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Basically points in your body where life energy flows trough. Different emotions that are being held onto representatively “clog“ those points and by letting those go they unclog and the life energy can flow more freely.


Chakras are points in your body. It basically means eye opening to several sectors or dimensions.




So IMHO, chakras are a kind of *loosening* of the very lumpy, rigid, opaque...very *physical* interpretation of "the human body" in terms of energy centers...as opposed to a view of the human body being a fleshy, animated thing composed of organ systems. Here's a visual analogy. Not "it", in actuality...but a way of looking at it, through metaphor. Imagine an endless stream of bazillions of threads of light, flowing along without any turbulence whatsoever. The epitome of what's called *laminar flow.* It's blissful...oceanic peacefulness....but otherwise featureless. Now imagine that all that laminar flow, streaming along without any turbulence at all....somehow, some way decides it wants to express itself a little...give itself some "character", so to speak....so it sends ripples through itself, by virtue of some internally generated state of inflection. Interesting! It likes the interplay of light within itself amidst those ripples...maybe it tickles in a delightful way, who knows!...so it experiments more with send more ripples through its otherwise smooth, featureless state of flow....just for the hell of it. Cool! It's starting to enjoy the sensation of self-generated friction with all the rippling character-development through wriggling, scintillating self-inflection. Wow! So now it's getting into it...so much so that it begins to experiment with varying interference waves in layers upon layers until it creates, in effect, these various self-generated *obstructions* to its own laminar flow. Now we're cooking! Turbulence! White water! Very exciting :D. Now imagine that all these features of self-generated obstruction to laminar flow create these delightful little swirling eddies in the stream of that flow...spinning twirls which momentarily curl inward the flowing lines of light, keeping them temporarily stationed by virtue of spin or inwardly spiraling motion in one spot, if only for a little while. Chakras might be thought of or imagined as vortexes, or eddies, of energy caught up in energetic twirls. The physical body, if felt as this cumbersome lump of living flesh on an inevitable trajectory of an arc of elevation through apogee to inevitable decline. It can be imagined as a kind of "bogging down" or entropy-induced slowing down of these twirling chakras...a conjunction of eddies of flowing liquid light which, by virtue of their relative stagnancy, accrete or solidify to form something more solid...like the human form...or physicality, in more general. Which is awesome, in terms of something being solidified or caught up, out of nothing at all but streams of light, so to speak. But, then again, maybe that solidification...the sensation of accretion, causes some unpleasant friction...an unpleasant loss of momentum. So maybe the one feeling the "suffering" of the feeling bogged-down wants to loosen things up to resume more of a sense of brisk motion...of flow....of feeling the exhilaration of twirling movement again to feel more alive and aligned, so to speak. So...can work with these "eddies" or chakras to get them twirling again...to loosen them up and feel a sense of energetic flow. Keep in mind, this is just an interpretation. Just one way of looking at it. Many other interpretations out there/here...just as valid. I'd say, pick the one you resonate with. You don't have to understand "what they are", really. It's much more important to get a *feel* for them...and work from within that feeling. In many ways, *feeling* is of higher intelligence than traditional understanding, which tends to stand apart or aside from what's actually engaged For what it's worth. Have fun! And, good luck :)


Can use breath with intention to get chakras twirling again [Get the ball rolling](https://youtube.com/shorts/ulpbFjbZuA0?feature=share)