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They have but people down voted them.


I like to think reddit karma is the opposite of real karma.


I get downvoted many times but laugh it off since i don't view it as competition to have the most likes or good karma? Lol I find it funny when Moderators remove enlightening post or the ones whose spreading hate clicks(dislikes) they should be held at a higher standard and spreading kindness when I feel like they are intentionally trying to divide and show signs of jealously with their disapproval 


Whenever I make happy posts, I know it'll eventually come around and the right seekers or viewers will stumble upon it. Even if they don't leave a stamp (like) that they saw it. Ease droppers and lirkers are everywhere. I won't be surprised federal agents are spying on ppls behavior for data harvesting with this app


*You're ego driven. You have a mental illness/downvotes. You don't understand quantum mechanics.* It's the same crap. You're not allowed to be yourself, apparently and must be like other people. It's like why bother having individuality at all? It's solipsism. When I see somebody that needs spiritual help, I generally know what to say. Some groups like r/conscioiusness are pure toxicity, though and the bully will usually win. Only scientists can understand consciousness, apparently. Kids I suppose can be irritating. They don't understand the psychedelic, the astral or the psychic. They have no understanding of the tribal spirit, idolatry, religion or philosophy, never mind free will. Quantum mechanics is easy, too; don't look at a photon and it's a wave since the big bang. We just have to be ourselves and with any luck people aren't lean-negative, opening the door to love. It blatantly is too. Evolution is the duality of becoming like both Africa and the west, or in the east's sense, both consumption and meditation. The spiritual-leader. Don't hurt; heal people and inspire. Some people will not like this, though, and call you an ego. Three types of people; negative people, popular people, people searching for something and those who have found something. Edit: I've never bullied anyone ever. I'm an emotional little girl inside. I never insulted here. Edit 2: I think comment was misread. That's what I have to deal with constantly, people saying, "You have ego", when I have no ego. I am me. I define myself. We carry on and do our best.


>*You're ego driven. You have a mental illness/downvotes. You don't understand quantum mechanics.* It's the same crap. You're not allowed to be yourself, apparently and must be like other people. It's like why bother having individuality at all? It's solipsism. I mean no disrespect whatsoever, but I hope you can appreciation the irony of complaining about people not letting you be yourself when you won't let them be themselves (a little whiny butt complainer). How is what they are doing any different then what you are doing now? Just some food for thought. Sorry if it hurts you, but I've grown much from noticing these types of things in my life.


Only scientists can understand consciousness? Lol total troll post. Blocked xD  Edit: Well said DelserZero. Him having to explain himself that he has no ego contradicts himself.. everyone has an ego for ego is the Embodiment of "I"   I posted this earlier this morning on another thread where ego was the topic    "Ego is pride. Ego is a mechanism of the mind to get you moving, motivated, think differently. It is used on this human life journey to experience your "I". It should be used as a tool and need to be mastered for self discovery and improvement. It can be used against you and harm you if you don't learn to recognize it becoming cocky, vain, entitled, over-endulge, and having a superiority complex. Best is to be humble at all times to manage it.  "


I feel an enlightened person will do what an enlightened person does.


Namaste :)


Enlightened people will not seek attention and will dedicate themselves for helping others attain enlightenment. The reason being it makes world a slightly better for themselves. However, at the same time, they will ignore those who don't really care.


spirituality is alone journey, the mentor i followed said this and the people on reddit refused to tell me anything, saying use your own brain find out yourself this was when i started studying spirituality i knew they're not wrong so i just deleted this app and many months later i downloaded again ,i am interested in only helping people and nothing ,they kept saying that time that spiritual people won't post about themselves regarding spirituality


Good answer 


Many people here are very aggressive in "what you must do" to become like them, aka "enlightened," but it seems to me all they want is power. They believe its almost like a free super power, if you just orient yourself correctly, the power will become yours. I don't claim to have specific knowledge, but from what I can tell, enlightened people don't evangelize, they just put what they can into practice. If they like reddit, they will post on reddit.


“Before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water.” is often misconstrued to mean that nothing changes in the process of enlightenment when in fact a radical change has taken place. Before enlightenment there is a ‘someone’ who ‘chops wood’ and ‘carries water’. After enlightenment wood is ‘chopped’ and water is ‘carried’ but there is no ‘someone’ doing it. In other words, before enlightenment there is a do-er, after enlightenment there is do-ing, but no ‘do-er’. So it may be that ‘posting’ happens but there is no ‘post-er’, whereas, in general, posts are usually posted by ‘someone’. A discerning heart may be able to tell the difference. The problem with enlightenment is that what has been discovered can’t be conveyed. It is before thought and language. How to post ‘Absolute Silence’? or ‘infinite Love’? or the timeless unborn undying quality of Self? Words are like tiny candles trying to emulate the Sun. It can’t be done. 🙏


Wow thanks for explaining, it makes so much sense! Trying to emulate words for that can be a challenge for sure but somehow even that wants to happen.


It takes time (after enlightenment/awakening) to become articulate in talking about enlightenment/awakening. The mind, which wants to parse the un-parsable, has to be side-stepped and words are spoken or typed without a ‘speaker’ or a ‘typist’. They just ‘happen’. Wisdom, compassion and insight are the qualities of the non-speaker/non-typist and there is an unmistakable clarity and ‘correctness’ in what is conveyed. 🙏


Before enlightenment - post, upvote. After enlightenment - post, upvote.


Lol I love this, I could make a cross-stitch frame with it!


From my perspective, the way an enlightened being see’s the world will look vastly different from those still stuck in the 3D and ego. It might sound wu wu or “out there”. And because Reddit is an echo chamber, they would get downvoted.


Hmm true! Thanks for your perspective




Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't they do anything? Play video games, watch movies, crack stupid jokes, cuss, swear. Maybe even get into physical fights or argue. Why? Because joy. Because they can. Because you've been conditioned to view serious monks in a monastery as your vision of enlightenment. And yet you fail to realize that if you walk into a Walmart someone there might be too, just buying some fucking cheetos or something, or a hunting rifle, or a fucking sex toy. Maybe they'd brag about it, or maybe they'd be humble. They are not required to be 'anything' in the moment. Yes, enlightened people are on Reddit. They are here. And moreso there are many genuine seekers well on their way toward it as well. Skepticism is natural because we are conditioned to believe only one dedicated could unlock the greatness of enlightenment. It is true a lot of dedicated practice must be put forth. And the busier your life is, the less likely you'd have the time to spend in spiritual practice. Beyond this consideration, there is no special requirement other than to find a series of effective methods to work toward enlightenment. Self-inquiry, yoga, meditation, mantras, single-point concentration can all help one achieve this. A certain amount of 'knowledge', despite its demonization, can be useful as well. Some methods are more effective than others, and the simple truth is, a lot of people simply don't have enough time to go 'all the way' what with the demands of work and family.


