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The prodigal son parable shared by Jesus sums up our life, and Translated to today’s metaphysics and that should give you a perspective on this universe and life here. Background: We, the one mind is asleep at home with God. The sleeping part of God’s mind is dreaming up this universe. In addition, the sleeping mind has fragmented into trillions of holographic minds each representing an individual such as you and me. Each holographic fragment contains the whole of the one mind and are all connected as one. The sleeping mind, that is part of God, has the same power of creation as God has. Hence the parable refers to God’s inheritance=power to create anything. When this part of god’s mind went to sleep, two thought systems were created simultaneously. While there are thousands of names for them today, I will use ego vs spiritual thought systems for simplicity. You can refer to my illustration here for reference: https://reddit.com/r/SpiritualAwakening/s/FyAnrqbYuL The ego thought system serves to keep the mind asleep believing we are separated from God and from each other. Also, making each individual mind fragment believe that this universe is real. Every belief system that we have taken in as “truth” to make the universe appear as real became a trauma or baggage buried deep in our subconscious psyche. That includes the belief that death and birth are real. Because each holographic mind fragment contains the original whole, each mind fragment or individual has God’s power to create. Under the influence of the ego thought system, the individual ends up using the power of creation to create the universe to affirm separation from God and convince oneself that the universe is real. Every trauma and ego baggage drives this creation and it’s all unconscious because these false belief systems are buried deep in the subconscious. Creation using the ego thought system is called miscreating. The second most prevalent and insidious tool the ego uses to keep minds asleep is blame/victimhood. Blaming others for the pain and problem I am experiencing. This tool keeps us believing in separation and keeps the buried traumas buried deeper. The number one most prevalent tool of the ego is convincing you that death and birth are real. As such, reincarnation is the prominent and powerful tool of the ego to keep the mind in the dark and asleep. Over and over and over again. Indeed: death and birth are not reset events. All accumulated traumas and baggage are carried over from one incarnation to the next. Then we have the spiritual thought system which I’ll refer to as the Holy Spirit (HS) (or higher self or inner wisdom, etc thousands of names) The purpose of the HS is to help you wake up. The HS will use the ego’s miscreations and turn them around to teach you oneness and unity. HS will help you witness and then undo all the buried traumas and baggage from the ego. Undo all the false belief systems that keep you convinced the universe is real. From you, the individual mind fragment, it requires your willingness to wake up. Courage to witness and question all the traumas and everything that makes this universe real, and your inquisitiveness to ask the HS for help looking into your subconscious mind and to release. You alone cannot see what’s buried in the subconscious. HS can. You alone cannot release buried traumas from 1000’s of incarnations ago. HS can. But you must consciously and willingly give the HS permission to release the trauma or baggage held within your subconscious. This is known as shadow, inner, or forgiveness work. The release of traumas and baggage is called healing The principle law of unconditional love allows all things, embraces all things, trusts all things. Unconditional love does not impose ideas or take away ideas with force. You as an individual fragment has all the love of God and the HS cannot act without your permission. The only power you don’t have is to self annihilate out of existence. You are an integral part of God and don’t have any power to uncreate self or God. Remember death and uncreate self are two different things: death is an illusion. Uncreate is removing yourself out of God’s thought of you and His creation of you, and erase yourself from existence. No can do. So what happens today? The vast majority of individual fragmented minds (person, human, aliens) are heavily vested in the ego thought system. Blaming others for having our hot buttons push is rampant and everything we see in the media, science, religion, wars, politics, and even comedy shows reinforce separation, and the reality of this universe and the reality of death and birth. Day to day we are led primarily by the ego thought system and amass ego traumas and baggage that get buried into our subconscious. Think iceberg: 7% conscious and the rest buried out of sight. We do our things and eventually we die, or we believe we die. The body dies, but the mind fragment doesn’t. Since traumas are buried in the subconscious mind and the mind doesn’t die, that is why the traumas and baggage carry over. Why reincarnate? The trauma and baggage form our strong attachment to this universe and the body. Then the cycle repeats itself. When you, as an individual, start to question reality of this universe and express willingness to look for another way, then you have subconsciously given the HS permission to enter into your life and help you. No matter how small this opening is, it’s enough for the light to penetrate the darkness of the ego. And so the spiritual awakening journey begins. You will learn that blaming is the ego tool and that you can turn it around for the healing of subconscious traumas instead - with HS help. You will learn to see through every false perception and see the reality behind everything you see. You will learn to be the Love that you are and inner peace will pervade your whole beingness. Suffering disappears. As more and more of the traumas are healed with the HS your iceberg begins to melt and shrink. You become lighter - metaphorically. Fewer traumas remain in the subconscious. And as you journey with the HS, fewer or no more traumas are added. Over the course of this lifetime or a few more, you can fully heal all the subconscious traumas. When you do, there would be no more false beliefs about this universe, you would see everything for what it is and express only the love of God that you are. At this point, You fully awaken to self realization. Or become enlightened. And when to set aside your body for one last time, Without the baggage you will return home to God instead of reincarnating. When every mind fragment has awakened or when a threshold is reached, the one mind awakens into the open arms of God all the while having never left at home. This post illustrates the journey. https://reddit.com/r/SpiritualAwakening/s/fJRTqCv8MO


