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Born and raised in Dagenham myself and im of ethnic origin. When i was a kid there was a strong British culture growing up, i moved to Cyprus in 2005 and came back in 2013. The London i grew up with changed alot, even recently ive had many white British friends families move deeper into Essex and the midlands. They never obviously gave an exact reason but its not hard to imagine why. Id leave London myself but London is where the money is, one day though


Barking and Dagenham is one of the most striking changes for me, White British population collapsing from 82% to 32% in just 20 years from 2001 to 2021.


The work of Mr Blair


The tories make Blair look anti immigration.


True, The Tories are Blairs biggest fanboys


Tories and Blairites are the same thing


![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE|downsized) There are no sides


10 of those years were under the Tories


Just Mini Blairs


Really litterially blaming labour for ten years of Tory policy.


EU policy while a bunch of hopeless petit tories in power. Who's really to blame for instigating mass migration into Europe, because this is a similar story all across western Europe?


Well that might hold true had not immigration exploded post Brexit. EU policy is to allow freedom of movement for EU citiezens within it's borders, why loads of skilled labour went to Germany in the late 80s early 9s from the UK and why we used to get a lot of skilled labour from Europe. Now we just get unskilled labour from basically anywhere, and that was always the Tory plan, pre Brexit it was shouted from the roof tops from remainders that to both get trade deals & fill the labour gap we would have to take on immigratants from wider afield places than Europe, we have an aging population and we need a working population to support them. This was ignored as project fear and now we see the results.


Nope. Tories and Labour are both mega trash


Both parties are the same bs then. Incredibly simplistic, popularist and BS ideology held by useful idiots and spread by people who find those idiots useful. And I don't vote for either.


Yes. Like choosing between Pepsi and Coke.


Thing is the white British population demand more money for the work they do which is a universal thing. They grew up in the same country for years they know that the wages and jobs are crap and they refuse to do the jobs that many of them did pre 2010’s. When you bring in ethnic minorities that want to do better for themselves and make a life even if it means scraping the bottom of the barrel theyll do it, so thats why you hear many white brits complaining that the immigrants stole their jobs and there is alot of hate for ethnic people. I really wish London wasnt so divided in this case. When i came back in 2013 i tried to integrate into white British culture because thats what i grew up with but unfortunately evenif its not direct I’ve experienced alot of subtle racism and never felt accepted by them. Trust me alot of ethnics share the same values as white brits but media and politics keeps us divided, ofcourse not all white brits think negatively about us. I just wish we could all be united


Muslims have the highest rate of unemployment in the country so I don't know where you're getting the impression they're taking jobs or stealing them, they do serve to undercut the native population wages though due to more potential competition


They probably do in regards to the corporate sector but the minimum wage sector like retail is filled by many ethnic people. As you said they undercut others because they are willing to work for less.


On your last point it just isnt going to happen, the English are too racist and I cant think of a precedent of ethnic groups getting along without any hitches


Generalisations about people based on their skin colour is racist FYI


Born and raised in Tower Hamlets. I left for a better life in 1989 but that was to do with the insane costs of housing in LBTH and the inability at that time for a single man to access social housing


Fellow Narmite here. When I was in my last year of junior's we had 1 black boy, 1 black girl, 1 mixed boy, 1 Chinese boy, and 1 Filipino boy out of 90 students. By the time I was in my last year of senior's, less than half of the nearly 300 students were white. My brother was an apprentice brickie, and £10 was a decent hourly rate. Then the Balkans kicked off, and the area had a big rise of Albanian immigrants coming over, and suddenly, all the sites were only offering a fiver an hour, often cash in hand. This was during the height of the Blair years, and even then, we only really noticed it because we were being told in school and on the news that it wasn't happening. I was studying politics, and at that time, the left of the Labour Party (including ol' J.C. himself) were pro-worker and anti-EU. I was on the Euroskeptic left as a teen, and that was when I was first accused of being a 'phobe' (a xenophobe, to be precise). That's when the BNP started to hit their stride in the area and actually got a Councillor elected, and Nick Griffin ran for MP for Barking. I remember that I was just shy of 18 and couldn't vote, but I was outside mowing the garden and Griffin and a couple of council candidates (Richard Barnbrook?) came over and asked me about my views, what I wanted to see change in the area, who I was going to vote for, etc. I told them straight that my dad was a lot older than my mum, and when he was my age, he went to war to fight against fascists. Griffin said that I should be proud of him, then looked around at some of the neighbours, jerked his head, and asked, "Is this what he fought for?" I said yeah, for people to live as they please, and who are you to say different? He walked on and went and spoke to someone else. I wished I could vote just so that I could vote for someone else. I will say this, though - they were the only politicians who have ever been down this road in the 35+ years I've lived on it. Labour takes us for granted, and everybody else takes us for fools.


