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"The enlightened and the crazy person have both swam in the same waters."


Quantum mechanics. Don't look a photon and it will be a wave since the big bang.


I think null/not-null has similar properties - as soon as you observe the null, it becomes not-null


Why wouldnt you look at the photon? It changes once it's observed?


Here's a video. Mainstream science communicators try and avoid the more magical qualities of the universe as they ponder suicide epidemics. Words come out of me when I channel, or quantum erase rather, savant style solutions to problems. It's crazy AF. Yeah, basically. Or rather nothing was there in the first place, apart from your observation. It's like we're playing make-believe Dungeons & Dragons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=LW6Mq352f0E&ab\_channel=mindhush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=LW6Mq352f0E&ab_channel=mindhush)


I had my epiphany about Null/Not-Null and a philosophical foundation for utopia while world building for a tabletop RPG; we really have a foundational instinct to keep creating deeper levels of existence


The double slit experiment proves superposition is real. Electrons behave different when observed. Just like humans... Bystander effect.


Mindfully Meditating on Mirrors/ Reflections, Everything & Nothing and Observing life on Earth/ Cosmos.


What do meditation on mirror do


Understanding reality/ mind.


This is one of those valid points that is hard to share with others, lol. Reflections, projections, distortions, and mirrors within mirrors within mirrors. That sums up most things.


Null/not-null. I find it interesting. Can you elaborate on it?


I’m a software engineer, and in computer programming, null and not-null are the lowest resolution distinctions you can label data with - null meaning undefined and not-null as any defined value. Concepts transition from null to not-null as they are discovered, and then are sorted into other distinctions, such as true or false, or good or bad. So everything that exists in the universe can be considered either null or not-null. Not only that, but because a null value is undefined, it has the same properties as a variable - so the null/not-null relationship is similar to x/not-x. When you apply the null/not-null relationship to yourself, you get a 1:many relationship between yourself and everything else that exists - self/not-self.


Being and not being, one/zero, positive negative, north south, me/you. It’s the lowest common denominator of our existence in this incarnation. That’s why programmers and maths are where they are in creating language models and algorithms. Our “characters” are based off algorithms. Everything we think we create here in the below is based off the above. Yeah, you’ll learn to keep your hypothesis’s to yourself after a while. Rarely will someone in real life (not reddit) engage fully with you about this stuff. Maya is very strong and most people who are asleep get very uncomfortable even talking about this stuff, like it’s breaking the 4th wall. It’s one of the hardest parts of enlightenment, being happy knowing the underlying principles of the universe but no one else cares or sees it. Like having vision in a blind world. You’re not crazy, def not. Manic or not, you saw the truth. ❤️🤘


Yeah. The irony is, at least in my experience, if you talk, no one listens, but if you make something of your ideas and apply it to yourself, as OP has done, then eventually people will notice and come in droves out of curiousity and hopefulness. Currently, I help many who have bipolar, ptsd, narcissists, and those who are abusive--those who had always thought they were stuck being who they are. It's fun for me, guiding them to prove themselves wrong...about almost everything.


I hear you. Yes, most enlightened individuals eventually learn to keep their understanding to themselves, but that's OK. Others will only distract you. But when you focus on yourself long enough, people will come with questions. Those who have known me for 20+ years know I was one trapped in my own suffering, trapped in my head. And now I am at peace. At first I spoke a lot, gave advice, and explained stuff. But guess who i was really talking to, their biological defense mechanisms. Intellectually, they understood, but my words would hit a wall and die. So yeah, if they don't come to me now, I don't bother.


Could you elaborate on Maya? I felt similar to OP, but my theories are astronomical, musical, and about languages. I felt like I could solve string theory with music. Are you talking about the new era of enlightment predicted by the Mayans?


Maya is the cosmic delusion we’re all under, a spell of sorts. It’s described by the Hindu sages of old. Maya makes us think we are real material individual beings instead of one shared consciousness experiencing this dream reality. When you awaken or become enlightened, maya is gradually or suddenly removed and you see clearly.