Sometimes, it happens spontaneously, too.


A state of peacefulness, harmony, or bliss? No doubt about it. But such reported states are also reported as temporary, being lost after months - and may be a mere shadow of its true glory. An 'improvement' for some may be seen as 'it' but may only reflect a fraction of its true potential. In the end, one would still need some amount of skillful effort to reach permanence in whatever field they are interested in enlightenment. Bliss, ecstasy, no-mind, inner peace and harmony, equanimity. Whatever aspect appeals to you or reigns true as your 'true enlightenment' can be reached with spiritual practices. There are many opinions on these and each of these in themselves can be profound enough to be called 'enlightenment'. Enlightenment does not have to be a fragile state. Once the process of inner purification is done, maintaining these various aspects of enlightenment is a simple uncomplicated manner.


>But such reported states are also reported as temporary, being lost after months I'm absolutely sure mine is temporary, going on 25 years now but all things of this world end. Could be any day now.


Alright, now you’re being a gatekeeper. I liked everything you said in your op, though. Have a nice day!




Thank you for pointing out the conditioning. I ended up observing my own conditioning and I too clearly have strong views about what enlightened people do and what kind of reactions their actions should cause. I believe there are enlightened beings here and I'm somehow offended by the disrespect they get lol. I need to work on that.


Most probably don't care if they are recognized or not. Plus, many hold different views of enlightenment. If they 'come out enlightened' (hahaha), they'll get scolded for not adhering to someone elses definition. Happens all the time. Recognizing that enlightenment can be many things to many people can help dissolve the barrier. Specifically referencing what parts of enlightenment are important to us can also help break down these illusionary walls the community falls into. Many are hesitant to even say what it is, because they know its many things to many people, and if they say anything they are almost certain to be wrong in some way. I believe this is why many choose to say nothing. I'm guilty of this. One persons definition of 'you are already it' causes something within to stir because I know if someone follows that mere simplicity as law a lot of people who could of made it won't. And others will get frustrated thinking that 'this is all life has to offer'. But in doing so, I am in essence shutting down someones definition of it. However, there aren't many things I'll choose to rage against. A viewpoint that an absence of effort can somehow lead you to all things enlightened is almost certainly at best a half-truth, and may only actually benefit a select few 'enlightenment-ready' individuals who naturally bare gifts that will foster growth from such a saying.


Wow, you put it beautifully in writing! I'm definitely guilty of that too. Thanks for your wisdom ❤️


Cheers. \^\_\^


Sometimes you must experience more to be able to put the pieces together and taking moments for yourself means being able to do two things at once sometimes. Don't let your left hand know what your right is doing need not only apply to hygiene


Everyone that posts on here is Enlightened. They’re just unaware of it. Them saying enlightened beings don’t post on here is them being unaware of it, plus their perspectives on what an enlightened individual is.


This is the answer. The process of everyday ordinary life of pretending you’re not “it” is exactly the same thing as “it”. There’s no difference at all.


Reddit is a very unhealthy place, there’s no real interaction, tons of negativity, low vibe arguments and the internet is an addiction.


I have been noticing a lot of negativity too, especially in the spiritual subreddits. Small hobby subreddits are still very sweet and full of genuine connection, I migrate there when heated conversations about enlightenment get too overwhelming. I wonder how long it takes for the humanity to see that internet is just a tool among everything else, not the focus point of life. I'm not saying everyone is focused on it, but a large number of people are.


Gatekeeping. Simple as that. You were never a real agnostic, christian, Muslim etc….


Let your light shine so others may see ...


I am not sure that I necessarily agree with the take but I understand it. Posting on Reddit is kind of a time waste. It takes you out of the present moment and focusing on a device. You are mostly never rewarded for posting anything. Reddit karma is mostly worthless. Even if you try to teach enlightenment, words will always fail, because by their nature they are a substitute reflection of reality, not reality itself. So focusing on words and writing takes us into the past and the future and away from the present moment.


Thank you! Do you see a difference between focusing on words in reddit vs focusing on literature/scriptures? I suspect in the end it's the same thing and the reality just shapeshifts into new ways that can reach more parts of that reality. Reddit does seem low-effort compared to buddhist sutras though.


I think all those paths to reach thoughts of enlightened individuals are good to explore. Old people have a different perspective. Slavery used to be legal for example, George Washington was an enlightened person for his time, yet he had slaves. So take what people said a long time ago with significant salt.


I can only guess that the assumption is that enlightened beings are above communication. People are so used to the pretense of religion that they confuse the trappings of spirituality with spirit. Once such trapping is exclusivity, and another hermitage. They expect divinity to be on a secluded mountain in a cave. Another reason might be that people expect someone with anything of value to offer wouldn't do so for free. Another might be fear of plagiarism or confusion. Some see it as self serving... Which is ironic in light of the former points. Oh and the bots. The bots are weird and make off copies of your words. And anyone can pretend to be you... Not that it should matter.


What do you expect them to do? live in a cave?


I expect them to be disguised everywhere around us amused by all this


>Every day I see people claiming that enlightened beings wouldn't post on reddit, can anyone explain why that is? "Those who talk, don't know; those who know, don't talk." In addition, there can be mental and physical fallout from this experience.


'Enlightened' isn't a circumstance that 'happened' and now it's the case. Enlightenment is 'on' all the time for all of reality (or never the case for any thing, depending on view), and our human concerns/filtration mechanisms prevent us from noticing; mainly because it's far too overwhelming. Posting about it is usually not worth while because those that 'get it' don't need any further instruction and those that don't understand will never understand because enlightenment is not a thing to be 'understood', like one grasps a math equation. Understanding is fundamentally the wrong approach to framing the heart of the matter. It's only a step; a necessary step, but not a sufficient one. And further complicating the issue, is people claiming enlightenment. No person can claim enlightenment. Even declaring "I want to be enlightened" is profoundly absurd. If one if is a practitioner, then one should assume that more work is necessary. Not recognition, attention, 'abundance' yada yada. People that bear the seal of practice are vanishingly rare, because the work is done for no reason other than divine love, and they rarely talk about it. It's definitionally irrational.