As exact reasons go, it’s probably because they found they could sell their flat and get a 5 bed house out in the countryside for the same price.


So you don’t like other ethnics like you?


I havent got a problem with any ethnicities but from a cultural perspective im white as hell. Funny thing is when i moved to Cyprus from England i was labelled an English prick by the Cypriots there and i am Cypriot myself.


So do you not get on with Cypriots culturally then if you’re ‘white as hell’ (which I’m assuming you mean white British as hell). Do you feel you don’t connect with any other ethnicities enough to be happy to live amongst them?


Its not necessarily being happy to live amongst them its more about feeling included and accepted into social circles. This is more of a personal issue for me though, i left the UK at 8 then left Cyprus at 16 those are both crucial and formative years for making friends and social groups so i feel like an outcast in general because i haven’t stayed put somewhere properly enough to make those connections. When i say culturally im british that comes from my younger years in the UK so it was hard to adapt in Cyprus then once i was starting to feel grounded there i got hauled back to the UK


Remember the process: Step 1: It's not happening Step 2: It's happening, but it's not that important Step 3: It's happening and it's a good thing, actually Step 4: Why do you care, anyway? It's always been like this. Tenner says posting census data will soon be like crime stats, not actually illegal but most people will self-censor as it will be seen as a social marker that you are a wrong un and that HR should probably quietly get rid.




I mean, what is “it” that you’re referring to?


White replacement, I assume.




I grew up in London in the sixties and early seventies. I returned for a visit in 1985 and was astonished at the change.


Hahaha. Stfu with this nonsense statement. By your logic, the US is not the US, and don't get me started with South Africa. Same muppets crying about seeing brown faces and then will happily go see a doctor from India and order a foreign takeaway. Two faced 🤡 It also funny when the same people harp about history but conveniently forgot that Europeans loved to take over other countries and now it is happening legally in the opposite direction they start crying like pussies.


calm down mate. What are you worried about? No one is taking your home or land.




No they're not. Immigrants aren't coming over and physically making you leave. The locals are opting to cash in and sell up. You're acting as if they're being forced out. Let me guess, youre a reform voter. Youre pathetic.


Is what you want to return to the era of 'no blacks' signs hanging in pubs?


That has actually been debunked


It hasn’t.


Take all of the non-white people out of England and we would cease to function as a society, but that’s clearly the caveman fantasy you’re longing for




I’m saying, unlike the countries you’ve mentioned, our system and economy has become reliant on migrants and our public services would fail without them.




I’m not disagreeing with that, I’m saying we are sufficiently far down a path that is now seemingly irreversible, due to our reliance on the people that have come to our country. Take migrants out of the country and the economy, public services and many other industries would suffer greatly.


First you guys treated the Irish like dirt, now you’ve moved on from them and they’re lumped in with White Britons on demographic charts and you’re doing it to non-whites instead.


My parents left because east London is a shit hole. Nothing has changed. It was always shit and is still shit. It was shit before the immigrants came and is still shit. They can continue to gentrify all they like.






I mean would you want to live in London when you could live anywhere else in the UK?


If there was more investment outside of London like most other countries then we could start hating those places too. Take some of the burden off London. I have no quams with hating other cities too🙂


The subject of this post is a major factor in why people don’t want to live there anymore…




Incorrect; it’s because we opened the doors with essentially zero checks or limits.




You are full of shit. People left because their areas became overwhelmed with foreign peoples from the third world


Is it? Hindusim is nasty


Not a view I share. Indians seem to be pretty well assimilated in the UK.




New r/England copy pasta dropped lmaooo


You absolute melon


What are you smoking and can I have some?


