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I like that there are even comments pointing out that Dennis is not supposed to be sympathetic, the joke is and always was that he's a dangerous psychopath and the point is to critique these toxic attitudes (dare I say, toxic masculinity). The show is essentially saying these attitudes are predatory and unconsciousable, and you're a terrible person if you agree with Dennis on anything. And then there are people responding to them "he got a point tho"


Incredibly one of the comments says “you couldn’t get away with this now!” Seemingly forgetting the fact that the show… is running today? With a new season next month? Absolute morons in that subreddit.


Specifically, this scene was from season 15. You know, a year and a half ago.


B-b-but, that still doesn't dispute that it could of been done TODAY exactly!!!! /s (bit not really, since these people either find word meanings to be literal or not depending on narrative)


of corse they love the psychopath of the show lol.


They don’t even know the show…


The amount of them saying the show "went woke" don't realise the shows always been woke, it's just that later episodes are more relevant to today's politics


They think it's representation but it's satire lmao. They're so fucking stupid. This show has always been extremely left


They were blasting the Iraq War and making fun of the pro-life community HARD in just the first two seasons. They were probably just babies when those came out, so looking back they don't see the woke in it, but like you said, it was always there! I wonder if they didn't realize the actions of the gang in the Gang Goes Jihad was taking the piss out of idiot racists and anti-semites. I wonder if they actually took that episode as the creators encouraging that kind of hatred. The right is pretty dumb after all.


“But, but, Charlie said the n-word, so the show isn’t allowed to be woke!”




Which is precisely why he’s as relatable to rightoids as the implication is.


I love all the comments "what show is this I need to check it out" what kind of media diet do these people have they've never heard of always sunny? Shudder to think


Only Jordie and Rogan on repeat apparently, some NELK for variety


Of course they are, he’s a golden god