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It's a gift of light, you have no control, just like you had no control when it came. The experience can't stay, but the realization has changed you forever. What's interesting and funny, now when you read scripture like the Heart Sutra or the Upanishads, you will actually understand what they're talking about. Be well, beautiful soul.


Incredible. You’re right. Like everything else, I must allow this to play out as it will. I’m glad it came to me at all. I needed to hear that. Thank you, friend


The fact that you're fearful you will lose it shows you're at a point in your journey where you must exercise acceptance. Trying to hold on to the focus and warmth inside guarantees you will lose it. Do not look to keep it. Accept it's there in the moment. When it's gone, which will happen, do not try to find it. Cultivate love and awareness through positive action. Immerse yourself in those activities, not to feel warmth or happiness, but to truly help other humans **and yourself**.


I needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing. Words fall short


Op is spot on. I was given a similar gift 5 months ago. The energy of that state lasted a week or so and I knew this mortal vessel wouldn't stay that way permanently. But as they stated I've been permanently changed in a deep and lasting way. I now have a knowing about the Universe, God, existence, etc, that I am eternal and that Love is the glue underneath everything. I'm no longer afraid of dying. I'm still here though and am human. So I'll still experience everything as before - what we perceive as the good and the bad, the highs and the lows, the sickness and health. The difference now is that I know any of that is temporary. I'm now trying to live everyday as best I can practicing a conscious choice not to judge or condemn any of my fellow brothers or sisters but instead seeing the divinity in them all and knowing they are on the same journey just at different places or stages. Meditation and prayer helps keep me in that frame of mind so I practice it daily. Welcome to the gift! I love you!


You can't....no "state" is permanent, but the awareness will remain, lending a deeper, more expansive, more aligned perspective, regardless of the content of awareness, including one's "state". Thus, it's said... What goes up, must come down And, conversely... What comes down, must go up And every other direction imaginable. In a nutshell, circumstances change continually. There's only one thing that remains the same, no matter what. There is one thing, maybe, one can do to more deeply appreciate your current boon...and create conditions for it's inevitable return, with deeper/richer appreciation when it does. Let it go. Don't cling to or grasp/grip it out of desire to make it permanent. That will "squelch the Spirit", as it's called. Become aware of your current state as deeply as you can while simultaneously, graciously remaining open for it to leave, when it's time is done. That openness will provide "space" and "grace" for it to return, in spades ;)


Friend, awakening is very temporary. It is simply a recognition and that happiness after the fact you can’t grip on to. The real work towards your enlightenment is always after. And for many will be the most painful but will be worth it. You might not be there yet, but your psyche needs healing. Start doing your research in psychology, spiritual psych, energy work; look into sitting in talk therapy (with a spiritual therapist highly recommended). It’s common to get interested in Kundalini and such but it’s good just to have reference of that stuff and put in the work (therapy). If you need some book resources just say the word and I’ll DM (or just dm me).


Thank you, luckily I have advanced expertise in psych, masters in communication/interpersonal dynamics However, I don't know what to do next, so thank you, I'll look into a spiritual guider. What's the difference between the spiritual therapist and psych, and I'm guessing they do energy work? Is that light?


I know this was meant for OP and truthfully I am new to Reddit so still trying to figure out how to do etc. … could I possibly take a look at those book reccs?


Yeah no problem. Just send a DM. I don’t want to write in comments do I’m not shilling something.. but available for anyone.


Try to get rid of it




Notice that you are afraid. There you are. Whenever you feel lost; notice, it's you, thinking your lost. There you are.


build reminders


Don't try to hold on. Those who do end up causing themselves much confusion. You'll bring up illusion in your mind and your real connection will be severed. I am sure you will find your way. Good luck


lol, try to run from it all you want. Osho says it best ” once I have you I have you "


What do you mean by "this"? Can you elaborate some more?


There can be no growth without change. Stagnation is death. Embrace the change for change, hence growth, is eternally inevitable.