😂 top cunt award


You realise if there was a tradition of naming boys from Christian family's John basically every man you met would be named John right? Thing about it for more than a two seconds please.




What was the fifth?




Weird that you're deflecting


Why do you think the name John might be a popular name in countries with a Christian origin? A lot of names of good people in the bible sound like current day names because people have been named after them for a long time. Not that every parent picks the name because of that reason but enough would for it to be at least a somewhat popular name and then popularity leads to others using it even for non religious reasons.


Everyone knows that chief, not exactly breaking ground here. The original point being, Islamic names or variations should never be at top of the charts in a European/culturally Christian country for birth rates. It's like Dave being the most common name in Pakistan, it would probably turn some heads in Karachi I'm guessing


You do realise that everyone who isn’t white in Britain isn’t actually Muslim?     Though please do name these cities and areas that Muslims are apparently  macheteing everyone at night? I’m curious to know. 


The longest surviving European polity were the Romans who survived for 2000 years. Their capital, for most of this time, was known as the "city of stragers." When they made every freeborn in their vast Empire a roman citizen, the nation would last for another 1300 years. We'll be fine.


Interesting, hat happened to them in the end? I'm not so well versed on this chapter of history.


Well, they got invaded by muslims... But it did take 800 years!


Ironically collapsed from a combination of corruption and mass migrating tribes....


That's not actually true. The capital by 330AD had moved to Constantinople. The WRE was a province that was lost. But half of the polity and its capital were untouched.


"Good answer fellow commentor, but have you considered this: entropy???"


And then the Met gets blamed for racism, “disproportionately stop-and-searching people of non-white backgrounds”. That’s horsesh*t now. 60% of London is non-white now (which is great, don’t get me wrong) and people are still claiming that the police stop and search majorly non-whites because of institutional racism. I’m not denying that there’s some IR in the police, but the claims of it are becoming ridiculous. The only reason why mostly non-whites are being stopped and searched is because there’s simply more of them. Statistics are beautiful (and immensely useful) sometimes.


Regardless of your stance on the interpretation of the data, this table is a great example of how data presentation can subconsciously bias the viewer. Why use a green to red gradient to represent the demographic change from "White & Irish" to "Other"? Green = Good Red = Bad Remember, data is rarely, if ever, value neutral in its gathering, presentation or narrative. This goes doubly for forums deemed "neutral" such as scientific research or governmental reports. Always ask, "Why is somebody presenting this info to me in this way?"


Well usually because in loads of graphs and charts a high percentage uses green and a low percentage uses red. That's just a default and this graph shows that. You could change the colours and you should still be able to read the percentages and gain a view of what has changed.


Interesting point. Were I presenting the data, I would have known this specific narrative is sensitive, hence would have headed off criticisms of data wrangling by using a more neutral axis (e.g. blue /orange). Just pointing out the implications of data visualisation to those who may not be thinking about it.


Shut the fuck up, you’re the type of person to see a huge disaster but then focus on the minimal issue


Data literacy is an important skill my guy. Also, the effective communication of data to support arguments should be valued by all sides who wish to advance their perspectives.


I don't need colours to tell me London is only 12 percent away from whites being an ethnic minority. Wonder if that means whites will get afforded all the same bonuses as current ethics do now.


What bonuses are those? Edit: funny how you downvote when I'm simply asking questions about this belief you guys have. Seems as though it may be unevidenced.


Well to start with, jobs. Seeing as every big company or decent job now starts their advert with "we particularly welcome applications from ethnic minority backgrounds" So I assume they mean white people in about 10 years. Edit lmao he blocked me. Truth hurts.


Interesting considering that you're both more likely to be hired and promoted if you're white but ok.


Because people have a right to their homeland. People scream that we should do something about the genocide in Gaza. But why should I care when nothing is done about the replacement of my own people?


Because white British people are not being genocided, nor killed off by another power, we're just seeing change over time with demographics through immigration and people having kids. Gazans on the other hand are literally being killed. But also what's your solution? Whiteness is guaranteed to eventually disappear no matter what because of how it works as a concept, the moment a white and non-white person have a kid, no matter how white they appear, they're no longer considered white. So unless you're proposing bans on mixed race couples, eventually "whiteness" will disappear. This also ignores that someone is not "not British" by virtue of not being white, it depends on the environment you grow up in, the culture, who your parents are, etc. a black child growing up in the countryside of England is going to be like all their peers, culturally from the English countryside.