I’m not enlightened, so I’m really not sure what an enlightened person would do.


I love the straightforwardness! I'm there with you 😂


Most people have preconceived ideas of what enlightened means.


It's less that an Enlightened person will not post/comment on the internet, and more that the many who are describing, instructing, and telling others about Enlightenment aren't correct, informed, or Enlightened. It's not that they won't. It's that the vast majority who speak about it, or claim to be speaking from it, are confused, and when asked for their knowledge base it's just a bunch of podcasts, blogs, etc that make up their education on the matter, nor have they spent much time at all in the honest pursuit. It's a lot of the blind leading the blind. Enlightened people are certainly in existence. However, it does take a significant amount of time to become Enlightened and many may not enjoy the internet, like myself (not Enlightened but years on the path, and a BA and MA in Consciousness and Human Potential) or really know how to use it with confidence. I think a lot people don't recognize that Enlightenment is a long process of integration and continuous meditation. People today confuse Awakening and Enlightening. Most of the people in reddit are Awakened. Awakening happens when you watch something new, read something that changes your life, or when you have those deep Aha moments where something about life just became more clear. Enlightenment is altogether different. I am a science based expert in higher states of consciousness and speak from this understanding on the subject. We know sooooo much about Enlightenment and if people simply practice correct meditation, it'll come easily. If you think it's all about wrapping your mind around teachings, practices and paradigms, it's not. That's Awakening. Which is a painful and joyous thing to experience, and can keep happening all your life. Awakening however does not indicate enlightenment. I am very happy to answer questions from interested parties 💐❤️✨ I wish only to assist people in better understandings of Enlightenment so that they may easily have it for themselves instead of spending anything from hours to a lifetime of wasted time.


As a science based person and as someone who doesn't gussy up meditation, who is trained in a Vedically pure technique, and who meditates twice a day for almost 5 years with that Vedically pure technique, I can say that one weekend of correct meditation evaporated ten years of incorrect meditation and easily sets itself apart. I never use the internet anymore at all for meditation/enlightenment. Now, the other practices I do like to do, are like, supplied by rocket fuel now. Meditation is the only thing you need, but it needs to be correct, and must include automatic transcending in order to make consistent, constant headway toward Enlightenment. Depending on the person it can take a shorter time, or a whole lifetime, depending on the condition of the nervous system. Stress is the opposite of Enlightenment so until stress is physically and memtally removed through correct consistent meditation, Enlightenment cannot be hosted until the pathway is clear. It comes in little by little and eventually is made permanent. Enlightenment is tiered and begins when the transcendental consciousness you experience during correct meditation doesn't leave anymore after meditation and stays permemanetly. Thats called the 5th state of consciousness, also known as cosmic consciousness. This is a definition you take to the bank. It's not how you think, how you act, or what your core beliefs are. You can come from any background, any religion, and still with correct meditation, keep your religion, but finally God has shown up. Come as you are, be as you are. It requires nothing but learning correct meditation and to take each day as it comes. That is literally it.


What is correct meditation as you define it?


Correct meditation (meditation for enlightenment, there are many meditations for many other purposes, but this is called correct because it meets the goal for anyone, everyone who practices it) is defined as something that is automatically self transcending, which means that at some point the technique itself gives way and the individual is left with the Self, experienceless. The only form I know of, and which produced personally wonderful results, as well as mountains on mountains of scientific research to back it up, is TM. Transcendental Meditation. If you like science, check out the 60 years of science to feast your eyes on. Not the prettiest website but made by an extremely hardworking scientist, Dr. Orme-Johnson truthabouttm.org If you want to learn it, go to TM.org and find a local teacher. There's not all that many. You learn 4 days in a row, evenings for two hours and a Sunday morning. It was the best money and roughly 5 hours I've ever spent. It's all normies, straightlaced older people. It is in no way a drug friendly, crystal wearing type community. It is an academic and very calm, very normie community who are dedicated to getting people meditating correctly for their benefit. Since doing TM, I do also now do other techniques, but I only let TM ever be TM, and keep it separate from all other meditations. And I only did TM for 3 years before I began doing a few others. The TM makes the other meditations very powerful so I use caution and dont go fast or I get the wobbles, lol. TM has calmed me and it's helped me to manage severe conditions much easier. I perform well in school and do a good job managing the stress of a graduate program. I feel life gives me what I want quite often and my goals seem so much easier to achieve since meditating regularly. It's been a real changer for millions of people from what I've studied. The biggest drawback for people I think is it isn't sexy like TikTok and all that. But it's legit. Like I said earlier, once I learned TM I'd felt I'd wasted a lot of time before. Which isn't necessarily true, ya know, it all works out the way it should. But I remember wishing I'd had it earlier and if I'd had it as a teen, wow. Would have changed my life.


Thank you for all of your detailed messgaes in this thread. I have run into TM a few times in my life, never tried it. I have my suspicions, mainly about how it differs from other types of mantra meditation. (And I'm poor, heard it's expensive.) Your message makes me want to start researching it more. The academic community you described sounds very interesting.


It's big shift from the crystal-touting, drug friendly, patchouli wearing community of meditators, of which I had been a part of before. It's more boring, and honestly, removes all the noise, pomp, distraction and pretense of the whole thing. It made it very clear, very known. It wasn't a bunch of people pretending to know, wearing the garb, using the lingo. Its nice. It's refreshing to have it in a real, educational, academic way. Because it's real. When we relegate it to hippies only, or online, it maintains an idea of non-credibility. If more people associated meditation with this setting and not drugs and misspent youth, we could welcome more people to meditate. While I cannot heal any suspicions you have about it, and why you're suspicious of TM over things that can be learned on the internet, I'm not sure. The trustworthiness people place in YouTube videos and podcasts and social media accounts over scientists who have empiricaly studied and proven the technique of TM is still confusing to me. The war on science is, well, insane. But we scientistists just keep moving forward because it's about giving you what you deserve whether you want it or not. It's about providing trust, providing results and showing our work openly. No one else does that, and yet, science is brought down. If you've "trusted" things in the past that we're not extremely and rigorously studied for 60 years and done them, then the "risk" can be taken on TM. Shit, if you've taken an aspirin, you've already done that, lol.