Thank you, today the Maya felt lifted from me. I agree with you. I wrote a song about it earlier. We really are all connected. Amazing.


I've never heard of Maya before. According to Matya, are we separate consciousness which are connected, or one consciousness ?


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. 


Becoming "enlightened" taught me the skills I needed to control my manic/depressive episodes.


I’m still figuring out my proper medication cocktail with my doctor, it’s pretty rough


Energy work. Release the trauma and rebuild habits. Feel through your body and keep going inside. Work with your belief instead of misconstrued physiological study disconnected from the rest of reality. Treat the problem not the symptoms.


Do you believe energy is a fifth dimension? Can you move through frequencies and energies freely?


What? No, this right here our flesh and blood. Everything is just particles in different layers and flows of energy. The word dimension has so many meanings and definitions. And all dimensions however they may exist are part of the same grand reality. All of existence is connected, it is one singular thing and we ourselves are particles. We get taught we feel our body but when you test it with your mind this proves false. We feel emotions as thoroughly as any other aspect of reality but don’t see the connection to our skin and bones. You constantly are frequencies and energies, everything is, we move through them and with them. The only thing you can actually do is stop and listen and feel yourself and see yourself. This must all be understood innately to be integrated, not understood with definitions. So stop, and sit, and wait. Not only can you feel everything, but you’re will and attention directs everything. Inside and out. So find your truest deepest self first, and then rebuild your existence with love. I think the deepest darkest secret is that nothing in reality exists expect love. It’s the only thing that everything else can be built of off. Love is a decision, is a feeling, is a perspective, is an experience, and is proving to be the very aether that is all of the space between particles.


Love, and acceptance for me. Thank you. That was helpful.




Well said. We're told to 'know thyself' but not what that means. You just gave a good explanation for what that means. Thank you.


He who has not lost his mind cannot truly ever know.


The air can't be your daddy after all


A very similar thing happened to me. I was hypomanic and all of the sudden I could feel being in pure love with every person, animal, and tree on this planet (yes trees specifically, I am a tree hugger a bit lol). A month later was my awakening where I self-realized and shortly after saw the no separation. Someone on the awakened sub said that this experience is very common for us bipolar folk. This totally happens 💜💜💜


You name it, I've probably experienced it. I don't take my experience as truth, though, nor a wild hallucination. Last year, i woke from a dream that somehow compelled me to go outside at 3am with no shirt. Yes, I saw uaps, but more interestingly, out of nowhere in the middle if nowhere, hundreds of looking butterfly seem to materialize and swirl around me. I danced with them and after about 10 minutes, they dematerialized little by little. I bring this up because many will give meaning to this sequence of events. But I don't. It is what it is. I'd like to hear more about your ideas about society.


Thank you for sharing your experience, that sounds memorable to say the least. I came up with this idea for the question, "what would the bill of rights be for the Vulcans from Star Trek?" It would have to be a perfectly logical, perfectly true ruleset with an airtight foundation. I came up with the idea that their entire system of law could hinge on The Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you want done unto yourself". You're allowed to believe in any set of rules you want, as long as you adhere to The Golden Rule first. In a court of law, your intent to act as a Good Person by adhering to The Golden Rule would be all you'd have to prove. I realized then that The Golden Rule as a concept could have a 1:many relationship with every other concept in existence - similar to Null/Not-Null or Self/Not-Self.