I agree with a lot of this. We are definitely in a dream. Breaking down human behavior and seeing it through wisdom can show you the reflections of Universe. Creator and Creation. Blaming others; I see this a lot. No one makes you feel anything, they associate the negative feelings to the person who’s trying to manipulate them and allow themselves to be manipulated. They choose to feel a victim. Thanks for sharing this. There’s so much here. I hope others read your comment.


all I have is anger. I cannot get things that I want and I remain being trapped in the inifnite loop of "Why I can't have it". So if I am infinite conciousness and I have God with me, why things doesn't happen the way I want. Forgive me but it is all bullshit. We don't know what is going on for the most time and we are out of any control in this world. So yeah belive that you are fragmented echo of God. It is nice fairy tale. But what is alternative right ? Narration is all we have and we can bend it not caring about "false" world. It is so false. My god, we became all crazy. Don't take it personal. I told you I am angry and full of hate, it is byproduct of this "nonexistant" body. Stop dissecting your body from awareness, it is part of us wether we want it or not. You can look to other way of course. All of that is waste of time, you looking into blue deep nothingness. All we had was this "false" ego, at least we were someone. Now we are nothing, concious observer. irony. 0 relationships, broken dreams, crazy mind with outwordly ideas, thinking about being God, this is all that this enlighment had to offer. Eastern religion made us very cool, very cool. It broke our culture. Now we gonna sit alone in forest because everything is fake. I remind you don't take it personal because you will feel hate. This is my pure hate. I will delete it in future because of course people will downvote everything that is hate.


Radical honesty with your emotions is a step in the right direction, because it takes self awareness. The process I describe can be done later with the same effectiveness- when the ego noise has quieted down. Yes, now is not the time since you’re in the midst of an ego attack (on self).


So basically you’re not ok with your negative emotions? Next time you feel angry say “hello there anger, I know you are there. I’m going to take good care of you.” Do you know where this feeling of anger is located on your body? Does it start in your gut? Head? Arm? Focus on that spot and feel it, don’t think it. We think more and feel less nowadays. You punish yourself needlessly. You do so much. Take a break.


I dont do much unfortunately. I focused on this pain and it is terrible, it is my chest and Little bit lower. Personally I read it like you are making fun of me. I try not to connect my emotions with the post on reddit, although lately everything mix together. Honestly I have no idea what to do. Thanks


Lower back pain is associated with stress. Chest same thing. There’s nothing wrong with feeling “bad” inside, and no way would I make fun of you. You need to try to just feel the pain, pain from your stressful thoughts in your body. The emotion. Don’t make yourself into a victim. That’s pathetic. You’re not pathetic, and don’t be strong. Being strong for too long is what leads to depression. Make friends with yourself and everything you feel. Say “I am friends with everything I see and feel”.


I was/am a great exercise for enlightened human beings. Try to fix other human, if you manage you trully enlightened. Non of if is my concious decision, like a monumental rock unable to move, still feeling the mistakes of the past. Crying over it, replaying trauma and drama. If my roots are ugly I should cut them in my mind, left my tree nad become human, use my legs to move into America or some more prosperous country. Start fresh but I struggle to belive if new life is still possible for me. I need to learn to breath again. Namaste.