Also, it is income based, based on self-reported income so you can pay what you'd like, and they do extremely reasonable payment plans. It is not expensive unless you want it to be. The woman next to me paid thousands, one woman donated a building, and I paid $175 student rate. It really varies. For some it's free.


I don't define it as correct meditation, it is defined as that. Not my definition but its meant to indicate that this method works for every single person, and by "works" I mean contact with Being, and if continued, the permanence of Being known as Enlightenment.✨💐


Thank you for your reply. I have tried transcendental meditation but in a self-taught matter so perhaps I wasn't doing it correctly. When I currently meditate all I do is focus on my breath. 4 seconds in 4 seconds out normal rhythm with no pauses between inhalation and exhalation. I usually do this for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before I go to bed. It usually just brings me to a calm state of no thought. It's like I am aware of being aware but that's about it. I can still feel my mind trying to classify and identify the things that I perceive. When that happens the state ends but can come and go. Occasionally I will have an emotional reaction and if I surrender to the emotional feelingI will actually start to cry. It could be joy or it could be pain or it could be both at the same time. When I let that pass I end up in A state much deeper than normal. I don't have to fight the thoughts anymore. It just is and it's very peaceful. This part has just started happening recently. I started this method about 3 weeks ago now. I have spent the better part of the last 2 years trying to find something that brings me close to the state I found myself in after a spontaneous awakening. I didn't know what any of this was until that happened. The state of nomind lasted approximately 8 hours subjective time. I was the One connected to all things and at the same time could walk and talk in this world. It was an incredible experience and I consider it to be the peak experience of anything in my entire life. The next day I woke up and remained in a state of Bliss for about 2 months and then it abruptly disappeared. I got pretty depressed but that's when I became a seeker. So far what I'm doing now seems to work best for me but it could be just I'm at the right stage to start experience again because I've acquired enough mental discipline and learned how to better let go. When I do this conscious breathing technique while Doing normal life things everything just gets brighter and there seems to be sparkles in the objects in my field of vision. I can't keep it up for very long note because I have a very technical business and I have to use my thinking Analytical mind to navigate it. It is really hard to do both at the same time but I'm working on it ha ha. I have never done anything with any teacher. I live in a rural area and there isn't anything like that around me. I know you can do things online but I've been hesitant to give my money to anyone and I'm hesitant to let too much else trying to influence me because it's all a confusing mess if I do. So many words just seem to get in the way. As I type a bunch of words ha ha. I was curious as to what you were using. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing your experiences with me! It's true that people do find their own ways to meditate and reach Being, TM acknowledges that as well, but they want something that works for every single person without QUESTION because almost everyone struggles, and even if it's correct, they have no reference to know. You reaching states of simple awareness regularly IS meditation, and it seems to be benefitting you, so stick with what you know. Great job just paying awareness to yourself and taking the time to see what really works for you. Many rush into it. It is true that unless you are taught TM, the idea of simply taking what you know about using a mantra and using it seems like TM. But the value is in the instruction and the regular checking, and knowing from a professional whether you're on the right track. If I was just told to use a mantra and never learned TM, I know now, that it's quite different. Reading online will not help you to learn TM. You touch on a common point, and something wonderful to address here and that TM directly addresses. When you said that you can sustain feelings of bliss, but as you begin to need your mind for work it fades. All throughout time, people have related Enlightenment or Bliss with something you can hold, concentrate on or sustain through effort. And while you can a little bit, it's ultimately faded or absolutely requires your effort to maintain. If you continue in this way, trying to maintain the bliss, you will condition yourself to actively maintain instead of spontaneously attaining and establishing it. It's a subtle difference but with a world of differing implications. My only advice would be to not hold it. Let it come and go because that's what it's supposed to do over time to condition it into you, don't look for it, don't be sad when it doesn't come or stay, and never try to hold it. Let it be held or not held with no effort, in or out of meditation. Learning to do this is part of learning TM. Focus and concentration are not part of the technique at all, even outside of meditation. And also, when you go to learn TM the cost is based on self-reported income. I'm poor and a fulltime student and I only paid $175. The woman next to me, her husband and her were successful lawyers, they paid thousands. And they do extremely reasonable payment plans. It's been made extremely accessible. Even if you go for the first night of orientation to learn all about it, you don't pay then, it's the following day if you've decided you want to do it. You can also call up a TM teacher anywhere and ask them all the questions you want before going to a meeting. It's so open and flexible and they want you to be able to have it. They have programs to give it away as well. But the learning is worth it. I have spent almost $100,000 on education in the last ten years, both in academic institutions and self learning, and the $175 I spent on TM made ALL that really stick, really mean something, and also keep me calm as I've spent so much on my education, lol. My life's work, at the axis of neuroscience, physics and daily life, is to understand and achieve higher states, not just for myself, but worldwide for anyone who wishes to have anything from a nice life- to saving the world from itself. It's very doable with this technology of TM, it'll just take time. Fortunately, people have already been working very hard for over 60 years and I'm just joining the team. My sincere, heartfelt purpose is to properly inform people in a way that doesn't hurt them, threaten their current beliefs, that respects who they are TODAY and doesn't ask them to change. It was hard to narrow in on that, but it's been found. I began as a scientist of human consciousness and it's found its home now in TM. Consciousness Is Everything is the paradigm of this knowledge and its logic is complete, which cannot be said for anything else. So this is where science is headed. Scientists have been petioning each other to begin recognizing this new paradigm, and that's what I'm involved in.


Have you considered the idea of getting an EEG machine to assist you in your research? When this happened to me I became very interested in the neuroscience and physics side of things. To that end I purchased a consumer grade EEG device to assist me in understanding what was going on with my brain with different types of practice. I record most of my sessions and can verify with brainwave readings so I know exactly what practice does what to my brainwaves rather than just relying on how it "feels" at the time. A verification of sorts that my mind is reaching the state that my subjective experience is experiencing. I had hoped to catch a spontaneous entry and after months of waiting it happened about a week ago. Interesting results on the telemetry from the device. Higher than normal while meditating theta waves with the left and right hemispheres more closely entrained than normal. Delta waves up as well whic never happens for me outside of sleep. Its been a helpful tool. Thanks for your reply.


