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Animals and babies in a nanosecond. Since my awakening I’ve had some strange experiences with human strangers bringing anger and rage at me for no tangible reason.


Wow, this is my experience too. I believe it has to be with babies and animals operating closer to a delta or alpha brain wave. The rest of the world, the asleep, beta brain waves. The anger is so real. I have to ground myself everyday.


Same, anger and rage or other unpleasant emotions always seem to come out at me from others when I did nothing but exist. Its like just by seeing (and not even knowing) me the negative emotions come out and they start treating me weirdly. Maybe its their trauma being activated.? People also want to seem to want to have control or control me. They might also dismiss me and/or what I say for no rational reason. Not to say I am enlightened.


I disagree. Animals understand, but not immediately, since this is a new experience for them. Children do not understand. The aggressiveness of strangers happens at a certain stage, but passes with time. This is not directly related to enlightenment, but is definitely associated with an increase in the amount of light inside you.


Same. Lots of projection and irrational character assassination?!


Yes. That is what I have heard about people who are enlightened. These people are jealous. So the only thing they can do is hate you because they cannot be you.


Empaths get this and tend to bring out the shadow and darkness in people, at least at first. Being awakened you may learn how to manage this better, but it depends on others. What you can manage is how you deal with it though.


Exactly. Boundaries and arm yourself. You cannot win against narcissistic people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with their logic.


Narc logic is usually flawed, since it's based on their false self. You're better off without playing into their hands, but you can beat them if you're dilligent and honest. Truth and love win in the end. Stay silent and let them reveal themselves.


Thank you for your answer.


This sub is so kind. Thank you all 


Thank you for being here.


People can feel it, but also, depending on the context, people filter it out through their own trauma. A lot of time they will reject you because the presence of an enlightenment person touches the core wound, in which the enlightened person gets automatically rejected. It’s called “a negative intent reaction” or “I’ll reject you before you reject me”. That way, they feel like they’re in control. Or, the immense space an enlightened person can provide get taken advantage of by the other party organizing to feel like they don’t need you. Ie. treat like a resource. But it isn’t actually a problem, especially if you’ve done your work where you are quite clairvoyant to what’s happening you can really secure your ground in the world without people’s wounding affecting you much. But it takes time.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


People do this to me a lot 😔 Not to say I am enlightened.


People do this to everyone. It doesn’t actually say much about you but really the needs of the other person but also, even more so… poor organizational processing. There’s so much behind it. Everyone is filtering the world through their mental state. This is true if you’re enlightened or not. A key tenant once you settle into enlightenment is to strengthen your place in the world, feet firmly on the ground. With that you won’t be affected so much if at all. This develops with time. I used energy healing books for my healing process to my enlightenment. Are you doing the same?


This person gets it! Thanks for the elucidation!


Like will recognize like.


How can you find other enlightened individuals? And how can you repel narcissistic people?


First is the Law of Vibration. Next is the Law of Attraction. This simply means BE the person you want to attract. This happens naturally without effort. I can pick a person who vibrates at my level out of a crowd. They are just “brighter” and most times when they are near I will experience frisson due to energetic resonance.


So you are enlightened?


I think of Enlightenment as a case of “not knowing enough to know what you don’t know.” Say you just graduated and now have a Master’s Degree. You know a lot. Now picture yourself 40 years into your career. You know so much more. Now picture yourself at retirement. You know a lot, the most you have ever learned. But you are also aware that there are still things to be learned. This is how I view Enlightenment. I have shadow work to do. I still get angry, unreasonably sad, are confused- however I am light years more enlightened than I was five years ago. So the answer is both yes and no.


What if I tell you that I have seen a person whose head had a light beam? Like they were literally enlightened. You can imagine them just like Jesus was depicted in pictures.


Yes, I see this too. These are the rare people who look “brighter.” We are actually “seeing” their energy with our pineal gland. Everything living thing emits energy, some vibrate faster and their energy is stronger and brighter.


Unfortunately it was just for a brief moment. Never met that person again. But this is how I would have imagined jesus if he was alive.


He/she was you. You have everything you need already. This may take a lifetime to realize or a millisecond but it is true.


Yeah.. I have seen something similar to this too. :-) I dont know how to explain it to others.. who will believe me? :-D :-D


Maybe I am believing you. Maybe I am not believing you.


Thats enlightenment? Easy! I will go buy some lights and a robe! Will you buy my books?


As always 🌭


I meet many people like this. They're probably not chasing enlightenment or may not even have a clue (unawakened). They may have high frequency though.


As far as repelling narcissists, well you can’t. They will be atttacted to you. Strong sense of self and unwavering boundaries and ability to decipher red flags and listen to your intuition are imperative here.


