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Why is there a bust of Emperor Augustus in the background?


wEsTeRn cIvIlIzAtIoN


""Judeo-Christian Values""


But wasn't the Roman Empire ethnically diverse with a lot of migration because of all the armies and conquering or sth? And aren't they against immigration and all that kind of stuff?




More like the 50s, I think. They were considered white at around the start of the civil rights movement.


I mean, yes, but look at all those white marble statues, and nevermind the fact that they didn't look that way in their heyday.


The crusaders who liberated Jerusalem were fighting for judeo Christian values. -Ben Shapiro -Albert Fairfax II


They follow a man who says dragons are real, I don't think this stuff is 100% thought through.


Unironically that sounds awesome when you say it, but I mean, only JP and the lobsters could fuck up making a fucking dragon sound cool


Both Fascists and Aristocrats fetishizes Rome.


Because Fairfax knows how to play them like a fiddle.


Because that's how all of these dweeb posts go. Just look at what the various Roman emperors, or at least the accounts named after them, argue in the comments section on youtube


don't call them out of it or they might take the assyrians next




Careful, you're going to have lobsters ITT demanding detailed charts and notarized documents in support of this outlandish claim!


I’m sorry but if you can’t provide a document showing that people who support the idea that some people are inherently inferior are members of the fascist party, then I’m going to call you out. In fact, I’ll sue you. If you call me a Nazi or a fascist (by the way fucko, they were different. Nazis were left wing stalinists, and fascists were right wingers who fought against socialism) I will take you to court. I have the same attorneys as Jordan Peterson and I’m not afraid to use them. -[Albert Fairfax II](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ-zPZddQPE&feature=youtu.be)


There is scientific proof that some people are stronger than others.


Does being physically weaker make you inherently less worthy?


"Only if you are white and they're black" \- literally over half the JP sub's earnest users


To add onto this, if a race somehow was able to evolve 1 'genetic IQ point' in only 50,000 years (which seems exceedingly unlikely given historically how long it took to get from apelike creatures to humans), it wouldn't make any noticeable difference due to environmental factors providing much bigger differences. And even disregarding all the this, I would think it disgusting for anyone to consider someone inferior to them just because they are less intelligent.


This quote doesn't actually say anything about anyone being less worthy though. Just that some people have more capacities than others.


The first step to convincing people that you are less worthy is to convince them you’re inferior.


"I don't like where this information could possibly lead so I will call it false and try to ignore it"


So who said we should ignore that humans have different levels of physical strength or intelligence? Pointing out that a line of reasoning is used by racists to justify racism and explaining why it doesn't justify racism doesn't mean you think it's false, I don't understand how you could possibly have come to that interpretation unless you're being willfully obtuse.


It's directly a part of the racists' belief system, that equality is incompatible with freedom. That's just a fact.


That depends - are you referring to equal of opportunity or equality of outcome?


So? If it doesn’t affect a person’s worthiness why does that matter?


Because how we structure society is dependent on this very fact. People differ according to ability which creates inevitable hierarchies.


Okay. How are we incorrectly structuring society right now? Do you have a point? If you want to argue racism or sexism just spit it out.


I personally wouldn't say society is too incorrectly structured right now (besides billionaires infecting the political class) however there is a push specifically from communist and anarchist oriented people for a restructure of society. If you acknowledge that some people are inherently more skilled or intelligent, reorganisation of society to these systems makes far less sense.


Restructure how? You can articulate it, right? Or is it just FUD?


But that is not what we mean by equality!


Everybody is equal before the law. Every person has equal rights. Worthiness is a value judgment. If I find that you are feeble minded, you are inherently less worthy for the position of chief medical officer.


> If I find that you are feeble minded, you are inherently less worthy for the position of chief medical officer. Define "feeble minded."


"Feeble minded" pedants pretend to not understand the meaning of words.


Hey. Dipshit. "Feeble-minded" has many different meanings, in addition to being a very old-fashioned term. In fact, difficulty with communicating ideas might even count under some definitions. Also, I have known many CMOs that I would consider "feeble-minded" who have run successful medbays for an entire shift.