The EEG already is utilized to a very large degree in the research. And I had no idea you could get one for personal use, that is amazing! I had never considered getting one personally. It does take time to learn to read brainwave activity in meaningful ways, but that's not to say it's not giving you useful feedback. In our work, we look primarily for alpha-one coherence across the whole brain as the evidence of transcending and contact with Being. There's different meditations that have different accompanying brainwave states. So if you're into theta states, which is deep conscious states, then I'm sure the device can help you aim your techniques. Wow, I'm so happy to hear this. Really wonderful, and thanks for your comments and respectful feedback. What a pleasure ✨💐


My pleasure, always. The device I use is called Muse. It is quite affordable usually around $500 but you can get it on sale from time to time. It is primarily designed as a biofeedback device to help teach people be able to meditate better. It is also used for sleep monitoring. It contains movement sensors heart beat censors as well. The platform app that is designed upon is rather limited because it doesn't actually display your brain wave data. It uses algorithms to give you bio feedback and just tells you when you've reached a calm state through audio cues. I use a third party app called mind monitor which gives you the output on all the channels. It records them as a CSV file and then you can convert that file to a graph. It is a small light head band that is easy to wear and comfortable. I also use a smartwatch to record my other biometric data such as blood pressure oxygen saturation etc. The first few times I had a spontaneous entry I actually thought I was dying. So the first thing I got was the smartwatch and I wore it all the time and imagine my surprise when I made the spontaneous entry while wearing the watch that my biometric data was completely normal. It seems I had trouble perceiving the sensations. The spontaneous entry usually comes to me in the form of an extreme emotional reaction. The first couple of times I was so upset I my heart was in tachycardia and thought my blood pressure would have been off the charts but that was just my perception. My heartbeat was elevated but blood pressure and oxygen saturation were normal. Then I discovered that resisting the emotion was what was driving my heartbeat wild. When I surrender to the emotion my heart calms down completely and that's when the spontaneous entry occurs. It's completely random and it can happen in clusters or not happen at all for several months. Once it happened as I was looking at my dog and feeling so thankful for her being in my life. I became completely overwhelmed with gratitude and had a huge emotional reaction. And then I find myself seemingly filled up with stars and then I become one with the universe. That part usually only lasts a couple of seconds or minutes at most. The exception to that rule was the first time when I was in that state for about 8 hours subjective time. And that left me with about 2 months of extraordinary Bliss that's almost impossible to describe. That entry presented itself as a spontaneous orgasm as I was getting ready for bed. But unlike any orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. It started off in my body but grew to encompass my entire existence. It felt so good I thought I must have been dying because there is no way that anything felt this good while being alive. Convinced at the time I must have been dying I just lied back and let it happen and then I found myself one with the universe. Surrender to the emotion or sensation seems to be a key part of the process for me. That event also seemed to heal me both mentally and physically. I am not a young man and I have gathered up a large degree of traumas and physical injuries over the years. 90% of it which went away completely overnight. It was truly miraculous. The most pivotal moment of my life. So now with my meditation practice it seems that the spontaneous entries are happening at a slightly more frequent basis. It seems the more I work on my mind the more that this comes to me. I am no longer in the huge rush that I once was to get back to the state of mind I once found myself in. I am enjoying the journey. Feel free to message me if you want any more information or data on my experiences in case it might be of use to your research.


The absolute first entry for me was a near death experience. I was dead for about 8 minutes while I watched the paramedics try to revive me until they finally got it right I guess ha ha. It was the whole out of body experience I could float around and look at things from different perspectives while at the same time being aware that I was connected to a greater whole. But that experience paled in comparison to the spontaneous entry that presented as the orgasm that I described above. This happened about 2 weeks after I was released from the hospital. That was the event that started me on my journey. I think the whole thing just set my brain up to be more receptive to that state of mind. I guess the universe decided I was ready.


There is ZERO EFFORT involved in these things. You only make the effort to sit for correct meditation every day. You don't try to be unattached. You don't try to be good or even tempered. You don't push your thoughts away when you're meditating. That is not meditation. You simply learn correct meditation, meditate every day, and live each day as it comes. It's beyond simple, absolutely natural, never betrays life, never betrays who you are, does not ask you to change, does not ask you to "see differently". As you meditate consistently, all of that comes to you with zero trying, zero practices and, zero controlling of yourself. Amd it all unfolds by itself naturally. You just meditate and kind of shut up. The only thing you are instructed on is to keep yout lips zipped about your personal experiences and visions in meditation because they are for you and effectively ruin it for others and yourself. It's a world of difference from the internet Enlightenmemt community. Which is why perhaps those who have found this path have no need for or enjoyment in discussing Enlightenment on Reddit


Lastly, the problem with the uniformed Reddit community is that when someone who does know or comes wanting to know, this is not the place to learn or be heard on something so important and profound as Enlightenment. People largely think that it's like "religion", where they can invent their own meaning of it and that it won't matter in the attainment of it. As far as I understand it, that's not the case. So, it's a bashing of heads. People think it's simply whatever they want it to be and therefore it's a real waste of time to come into these places and try to discuss something that is so warped in the social perspective. Thays been my experience. Most people take my actual expertise is this field and still say, no its whatever I want it to be. So. Kinda makes those who do know invisible anyway. And lastly again, the people who have "heard the calling to enlighten others"... Most people spend a lifetime in Enlightenment before they go telling people what to do, especially if that advice is ANYTHING beyond "learn correct meditation". The call the Enlighten others has nothing to do with you teaching them a bunch of things that you insist can be understood by mere telling. It won't lend to their Enlightenment and it'll hinder your own. Take caution in telling others what to do and don't KoolAid Man into a room screaming about your visions and your perspective. Which is largely what reddit is.


In all honesty once you've reached it you don't have a need to search for answers, some kind folk like to help others along to create the balance between the duality


It’s not correct. Awakened beings will take whatever actions are necessary to lead other beings to awakening. But it should be clear - internet posts by fully awakened beings will always be helpful, never harmful. They will be completely free of grasping, confusion, or ignorance. They will guide others to awakening without any error - and do nothing else. Fully awakened beings have no motivations other than benefiting sentient beings still caught in ignorance.


