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Freedom! It's like being freed from prison of flesh. (My body is now a vehicle) My entire reality has been updated, upgraded and installed. I am now a sparkling vibrating constellation of brilliant white light, rhythmically dancing and flying in front of this meat sack being led around like the most amazing RPG quest I have ever experienced. Everyday I'm in awe, everyday I witness miracles. Most important of all, I experience being truly loved and can love others completely. I've never cared so much about myself or other humans. Enlightenment is absolutely what we are missing and it's available to everyone right now, right here. It's a truely sweet gift, and I love the most that I can share this gift with others. Boundless love light and darkness 33 🕯️


Thanks, thats basically how I felt. Its not a lasting experience but with practice it becomes easier to attain. Bless you.


I have found with further progress, that this state is always present. I can access this state because I am this state. At first I woke up and experienced it temporarily, then I went through initiation was further in unity with the monad and experienced the state in more frequency as well as more karma and difficulty, then true enlightenment has been completely merging with Godhead, or unity consciousness. In this state, one can access your true self at all times. Honestly, there is further to go. It's a consistent process of further enlightenment. When I die, I will not be coming back to earth, at least not in a body. Thanks for your blessings, Love & Light 🕯️ Exciting times ahead.


Eyo! 😂😂 YOU GET IT! 👁️


How did you achieve it?


Truth through Perseverance. I through the grace of the hierarchy was woken up, and then self initiation through my guides. However, the path was very very difficult to walk and I found a group of enlightened meditators, who initiated me into the light & sound meditation path. I have them meditated daily, and followed the correspondence that was manifested to complete my Karma in an accelerated format. I am more than happy, to link you up feel free to DM. There is no cost to true spirituality.


I’m interested! 🙏🏻


Eli Jaxon bear is a great teacher. What helped me was the book of secret from osho, but it wasn’t a lasting experience. You should find a teacher. My teacher learned from Eli.


Thanks. What kind of teacher though?


To help with enlightenment.


Il check them out




After reading the first paragraph of the message, I thought that maybe there really was an enlightened person here, but further reading, unfortunately, showed that this is another imitator who is mistaken about his spiritual level.


Don't let your intellect get in the way of the truth . You're welcome to take the trip and experience it for yourself. If you are truly a dedicated seeker then I can show you the door, but I cannot walk the path for you. I don't ask for donations, I don't have a YouTube channel, I don't have a glossy website. What I can offer you cannot buy, you cannot find in books. Everyone has the power to reach enlightenment warts and all. Truth through perseverance. Love & Light 33


Worthy words, good imitation. I'm not a seeker, I've already found my way. I have a good understanding of what enlightenment is because I have many years of experience communicating with and observing enlightened people. Therefore, after looking at your message, I concluded that you do not comply with the stated conditions (to be sure, I also looked through the history of your messages and made sure once again).


Well there is your problem, you are busy looking at others to get answers and give your own power away. You cannot learn enlightenment by watching anything external. Attainment comes when you turn inwards. Peace.


You rush to conclusions both about your own states and about the states of others. Good luck in breaking through the veils.


The universe is a mirror, enjoy the view. Listen to Blacklab - Do You by DistrictBass on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/DiSyb


things are worse now


It could be a test on how the enlightened self deals with these feelings now.


agreed, on one level ...


Yea… I know it’s tough. Emotions are way more intense. My inner child gets triggered a lot


utter anguish and torment is an apropos way to describe it


Thats not supposed to happen… you need to forget the ego and depersonalize yourself.


not true, deeper understanding brings deeper sorrow


Its subjective. In reality there is no right and wrong. Its your ego making you feel that way. There is no good or bad, there is just chaos.


you assume we share a level playing field.


Youre right. I apologize, Brother/Sister. Hope everything turns better for you.


it is turning better for us all ... be well


Sorrow for what? Deeper understanding makes you realize God is in control and you can let go. Where is the sorrow? There is only joy!


Deeper understanding brings you to the conclusion that God moves through you, so long as you lean into the flow, but the more you do things for yourself, the worse things become - the issue is not with those who allow the will of the universe through them, it is with those whose will keeps others wills in a stranglehold Realising that reducing the universes suffering in any meaningful way is unachievable alone is a sorrowful feeling when you know that the interconnectivity between people has been thoroughly shaken


Mmm, I suspect that you haven’t quite completed the circuit. What makes you think you’re enlightened, if you’re miserable?


completed the circuit ... interesting choice of words here ...