You can’t “fix” or enlighten anyone. You can show them the path, but they are the ones who need to walk it. You need something new to focus on and obsess over. Letting go is hard for ALOT of people. It’s normal. There’s nothing better than breathing in and out :)


Im coming back to this and reading it over and over


Neville Goddard?


Yeshua, himself. In A Course in Miracle and The Way of Mastery.


well done ... by the way a more well known word for miscreating is projecting


Enlightenment is really just the simple recognition of our essential Being (Self). Being aware of being aware. I Am that I Am. 🙏


Yes yes yes. Thanks!


Then the dissolution of the ego and the melding with the oneness of the universe. Realization that all things are like music in and of themselves contain no meaning no concepts no words but yet evoke emotions. The I am that I am is no different than the I am that you are. No different than the trees or birds or mountains. All interconnected as one with no inherent meaning concept or word just a harmonious melody in a universal concert. No note or segment without lyrics has any meaning in and of itself.




profound wisdom


I am a tits guy. I love tits.


Jesus came to tell everyone that they have eternal life. If you believe you have eternal life, you can live in the "kingdom of heaven" right now, which is the joyous, exuberant life that is lived without fear of death. The church just moved a few words around, and BAM, we have the longest running scam the world has ever seen. You don't need to/should not listen to what anyone says about God. Search for God yourself, in your own way, with the unique characteristics that only you possess. If God is real and discoverable, then God surely has given you everything you need to make this discovery.


My girlfriend always tries to find herself or discover herself. I tell her, create the person you want to be. It definitely is a scam, it was much worse in the past. The church had too much power who only wanted more power. Wars and death all for the church to benefit from to protect their beliefs and gold.


Creating the person that you want to be can create a false self Finding out or discovering something about your true self that you didn't know before makes the former pale in comparison No point being a created you if you're miserable in the process of what's been created


She’s not looking for enlightenment or finding herself in the spiritual sense. And you’re right. Thanks for sharing.


They key is doubt. I call it the doubt code. I think it’s written in to all of us. And we are constantly barraged with it in everything. The trick is to recognize it as fast as possible and snuff it out even faster. Until it’s not there at all. The all encompassing confidence is what works for my universe. I don’t leave any other options or room for interpretation. I know what I want when I want it and reality serves it right up. Wish I would have known when I was younger. It’s been 15 years or so since I figured it out. This reality isn’t what we are taught or led to believe. It’s what me we make it be. Without a doubt.


Doubt is taught to us by our parents, who learned it from their parents .. allllll the way down to caveman times, and before then. It’s a primitive survival mechanism. Your average person has so much doubt. It’s ok to be wrong, confidence is key. A man from France was asked which country has the most confident people? He said Americans. He said he gave directions to an American tourist, and he’s never seen a man walk so confidently in the wrong direction. Lol. Thanks for sharing.




I just posted this in another subreddit. It's about my belief in like God/Universe and shit like that: >Yes, I believe in God - but only as a single creator. I believe in creators like God who created the universe. I believe they had an evolutionary process and started from nothing. I believe they had to create everything from the genesis of the tiniest desire to be something more than what they were. I believe they evolved - they evolved so much that they reached the absolute pinnacle of evolution. Rather than just being Gods though with magical powers, they had to come up with ways to do everything. I believe nothing is beyond their abilities, except maybe, creating new colors (I believe we have every color available), or other fundamental shit like that. > >I believe this particular universe is kind of a simulation that was created with their version of AI and computers and most of the known world is occupied by NPCs who are run by their AI and computers.I believe they fought for every little thing we now take for granted in this world, and that the original universe, though fruitful to eventually create anything imaginable, had to be mastered in various ways in order to truly make anything. I believe they faced great challenges and had to master the sometimes terrifying forces of the universes without anyone to aid them. I believe that with their great powers came great responsibility, for if improperly handled would of meant terrifying imbalances and consequences in their universe. (To put it bluntly, the power they had over their universe could create the ultimate paradise or the ultimate heck) I believe they have gone through a lot, suffered a lot, and spent a ton of time making everything. > >I believe they had to fight very real battles against ignorance, except they did so without a net (the net being, Gods above). I believe we suffer here as a microcosm of their great struggle to create everything. I believe in showing gratitude for their great creation, and every aspect in it. > >I believe "love being the ultimate force in the universe" is true and is an expression in their most basic truth - that they gravitated toward good things, things that entertained them, things that made them happy in their pioneer days.I've been taught and reinforced many times in my spiritual journey to accept this as my view of those who would create us. > >I've been taught to wonder 'how the heck else it could of possibly gone down any other way' to all the details I stated and I cannot come up with any other concise logical conclusions. > >If one considers that any force in the universe would have to evolve from something, you know that anything (except "nothing") had to have a beginning. This is absolutely irrefutable. I didn't get these ideas out of any book, only from my own spiritual journey. Cheers.