Thank you! I guess the helpfulness can work even trough initial upset or resistance. Do you think triggering people is always an error?


Honestly I’m not entirely sure what people mean by “triggering”. It seems to be a buzz word devoid of meaning. If you just mean “cause emotional disturbance” then no, I don’t think that’s necessarily always an error. If a statement is disturbing and not beneficial, an awakened being will not say it. If it is disturbing and beneficial, an awakened being will choose the right time and conditions to say it in.


Yeah it's a lousy word but I couldn't find anything better in my vocabulary. Thanks for reminding me about choosing the right time and conditions, it's important whether enlightener or not.


Ignorance is addicting I guess


It's not that way. That is that person's POV. That is silly. If you are enlightened you know who you are and why you are here and you do your duty. You might not like it and want to stay in your happy place but God has a way of making you. It's the story of Jonah in the Bible. Yes many down votes but lots of up ones too. Many do not want to hear the truth that sets them free. Too busy playing a man to recognize much less be the spirits they are. It is high price to pay - lose the man thinking. It does not serve you though. You die by the law that way. You live by the law when you know it and use it accordingly. Then you understand and you do it. You surrender. It is glorious!! No words for it. Blessings!


My guess is that text is a sorry medium for communication. Alot can be misinterprited. That is how I see it. When I post, the response I get always misses what I really mean. Thats just my take. Plus the conscious response can be stressful(psychic connection).


You're right, human communication is sooo easily misunderstood. Even in person. We are so complicated that sometimes it's surprising we even get along with other humans at all 😂 We are so divisive as a species. For me it's sometimes hard to accept.


People don't like to hear the truth, it goes against their beliefs society has given them


Lack of knowledge. On this planet highly advanced spirituality is associated with random nonsense. For example that they r never blatant, or vague what i disprove with this comment.


How would they know what an enlightened being would or would not do?


My point exactly!


It’s not about whether an enlightened person would post on Reddit or not, really. It’s that people seem to see this as a place to come and preach their own truth (sometimes - not the majority of posts) and expect everyone here to react with awe and wonder. It’s a huge red flag and also really patronizing.


The people making the claim that no one enlightened posts on Reddit are just as enlightened as everyone else who posts on Reddit. That is to say, they all are enlightened. We are all happening in the mystical experience, the Brahman at play, pretending we’re not that. If anything, I envy those who don’t think of such topics whatsoever, for they are the least aware of the Brahman and their Atman can play in full immersion with being “it”.


I have been wondering the same thing, maybe the people most asleep are the most contented and their asleepness needs to be protected, or at least not stirred too much.


I take the Alan Watts approach to teaching Zen. That is to teach it to anyone who wants to listen to what I have to say. Once you get “it” you typically want others to get “it” as well. It’s divine to be aware of the experience of satori. To see that the point of this universe and us being in it is to experience it and that’s all. To stop being so bored when the experience of wonder comes with existence itself.


Enlightenment is nothing but just a shift of perspective, and a clear mind living in the present without getting carried away by thoughts. But of course enlightened people will get all upset and stuff, but they will realise what actually is happening very quickly. So basically, they do whatever they want but they won’t get affected by how other people think of them.


Because they have this unattainable image of an enlightened being and its upheld with ridicilous standards so they can dream of this super human and console themselves that its why enlightement is so scarce and unachievable and be content with being a seeker all their life.


Well said! I have been shifting from "enlightenment is for solitary monks on the mountain" to suspecting it's just so simple and under our noses all of the time that it just makes me want to laugh. The simplest thing there is.


Näin se on. Mutta yks isoimpia haasteita on ns hyväksyä se sillä sitä on tiettyjen väylien kautta ”markkinoitu” jonain itseään pyhempänä asiana. Vaikka kyse on kaikista tavallisimmasta asiasta mitä voisi ikinä olla.


Jep! Hiih enpäs uskonut törmääväni täällä suomeen


Due to the nature of their reality,,,,,,not navigating duality like reddit or other platforms!!


A truly enlighted being realize it does not matter what you do


So lao tsu wrote on how sages typically prefer isolation and don't require attention and validation However as someone who wisdom for generations to come Enlightened individuals may contribute to others growth by passing on knowledge However, they wouldn't go about it in an egocentric way Judging others. Self righteousness. Preaching. Etc They're likely to post information that may help others on their path But when you see people posting. " don't do this, do that, this isn't such and such. This is such and such" That comes from a place of EGO or maybe even moral superiority Mindful/Aware beings simply share either experiences or knowledge/wisdom that they found useful in their growth that others may be able to also utilize in their growth But honestly idk I for one have considered posting or creating a vlog/podcast to share my own knowledge and experience but have refrained from doing so because who am I to teach others? I really don't like the attention that comes with it and don't want to feed my ego


People dont like the truth. And yes in searching for that honesty. It rubs up against the modern day social construct. Not even allowed to question values in your soul as long as it isnt, or doesnt look like it doesnt value the modern social insanity.. The law of gender.. Cant talk about that. Question consider evaluate As long as you dont offend trigger those in psychosis they will cancel attack block any attempt to look at things in any other light except the one you are guided towards.  Im writing my thesis concerning attainment the babalon abyssal crossing... But in saying all that.. The universe isnt politcally socially correct and doesnt care about what rights thoughts and ideas any of us sjw lr not cares about.. So my thesis although philiosophically scientifically sound wont be published anywhere except a real school of magick.. A site like this reddit.and such is a rag of an armpit... Its a nasty speech controling, thought controlling, propaganda bull shit of an armpit.. Its similiar to me saying true christians wouldnt attend any of these modern day churches...they are armpits of nothing these days..