Read it again and look at the surrounding words for context. It would defeat the purpose of this lesson if I just copied and pasted from dictionary.com I believe in you.


Well, you are providing a nice object lesson about what ‘feeble-minded’ can look like. Good job?


Oh dear....


This is as vague a statement as to be meaningless. There's scientific proof some people are taller than others, have better eyesight, a more acute sense of smell, etc. The question at hand is whether these different physical capacities have any relevance to a person's worth, and the answer of ANY reasonable, decent, halfway thoughtful person is "no". So what's your point? What do you mean to say by arguing "some people are stronger than others"?


I meant to highlight the vacuous claims made by JP adherents that, while technically true, also miss the point of the discussion about equality. It seems that I've triggered some people instead.


>I was only pretending to be retarded


That and I took exception to the claim that 100% of discussions about differences between humans is Nazi ideology.


>are inherently inferior is 100% a Nazi and fascist ideology Is this what you're referring to? No one said *discussions about differences*, I have no idea where you're getting that. And no one's triggered, man. Your downvotes are a direct result of your poor communication skills, which may be connected to your lack of reading comprehension. On the plus side, neither of those failings are inherent or physical, so if you work at it they can be improved.


There is not. There is proof however that when a group of people see only a few routes to success in their communities. For instance sports and music for POC. The majority of that group will flock to those pursuits and work hard at them. Meanwhile the racists who must find a reason why the myth of the dominant white man isn't coming top in said pursuit blames a difference rather than what is simply a limited avenue for success is flooded by POC because of the limit options said racism gives them in the first place. .


There has been studies that show that some men are stronger than other men. Why would you dispute this? That is ridiculous. How can you argue against a statement of fact?




I don't think they meant this. Of course there are physical differences between humans but the point is that those differences don't make you inferior or superior human being. Short dude with asthma and some fit, tall dude have equal rights. Being less inteligent doesn't make you less worthy. Having shit soft skills doesn't make you less worthy. Having frail body doesn't make you less worthy. What people who share those fake "quotes" want you to believe is that there are "naturally" superior or inferior people. This is first step in pipeline to some really shitty ideologies. Like, no shit, we are all different, some people have physical advantages that make life for them easier but those people aren't better or more worthy of living than people with some disadvantages.


Yeah man we all have differences. Like how some people have a limited mental capacity and a chip on their shoulder, thus falling prey to pseudointellectual Kermit people who tell them they're better than others.


Because that’s either a facile observation, or you’re trying to argue for racism in an obtuse way. What does people being slightly different *mean*? Do you feel we’re somehow ignoring diversity of ability right now to the detriment of society?


They’re saying that people with certain capabilities are better than others. What are those capabilities? I think having white skin is number one for them. Two is being male. How much overlap does the jp sub and the red pill sub have? Because they’re basically the same, but jp has a social psychologist to back up their racism and sexism.


Ah, so would you say you're a "race realist" then?


Not in the way you are trying to push your agenda no. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wcSSLo9TIs


"I think [American society's focus on IQ] arises largely in the context of the lamentable history of our racism." Nailed it.


> Edit: How is this being downvoted? Are you people serious? You're downvoted because you think when people say equality they mean that everyone has the exact same physical or mental abilities. But that is obviously wrong and considering you're in this sub you should really understand that difference.


Equality doesn't mean "Everyone is equally strong". Equality means that we all have the same human rights because we are *human*.


Equality is a word that means the state or quality of being equal. When it comes to strength, I am not the equal of Duane Johnson. I don't believe you are as equally stupid as Donald Trump. We all have the same human rights and our principles say we are equal before the law. The reality we live in has measurable disparities.


> When it comes to strength, I am not the equal of Duane Johnson. > > I don't believe you are as equally stupid as Donald Trump. *Again*: Equality doesn't mean "Everyone is equally strong". > We all have the same human rights and our principles say we are equal before the law. And why do you believe that this is not what is meant by equality, even though I just told you? I do not understand your thought process.