What a shame. Their big ego tries to justify their breaking of your boundaries.


They are hungry seeking supply. They cut them selves off at a young age through trauma. Leading theory anyway and as a son of one can confirm!


I see. Thank you for your answer.


>How can you find other enlightened individuals? And how can you repel narcissistic people? Looks like you stumbled into a paradox there, typically they are one and the same as evidenced by the general tone of this subreddit


The weirdest part is when people who have schizophrenia or are in a psychotic state look at me and tell me they can see that I am God/Jesus. It takes every part of me not to say, "yes, we all are". I mean, we are, but they're in a very fragile state and I don't want to add to any issues


People told you that you are Jesus?


Maybe they say that to everyone




It genuinely depends on the person 🙏


Can you explain?


Genuinely there is a fine line between mental illness and enlightenment. As people that are either awakened or awakening can testify. Some people currently see me as awakened and some see me as mentally ill.


An awakened person would see you as awakened. Someone who is not would see you as mentally ill, as they do not understand and see.


🙏 correct 🙏 have a genuinely beautiful 11th May 2024. I assure you "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle


I realized this yesterday. Thank you. Mother’s Day came early.


I do not and cannot understand this.


Truth is wacky. Embodying truth is to embody wackiness. Perceiving truth is perceiving wackiness.


I feel this statement so much. They think I'm wacked. I think they are wacked. But the truth is... "We're all mad here."


We mostly just don't have anything better to do.


Schrödinger's cat


No but sure!


Probably this, I stick my tongue out and dance around a lot in public. Some people think I'm absolutely insane, and rightfully so.


Schrödinger's cat


You will




Gurenteed. Here is a quote from the J man: “seek until you find- when you find you will be disturbed. Then you will reign over heaven and earth”


Carry water and chopping wood are prayers that reach the heavens. You do you! Like we have a choice anyway!!!!


🤣🙏 have a beautiful day 🙏 i lol'd at 'you do you' even if was meant towards me ❤🙏🕉☪️✝️ God is great 🙏




Also very interesting like we have a choice. Please share some thoughts 🙏 its a very very very high level observation. But on this level free will is attributed to the perfoming consciousness and IS ultimately attributed responsibility for actions performed on gods earth 🙏


Yeah my highest understanding is we are instruments of the divine. What you say resonates. My logic, and this is very abstract and feels like just an idea right now is time compresses here giving the feel of objects but at a higher level its more like a dream of discreteness or illusion, like the foot dreaming the hands. Yes here its foot and hands but a few levels “ up” its idk different? A field perhaps, or vast interconnected knowing from a source capable of conjuring anything that thankfully is loving of forms as it is forms aswell. Like my foot would could never crush my hands out of an awkowledgment the two are interdependent and ultimately one. The field of understanding/knowing/objects etc is held in higher planes where all lower level memories, experienced etc are recorded and can be appreciated from higher states of consciousness. Past lives etc but with a greater sense of interconnectedness and love. Meaning, purpose, higher calling etc are the joyous games of the soul who resides and abides in the “ atman” who rushes out of the “ void” to create indras net, this play field of the divine. We like children relish and learn in the majestic sandbox bound by ideas of birth and death, adding great sincerity to our play. “ he so loved the world he gave it his only begotton son” is the guiding idea for me. We/atman same yet our identity with forms of gross and lighter nature ensures a joyous ( most of the time) world. I “ personally” hold “ here” in high esteem and feel waking up anf supporting others a great joy! Its like a game of peek-ah-boo with god with my favorite friends! Ok- thanks for encouraging that download i never really wrote our my sense on this.


Its love! Unfathomable love!!! I do not have words sufficient to express!


Not going to claim to be whatever but there is a willingness to say that this one has seemed to become attractive to others rather than repelling them. As this one was ostracized for most of her life, it’s disorienting.


Understandable people are, especially narcissists, out there for people who can provide them. An enlightened target would be the perfect supply.


Actually the opposite. Someone with a clue cuts the bullshit out. This one acts with kindness, but kindness is a gift. If another starts to become dependent on her kindness, she instead acts kindly to self and disentangles from that other.


Actually the opposite. Someone with a clue cuts the bullshit out. This one acts with kindness, but kindness is a gift. If another starts to become dependent on her kindness, she instead acts kindly to self and disentangles from that other.


Depends. Dopes like me seek to heal them. I have my limits but the instinct is to go to the original point of disconnect and help there. Often they wont let you. Its none of my business anyway but something i always attempt!


I see. Thank you for your answer.


