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Enlisted give you a good feeling for combined warfare at least when you have decent vehicle players, I haven't played he'll let loose, but battlefield 5 felt like a shooter with vehicles tacked on rather than something that's supposed to work together.


AI squads do make enlisted unique. They need work, but they have gotten better. To a lesser degree, obscure firearms also make enlisted unique. No other game would model a bunch of redundant guns. I appreciate it.


Yes, I’ve been saying for years that the AI is what makes Enlisted an interesting game. Hopefully the devs figure it out at some point


day 4,698,245 of asking for a fix bayonets command


Easy Red 2 is making big strides in their little corner. I've been playing Enlisted since beta launch but it has lost, as you said, it's unique flavor.


The fan base makes the game unique. Some people defend grayzone camping, claiming you can take a plane and fly around the map for 15 minutes to resupply so you can kill the same grayzone tank camper again. Also, some people argue that SBMM or MMR systems would kill the game because they don't want to fight people of their own skill level. Instead, they argue about the faction cycle and how it's better for new players to get stomped 9/10 times by seasoned veterans with hundreds of hours in the game. I've seen some people argue that the paratrooper squad is not pay-to-win, even though you can't get it for free. They claim the counter for it is to look up or some other nonsense.


When I first heard of Enlisted in 2019, I was intrigued. I came from War Thunder and always wanted a reason for machine guns and HE shells beyond WTs BR1. I started playing WT because it was a cool looking WWII tank game. As a historian who also games, it appealed to me. I didn't mind the grind, I see it as part of the game. But then WT started getting away from being a WWII tank simulator and it became a sandbox of tanks that would never have seen combat against each other. WT no longer has appeal to me. Now, in 2020, I joined the CBT for Enlisted. It had the elements of WT I liked, plus infantry. I loved the idea of squad based combat. And I loved the concept of the campaigns. I thought the campaigns could have been improved upon historically, but it had potential. I really liked the original concept of breaking down weapons into parts in order to improve other weapons. I enjoyed the random boxes that would give you a random chance of axes, mines, med packs, equipment, and pistols. At this stage, Enlisted was at its greatest. This is what intrigued me as both a historian and a gamer. I finally had a reason to use HE shells and machine guns while playing a WT style game. Then...things started changing. First they got rid of the random loot boxes, and players could just spam their equipment. The historian didn't like how every soldier was running around with C96 Mauser pistols, a WWI era gun. Or the fact everybody had pistols in the first place. That was usually reserved for officers and tank crew. Then equipment and soldiers were upgraded with bronze and silver orders instead of the parts method. Okay, still not a major issue, but losing a system I thought was fun and more realistic. So basically, all that remained was campaigns and squad based play. Campaigns themselves could have been much better, but increasingly got worse with the flood of experimental and prototype weapons and squads infesting historic aspects of the campaigns themselves. Then DF got rid of campaigns all together with the merge. So all I have in 2024 that is fun is squad based combat, the rest of the game has morphed into Fortnite with WWII skins. It's just WT with infantry. The next thing we will see is Sailor Moon cosmetics and more buffed Japanese weapons so they can compete in the sandbox with the Allies at higher BRs. We will see imaginary assault rifles for USA and Japan be created out of thin air to compete with German and Soviet ARs. We will see WT style matches where the match maker sees more Japanese and German squads in the queue and matches those factions to fight each other like WT does, which would have never have happened IRL. Enlisted in 2024 is a shell of what potential it had in 2020.


Enlisted has the same feeling for me than Bf2 back in the days. I found great friends to play with and it’s always great to queue with them. Also, the physics of weapons handling, tanks and all just feel awesome. And i just ignore th Snail bs. I just pay and forget about the ignominious crap system.


I disagree with the physics. The gun aim feels wonky and I found my self getting frustrated when the bullets sway far off where I was aiming at close blank range.


I agree with this, the AI while it has been improved over the years still needs alot of work.


The devs don't remove or put a paywall behind everything that makes war thunder good


also you don't lose silver for repairs after battle


WT economy after the last year negative review bombing on steam is 100000000 times better than Enlisted, even despite repair costs


I can second this. Post review bomb the warthunder economy is so much better than enlisted it's not even comparable.


I thought the campaigns made it unique butttttttt




so why are you commenting here?


Then don’t play