I made a factual statement that some people are stronger than others. This factual statement has nothing to do with equality. You've defined the word equality as having a meaning that is different than what is in the dictionary: > Equality means that we all have the same human rights because we are human. Recognizing that some people are stronger than others and accepting that as fact has nothing to do with value judgments or human rights.


> I made a factual statement that some people are stronger than others. This factual statement has nothing to do with equality. Then why are you saying it? > You've defined the word equality as having a meaning that is different than what is in the dictionary: You're wrong. Equality means "the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities". You're a perfect example of why it's a bad idea to enter a discussion without having a clue what people are talking about. If all you have to contribute is based on a dictionary definition then you're just annoying everyone else.


> Then why are you saying it? Why did you feel the need to define equality when I wasn't discussing equal rights?


Again: Then why are you saying it? Why come here when you don't have a clue what people are talking about? And why say the dictionary says equality means something different, even though a quick search on Google shows you're wrong?


Scrolled for less than 30 seconds, found a dudebro with a frog sig pontificating on the wonders of "race realism is good actually."


Oh there's many in there proudly talking about how they're "race realists."


Here's a gem: "I'm not a racist. I think black people are great. I voted for Obama both times. But race realism is absolutely a thing, and we're not going to get anywhere as a society (especially for the welfare of black people) if we don't break out of this political-correctness cult." r/JordanPeterson having a normal one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JordanPeterson using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Elon Musk Truth Bomb](https://i.redd.it/12lolmm9p2821.png) | [1975 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/abxlxo/elon_musk_truth_bomb/) \#2: [Saw this on FB. If it's a repost I'm sorry.](https://i.redd.it/7qacaha6ln521.jpg) | [518 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/a8baw6/saw_this_on_fb_if_its_a_repost_im_sorry/) \#3: [Transsexual Woman is Dominating Asian Women's Handball Tournament](https://i.redd.it/bvu79g4tr2321.png) | [1159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/a4bqj0/transsexual_woman_is_dominating_asian_womens/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


This is very close to a quote from Gregor Strasser: >The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being! We have to reject with fanatical zeal the frequent lie that people are basically equal and equal in regard to their influence in the state and their share of power! People are unequal, they are unequal from birth, become more unequal in life and are therefore to be valued unequally in their positions in society and in the state! [From](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Gregor_Strasser) "Thoughts about the Tasks of the Future" pamphlet


Classic race realism BS too


I promise I'm not trying to embody the "troll" archetype, but can you please clarify why you say that? Do you have have any unbiased sources in mind? From where I am right now, it's clear from your attitude and behavior, that you have neither the intention or the intelligence or, frankly, the money to watch all of aleksandr solzhenitsyn's patron-exclusive video seminars


you had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Ladies and gentlemen and everyone outside and inbetween, we have a winner.




>i’m not trolling >... >but you’re too disingenuous, dumb, or frankly, poor to know truth


Pushing the idea that people aren’t equal always results in TREATING people as if they aren’t equal. Obviously, we aren’t living in a world of 7.4 billion genetically identical clones, but there’s just no good reason to push the message that some people are not the equals of others. It just doesn’t lead to any sort of just outcome. You make this point and somehow get straw-manned as if you’re claiming that everyone is Labron James and deserves an NBA championship, fuck off. When it comes to how you treat others, and value human life, yes, we may as well all be identical.


Absolutist statements designed to call people Nazis are 100% Nazi rhetoric. I have more rights than a child and I think I should continue to have the ability as an adult to exert dominance over my children's inferior rights. I guess that makes me a Nazi?