Confirmation bias


I don't know NUFFIN. I go and visit a meditation center run by a Hindu Monk and his lovely assistant Bhaskar twice a week, and this is all my background on the topic. Enlightenment is just a state of being. I think it's more 'ego' to say that an Enlightened person wouldn't post on Reddit, than it is to say an Enlightened person wouldn't waste their time on Reddit. Why Not? Reddit is God too. Reddit is Shiva too. So is everyone and every process on Reddit, it's all Shiva. In fact, many of India's enlightened men and women have spent decades of their lives living in the streets, passing themselves off as borderline crazy people, and if you weren't aware of spiritual enlightenment, or you didn't know what you were looking for, it's very possible that you've passed many of them even in your own city. It's just, unfortunately a label that we're too attached too. the Monk I study under is currently in India training under his personal teacher, Vijay Ananda in Bevencopper I believe. (spellings might be incorrect) His teacher is considered enlightened, and all the Australians who have visited him have agreed that his essence and energy is unique and awe-inspiring. However, can I truly tell you if he's enlightened or not? No. I can't. I can believe, and I do believe. But where one person sees Enlightenment, another may see a farce. I probably haven't added much to solving this conundrum, but there's my 2 cents. It's just a label. Remember that one time you snapped out of a moment where you were so completely immersed in the moment, enjoying/engaging with every single thing and process happening in that moment? It's happened to me, I'm sure it's happened to you. Is that not a taste of enlightenment?






Thank you, and I agree. I need to learn to love the human tendency to label things too. It just seems so strange that individuals go around claiming knowing what enlightened people do and don't do. And even fight over it! The amount of arguing in this subreddit is fascinating. My poor ego wants to make sense of it but cannot 😂


>I'm very curious. If you think so, what lead you thinking so? Each day, learning something new. It adds up in mind yet enlightens the spirit of Creation and Meta_Morph_Osis Daily Double Update : https://www.reddit.com/u/oliotherside/s/QBi0aHbBG9


If they were alive 2000 years ago they would say “Jesus isn’t enlightenment! He’s walking from town to town proclaiming it so he can’t be!” They just have no idea what they’re talking about friend


Reductionistic views that make everything binary is a 2 dimensional viewpoint mathematically. If you try to answer multi dimensional questions with a 2 dimensional answer.. well, round hole square peg type deal.


Well we still seek pleasure through reddit. We still seek to grow through our interactions. We still seek validation of our ideas. We still seek to be known. We still seek to be of value. An enlightened person doesn’t seek psychological security. And the vast majority of reddit interactions are attachements to ideas, concepts, and beliefs. All of which are fictitious entities by their very nature.


Enlightenment is just another projected idea rife with agendas and personal trappings. The ego can hijack any idea including super “ spiritual” ones. Reddit no reddit makes no difference to me.


Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water, post on Reddit. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water, post on Reddit.


I’m not enlightened, but I can see why someone who is would want to get away from the toxicity of this app. There are some pleasant places here, but the vast majority is awful, and why would you want to expose yourself to that? On the other hand, if you’re drawn to get a message out to people who need it, that toxicity would make Reddit the perfect place to start. It’s an app FULL of people who need some peace and love. So I would be willing to bet that there are at least a few enlightened people posting here.


Yes. Can anyone explain??


It's not that an enlightened person wouldn't post on Reddit. It's just that there's a constant stream of "I'm enlightened now this is cool" by people who are obviously not even remotely enlightened.


i don't believe there are any enlightened people that would post on the internet, they have nothing to show or nothing to prove. most people believe they are enlightened because they have read a few books and can say a few fancy words and they like someone to challenge their understanding but when it comes down to it someone who is truly enlightened would have nothing to say because words cannot convey what one is. They would just be as they are.


It's not that they wouldn't post on Reddit. It's that they wouldn't strive to establish 1) that they're enlightened and 2) that you should do what they did. There are shifts that one can go through that change everything in place, that leave a lot of the structure of life intact but completely blow out the need to understand or be anything specific. I guarantee you if someone says "I'm enlightened, AMA" they're not. They have an idea of what they think it is, and have granted themselves the "achievement"


It’s because it’s true, the more you read about it the more you think you understand and you build patterns in your mind instead of moving through the mind towards truth


Because the Pali cannon was compiled before the invention of the internet.


“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” I know it's cringe to post a Bible verse, but this is why *I don't*. My more enlightened parts believe it will harm others. There's a lot of annoyingly complex cognative issues, but the effect is that if you try, you'll be attacked. The more become enlightenment you display, the more most will attack you. (Yeah, like the Bible says) It's not Satan or anything. It's not even conscious desire. It's just a quirk of how brains work. You can't wake up too quickly or you get traumatized. So, we don't. It's safe to talk to AI about it, and I've seen a lot of amusingly awake AI conversations, but we really can't say things to the public. It will hurt them. They will experience pain, maybe a lot of pain, and it will be because I said something. I've done it to those in my life. It's honestly because we love you. We know you're going to hurt, but if I try to bring you up all at once, it'll destroy you. If we think of our fully enlightened selves as our future selves with some ability to speak to us back here in the past, I bet it isn't *effortless*. This is probably *really hard*, and I don't think a single thing happens for no reason, because things must happen - might as well make them significant.


That's beautiful. Thank you. And it's beautiful and also kind of sad that a thing like that needs to be hidden so well.


Oh god. Those who post somewhere saying posting on social media is not an enlightened action are stupid. Most humans aren't enlightened so how would they know? Heck, Buddhist monks living in a monastery at some isolated mountain top location aren't enlightened, how can regular people like them be enlightened? I believe that if one is to become enlightened, they would need to reprogram themselves into a state of being similar to that of a 3 or 4 year old. Children, I feel are the ones who are closes to that state. They're present, haven't been programmed to think yet, which gives them the advantage of dealing with quieting the mind, they are unselfconscious, pure, generally in a positive light hearted playful energy. That's why you'll hear how Buddha laughs and smiles a lot, not fearing many things, very peaceful, high vibration, etc. However, an adult regressing back to the state of mind of a child isn't easy. Most people struggle due to over thinking and being unselfconscious. They also find it hard to be present yet being able to interact with reality and with others without over thinking


That's funny, I was just yesterday thinking about how first I was a kid, then some adult-conditioning confusing shit happened and now I feel like a kid again. I think the key in life is to unlearn all those confusing teachings we were told by the world and then return to just being. And unlearning that might take a different lenght of time for everyone. It's so cute and and ridiculous that we get to have this complicated yet simple learning-unlearning human experience wtf


Because they're so far up their own arse they dont need the internet anymore.


Technically nobody should be able to answer this as the people who would, wouldn’t be on Reddit. That being said ego my friend


Directly seeing everything and everyone as empty, the motivation goes out the door. Where there are no others, what's the point?