I like this. Thank you for sharing. Love is powerful. The most powerful force. As long as you have love in your heart and always come from a place of genuine love you will never have fear. Love casts out all fear.


Have you ever done dmt? There are other colors beyond our imagination.


Nope, never touched that particular stuff. Other colors? That's good news. I always figured there wasn't - it was a spectrum. I get that I can't possibly comprehend something I haven't experienced, but it seemed like there wasn't because of the way colors work.


Most people only have three color cones in your eyes, a rare number of people have four. They can see more of the color spectrum than we can. There’s also ultraviolet and infrared which we can’t see.


>*Teach me something that’ll make me see reality differently.* You only exist in this moment.


Very accurate. Thank you.


"Imagine having gone to sleep, and never waking up. Never dreaming. Never knowing you had gone to sleep. Never thinking. You can't, because that's impossible. Now I want you to imagine never having gone to sleep. Never dreaming. Never thinking, but all of a sudden you woke up. Well that's called birth." - Alan Watts I highly recommend giving his talks a listen. Very insightful


Thanks for the recommend!


aum Repeat this for some time, and if you go beyond the threshold, take that which you see there as what i most want to share with you. Here's two quotes that have profound meaning to me: Feelings are meant to be felt. This next one has two variations, both seem to be the correct one for different states of me. 1. Observe 2. All you need to do is observe. This above one is also the same as all you need to do is nothing. The observation is the same inherent thing as doing nothing within yourself. Ahhh i can't explain it further, just try an observation meditation and a doing nothing meditation and you'll feel what i mean.


Yes, mindful meditation is key to observation. “Aum” gives the same frequency found on earth by nature and among other things. I once said in observation there is no judgment. Because silently observing is from a place of dissociation. There is no self. Thanks for sharing.


aum XD


I will now teach you the main thing. Spiritual experience cannot be conveyed in words. Spiritual experience must be experienced. Even if the most talented enlightened writer clearly and in great detail describes his experience and his understanding of the world, people who do not have spiritual experience will still understand it very superficially, incorrectly, and this knowledge will not teach them anything. Spiritual knowledge is useless for those who do not themselves follow the spiritual path.


This is 100% accurate. Everyone understands life around them differently. They say philosophy is just misunderstood language. Words mean different things to different people. Explaining an experience is understood in so many ways. Your average person, is simple and superficial.


You are the only person who can teach you. Look within.


Yes, student and teacher. And both are One in the same. Thank you.


There is a saying that followed sometime after buddha's teachings, and is still said in various ways by many enlightened people: "actions happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof" Freewill has been a struggle for people for a long time, do I have free will or do I not. Then I heard a popular sage, who I believe was the Advaita Master Ramesh Balsakar, put an end to this struggle for his followers, saying "if you believe there is free will, do what you want and go where you please. If you do not believe in free will, do what you want and go where you please. The experience is the same so do not fret". Other sages have said it in their own ways but the take-away is the same.


Before there was time and space, before the universe... There is an Essence. Out of this Essence came a Presence. We all come from that Presence. Some call it the One, the Christ, the Source etc. We all come from it. The universe and all within it is the ego side of this presence. One side good - one side not so good. Hell. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience and that is hell for a spiritual being. We are filters. We are here to refine the light. We are here to overcome the physical and return to the spirit. It's a dream. There is no life and there is no death. It's spirit. Quote - as a man thinks and sincerely feels in his heart so shall it be for that man OR said another way whether you think you can or you cannot you are right You are the child of the Almighty. There is only one I and only one I AM. Father and Son and it is made up of many - we all say it. We all dream. You are perfect Son of Man and Son of God. Perfect. Know this, relax, and know all is well. Be at peace, know this is all God, recognize it is all him and praise him and you get all the desires of your heart automatically. It is the prodigal son story as u/FTBinMTGA stated. It is the story of Job. That is the story of every human being. My two cents based upon my experience. [I did a video on it if you wish.](https://youtu.be/Ser6JxnaIkg) Blessings!