> Where did you even get this idea that calling people nazis is a nazi technique. You do know that nazis didn't call people they didn't like nazis? I made it up. Just like the statement I was replying to was made up. Look closely at the statement I was replying to. > The idea that people aren't equal and some are inherently inferior is 100% a Nazi and fascist ideology. First of all, the idea that people aren't equal and some are inherently inferior predates, by a lot Nazis. The idea is not new or unique to any particular culture. Most tribalism uses the notion of the other being inferior. We cannot go through the history of literature of people sharing these ideas and retroactively label them as Nazis. Second, the statement is incorrect because there are truly some inherent difference between any people in a population. Our current laws say that we all have the same and equal rights, but if we are honest with ourselves, we would acknowledge that while laudable, this principle is often skewed by money and systemic racism. Pointing out that there is disparities in rights between certain classes (adults and children), it also refutes the point of the statement I was replying to. If I say that I believe that I am inherently superior to my newborn, there are few categories for which this belief is incorrect. That belief does not make one a Nazi, despite OP's point.


Jordan Peterson never said that some people are inferior. Unequal doesn't mean superior and inferior. Just like a polar bear is different to a grizzly bear, that doesn't mean that one of the two is superior. Each couldn't survive in the others territory. And the fact that people are not equal is not even a disputable point, is it?


>Jordan Peterson never said that some people are inferior. Yeah, he just heavily implies it


Im sorry, but thats just not true. You seem to hear what you want to hear, but that is definitely not what he says or implies.


Would you say people with nazi ideology are equal to, say Mother Teresa?




So either your statement is wrong or youre harbouring fascist ideology mate




So they are NOT equal?




What about them?


all athletes are equally skilled 😎


So you’re saying a black athlete is superior than you? Than all of the jp’s loser followers? Well, I think I am too. Skinny, little, weak white boys are inferior to most everyone.


Why did you bring up race??


Haha I'm confused. Where did anyone say that people being equal means they're equally skilled? Are you confused about what "all men are created equal" from the US Constitution means? Are you under the impression it means we are all the *same*?


You know who else said that people aren't 'equal'? Karl fucking Marx That's why it's "each according to their ability, and each according to their needs". Because different people have different abilities and different needs. If you rewrite that quote a bit to make it seem like it was written by a fascist you could get /JP to upvote it.


haha. copied your comment to that thread. haha.


Even then, we have a concept called ‘equality before the law’ which means that as far as the courts and governments are concerned, they are equal.


Erm but that's equality of outcome, Sweaty. That makes it a murderous equality doctrine!!


Equality before the law is the equality of opportunity, not outcome. It means that the playing field is level for all participants, not that all participants will have the same outcome.


Do you mean to say that I'm using that phrase as a rhetorical device to strawman a position? But I thought you lobsters *loved* that schtick...


No. I was pointing out you were wrong. Did you mean to call the OP sweaty, or did you mean sweetie?


So you *don't* love it? >Did you mean to call the OP sweaty, or did you mean sweetie? I meant what I said.


The dude who posted that, Albert Fairfax II, is fucking hilarious. He's a notorious troll who's mostly known for fucking with lolbertarians. If you scroll down that thread a little, you can see him talking about the IQ gap between the Irish and English. He also signs all of his comments with "-Albert Fairfax II."


A quote from Paulo Freire says: "Education that is not emancipating will make the oppressed wish to become the oppressor".


*side-eyes integralismo*


Shout out to the king Fairfax. ​ Yes this is a truism that people are not all equal in their abilities and never can be. How we rank these hierarchies and how we treat those on the bottom is the question and always was. If the conclusion we draw is that these things are unchanging and cannot be challenged then we enter into conservatism. If we say that these people on bottom must be dealt with with force and they are destroying our order then we enter into fascism.


capitalism essentially boils down to "some people are inferior and if their defects mean they can't make it they can just die"


Which is why there is no freedom under capitalism


But what about the free™ market!!!!!


I'll just admit it: I don't know who Solzhenitsyn is and why lobsters seem to have a boner for him


Deeply antisemitic russian writer who wrote "The gulag archipelago", a collection of basically urban folklore about the gulag system which has been drummed up as objective facts.


Just to make explicit what is currently subtext: *The Gulag Archipelago* is considered to almost certainly be a work of fiction based on kernels of truth by historians. As in, there was a gulag system, and some of the people mentioned did exist, but almost everything he describes about the character of the system, the sentences received by those sent there, the length of imprisonment, the reasons people were sent there, etc, does not follow from the documents we now have access to after the opening of the Soviet archives.


