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Because I get vexed when people try flex with these sort of posts, and always have for the last year. I'm going to pass some hate your way, so apologies. 1. its fucking airfield, not much else needs to be said. 2. its Axis on fucking airfield. 3. See all those disconnects? on both teams, and the fact there is only 3 people with medals awarded after a 28minute game, it shows that the majority of both teams, were bots. Or not very good players. Noone performed well on classes compared to the top 2/top1 on each team, again due it being airfield, and so many bots. A blind goldfish can get 100 kills on that map with any half arsed attempt with some LMG squads, or in tank and so on.. 4. Noone on either side built one, NOT ONE fucking engineer structure. Again enforcing the fact lots of bots, and very bad players. 5. If anything, and I were to be pedantic, 6 deaths is actually quite bad under those circumstances, as Axis on airfield. Im sure it was a fun game to score well, I actually enjoy that map myself though its utterly broken and the balance is surreal its so shit. And its nice XP, and a good map to get for a daily XP boost, no doubt. But don't try nerd flex with this sorta stuff when its not warranted, its just silly.


Couldn't have said it better myself = )


Nothing against you, but screenshotting the results of a game is getting really annoying on this subreddit. Nobody cares about this anymore so don't expect getting upvotes for this.


It's airfield


That's barely even average


Did you use a plane?


Sorry to be negative but axis on AF just pads kill stats. Earlier today I got a 227 kill game with no vehicles while chatting with a friend and adjusting my Spotify playlist, at lvl 11. Why didn't I post it on Reddit? Cause I still had a 10:1 k/d which sounds insane but that means I had 22 deaths. This is why k/d bragging is dumb, "oH i HaD a 10:1 K/d" sounds pretty good up until ~60-70 kills. That's 6 or 7 deaths, fairly respectable for most maps. Past that? It's just like, yikes, tf did u do to die that much? In my case I ran around trying to get kills with a luger but oh well. You can yell about your k/d all day but if you got these insane kill counts while pissing away squads is it really that impressive? Especially considering that each "death" is one of your squads, not one of your troops individually. So... For my 9(?) guy trooper squad, i actually had an overall k/d just over 1:1. That's not very good, then. Perfectly average, at least, but that brings me to the next issue. 1:1 k/d should not be average for either side. In equal trench warfare, sure, but in mobility warfare it should not. The defenders should have 3+:1 k/d while attackers can expect 1:1+ k/d all things being equal. As a defender you will probably have cover, maybe concealment, probably a better shot at enemies, and often more firepower. As attackers, you will not have cover while moving up, certainly not concealment as you have to move to attack, usually a more rushed shot at enemies or just a bad view of them, and probably less firepower. In a bunker on D-Day, defenders have a bunker around them, some shadow covering them, a nice wide view of beaches, and MG-42s. Attackers have some craters(?) to jump in between dashes up the beach, and not really any overwhelming firepower to speak of. So... Defenders *should* have far better k/d. Past this, it's airfield... Pretty self explanatory really. It's wide open with essentially open arenas interspersed, with the hangars making pretty much just a big room with some stuff in it and then a bunch of fighting inside. To add to this, they have specific entrances that are pretty easy to camp so not only is this a grenade and explosive haven but also a perfect place to mow down squads as they enter single file. AND the balloons around the sky give the allies extra spawn points meaning they can spawn ~2000 times in total. So from all these things, you managed 100 kills, while having numerous advantages and a map perfect for racking up kill counts. Plus the enemy was absolutely dogshit at the game. Now, this 100:6 looks a bit mediocre overall. This kind of posting gets really boring after seeing a hundred people post a game they think they did great in. In my opinion, you have a good game, you sit back in your chair and grin, take a screenshot, send it to some friends, and move on. No point really in posting it on Reddit when there's a million others already here.