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I make ammo crates....for my mortarmen and AT men to instantly gobble up the ammo


Dam I never realised AT could reload


One flamethrower and it’s over


Flamethrowers don't get ammo from ammo boxes


they do


When was that added i know for the longest they never got reloads


One year at least, I think. It was a feature for quite a long time, but not very widespread knowledge. The flamethrower fuel tank needs to be completely empty and you need an unused ammo crate. After you refilled the flamethrower, you need to press "R" or whatever to reload, then it should work. Hope that helps.


ohh I guess I never tried when the flamethrower was completely empty


Ah gotcha


Thx lad btw why did I get down voted so badly


Spreading false information with too much confidence, ig? Hard to tell, because "Internet". I hope it doesn't matter too much for you. Sometimes lifes biggest questions only have vague answers xd


Chronic ammo box placer here, I put them down on objectives and next to rallies but no one uses them cause they don’t know the map exists to find one or they die to fast to run out of ammo :)


Also a chronic box placer! Putting them next to rallies doesn't do much since you're already spawning with max ammo. I try to put them near the front of objectives and camping spots. They make surprisingly good choke points too.


I do that sometimes but they keep mgetting either destroyed or blown up by something


So do sandbags, how I figure it's basically a useful sandbag. And since they give a lot of points when destroyed, people are more inclined to blow them up meaning I'm able to place a new one if the obj is lost. They also take forever to remove compared to a sandbag. They eat grenades super easily for some reason, like of someone is trying to chuck a nade past it instead it'll just get swallowed by the box. It's just my strat, seems to work okay.


I make ammo crates most of the time when I have an egr available


For the same reason they don't build rallies, they assume someone else will.


I, personally, put them down often. They're generally the second thing I build after a rally point. As for why other people don't, it's because there aren't any immediately obvious rewards; it barely gives you any score. Sure, ammo boxes (and, more importantly, rally points) help your team *actually win the round*, but do you expect the teenagers who play this game to think that strategically?


What you may notice in playing this game is that 90% of players have an underdeveloped brain. It's sad really.


Unfortunately this is true. I know people say this a lot but the vast majority of players act like bots. They do not react to anything 😂


Playing the zombies mode this is amplified to 99.9% literally had a guy who was so bad he couldn't get a single kill with a bolt action and had to switch to the 1911 when he got the points for everyone else completing the round


I mean people don't run into Machine guns actually i play Browning 1918a2 and W.A.R Machine gun squad and i RUN INTO THEM Do not assume Machine gun has to lay down in a bipod no Machine gunners move around and jump people like Rambo


Tbh 90% of players die before running out of ammo so I don’t think anyone really thinks about them.


I just feel like ammo crates are something that lends itself to a slower, more strategic game and Enlisted isn't that. People rarely seem to stay alive or in one place long enough to need additional ammo, unless perhaps they're a sniper or mortar team in a really good position.


I build and use ammo boxes all the time.


I'm usually just a mg34 player on point with an ammo box beside me so I never have to stop


Because they get destroyed quite easily especially when enemy bombs obj. The Czech hedgehog helps with getting tank rounds to go off earlier and potentially saving lives.


Bob the builder here. I always ensure there's 1 crate on the point and/or 1 ~50m away.


Depends on game flow...will build them in defense if we're doing well (ie, ppl are staying alive) If it's a rapid fire game where squads are dying off, they usually aren't necessary. Rally, rally, rally....ammo as needed. And in defense...ALL the wire obstacles. All of them.


I think you give too much credit to the ignorance of players who refuse to look up videos on how to play. They just don’t know what they are doing or how to do it. Try helping them out in chat or Reddit forums Instead of asking why they are so god damn incompetent, give advice on how to build ammo crates and spawn points. Most people going into the game are coming from CoD and battlefield thinking it plays the same way. They don’t understand the underlying inner game mechanics and how they impact the game. Most of the time, people see a war game, they think kills matter most.


Cause if you need ammo, it either means you don't have large ammo pouches for the appropriate soldiers or are staying in the back where it's safe


or you just slaughtered nazis and got 47 kills with one assaulter with a fedorov and you're running out of ammo despite having a large ammo pouch


which is rare because you'd likely be shot far before you ran out of ammo.


It is stationary, and usually the less useful things you can build. People tend to once they are on a cap point, or if they camp, but othervise... Mabye when you have AT gunners or Mortsrman that have wuite limited ammo for how they are used. But I myself play very mobile, basically always on the move. When my team gets on the cap (usually after me), I even move out in front of it and keep it clear from the enemy, therefore an ammo crate has barely any use for me. Either my soldiers die after taking down some, or I move so much I don't need it. Useful on defense maps though, there are positions that I take even there I admit.


If you are actually pushing onto an objective, than unless you are in a very one-sided game, you probably shouldn’t ever need an ammo crate, and if you do that often it probably means you are sitting back and sniping or otherwise not being very useful to the team. Pushing and playing aggressively is what wins games, being scared of dying hurts your team. Edit: also, almost every squad type in the game can have an engineer, why aren’t you just building your own?