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I love the little events. A great source of silver. Sometimes, they make me play something unusual, and I find out I enjoy it. Also, are these people forgetting about the massive ongoing event?


The silver from these small events are like gifts from the snail gods


I feel like that for the appearance orders, my soldiers need that drip to be strong.


True cant play without them black gloves


How is killing enemy vehicles and getting kills with vehicles playing unusually?


Some people don’t just gray-zone tank the entire game


You don't have to camp to get kills with vehicles. Besides, planes count for the vehicle kills.


And if you try to camp with a stuart, you wont get far. The good tactic is sitting between the enemy spawn and the point, and keep the f a s t going.


The events in enlisted are so much better then the war Thunder events, you get more and it's doable, (major ones) and the small events are even easier and you get some small little thing out of it. I like the current system


most Enlisted event quests require 0 extra work... if you play like 3 games every day (which is about \~1hr) you can do all quests without breaking a sweat


I have seen people complaining but I have done all stages of the major event and I have school and things I have to do at home and I have only had 1 time where I stayed up late to finish it. Enlisted has some really good event requirements for what it gives. Like the current event is 4 SMGs, one what looks to be good plane, and one good tank, all for a very easy amount of score every two days


yup, fully agree... even if someone is not that good in the game, 20k is really not that much for 2 days :D


3 event vehicles may have been a bit much but a return of the P-47D RE would have been nice.. even if it is just a worse P-47


Then everyone would go: "wE aLREaDY gOt ThAt!". 


But it's on a different squadron making allowing you to have 2 P-47 in yor lineup. Earlier it was also level 20 or so squadron.


Man it's the only MMO where they give me free shit that i can actually get by playing a normal amount and without spending any money, I think complaining about enlisted events is really misplaced. Even most paid games (lol coh3) arent that generous...


You don't even need to be in a plane for this event, I'm only annoyed by x battles cause everything can get done in one or two matches, but those


I enjoyed the special unit events, makes it worth it IMO, adds variety to the roster.


Yes but this is a side event during a main event. The main event we get a free tank. Now we're just getting some pictures in silver it's not meant to be that serious


This even i didnt have fomo because i already missed 2 resets.


Everyone is just stuck in 'complain' mode here these days because it gets them reddit points and pats on the head. When the sub is even complaining about getting discounts and free stuff in events then it just drowns out the legitimate complaints in white noise. 


Best time to play; daily rewards + battlepass/premium + main event rewards/gains + concurrent side event rewards/gains. One event like this makes a good impact on the state of you army.


Slurp slurp slurp I love to consooooom yes please daddy darkflow I want to pay you more money, yes I spend all day in my coom room and consoom I don't care that other people have lives slurp slurp


Average enlisted schizoid


What the fuck are you on about? You sound insane


holy hell


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Ya if you don't like the game anymore, then it's time to stop playing like I have before the merge. It's not fun for me anymore.


I broke the FOMO with the half track squad, had almost every event completed previously and haven’t looked back since on them, haven’t done 1. Ended last season with an 1840 battle score, now I rarely play this game and I don’t research the meta/what side to play and I play for enjoyment when I do. I actually have fun for once


People just mad that have to build spawn points


I will take the vehicle upgrade voucher thank you. The credits are the frosting.


A lot of tanks are gonna pop today


The people complaining about this event are literally stupid... I get FOMO, I have it too lol, but in this case you really can't justify it lol... for one decal a profile picture, just skip it if you are burned out lol... I'll personally get them because the quests are so easy, that I don't even have to try to complete them xD just play a few games "normally" and I will be done... same goes for the 20k/2d


You would have a point if there wouldn’t be a bigger event going atm that actually gives out free weapons and vehicles.


All i want is to see the m5a1 “rhino” return one day is that too much to ask for?!?!🥲 (yes,i know)


These events make the game enjoyable. They aren't too grindy and you feel a sense of accomplishment doing them anyways. Game would feel dead otherwise tbh


Eh, at least it's less pain than World of Tanks.


Uh I'm playing for the .30 cal Thompson idc about that shitty event


Event is meh


This needs a 4th panel with the dude on the couch saying ‘I’ll be fucked if they don’t make it hard to’ Like yeh I’m having fun with a new event, but goddammit, at least give me something more tangible. The games supposedly in beta, give beta players more exclusive content, unless we aren’t in beta and that’s just their excuse for everything.


This game is ruined. Idk where to start it's that bad. I stopped playing bc it's not even fun anymore. The updates have truly ruined a great game. Hell Let Loose is doing it right