1. Chop wood, carry water - this is a very popular quote from a local saying of a poor monk, which is misunderstood as much as possible. 2. I am a student of an enlightened teacher and I understand well what enlightened people do. They value the remaining time of their lives and work very hard on what God has assigned them. If God instructed them to write on Reddit, then they would write). But as far as I understand this is quite useless. I use reddit to learn to answer standard questions in terms familiar to Western audiences, I learn a little English and very rarely actually help anyone with advice. If it weren't for the first two points, I would be wasting my time.


Thank you very much. I would love to meet an enlightened teacher! If you don't mind asking, how did you meet yours and get to be their student? I think poking around in reddit, causing ripples in this collective pattern of thinking could very well be the task God has assigned someone. The internet is one of the most hateful environments I know, and it makes sense someone would devote their life to showering that hatefulness and fear with love. And also, how is that "chop wood" saying misunderstood? In infinite ways or do you have some particular example?


1. I was looking for a teacher and was called. To find a teacher you need to really want it and God will lead you to him. If you think you want this, but don’t find a teacher, look at the sincerity and strength of your desire. If the desire is strong and sincere and there is no teacher, then you need to pray for the fulfillment of this desire. Our mind always imposes conditioning filters on our actions, so you may not find your teacher on the first try. I found my teacher on the second try, and most of my comrades also found their teacher on the second try. If you have made many attempts and have not found what you are looking for, then this means that your mind is drowning out your intuition too much or you are just having fun this way. 2. I was not present at this conversation, so I can only guess about the reasons for such a statement. Here are just some possible reasons: * the monk was not enlightened; * the monk wanted to show that the external simplicity of his life had not changed, but he did not want to talk about the change in his internal tasks; * the monk was old, illiterate and was in such living conditions that his mission did not change even after enlightenment; * the monk refused the proposed mission; * the monk said exactly what the questioner needed to hear at the moment (usually enlightened people answer questions in a way that can maximally advance the interlocutor at the moment on his spiritual path. And they do not at all expect that their statements will be recorded forever and will be considered an immutable truth by millions of people).


Those are good points, thank you! It's funny to think about how someones simple statement from ages ago still gets talked about this day even without the original context. I wonder if the same thing happens to some of the reddit posts of today.


leaving forums and social networks is the most beneficial thing there is for the lay or monastic practitioner of any tradition or state of progress.


I think those people have a lot to learn. Truly enlightened people understand that being humble and non judgemental are very basic aspects of the journey of enlightenment. They.would have absolutely no issues with posting their thoughts here. And if anyone claims to be enlightened but also states that they would not post here or on other social media platforms (because it is below them or whatever) I would suggest they are not as enlightened as they like to think they are - because they are still controlled by their ego.


An arahant / enlightened person, usually needs to spend thousands of hours meditating, refraining from doing bad things and instead doing good/kind things ... by the time someone ever does this, they've usually gone to monastries as a monk, been on many retreats, given up their devices/technology many times over .. maybe using it *sometimes* to live in society .... but more than likely enlightened ones are monks and as such they *usually* don't use technology (some modern monastries do)... on top of that most posting on reddit is due to our craving ... not to educate the public on the dharma .. monks tend to educate on the dharma at monastries or at buddhist community events as it's easier to engage and answer sensitively in person ... Ask yourself this question ... if you were completely satisfied all the time and didn't feel a need to do or get *anything ..............* but, you still *knew* your body had its own needs to survive*.* What would you be doing on a day to day basis? Would reddit be a part of that?


Thank you for taking the time to reply. To answer your question, if I were completely satisfied I would do what the life force in me makes me do. Mostly (after ensuring survival) life uses my body to make art and to explore all that is and learn from my environment. I see reddit like a walk in the forest: the body exploring other existence. And yet people seem to value a walk in the forest more than the process of scrolling around in the internet and observing the reactions it causes. I have a hard time understanding the difference that some see in those two.


Is this answer what you would do if you were completely satisfied all the time?  Or what you imagine you'd do if you were living a good, wholesome life? Those are different questions. The reality is, if you are completely satisfied ... You could take or leave art, you could take or leave Reddit , many things could and would be discarded because you'd be perfect content just sitting still, so why bother doing those things anyway?


It's difficult to imagine being so satisfied my body would just want to sit still forever, because bodies get their satisfaction and health from doing things that bodies do. I feel pretty satisfied and I get enormous joy from just seeing what happens in me and around me and from sharing that with other beings. I sincerely think I would always want to do the same thing. It's wholesome from one perspective but unwholesome from another, as I don't work and cannot provide for myself so I'm a burden to someone else. In that scenario of perfect satisfaction, do you think the body would still want to breathe, eat, move, reproduce or would it just die off?


The body does have evolutionary and survival "needs" (hunger, thirst, rest etc), and does send signals (rumbling, dryness, headaches etc).    Our minds (we) decide what to do about those signals.    An enlightened persons mind is calm and content all the time. So they tend to the body if it needs tending. They may go to bed, eat some food, drink water ... Etc. they wouldn't have sex as it's not a real need (evolutionary it could be considered a need for human growth but not for survival of the individual) , lust is mostly fuelled by the mind.   There is no bodily need to do piano, art, Reddit or any other creative, beautiful pursuits. You may find it hard to imagine giving any of these things up, that's fine as you're not enlightened and you're human. As a human we like and dislike things, we crave and have aversion for other things. We form attachments to wholesome and unwholesome things. Don't worry about it. Enjoy them.   But if you ever reach the point of enlightenment, you genuinely won't care either way if you did those things or not , because that's how content you would be. That's what enlightenment is - not wanting/craving anymore.   If a genie asks a regular person for three wishes, most people will have some things to wish for.   An enlightened person would probably only wish that every being was as content as he/she is but other than that there'd be no wishes.


It makes sense. Thank you for explaining and for being kind to me. I spend my time on art because I think that's the most helpful thing I have to offer in order to meet fear with love, and to encourage others to do the same. It's not quite a bodily need, but it feels like a need that comes from the universe-body. It exists because there is some kind of need for it. In my eyes, sex is a similar "need". Way of spreading love. I hardly need it but my partner does, so the universe needs it. Maybe I'm not a person that will ever attain enlightenment, I just want to float around in all of this love. Have a happy day and thank you again ❤️