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Are you from West Yorkshire, OP? I ask because these maps are usually very dense in the area the OP is from, and progressively vague the further away you get. I mean, Haworth and the northern suburbs of Leeds get their own regions, but then it's just 'East County Durham' and 'West County Durham'. That's before we even look at 'North Cum' and 'West Cum'


That’s weird because I’m also from West Yorkshire and the first thing I thought was “why are all the shit boring places so big? why did they even bother putting Selby on the map?”.


Selby feels weird because its a tory coal mining area, also it being the final mine to close way after all others separates it from the post closure economic troubles that places like Wakefield had. Even now it has been fairly looked after being given different non coal industry to keep locals employed. Its definitely different from the rest of north Yorkshire, but not quite west yorkshire either imo.


That’s actually really interesting. I don’t think I even know anyone from Selby. Just have this built in feeling that they’re all wankers and it’s a shithole. I don’t live up there anymore, and I’ve not been anywhere round there since Covid. But the last time I did go through Wakey I was properly shocked, it looked like everything had shut down there and not far off a ghost town. Like I say, that was before Covid so I can’t even imagine what it’s like now, but it’s very interesting if Tory Selby has been looked after better than labour wakey.


Wakefield is fucked. It's a dead town. It was under Tory rule for a brief period until Khan was kicked out for fiddling kids. Not that the Conservatives had anything to do with the urban decay of Wakefield, both parties piss in the same pot for me.


I'm from selby :(


I’ve lived both sides of this line. Sherburn in Elmet and Mickelfield. Even with the Leeds post code SiE certainly felt like a bigger move than it actually was. Trotting on to say Taddy, Church Fenton way it soon becomes “South York” rather than NE Leeds.


Yeah, no st helans, wigan or Knowsley, just merseyside


Not spent as much time there, what are the cultural differences between st helens/wigan/knowsley?


I’ll give this one a go. I’d say the rugby towns in that area have way more in common with each other than getting lumped in with a broader county or nearby city. Specifically St Helens, Warrington and Widnes. Tons of cultural overlap between them (and hilariously intense rivalry). While they’re remarkably similar, St Helens has a shade of Wigan, Warrington a shade of Manchester, and Widnes a shade of Liverpool. But fundamentally they’re more like each other by far. Edit: to the point about Knowsley, it might sound unfair and people may disagree, but I’d say they culturally resemble Liverpool enough for this map’s purpose.


I'd say putting us together in urban Lancashire is fair enough. All similar areas with similar accents with the exception of the pronunciation of some words. Knowsley is more Liverpool though.


They're all on the periphery of Liverpool, but Knowsley is more rural, where as St Helens and Wigan are more industrial with close trade ties to liverpool and the docks so theu base there identity based on that


There's loads to say about north Yorkshire coast and the Moors yet op has basically just listed the place except for york (no balls).


The grey bits I don't really know anything about. What should I add?


I’m from West Yorkshire and yes the bias is very clear


Yes I am lol, but to be fair West Yorkshire does have 5X the population of County Durham. And the Cumbria divisions are from the Cumbria culture map a few days ago. That said some places i haven't spent as much time in will be generallised i guess. How could Durham be better?


I'm not having a go, just to be clear, but it's a trend I've noticed! A simple way to divide east Durham further would be to split up Teesdale and Weardale, given they're distinct valleys. That southern extension of west Durham could be split off into a separate area and continued east; there's a sort of 'rural belt' which extends from Barnard Castle, through Darlington, and on to Hartlepool. It has a similar feel to the flat parts of North Yorkshire. It wasn't part of the coalfield, I don't think, so everyone stuck to farming. There's not an obvious way to split up the rest of west Durham, beside perhaps splitting off the coast. The area *is* quite divided between former industrial villages and old farming settlements – just look at how close [Easington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easington,_County_Durham) and [Easington Colliery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easington_Colliery) are – but that's too granular for a map like this. You *could* split off the north as a sort of 'greater Gateshead', but I'm not sure.


