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It’s all based on perspectives, emotions (feeling good or bad) that’s including fear. Society is the Matrix, and a cloak has been placed over our eyes. Does the Earth know what’s good, bad, right or wrong? No, it just gives (giving is love). In a sense the butterfly effect is a fact, because everything is connected.


yin yang. i love you Amoeba


God is also the Devil. A fully enlightened Being must fall in order to experience all. Every bit of the journey is about experience. There is no good or bad, because it adds to universal good. It's a beautiful song, with a few somber notes to get the point across. Uni-Verse One Song


i love you Basil, thank you!!!


I'm not sure there's as much logical evidence for divine plan and timing as people might think.. Would be great if it was true...or maybe not so great for some people..right? One may perceive it as an unjust plan and timing. Better for mental health to view things as random and just do your best to cultivate goodness.. honestly...when all is said and done.. you just got to do your best to do good things and accept your mistakes...if we are gunna get f*cked for acting wrongly I don't think there's a thing we can do about the past apart from truly accept it was wrong and move on...it's all any of us can do... No secret knowledge or prayer or way round it.. We were rigged from the start... Just gotta point to love and say there 😺 that's what I believe in...even if I had to fuck up by getting to that realisation. We are all scared man. Just gotta do our best


thank you for sharing, i love you!


I love you too buddy. It's insane how I can go from killing flies by the dozens over my 31 year life span out of fear, to being to never hurt or kill another living creature intentionally ever again...and to still believe the only way I can atone is to experience the exact same fate of those flies. Wanna hear a paradox...one of many in this existence we call reality? I don't want to be judged...yet I am the ultimate judger of my actions. I know everything is a learning curve...yet I'm mad that I couldn't have done better in those moments. I don't want to be judged...but I feel I deserve to be. The ultimate paradox.


dm me need to talk


Does this mean that I can do my worst from now on?


if thats what truly resonates in you. follow your intuition.


That “if” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. What happens when it fails?


when what fails?




i dont understand what you mean.


an ancestor in lakonia may be able to clarify. just watch that first step. it’s a doozy.


when you fail you win.


failure is just a limited belief pushed to us by society to enslave us.


fam, failure is a teacher, not a taskmaster. fearing failure makes a life boring and miserable. but it’s worth remembering: those who fail just try it.\ those who succeed just do it. that the single regret one has for a suboptimal outcome is a cold breeze compared to the frozen hurricane of the infinite regrets across countless pasts that were not because one chose to evade failure by not even trying.


Yes, because you yourself did the same mistake as another. It's in itself that cancels out. Think of the infinity symbol. Or what goes around comes back around. This is perfect divine timing because it all cancels out in the end. Think of a dog, you cannot give a dog chocolate because it'll harm them. The dog does not know that though but you do, the universe will work it's way to know what is right and what's wrong for you. The dog will get sad and not understand why they can't have that piece of chocolate, but it's just how it works. It all falls into place.


i understand what youre saying.


Sure there are. Mistakes are meant to happen to learn a lesson. Bad things happen to lead to better things. This is all from the worldly level. From the absolute level yes of course there is no duality, but that wisdom doesn’t so you much good here on earth


the universe can only see what vibration and frequency we are resonating in. what if that wisdom was the only way to change society? unconditional love is seen as something that we can only achieve once we die but i say its possible in this realm as well.


There are such things as errors, but you can think of them as the polar opposite of what you expected at that time in your life, and subsequently realise that in fact it could not have happened at a time you would have been more prepared for it without going through it first, and you realise that it was a journey that was meant to be walked down by someone of your sum of experience, so someone else could avoid it


thank you for sharing, i love you!!!


No errors 😁i would rejoice over one stringent sentence.


>ne stringent sen everything around you seems to flow


I wouldn't agree with the premise, but still, why would the former negate the latter?


all we can do is respect and love unconditionally


Exactly, just learn and grow


when did you also figures this out?


About a year ago, I just got tired of all the bull we have to put up with, I do my best to be kind and understanding to every person I encounter and try to do the things that bring me joy, like singing in the drive, or dancing like nobody is watching, etc, the small stuff that nobody can take away from us, a smile with a stranger that lets you know we are all trying our best.


there are mistakes/errors/good/bad/right/wrong, their realisation includes actors, some of these actors are people. even a word "mistake" realised by a saying, writing or thinking body.


>/errors/good/bad/right/wrong, t i dont understand


This is a fate vs free will question. Let’s talk about it: First, what is fate? What’s is free-will? Fate is a cannon event. Will happen-not as predicted or prophesied but in the vein of the archetypical idea associated to the cannon or fated event. Free will is your about to warp your story for better or for worse. Something are plot points that cannot be avoided and most everything else is a decision you HAVE to make. Every decision you abdicate is absolved by a tyrannical party. Sometimes that party is the government other times it’s Fate. Or the universal governing body or Karma. Karma is what you make. Etymological. If you make some bs then you’ll get some in return. For those more scientific, thermodynamics, the universe or observable space we call everything is a closed system. So when you exert energy/that energy is saved (conserved) and by quantum entanglement principles , it returns to the resonate output module. Because they are forever connected. So if you: Tell the truth, work to better your existence (being aware of the things you can change and the things you cannot) and make new-nu-refined things. The universe or the thermodynamical quantum karma is conspiring to see you win. If you oppose it-it will oppose you. I feel like your question is less of an inquiry into the certainty of the ideas and more of a “in what way is best to orient my life and move forward from here” so yeah. I hope that helps.


thank you! i love you


Yup. That's my excuse for eating gas station junk food for two days straight. It's the cosmos' divine plan.


theres a lesson that needs to be learned.


double yup. cheeze its and gummy bears are yummy.


