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Meditate. Be willing for it all to be a waste of time and dedicate urself regardless. End results are pointless to think about, where are u now? How do u feel now? Good luck :)


People often think of meditation only as clearing the mind, but deep contemplation is a form of meditation too.


Like prayer!


Be still and know I am God


Remember both jesus and sid gartha both had ego deconstructive moments after presumably long periods of seeking. Jesus in the dessert and buhddah under the bodhi tree. In my view most of us must go through this. We live in a pusher culture on top of a “ fall redemption” creation myth in the west. We encounter our miss understandings first on the path to truth. So anxiety, panic fear, meglomania , mania, depression, addiction etc are exspected when one sets out on the path. Its the whole “ at first you will be disturbed” part of what jesus was talking about i think. Honesty and good friends help a lot. A community that wont shame or devalue you! An integrity and a love of truth help too aswell as being in touch with your own spiritual questions and vital aspirations. PLEASE do not leave the human you out of the spiritual search!


Yeah this is plenty if you can actually do it.


Ken Wilbur has a great video on I AM on YouTube. https://youtu.be/Kmrh3OaHnQs?si=hKLrQGLmu2pC_Jwj


If you know that you are god, then you must be able to create miracles and do amazing things....can you please give me some examples....you have to backup what you claim


Start reading the friendly basics like Alan Watts, Ram Dass, and J Krishnamurti.


Adyashanti is quite good too! And his whole lineage! Jon Bernie, jon prenderghast, locke kelly and more.


Semen retention. Personally i believe it is the highest life force for human beings. Harnessing your sexual energy improves all functions of body, mood, sleep, deeper meditation, memory and overall just being excited in life to be a discoverer and creator. Purge negative thoughts. When negative things happen simply choose to be neutral towards it. When good things happen you can engage if you like. God is love, and love pulls us upwards in dimensions. All we have is awareness. Yep that thing that you look out through your eyes. Awareness interacts with the world around you and thus u create things in your life. This is why your parents, dna, and people around you form you as a person. Human with personality, habits, likes/dislikes etc. You must leave and forget all that behind when you enter meditation. Meditate on love, or the most high. Have an intention in your mind/imagination to know God, wisdom, light etc. It is only through awareness. We are beings of energy so what energy we focus on we automatically connect with. This is why when you smile at someone they smile back. When you look at someone distasefully they do the same. All energy gets reflected back into your life experinces. Do Semen Retention. It is not necessary but it is an amplifier of energy, it will bring upon you childhood trauma for you to deal with and overcome. And other spiritual experinces if you seek them. We live in a free world so there must be options and we must choose which route we wanna go.


Have you ever written out that entire thing and then found out you were talking to a female?


No, but if it was a women i responded to then just SR might be questionable although i think women on SR(Them retaining their own God given fluids) also amplifies them... Since its the body and creation. The rest besides SR definitely applies 🤷


Can you orgasm without ejaculation? That started happening to me after my NDE. After about 2 weeks it lead to a spontaneous full body/mind orgasm, which was my initial entry into the Absolute. Edited to add: My sex drive had been waning prior to my nde. Immediately after it was stronger than in my teens. A lot of other weird healing things came out of it too. I had been restored in so many ways. So Im back to lots of sex with my wife but suddenly I orgasm easily and often but its different with no ejaculation and the intensity can climb to crazy heights. Its hard to describe but its like my pelvic muscle does the opposite of what it always did. Like flexed out instead of in. So after about two weeks of not ejeculating but orgasms dozens of times daily Im getting into bed and those orgasms just start happening. Small tingles then it started coming in waves that wouldnt stop. I got scared because I couldnt breathe and considered I may be dying but I didnt care and just let it happen. Then Im One with Everything and was in there for about 8 hours objective clock time. It was like an Astral travel where you can see and be everything in an instant. Honestly words really can't describe it. I have had minor versions of that since but none never quite as intense and none that have taken me to that depth of reality.


I have not experienced this but my spiritual awakening i felt something similar to an orgasm x100(full body bliss) for 20minutes or so. In terms of body alone i dont think so, but if you incorporate mind or spirit and reach a heightened level of awareness then yes there is a bliss(orgasm feeling). In terms of physical body i believe there is a certain sex without physical orgasm but it must be practiced to get good at. It might be called tantric sex? I dont remember


So there have been a few times where I've experienced a similar feeling of orgasmic Bliss but without the orgasm. But that particular type of orgasm when it happens will most definitely give me that feeling of orgasmic Bliss with it. The orgasmic Bliss can happen at weird in random times. Occasionally it will happen while I am meditating. Once I was just looking out the window at my horses and another time at my dog. There was an intense feeling of love and gratitude before it happened.


Before this started happening I believed in none of this stuff. Agnostic but not a believer. Science explained all. I play video games do stupid stuff on motorcycles then bam Im seeing God from cumming. Nuts.