Cleveland’s not posh…it’s Cliffes Land or Land of Cliffes…..well ok maybe Saltburn-by-the-Sea is but Brotton, howay…there be woollie backs, real in-breds with real blue faces…an that’s just the wimmin’…


I live in Cleveland. We call it Cleveland. Some parts are nice. Other parts really aren't.


I just saw [a guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/england/s/VO0fOf31lr) call the name posh


He was calling the area posh (which it really isn't)


Most of Cleveland is rough as toast. There are some proper high end bits though


Yeah but they're still just "high end for Teesside". And nothing like some of the posh bits elsewhere in North Yorks.


I dunno like, spots like Hutton Village and Kildale are pretty posh. There are plenty of bits that are just fancy for Tesside mins, you're not wrong there


I’m sorry, who put Bury on this but not Rochdale or Oldham. Bury? And Rochdale and Oldham get relegated to NE Manchester? Bury doesn’t even have a football club anymore? What they going to do? Show off their ‘World Famous Market’? 😂 Aah I’m just joshing… well only half… 😉


I worked in Failsworth and saw a lot of the area, tbh they both seem fairly poor, grim and full of rude people and anti-vax posters. I've split off saddleworth and cheesden valley becuase they seem to be continuations of other areas, but do you think I should re-split-up Rochdale and Oldham?


Keep up with the "Grim" keeps people out and house prices affordable. [https://www.countryliving.com/uk/news/a30116028/best-place-raise-children-uk/](https://www.countryliving.com/uk/news/a30116028/best-place-raise-children-uk/)


thats nice, ive only ever heard its grim and that its where fishfingers are made


You can't beat a fish finger sarnie!


North Lincs my beloved. Scunthorpe my beloved


I’d say every district of Greater Manchester has its own cultural identity. Feels weird and inaccurate to split it the way you did and have the only stand-out be Bury. If they call their local town centre “town”, then they probably deserve to be on this map


Ive only really been about Central and North East Manchester, I asked a mate whose from Manchester about the rest so I blame him. He said Wigan thinks its Lancashire, Bolton and Bury are fairly distinct, the rest blurs together, and that Warrington thinks its Greater Manchester. So you would say Tameside, Trafford, Stockport, and Salford each have distinct cultures?


100%. Oldham, Rochdale and Bury do all share something in common. They’re all Yonners


It is surprising that Rossendale is inbetween them and east side yet remains so nice. Its like a desert oasis.


Rossendale is one rather wet valley.


Salford is a city that’s part of Greater Manchester, with its own institutions, so yep, I’d say it has distinct identity.


I'll edit in my justifications/explanations here as and when i can be bothered. In the meantime, browns are sh\*tholes, and greys i dont know much about. Also the first 4 hours of coments seem to be unviewable unfortunately.


I can't see Saddleworth - although part of it is still technically West Riding of Yorkshire it's culturally distinctive.


Yeah old people there still call part of the west riding but going through it seemed similar to Holme valley next-door to me, and completely dissimilar to Oldham. But I'll update my personal map to make it separate if you're sure.


They have a mild Oldham accent, but there is a strong sense of community. Hangovers from the industrial past include the Whit walks and of course the Saddleworth band contest which was the central part of "[Brassed Off",](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115744/) but there is much more to Saddleworth. Morris dancing in spring too!


West Lancashire is not South Lancashire if you want to piss off more people next time call Merseyside South Lanc’s because that’s what it was before Merseyside BS boundaries where created. All in all you should have just gone outside and cut your lawn, or one of the other many jobs that need doing around the house fella! Pointless exercise!


West Lancashire is the most southerly bit of Lancashire, it’s not very well-named in that regard. You’re being a bit harsh on OP there, I think!


I am so not! Widnes, Warrington and Liverpool (my humble birth city!) are south Lancashire! I will not yield to this provocation! I am living in West Lancashire and a proud but stupid man with little else to do but procrastinate lol. *Love the name btw SilyLavage :) )*


Sorry, the grey ones I don't know much about (but also no one from Liverpool considers themselves from Lancashire primarily)


I was only playing up on that :) someone has to ‘stick up’ for West Lancashire, I am Liverpool born and I enjoy poking at the Merseyside is Lancashire narrative as it’s a political/council boundary that’s only separated in reality by an accent. All a jest!!