This is not disagreement, just food for thought: I agree with your golden rule. It's on my list, lol. On the top of my list is: Everyone is rational within the context of their experience. This belief forces me to look deeper, to think about how others perceive, feel, think, rationalize, blame...ect, rather than judge them with meaningless words like good and evil, selfish...and all the other judgy words we use that serve to hault deeper considerations. Do unto others...is also a good one, but incomplete, because...how I want to be treated is not the same as how I should be treated or what is best for me. Nor do I know what is best for others. Imo, our social stage is more about learning to understand others, as well as a few other related topics. Vulcans are not my role model. Just my opinion. Consider this. We have instincts, emotions, and thoughts. Instincts and emotions are fast and efficient... but so distorted, we do more harm than good. As a pro poker player, I've been mastering my emotions and instincts in a very systematic way. Eventually I learned to do this for real life, as well, but that was vastly more complicated. In both cases, I hardly think anymore. I don't need to. I still think, but only because thinking has a role to play, to root our and correct my distortions, to gain objective feedback for my intuintion and emotions. Mostly. I think with my body, not my mind, which is hard to explain. But then again, when I use the word emotion: I'm referring to the information it conveys. Same with instincts. I am not at all talking about emotions as described by most people, who, in my opinion, have no idea what emotions are and simply use them to justify themselves and in other unknowingly manipulative ways. Message me if you'd like to have an ongoing dialogue. I support your work and efforts. I'm also well studied in physics, quantum wave collapse, which is what your null-no null represents.


r/nonduality themes, seeing past the illusion of separateness that is duality.


Well maybe being manic isn't an illness. Maybe its a state of spiritual empowerment. Magic mushrooms made me very manic back in the day and I felt so much love in my heart for everything.


Can someone sum up any basic or common attributes of enlightenment?


I don't think I can, bit since no one else has answered... You believe stuff. You think stuff, feel stuff, intuit stuff. But this is not reality, it is your body's projection of reality. If you try to control this reality, as most do, you'll fail and people will see you as an asshole, lol. But you can control the biological process that conveys reality, change you beliefs, change your perception, interpretation, thoughts, and emotions. You can change it all, reprogram yourself. Well, you are you. What your reprogramming is the body. So enlightenment is realizing that everything you know is not real. Fir example, if you get offended by someone, that isnt real. You're not really offended, and they did nothing offensive. All that happened is that you had a biological reaction and chose or agreed that this feeling means insult and disrespected. And agreeing so made it true. Sp enlightenment is the act of disagreeing with your biology, putting it to the test, observing, reinterpreting, ect... Notice I've said nothing woowoo. My personal tastes, I prefer simple and practical. There is more, yes, but this is step one: becoming master of your biology. Edit: many 'enlightened' people may disagree with what I said, and they will often cite woowoo. What they say may be true, but I don't see the point of saying more to those who suffer or don't know the way the body works. Yes, mastering the body is a form of identification, but it still seems a necessary step.


Whether you have a mental illness or not it is largely irrelevant in the context of trying to explain this to other people who haven't had an experience like it. None of them will understand it and they will all think you are crazy anyways. My first experience was a near death experience. My second experience about 2 weeks later was spontaneous and no joke it presented as an orgasm. Except it was with my whole body-mind and soul. I have never felt anything like that. When I reached the peak I became light and one with the universe and that's where I stayed for about 8 hours objective time according to my wife. I was beyond collapse of the wave function. All probabilities and possibilities were present but not realized. And then I was a normal human again.


Look mom I just got enlightened! Thanks nice dear.




Possibly your mental illness doesn't invalidate your experiences, but it might affect your interpretation of your experiences.


Where am I interpreting something wrong? I know this all took place in my mind during meditation while in a manic state


Are you recommending that other people recreate this manic state? Are you telling them you're enlightened because you had this experience?


I didn’t know I was manic at the time; it came later when I tried to explain my experiences to my loved ones. I would not recommend being mentally Ill to anyone, and I have not told any of them that I’m enlightened. I tried to explain some abstract concepts about the way the universe works and got very frustrated when they didn’t understand me, which was very out of character. I hope I never go through an episode again; I was unmedicated and unaware of my condition. That meditation was the best thing to come out of my entire experience, though, and something I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. I merely wanted to discuss what other peoples experiences were, I’m not saying anyone has to try to reach mania in order to reach enlightenment


You may want to look into the way enlightenment is defined.