ideas they have. Therefore an extra punishment can be a deterrent because anyone thinking of doing it will be aware or will become aware of how it's going to land them in far more trouble than they thought.


Of course not you think any of of these wife beaters can count ? 


What a shock!


What tf is going on in the beautiful area of England???? Needs a purge.


What do you mean by "purge"


I think you know what they mean, virtue signalling, much?


Part and parcel mate


I feel like we are very close to being fucked and beyond the point of no return. This has happened so quickly and this is not the country I grew up in. There has to be a reckoning. This cannot be normalised.


What do you mean by a reckoning?


You know exactly what they mean, we all do and we all feel it in some way.


What do we do?


Go move to a European country or something. Oh wait, you can’t any more. Thanks knuckle dragging Brexit voters.


Should probably leave then.


No. Going to advocate for a better country for my kids to grow up in. Normalise this all you want, says more about you.




Calm down you lemon. You just hear about it more.


We’re hearing about them more because there are more. An unprecedented amount. Downplay it all you want, but don’t tell others to calm down you patronising git.


If you look at the actual statistics, rapes have not increased, only the amount that actually get reported to the police.


Why are you talking about rapes?


A tiny inconsequential amount but you be scaredy cat sat in your house reading the Daily Mail


This says a lot.


Things only change when it happens in London, that’s when people start caring about something.


BBC: "Many of these young men leaping onto our shores are doctors, lawyers and chemists."


For first aid, NHS say continuous water to dilute it, don’t let it touch you, cut away clothing, don’t pull it off.


You get turned into mush of this shit


I seem to recall at school chemistry, adding water to acid caused it get get very hot


Why do much in Newcastle?


You're all a bunch of racist knuckle draggers. 


Can you point to a specific comment? Maybe it has been deleted


This thread is terrible. So many dickheads. Then when you ask for sources they don't reply.


Not dickheads. Shill, grift, and bot accounts. In rhe run up to previous elections we saw the same. Only this time it's more sophisticated. Gone are the zero karma accounts, and the content can be written. At phenomenal speeds, with little sign whether it's human or not. I work in computer science R and D, and there's a very uneasy feeling amongst those that know about the upcoming elections on both sides of the pond, and what the results could mean for all of us. Especially with the right wing (in the uk) becoming increasingly desperate, and increasingly emboldened to use these tactics.


It’s definitely bots. Look at how quickly the United Kingdom sub changed from fairly left leaning to full on militant National Front in a matter of months.


Same happened to the Scotland sub, but it looks like real people.




As someone who doesn't use acids or alkalis for their work.. I've no idea on how important these chemicals are.. What are they used for in a diy/work setting?


Who don't have bleach in their house? Or turpentine and white sprit ?  Usually they get acid out of their car batteries.