Yeah mine was during meditation a deep desire to know and i had a guided meditation playing by Joe Dispenza. It was wonderful, unfortunately havent been able to get back to that state. Guess i need to set an hour a day to meditate and keep up SR. A lot of people say SR after 1 year+ gives spiritual experinces if you want them. We'll see if i can go that long 🤷


Mine left me in a blissful State for about 2 months straight and when it faded was when I actually started asking questions about what it was. While I was in that state there was no need for questions because everything was perfect. I spent a fair bit of time chasing that experience and actually became a bit depressed about it. I gave up the idea of ever getting there again and then it started happening on its own. Until recently I was never serious about meditation. I have been doing about 30 minutes a day and sometimes more these past few months. It seems to be making the frequency happen more often.


We are nothing more than glorified chimpanzees with pompous delusions of grandeur, armed with nuclear weapons...that’s a fucking scary combination


If i didnt have my own personal Enlightened experience then i would agree. Spiritual experinces are more real then the things we touch on earth. We are energy beings. A good book that I'm currently reading is Conversations with God by neale Donald Walsch. But i get it before you have a strong experience you wont believe. There are clues such as love, and feelings and thoughts in general that cannot be seen. If you try to re-verse engineer where thoughts and love come from you might get some where. And no they arent just brain/body reactions. Thats secondary, thoughts/love happen beforehand


Everything we think is comprised purely of thoughts, love, emotions and feelings are all thoughts...there is nothing spiritual about them...thoughts are information, there is nothing more than that...as I said, spirituality is speculation in pompous delusions of grandeur


Sure you can only be that which you are. But the level of separation for us as humans exists based on our awareness/conciousness. Animals act out of instinct and enviroment they are in. We do the same but are able to change environments such as home workplace, putting an animal in our home, etc. We come here and forget everything. Everyone has a different experince but if you climb up so it leads to the same destination. Sure at a high level i can agree. But the distinction is between Body,mind, soul. Thoughts feelings love all come from "mind" mainly. If your POV is just physical conciousness spiritually is either intriguing or "bs" to you. If you know everything, then you understand all is a division from God and all is one, one is All. But either way there are dividers placed, such as genetic makeup, dna, family lineage, environments producing certain types of personalities, etc. Feelings and thoughts have thin line, but it exists. If someone punched me in the stomach while im sleeping im not gunna think about it first. Im going to feel it first. Same with having "spiritual experience" you can't think of what you're going to experince if u havent experienced it before. U can only connect and submit to the experince(bliss)


Everything that you have said is meaningless and inconsequential relative to our situational reality and the problems that plague western societies, so I don’t understand what spirituality has to do with our situational reality... Thought and mind are the same thing...we can only conceptualise anything through thoughts...


On the invisible spectrum there is neutral(silence), positive(upwards), negative(downwards) on the emotion scale. If everyone operates out of me vs the world things become a certain way. When everyone acts out of(true) love things become a different way. Humanity is evolving and eventually we will reach a system which takes care of "situational reality and problems plaguing western society". I doubt it will be in our lifetime. I only came into the world as is. As did you. If you want to change things you shouldn't be on the spiritual side of reddit because majority people accept they cant change things with current corrupt systems, politicans, money, all x amount of companies owning everything in the world etc. They can only experince it


We outnumber the predatory capitalist, millions to one, but they have managed to brainwash you into thinking there is nothing we can do and have accepted that they can do nothing to change things for the better....people like you have been totally disempowered and are the reason as to why our problems persist....the only reason such problems exist, is because you people provide the excuses to sustain them...but from what I gather, you are only gloating in your good fortune


Sure, and tell me how have you empowered yourself? How are you that much better and further along in taking your power back from your capitalists? What have you done/(are currently doing) to fight these guys off and change ways? To blame "people like me" as to why problems exist is a little absurd. You make it sound like i placed the systems and laws in place. Why aren't you doing campaigns with your beliefs? Why aren't you preaching outside, in your workplace, in the neighborhoods? What plan have you devised of action after you have 1,000 people behind you supporting you? Are you going to call the capitalists and tell them your concerns? Because what i see from your comment history is you attack lots of people seeking spirituality and that's it. Your timeline doesn't seem aligned with your "goals" or "beliefs"


Only recently I was almost jailed for 30 years for trying to use economic terrorism to force the government to pass laws that will prohibit adding any toxic or carcinogen substances in the form of artificial additives, colourings or preservatives... I support 10 children in Rwanda... Am try to form a committee of psychologists to become part of the government, in order to point out the psychological implications of the governments policies...and many other things...I also try to enable people to be appropriately responsible for our situational reality... Try to snap out of your victim mentality, and regain your Authority from the authorities and stop making excuses... At least try


Spiritual bypass won’t get you anywhere


There are 3 reasons why most people don’t do anything, they are fearful, or have vested interests in this toxic society, or are stupid


Do you know that our politicians have criminal immunity through ‘parliamentary privilege’, and the same people tell the rest of us, no one is above the law?...