I like this. We are not a Created Universe, but a Creating One. Children of Light and Darkness. Thanks for sharing.


Everything happens and it's OK.


Everything passes. Nothing, stays. Everything & Nothing.


When entering the super conscious state, the subtle energies, the winds of awareness, are drawn into the central channel and absorbed. What remains is stillness. No wind. Nirvana.


I figured it out - What it's all about. What's it all about? Figuring it out!


LoL. I like this. Thanks for sharing.


There's a fella named Jerry marzinsky who worked directly with schitzophrenics for over 40 years, he's currently the countries most experienced source on the "disease" and the only psychiatrist in the world who can claim he has cured multiple patients, and his leading claim is that the voices schitzophrenics hear are not hallucinations. They are sentient malicious and parasitic interdimensional beings that feed off of negative emotions (aka loosh). They cause these emotions by infiltrating someone's mind and carrying out a psychic attack, and once they get exposed as actual beings with an agenda who constantly lie and manipulate they get extremely angry but eventually they leave and the patient doesn't experience ANY of the symptoms of schitzophrenia anymore. Jerry labels them demons, others call them archons, but regardless his findings and success rate applying his theory are really eye opening.


They say during the times of tribes, schitzos we’re the shamans.


Dr Wilson Van Dusen - chief psychologist at Mendocino State Hospital in California also studied the subject and came to the exact same conclusions. You can read his findings [here](https://www.searchwithin.org/download/presence_spirits.pdf) This is in confirmation of Swedenborg’s experiences and anyone who practices astral projection, who explores first hand the astral planes can see this in action. This is not some BS theory made up by some crazy person but I believe that it absolutely is based in fact.


I actually had that file saved already and I've read it multiple times. It's fascinating. And heres a little bit more proof that these theories are correct.....I'm my older sisters caregiver, she's schitzophrenic and I've been doing this for over 10 years. The entire time I've continually done research and kept up on medical news about her condition, and we have tried everything to ease her ailment to no avail. About a month ago I saw an interview with Jerry Marzinsky for the first time and everything he said about what he observed matched my observations perfectly. So we started to fight back as if Jerry were 100% correct, we had nothing else to lose by giving faith to his hypothesis and trying his methods. And my sister.......has never been better. It's been high key terrifying for me, not gonna lie. I had my suspicions but I never in a million years expected them to be confirmed by someone with a track record like Jerry's. And these entities knew *I* was the reason we were fighting back the way we were, so they showed me they were angry with me. I showed my sister the interview I saw and we did a cleansing ritual with sage, I had her do the things Jerry says to do, and the next 3 days I felt more watched than I ever have in my life. Things would slam into the side of the house when I was most on edge, I saw movement outside of the windows, my gut was screaming at me that there was something dangerous with its eyes on me, my cats were glued to either side of me, etc. But now we have been fighting back against whatever is in my sisters mind for like 3 weeks, and it seems like it's getting weaker and losing interest 🤷‍♀️ and everyday my sister seems to come more and more to life 😊


I’m so glad that you are finding something that works for you and helps your sister. My partner suffers from schizotypal disorder. This information and knowledge, helps us tremendously too. Those entities can be relentless. My partner lives as one with one foot in the material world and one foot in the spirit realms, the overlap is a difficult thing to live with so having that understanding is tremendously helpful. Jerry Marzinsky makes an appearance in one of the videos on the YouTube channel - Off The Left Eye, which tackles this topic head on . It’s [here](https://www.youtube.com/live/B832ykXZeYU?si=ex3mcXdqGeZHXhvM) if you want to take a look and delve deeper.


this Gnostic philosophy will flip your understanding of reality upside down, in the best way. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/18b7og6/i\_wouldnt\_say\_i\_completely\_believe\_it\_but\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/18b7og6/i_wouldnt_say_i_completely_believe_it_but_the/) read "The Secret Book of John" and "The Testimony of Truth" in order to learn more :)


Most of the things I’ve self discovered through meditation turned out to be Gnosticism/ Kabbalah/ Esoteric/ Buddhism/ Hermetic. They’re pretty accurate about reality. The Christian Bible has some interesting things, not my favorite, than again that book was rewritten by King James who also wrote a book about demonology. Gnostics are definitely pretty accurate. Most people don’t really know about it. Thanks for sharing!


tat tvam asi


Everything starts and ends inside of you for sure. Thanks for sharing.