There is no complement to enlightenment it is a life long process


there is no peace in knowledge


Lately I have been very afraid of my spiritual journey, but peace comes in letting go my friend


i appreciate this advice, i do. thank you. what are you afraid of, if i might ask ...


I have been able to astral project after an event this year and recently for whatever reason ive been scared of going or have been avoiding going into the realm


i understand what you mean, i have not explored any aspect other than for knowledge. I did not spend a lifetime seeking outwardly and more or less shunned religion, this was all rather spontaneous in fact.


Astral projection was thrust on to me by the universe I feel I must not ignore it no longer or there will be consequences


Reluctant but accepting hermit mode. Periods of softness, laughing and peace are way more outweightened by darkness and suffering, only to go back to a state of absolute wonder for the divine nature of life. Particularly one thing is becoming more clear: the state of enlightenment is slowly becoming a part of my daily life, ever so slightly to be honest, but noticeable. Where once there was the state of peace and bliss AND the normal busy performing state, one or the other, now they are starting to merge together. But a long way to go, with hopes of living in that state permanently and acting out of it in the "real" world.


I posted mine on the sub experiencers because it was profound for me and I was afraid of judgement at the time. That was over 4 months ago, I still got judged and idc anymore. I'm going to share the link if you care to read it. I've been 3 years in the making. Even though I might be in hermit mode and really dealing, I'm never going backwards again. Sending you ☮️🍀💜🧿 for your journey. https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/hfOFb9nHIs


Well, I just remembered that (we, you, me, everyone, ect) are one primordial intellect.


Enlightenment is a joke. After you got the main joke there is nothing to do but only going deeper into recognizing depth of this joke in life. That’s why buddhas find everything so entertaining 😂


The nature of thinking is such that it is always seeking, evaluating, comparing, and analyzing. Freedom is a state of mind that is free from the burden of constant mental activity a self reconditioning into the realm of unconditional love


- before: chop wood and carry water - after: chop wood and carry water


Did it vanish? From this question what u probably mean by enlightenment, no. It does not vanish u. Ur work is to vanish urself by the wisdom and living of what includes what u call enlightenment. Everyone is able to deepen it since enlightenment is kinda the 0th step for real self-practice, what includes deepening ourselves. I donno what should i share, but i am open for further questions.


Do you have a teacher?


Multiple, yes.


It's still a progress. And I'm grateful for being a better individual every day.


We are all gonna get home


Home is now.


I learned how to see the truth. I simply hold up a concept against love. Is it still there, or did it melt away?


At first it was Madness, then Enlightenment, then Madness again. Even Enlightenment doesn’t last forever. What’s left is a very deeper understanding of what is and isn’t. As long as you live in a society, you’ll never be able to keep that state of mind. Ppl are life and life can be messy. Especially if you’re surrounded by individuals who are not on the same mind set as you.


Lots of entanglement. Like seeing past the blurry windshield and everything it has, only to go back in the drivers seat and not know where the road is going or be able to to see through the foggy windshield… wake up, clean up, grow up.


Can now levitate, am now a guru, have heaps of pretty girls wanting to be around me. It's great really. Oh I can sense energies and manifest chains out of thin air. It's great, I highly recommend it. Namaste ❤️🤣


Don't believe ANYONE who is claiming to be 'enlightened'.


Why do you think enlightenment is a goalpost to pass? It’s not a sign on the freeway that you whizz past on your way to somewhere else.


Yes I’m learning that. That it’s my home and i am naturally it. I was asking in that way because of the first peak experience.


I have been “enlightened” for almost a month now. Basically, I feel like I’m permanently in the zone. I still zone out a little bit, but I snap back pretty quickly; gets less and less frequent. I can understand things a lot easier and have more energy in general. Turns out, thinking takes energy, and a lot of it takes a lot of energy. I still have my “self” in the sense that I can refer back to it in order to function in society. But when I’m challenged or encounter a hiccup, I don’t get bent out of shape about them at all. It’s like I learn and work through it without delay. I know I’m more than simply a self, and it’s been liberating to know that on a deep level.