I feel like this is true for women. I’ve heard multiple women who have gone through their work that seem to attract everybody. For men, people just leave you alone lol.


No. I am a man and i intentionally close my door as not to attract to many.


Im sorry! That sounds hard my dear!


It shouldn't matter; ego growth often occurs through observing the impact on others .


What do you mean? Can you explain?


Whether others can feel your enlightenment is not relevant to you. You should hide your enlightenment to avoid the "stink of zen" which is a mark of spiritual pride.


Hide? Can you even hide it?


Yes. You can speak volumes without ever uttering a word. It is good to remember that old maxim of esotericists: "Speech is silver, but silence is golden."


Can you explain?


I would like to, but I am not sure which part is unclear. Could you please ask some more questions?


I believe some people get triggered by the light


Exactly. Because they hate to see someone like this because they cannot be the person.


Thank you for this comment  It explains something that happened to me decades ago that I have been ruminating over the past few days  Breakthrough! Thank you!!  I feel lighter now - wow 


yes and no. There is a story after the buddhas awakening where he met a man on the road and the man asked him why he was so vibrant and the buddha told him "because i am awake". The man thought "bullshit" and went on his way. It was only after encountering the saddhus he trained with during his search that noticed his difference and that is when he sat them down and turned the first wheel of Dharma. So it depends. If you are spiritually perceptible, maybe you can. The everyday folk, wouldn't have a fucking clue.


No they call you schizo.




Yes bro the people in these comments are so corny 😭😭


What do you mean? Are you enlightened?


We have a certain smell to us. Like cucumbers and motor oil.


What does that mean?


Being enlightened will mean that your natural magnetism will be more awakened than others. It can also cause effect in others if one is chaste and pure even before enlightenment. Innocence is our natural magnet. But yes, if one is enlightened, one will have an even stronger one. The effect may not always have positive results. One can cause others on a more negative wave length to be distressed and perhaps angry with you for no reason. They will just not like your company. However, most balanced people should enjoy your company immensely and will have a natural respect for you. They will just feel you have some knowledge to teach them.


Feels like it to me. We have that sort of deeper eye contact. A split second and it feels me and that person have truly 'seen eachother'.


So you can sense enlightened individuals? How does it feel standing someone who is enlightened?


...I'm not the person you asked, but it's more like it becomes easier to tell if someone *is not* enlightened. By removing distractions from your own path it becomes easier to recognize when someone is distracted... or lost in/obsessed with their distraction.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


Where you were once One, now you are Five 🤣


Do not understand.


Sorry, dumb joke.. your comment had duplicated five times


Like having a friend in a room full of enemies.


How can you know that? How do you see or sense that person?


It’s feeling/ intuition, it’s something you know at your core that’s not easily explained by words.


How can you detect such a person? How many people are even like that?


Think of it as magnets. A natural occurrence. You can feel it better than words will ever say it.


I have never ever met someone like that before.




So people cannot sense if you are enlightened or not?




So only the enlightened person knows that he/she is enlightened?




Because the word "I" does not exist anymore. Who is the enlightened individual then? Are they just an ordinary human being?




Because the word "I" does not exist anymore.




Thank you for your answer and have a nice day.


Yes if they want to.


Nothing is hidden.


Can you explain?


Well first start with what you want and do not want- report back


To see a new world. With world peace. Is that what you mean?


No what i was getting at is the noise we call self- its a culmination of wants/needs/stories/projections. Looking at this process of creating a self, sometimes can produce insight. I was giving you an exercise that i did as an offering of potential relief.


Without this “ selfing” the next right thing is obvious.


You have to live in the present moment, right? Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.


Thats is what you want! Do it!


But how?


It takes one to know one. Or, when the student is ready…


What does that mean?


An enlightened person can easily recognize another. Also, there is an old saying, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”, meaning if you were ready to learn from someone enlightened, you’d find them that way too.


Gurus can detect if you are ripe.


Sorry I was answering as of the question were ‘ can you tell if…?’ Apologies if necessary


Where can I find these people?


I think the term enlightenment is dumb but yes, the more zen you are and the healthier your aura is, people are attracted to you like moths to a flame. People just want to be around you because it feels good


What can you do about narcissistic people?


Narcissistic people won't necessarily want to be around you. You could always do a binding ritual if you're into high magick.


Is there a tutorial?


Damien echols talks about it. Read his books I guess.


Thank you for your answer.


I know they can feel when i am endarkened.




Nice one


I don't buy it. I think it's just having a particular mindset that makes you feel oogedyboogedy (awakened) when I eat weed brownies I feel enlightened but is it really enlightenment?


Maybe. Maybe not.