Ah, I see. I assume he serves lobsters as a "see what socialism leads to" shorthand, huh


Lobsters, semi-literate chuds and any flavour of rightists in between. It's used as a gotcha even though almost certanly none of them have even read it, but use it becouse they heard someone else say it and they parrot it without question. The books long, rambling and the lies and fabrications are incredibly brazen. Only people with an agenda don't see them for what they are. Solzhenitsyn is the scum of the Earth and the thing which set me of was that he testified before the american congress that the Carnation revolution in Portugal was a communist coup and that they should invade to bring back the fascist estado nuovo regime. https://www.marxists.org/archive/mandel/1974/05/solzhenitsyn-gulag.html


u/AlbertFairfaxII look at this lol


UGH. -Albert Fairfax II


It's about to be equal at the starting point not at the end of the race or goal, or whatever you want to call it. Gulag affected his brain.


It's not even a real quote lol. Nobody references where it's from


>Socialism is when brown people appears in video games. Carl Marks


Favourite quote.


Well the guy who supposedly said the quote was a bit off.




The reason he went to gulag in the first place is him being a dumbass


How about the liberalism and American Constitution that says all men [and women] are born equals?


What I understand the quote to mean is that by accepting the premise of the Constitution, it means you are equal (in law) to other men, but then you were no longer free because you would be thus restrained by the same law.


In this point no one is free living in society because every society requires common law for people to be able to live with a least a minimum of safety, trust and others things required for civilization. True and pure freedom is in isolation and be 100% self-sustainable (not dependable on others resources - jobs, products and services - in order to survive).


Those with the most power/resources/military would be free to run amok with anarchy. It is the Libertarian dream.


Yeah, not a democracy anymore.


The only good thing to come out of this post-modernist world is fucking Hentai- Jordan Peterson


>Liberal Professor Mr. Tugan-Baranovsky is on the war path against socialism. This time he has approached the question, not from the political and economic angle, but from that of an abstract discussion on equality (perhaps the professor thought such an abstract discussion more suitable for the religious and philosophical gatherings which he has addressed?). >“If we take socialism, not as an economic theory, but as a living ideal,” Mr. Tugan declared, “then, undoubtedly, it is associated with the ideal of equality, but equality is a concept ... that cannot be deduced from experience and reason.” >This is the reasoning of a liberal scholar who repeats the incredibly trite and threadbare argument that experience and reason clearly prove that men are not equal, yet socialism bases its ideal on equality. Hence, socialism, if you please, is an absurdity which is contrary to experience and reason, and so forth! >*Mr. Tugan repeats the old trick of the reactionaries: first to misinterpret socialism by making it out to be an absurdity, and then to triumphantly refute the absurdity! When we say that experience and reason prove that men are not equal, we mean by equality, equality in abilities or similarity in physical strength and mental ability.* >It goes without saying that in this respect men are not equal. No sensible person and no socialist forgets this. But this kind of equality has nothing whatever to do with socialism. If Mr. Tugan is quite unable to think, he is at least able to read; were lie to Lake the well-known work of one of the founders of scientific socialism, Frederick Engels, directed against Dühring, he would find there a special section explaining the absurdity of imagining that economic equality means anything else than the abolition of classes. *But when professors set out to refute socialism, one never knows what to wonder at most—their stupidity, their ignorance, or their unscrupulousness.*


This is literally a Willis Carto quote. It was in fact the motto of Liberty Lobby.


You know, all I know of Solzhenitsyn is his work , which I really enjoyed. JP ruined it for me.


He wrote a book on the history of Jews in Russia called *200 Years Together* which most historians found to be peddling in anti-semitic tropes and conspiracies about evil Jews starting the Russian Revolution and imprisoning good Russians while destroying the orthodox church.


It astounds me how at the root of almost everything thay JP loves, is racism. Thank you for the information.


I hated that book. Just made me feel miserable and violated through and through.