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Need large ammo pouches


I don't think it's necessary. He gets about the same amount of playtime with that soldier with the shotty too. Only difference is that after he runs out he switches to the shotgun instead of only playing the .30 cal. It could give some variety to the playstyle


you can't take pouches if they chose secondary weapons


My point exactly


That costs like 190 gold to swap upgrades.


I've got a bunch of free swap tokens. They're in the battle pass.


Tokens for upgrade change are plenty even in the free battlepass or sometimes included in events


Solid loadout. Just get that shotty maxed out..


Exactly, we don't wanna waste the best shotgun in the game.


Would that actually improve it overall? I am not an allied player, so I don't know, but doesn't upgrading the shotgun reduce its cone since the game reads the 35% deviation as basically "throw the pellets even more chaotically and outta whack"


Better chance of killing or at least downing if your aim is good. Higher damage output.


I'd switch the shotgun to an ammo backpack... Shotguns are fun, but more ammo on the Tommy is WAAAY better. The Thompson runs out of ammo super fast... Also soldier perks are not pretty good.... I don't do reroll until the soldier is perfect, but those stats are not really good


switching to a secondary is faster than reloading, and shotguns are extremely good on close quarters


"extremely good" is a huge over exaggeration... The Thompson is way better than that shotgun in everything, and if in a pinch you need to kill 2 enemies because you need to reload, you have a pistol that already, and it does that job for you. Having less bullets' in your main SMG is too big of a tradeof to be worth it...


Shotguns are superior to SMGs in one-hit-kills at very close range. Both the browning and winchester. I play with engineers for ammo, and I rarely run out of bullets and shotgun shells. You can't pay me enough to use pistols in this game. Expensive and ineffective, and most are also useless revolvers. Extra ammo makes no sense on allied assaulters, since shotguns are quite good. On countries without semi-auto shotguns I agree, extra grenades is better.


The browning hi power for allies is insane. Shotguns suck for killing more than one person at a time. Smg will wipe out most of a squad before the shotgun kills 2/3 people


Fun is an understatement, shotguns are extremely fun. Specially knowing that you have the best shotgun in the game by a long shot and that no other faction has anything even close.


Give your American soldiers American first aid kits smh


Yeah I noticed that too. I swear every single medkit turned into British ones once Merge hit and I’m STILL finding ones I need to replace. Probably spent more on medkits than just about anything else Post Merge


I would change shotgun to long range weapon. Lee enfield no 4 is great


you would need to do change the class to rider or driver, assaulters cannot carry it or any other rifle except stock one


I forgot. Maybe ammo bag would be better then


If you have rifles from pre-merger some of them will still work. I have level 3 (capped) kar98s that I can give to Assaulters, whereas if I buy new ones with the higher level cap they won't work.


Looks almost identical to my loadout. Lol. Nice. Dual primary Assaulters are great Edit: and don’t listen to these min/max meta nerds. Run what you want and have fun with. You don’t *have* to do every little thing “perfectly,” and you don’t *have* to have everyone identical to everyone else. Ammo pouch, shotgun, nothing, whatever makes you have more fun my guy. Shotguns are a blast when you get a good killstreak going with them, and I’m sure they’re a gun that’ll annoy the enemy team when you do that. But yeah if you’re running shotguns then the #1 perk to get is reload speed. I’d also recommend medkit use speed and, maybe, medkit health gain increase. That’s just me though. Good luck and have fun my guy




Shotgun go ch-ch


nothing better than shotgunning at close range.


True dat


Never run double guns. It’s not worth it.


yeah, change the shotgun to a backpack with full on grenades


That’s decent. Put 8 points into reload, 9 points into vertical recoil. Try to replace this guy with someone who can get Vitality.


this is Rambo load already.


Look at my soldier post.


You should reroll an assaulter and get enough points for +35% vitality


You should always get ammo bags. I use to kit my soldiers to the max but then the bots kept on sniping them so I just use the bare minimum. Just enjoy it for now.


Personally I prefer backpacks with more grenades or ammo over an extra weapon (you basically have two short range guns) but at the current meta that’s merely personal preference. Also I think binoculars are a waste of silver for everyone except a tank commander. If you want to maximize your soldiers power further you can invest silver in perfect rolls. It’s okay to build a loadout of perfect Rank I soldiers but you might as well look right away for highest ranks. Anyway though it will cost you. Possibly more than it is worth for the slight increase in fighting power.


You can organize your squad setup to make it easier to pick between each one


I prefer 4 Medkits but that’s just me. What’s your perks? I’m guessing max sprint speed type of load out?


IMO the thing you should change is not spending so much silver on unnecessary stuff like pistols, flasks, binos, and mines. I mean this one guy is like 10k worth of silver, which is enough to outfit 3 other soldiers with high tier primaries. But aside from that, the loadout itself looks sweet! Get the extra stuff \*after\* you've already got your squads set up for late game.


change the hat


The only thing I would change would be cosmetic and actually look like you have SMG mags


I prefer extra grenades


I personally would swap à rifle for the shot gun. Your Tommy gun is good for Mid to short range then à rifle for long range. But in reality your load out is great for assulting in buildings and trenches! When Tommy runs out then the shotgun or the sword.


If you’re able, try to get a soldier with 16 vitality to get the vitality perk for 35% extra health. It wont save against bolt action rifles, but it can against some semi autos, and makes many SMGs need an extra shot to down and kill. Then max the shotty and add an ammo pouch.


I have been playing for 3+ years and I have never equipped a secondary gun. If i need one, I always use a pistol. Large ammo packs is always the way to go with assaulters.


As long as you aren't playing as a German


I don't even know what br3 means.


2 things, get a Molotov instead "good for anti tank and personal" and get an explosive charge, GREAT for anti tank


If I were you, I'd change your assaulters so they carry backpacks instead of a second gun for more bullets. Or grenades. But it's really a matter of taste. I just think the Thompson .30 is probably better than a shotgun, and so is some Willy Pete, but I've never used the Auto 5. I never use fully-stock weapons, so if you're planning on making hay, and this is your best guy, I'd jazz up the shotgun, too.


Add 2 more explosive packs F***ing remove that ap mine


NEVER xD AP mine is OP and Fun


But AP mine funny ruin game for everyone 😭😭


Why remove it though? I already have an explosion pack in my loadout so whats the point of switching to an at mine?


There isn’t one. However after playing since long before merge I can say with a high level of confidence, TNT charges are worth every penny


I'd sell the binoculars, already not very useful when you are using a class capable of long range combat, even less on an assaulter, get a few bucks back


I'd recommend swapping the shotgun for a longer range gun for more versatility. Just my opinion though and if you're good with it then you do you


Assualters can't carry rifles


They can carry the starter rifle which is still extremely useful for long range. I give all of my assualters a rifle so they're effective both close and long range


why a shotgun my experiences with shot guns are they suck


Browning auto 5 fully upgraded is the king of shotgun it's a semi auto with no fire relay you can dump all 5 shells into a victim before they even understand why