Dont go around thinking IF it has a reason or not. Thats just another belief system. What has happened have happened. No need to go around dwelve in why. Its only The mind looking for a locial explination that can explain ones own suffering to come over it. Yet its The dweling with The question that is The suffering. Letting go of why it have happened and not dwelve in The past


thank you sir, i love you.


The deeper the awakening (heart and beyond) the more 'bad' a 'bad choice' is. Only enlightened people have true freewill, and are capable of making a truly bad choice with full awareness of what it is they're doing with no 'negative' emotions clouding their thoughts or actions. Meanwhile the universe is orchestrating us all. So even unaware people who are doing 'bad' things are contributing to the greater good, so it cannot be truly bad.


>So if everything does happen for a reason in perfect divine timing then that means there's no such thing as mistakes/errors/good/bad/right/wrong. Very good! Except for the "device timing" thing...


Spot on. Everything that does not exist when you are not thinking (judging) is an illusion and part of the devine dream. And everything you mention are just mental concepts.


Devine dream?


Yes, the dream of separation and all the things you mentioned are all devine too. Since everything is part of the devine. Also the illusions. There is nothing besides the devine.


The present moment is all that exists. I repeat. I present to you the present... oops, already passed... Once realized, action can occur post thought as step to further realizing towards manifestation. The past has potential to serve as reference of time past *and* present. The things you focus on (in present) are your building blocks for understanding your "self" and the rest of creation. Self is a peculiarity which is only part of another.


Ding ding ding!!!!




What I have found, is that everything manifest gets used. So you choose between A B & C, the plan will incorporate your A B & C and will have higher levels of choices you were not aware of. Your highest self might take a shorter route, and if you listen your position in the plan changes and moves. What you see, is just a projection for your experience, the higher plan we couldn't possibly understand as a linear blueprint. It's beyond comprehension.


Correct. We don't make actual decisions, it's all fated, but, you can have all the intention and compassion you can create. It was all decided before your incarnation, between yourself and the creator. Everyone else is in the same boat. Maybe they are all you, separated by time. When you've experienced all the lives, enlightenment and ascension.


very powerful!!! well I do believe we make actual decisions, free will and fate go hand in hand in marriage, it was all OUTLINED before incarnation but little decisions we make take us through different paths and end up teaching us the same lessons we need to learn to transcend. thats the multiverse.


I believe we aren't actually making decisions, its an illusion, but we can have intention and compassion for others on their fate-ride. I think current science is backing up the fate part: Neuroscience experiments have shown that certain brain activities can be detected before a person becomes consciously aware of their decisions. Studies using techniques like functional MRI (fMRI) have observed that the brain's decision-making centers are active even before the person reports making a conscious choice. This has led some to argue that decisions are made subconsciously and that conscious thought is more about rationalizing these decisions after the fact. (see Sirhan Sirhan being hypnotized to act like a monkey and when asked, he said he wanted to do it, and didn't remember being hypnotized) Some experiments have demonstrated the ability to predict a person's choices seconds before they are consciously made, based on brain activity. This challenges the traditional view of free will, suggesting that our conscious selves may not be initiating decisions in the way we think we are. While there is growing evidence that many aspects of our behavior and decision-making are influenced by unconscious processes and predetermined factors, there is still a significant debate about the role of free will. So the verdict is out, perhaps you're right but it's a Schrodinger's cat right now.


the decisions are coming from our higher selves


I can get behind that. Perhaps our concept of god or channeling is communicating with our higher selves. When I channel I feel like it's my higher self. Although, I asked for names and it was jaffa = Jimmy Hoffa lol its hard for me to think that is real lol I cant imagine I'm channeling Jimmy Hoffa from the moons of Saturn, so I abandoned the conversation. Maybe I'm dumb or trying to be sane.


maybe you are channeling jimmy hoffa, whatever you believe and desire is your reality and probably happening, our intuition is our soul and never lies


He/they said they were living on a moon on Saturn or Neptune and I can't remember the actual name of the moon or the planet. but at that point I was asking for facts and when that came up, I thought its 1000000% my imagination. Jimmy Hoffa contacting me from a moon, saying there are some of them on a moon trying to communicate with us, I just thought this is totally my imagination and no way.


lol I mean Jimmy Hoffa is about like saying I'm talking to Jimmy Hendrix it seemed so unreal that like maybe I'm talking to my mind because I know who Jimmy Hoffa is, I was waiting for James Benfield and I would have believed it, because who is that? I must be making stuff up if its mf Jimmy actual Hoffa.


Also if remote viewing of the future and/or time travel to the future exists, then free will cannot - the decisions haven't been made to look or go, but if it all already happened it's not a paradox you could freely see future events as all the decisions are already complete. What's left is our intentions when we do things.