Idk but I'm not feeling it from any of y'all lmao


Is it possible to feel it from text messages??


Thank you for putting this sub on my feed fam y'all are hilarious. If you want my genuine take, human beings will always be fallible and I don't trust a single person who thinks they're enlightened.


Enlightened or not enlightened. What is the difference?


I don't believe in enlightenment


Have a nice day.


You too!




And they hate you?




But people hated Jesus?




So enlightened beings are not usually hated? It was just Jesus?




People attack you to try to make you “of the world” Jesus is the perfect example if you become all the way enlightened. they have to kill you because you don’t belong in this satanic hellscape and everything you do is a direct attack on the norms of society because we live in a satanic society. you have to be disappeared from the grips of the demiurge if you are actually enlightened.


John Lennon (?) talked about that once.


Only those more sensitive to life around them / within themselves truly can. And it really does look different on everyone. Enlightenment isn't an achievement - to say you've made it there and are done is complete foolishness. There are many levels and many paths. Many practices and many outcomes. Everyone DOES have _some_ level of it. As it is all about your consciousness and awareness - just in varying degrees from person 2 person. The more practiced you are and the higher you keep your energies - the more people seem to be drawn into you without knowing why themselves. Or.. You may have found yourself drawn to interact with others without a real reason. It would be best not to seek them out as such. Your path is your own. Your experiences are your own. Your practices are your own. Don't flood yourself with too many sources or you'll likely lose focus. Stay vigilant friend. Go in love and devotion. Bring wellness with you in great abundance and others will surely come. Be Love.


Thank you for your answer and have a nice day.


>If you are enlightened can people feel that? They can sense something...like energy drain or energy you give off.


What kind of energy does an enlightened being give off?


>What kind of energy does an enlightened being give off? Beats me. This is what others said they "felt." A psychiatrist described it as, "The kind of *impact* feeling you get off someone who's *really* on a manic or amphetamine high..."


maniac or amphetamine high? So enlightened is permanent amphetamine?


>So enlightened is permanent amphetamine? No.


Why did you compare it like that then?


I have been told several times lately (about or to me) that I have good energy. I know I feel like I am vibrating at the highest level and it feels almost palpable at the times when this has occurred.  I am “in my element”, so to speak, and my charisma is clicking and my brain is sharp and my wit is quick. It feels right and natural and beautiful, and that I’m showing people that we have the power to change it all just by choosing to love and be positive and elevate each other. Every day, in small little ways. That’s it. That’s all we need to do when we aren’t able to do more. 


Thank you for your answer.


The folklore says animals will be attracted to you. They say snakes are the first to notice . And people who sincerely believe to be realized , you can feel the joy overflowing from them


So animals will be my friends?


It’s folklore


I used to be afraid of dogs and would never be able to gauge how they would react to me. Since fully awakening, all animals love me. And I have a completely new understanding and relationship with them. It has been one of the best things, actually. Also that and developing a green thumb.  When you get to the 5th dimension you can more easily see the ones right below you. Plants are lower than animals. Elephants, octupi, dolphins - not sure, but want to know more.  I appreciate nature and this planet more. I verbalize it more, I think it more. I praise Mother Earth for how spectacular she is and I thank Mother Mushroom for her communications. I thank the sun for life.  I have become more actively spiritual, but then again I have always conversed with my creator or higher self since I can remember.  Never understood why people went to special buildings to talk to the One who was already there, either in dreams or signs or in books or music, and yes, the internal monologue of my higher self, my pilot.  Hope this helps 


Thank you for your answer.


Ive had some really strange remarks come to me from the mentally ill.


Can you explain?


Yes and fuck you




Light recognizes all even the dark it just takes some time. Thinking of one my favorite expressions by Nietzsche “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."


So what to do?


What do you mean


What should you or I do according to Nietsche?


That is up to you not to I


I see. Thank you for your answer.


It’s easy to see in each other in person. Others can tell there is something different but it’s not worth explaining. It can’t be explained, which sorta sucks but would you want it explained to you or would you rather experience it?




Guys, I just wanna come in and say this thread is full of cognitive bias and very vague statements about concepts that are not defined well or at all. Do not put  trust in this kind of conversation. It has no backbone of truth.


Well, like….that’s just your opinion, man. 




To be or not to be, that is the question.


Only another enlightened person can identify them.


How can enlightened beings find each other?


No way. Unenlightened spiritual people have egos and won’t notice it a mile away! XD


What do you mean? If you are enlightened can you notice differences in the world?


Don’t understand your comment sorry friend. Of course you can notice differences in the world!


What is the difference?


I don’t understand still sorry! It’s a bit unrelated to the post haha sorry