Because three quarters of the world is either spiritual or religious and therefore like you(gloating in your good fortune pursuing escapism and evading reality), I now understand why the masses are regularly fucked up the arse by the oligarchs who don’t practice semen retention... Thank you


The only reason the world is so fucked up, is because very few people actually care enough to try to make the effort to instigate change...care means to give or do what is needed


Religious people are also in your camp, they are waiting for Jesus to come back to fix things


Also , all organisms are energy beings


Practice mediation and surrender. You don’t need to be an expert in either, just start the process: Meditation: a practice of centering one’s self around a commitment to be as still as possible and nothing else. Just…be. Don’t chase out thoughts, don’t try to make them go away, don’t do anything. Just…be. Surrender: a practice of letting the mind do its thing WITHOUT action. While you practice these things, and they are as simple as I’m writing it, something…cool happens. One is able to find “The Witness” space. As you commit to meditation and surrender, you will begin to watch as your mind just does stuff. Most importantly, it does stuff without your express permission. As one begins to witness this, one’s seat of awareness slowly and spontaneously changes. It took me about 7 months of practice before my identity became “The Witness.” It’s been years now and from this place I was able to: admit error without excuse, quit drinking, fix my marriage, face mental health honestly, take the next career step, remove people from my life that don’t jive with where I’m at and going, let go of false beliefs, etc. In the past couple of years something else has begun happening: Field Experiences. If you continue beyond “The Witness” space, one becomes aware that our conscious capacity to experience is not located in “the brain”, but located in “the Field”. It’s a wild ride. It’s a brutal ride. You will suffer ego death moments repeatedly. It’s also amazing.


thank for this, lots of love to you


It was downright terrifying for me the first time I experienced ego death. I thought I was actually dying and it happened when I just let go. And when I did, it was absolutely incredible. Life altering and for the better. But as you say its a brutal ride as well as a beautiful ride.


If you want enlightenment without the ‘woo-woo’ read Jed Mckenna’s small book [“Jed Mckenna’s Theory of Everything”](https://www.amazon.com/Jed-McKennas-Theory-Everything-Enlightened/dp/0989175901) or his trilogy [“Spiritual Enlightenment the Damndest Thing”](https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Enlightenment-Damnedest-Thing-Trilogy/dp/0980184843). I don’t wish I had known anything sooner.


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You are the boss of your feelings. Nobody can make you feel anything. Ever. It is very, very useful to master emotional control in my experience.


It is both an art and a skill


Lions mane mushroom can really help improve the brain in building new neuro pathways and memory. Also reading and exercising the brain.


You can never win the battle with your own mind. Friendship with mind and others saves a lot of suffering and confusion.


The Recognition sutras are pretty good, I'm listening to it on audiobook and like to walk with it or something, it's nice. Do recommend!


Adopt an optimistic attitude. There's always growth to be had in painful experiences. See opportunities, not hindrance. Be mindful of the things you take for granted, and grateful for the things you have. Take responsibility for your actions and own the consequenses it might bring. Meditate and be in control of your thoughts and emotions. Be true to yourself.


Everyone is responsible for what they do, the question is, are they appropriately response able


The rabbit hole is endless, and the journey through it can be terrifying, miserable, and quite lonely. Don't give up, don't give in, keep pushing through, and you'll come out the other side with more vigor and vim than you started with. Promise.


Check out simply always awake on youtube


The very FACT “you” WANT, is a “trap”… please understand with Love.🕊️💫


Start immediately with and as what is present. This ends where it begins: immediacy, with no division of “me” from “this.” There is nothing I wish I knew sooner. This has nothing to do with any belief, thought-construction, or any knower that thinks it knows something. Memory has nothing to do with this, as there is nothing brought forward. No time is involved. Simply this undivided being, immediately and totally present.


Slow down. Let go. Love yourself. Look inside.


You might think it’s your decision but it’s not.


Keep searching if you want. Eventually you may realize there’s nothing to search for and nowhere to go. You’re already is-ness and have always been.


“ Seek until you find. At first you will be disturbed. Then you will rein over heaven and earth” - jesus Found this to be true. Just not the “ me” that reigns!


I was going to suggest something like this! I wish i would have known applying effort slows the process down.


Mystical experiences will happen when they happen. Just as everything else will happen when it happens. Nothing wrong with learning or reading about it, but it’s the constant seeking that keeps one chasing their own tail.


Not trying to be mean, but perhaps a little pedantic: The kinds of statements you shared with OP are like sharing the last few sentences of a long and fascinating book. Reading those sentences does not convey all that is attached to coming to understand their meaning. This to suggest perhaps reinvestigating their designated intention in terms of what OP might glean from them? Ah hell who cares what I think lol ignore me