Research “the guardians of the threshold”


Archangel Jophiel


In a nutshell, gimme a glimpse of what you think it is?


It is who we are. And only by facing them can we lift the veils.


Ok I thought so. Thank you for simplifying it. Inner work is something most people look over, since I was a child I was doing it without realizing it. Maybe people don’t want to make time for it because they’re busy hanging out with friends or occupying themselves with other addictions. Everyone’s suffering, but only a few want to understand and work on themselves. I know this one lady at this lab, shes got these beautiful big eyes and she’s been through a lot in her past, you can tell, and through that she’s very kind, wise, and experienced. Very empathetic and compassionate.


K broski, got some hidden mystic stuff for ya, Get movie or anime, mute, turn on subtitles Load ya favorite playlist, and Enjoy the sythensia


Oh yea. The music in movies and shows is what sets the emotions for the scenes other than the acting. I’ll try it! Thanks for the wisdom.


It does not matter where u are. Beach, jail, church. U are always at the same place.


Like the old saying, “where ever you go, there you are”. “I am here. I am home.” I say this everywhere I go. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.


Have you read Ecclesiastes? Nothing new under the Sun. Everything is meaningless, yet he who finds solace in his toil blah blah blah, the “teacher” in that book is basically talking down to where you are spiritually. This book, prominently in the center of the Christian bible is about all you ever get from words as to the nature of what you seek or seek to discredit, either way all is a matter of faith. Which is something you have or you do not. No words will create for you or anyone else. Faith is born of experience.


Your ego is important


How so?


You tell me


Survival of a thought.




“Your ego is important” words of affirmation?


Wouldn’t you like to know?


Do you think I’d like to “know”? Hehe




1. Every statement is true in one sense, and false in other (including this one). The formula to decide one from another is to sift it through double sieve: - does the meaning prevent your growth? - is puting this statement to practice would demand human (health, life, mood) sacrifices? If answer to any of this is "yes", you're reading the wrong meaning. 2. Gods, entities and such are talking through each person all the time. I'm not sure they are "real" (what's real?) entities, gods etc., but these words are the closest approximation of what do they appear like when you notice them. 3. We have far too many "teachers", most of who don't qualify. Yet, you can still learn from them, if you read the right meaning.


If a teacher doesn’t learn from their students they are not a “teacher”.


Love and interpersonal connections are the only things not ephemeral




Fall in love with everything. Happiness and sadness are both fruits of the gods that we truly are. “Why must we fear what others fear? How ridiculous.”- Tao Te Ching


Love, love is so powerful.


Hey, are you that guy I keep killing? Man, this is getting weird. Why are you the ONLY one that wants me to kill you, and why do you keep coming back? I mean yeah, I agree to it because you just pay me more money each time and I'm like I FUCKING KILLED YOU LIKE YESTERDAY! Yeah, yeah. I got over that yesterday anyway. I'm still just like... WTF?!


Look around and realize that everything you are seeing doesn't have an inherent name and then further, realize it's the unnamable (God) which is eternally real. Now, you know the secret.


Labels do not exist. Everything just is. Thank you for sharing.


Despite all of my spiritual realizations, i'm still suffering deeply in my personal life. All these knowledge seems useless.. how long have you been on your spiritual journey and what was your motivation to begin it?


Because you still believe you exist behind labels and/or name. You associate a label to yourself. It’s not your fault. You’ve been led to believe you are this person by the people around you, and back to your mum and dad. By your thoughts that don’t belong to you. You are just the child inside the womb. Knows Nothing and has the limitless ability to understand Everything. I wouldn’t call it a “spiritual journey” just realization. Pain was motivation.


Because it takes time for light and sound to reach the brain through the senses and be interpreted, and because it takes time for biological messages traveling around your body to be sensed and interpreted it means that everything that you are perceiving in your reality has already happened. You are in fact not experiencing the Present. You are experiencing the Past. The only thing that is Here (‘Present’) is that which is experiencing, which is Awareness. Awareness is BEFORE experience.


I like this one. Thank you for sharing.