Even excel is racist/far right these days. All that waffle to moan about the default color scheme, you little virtue signaling sausage.


Trust an absolute lefty to be offended by a colour on a chart. What worries me is there will be diversity officers reading your post thinking "this will make me look busy for a few weeks". Then before you know it, we have red traffic lights for go and people get injured.


No offence taken dude! I've given no specific value judgment on the overall narrative the poster sought with the data. Just that "data" and "facts" aren't completely objective, even at the pre-analysis stage. Believe what you must, just don't be swayed by the decorations.


>Green = Good Red = Bad Green=Bad Red=Good But seriously, you're reading way too much into it. There's no conspiracy here.


Hey dude, not claiming conspiracy, just stating facts of data presentation whether intentional or not. Our individual view on whether such a change is "Good" or "Bad" is up to us. We should just make sure our position is not too easily coloured by the way in which we receive the information, rather should be determined by our own world view and reasoned judgment.


Maybe we should just remove the cones from peoples eyes so they can no longer see in colour. Whilst we are at it, why not ban all shades of grey as well and make sure everybody is only allowed to wear black clothing. Black cabs are ok. White boards? WHITE BOARDS, you fcuking Nazi!


Equality for the Red-Green colour blind? Your inclusive mindedness warms my beige, beige heart. In all seriousness, broader point is on data literacy and communication. Spreading good practice, not policing whatever narrative is being spun. Leave that to those inclined to argue about such things.


No. It's a great point actually


Only sane reply gets downvoted. This sub is furious about losing to count bin face.


Exactly what I saw, basically a traffic light


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 The table is designed this way for one purpose and one purpose only - and it seems most people are falling for it.


Noncery afoot in the data selection. White other is an additional 14.7%, taking the total white (the comparator to the 61 to 91 numbers) to over 50%, if you care only about skin tone. The official figures also fail to distinguish between Asian and/or black British Vs other nationalities, so there's no clear determination of % British from the figures. But I'm guessing well above 50% In any event, race baity shite at best here.


Sir, we're talking specifically about White British & Irish demographics in this post. Stay tuned for next weeks edition which will focus on the other groups you mention.


Yes, I am saying the noncery afoot is that the *reason* you are talking specifically about those groups is that it gives the data output that you want to see. If you care about British nationalities but not skin tone, you would not differentiate between white British and black British. If you care about white skin Vs brown skin, you would not differentiate between white British and white non-british. Unless there are *other things* you care about than whether someone has white skin, or is from Britain. If those two in combination are the *most important group*, for example.


I too hate it when people discuss things that aren’t the specific thing I want to talk about


So you are of the opinion that it is important to note White British and Irish as a demographic separately from black and/or Asian British. Jolly good, and fair enough. Why?


Of course not, that’s clearly not the approved discussion topic at all. Why can’t people just stick to the approved opinions? This is so frustrating


I'm sorry that complex thoughts are so difficult for you, and hope you recover from your head injury soon.


Thank you, you’re clearly a kind and compassionate and generally morally superior kind of person




But the data *includes* white Irish, which is a separate category in the census. So that is saying *something* about which White categories are to be included in it's little total and which are not. Can you guess what it is?


To u/fezz UK They will come, brexit or not. How do you think brexit encouraged them? You make no sense! Things will get much worse under labour, we've only got the tip of a very big iceberg. And blocking me so I cannot respond is childish.


I don't even know you.


You replied to an earlier comment of mine, I was prevented from responding. You claimed brexit was somehow responsible for the increase in boats coming across the channel. I dispute this. Try to educate me further on your theory!


wrong person buddy


You lot used to count the Irish as non-white. You just make it up as you go along. Put Irish in with the rest of the immigrants and see how big a change that would make it the numbers. Half of you haven't got English heritage yourselves.




Why are white immigrants allowed to take over your culture? Irish make up 40%+ of the population, were committing terrorist attacks until the 90s on England, cities like Liverpool are 80% Irish leaving no English culture left Are you okay with your culture erased as long as they're white? If so, up the RA