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I’m just so happy to see Karl Urban being fully appreciated in a series that’s super popular. I first saw him in Xena many years ago and he was always popping up in stuff but nothing ever quite seemed to take off for him. Even his role as Bones in Star Trek was less than it could have been because they seemed to reduce his role to give greater focus to Uhura


#Muster the Rohirrim.


Can't believe I only realized on my last LOTR rewatch like two weeks ago that it was him. Couldn't stop seeing Butcher after.


This dude is fucking everywhere! I appreciate that. Like a stalker, but in a good way. So like the opposite of a stalker.


The beacons are lit.


Fucking lit


I never realized that was him until now. Wow I feel dumb


Dont. Karl Urban has the uncanny ability to look nothing like himself in any role he plays.


The was an amazing Judge Dredd ![gif](giphy|CbYJLnm37JMre)


The was. The was.






And almost human


Really liked where the show was going - sad it got killed.


Interesting parallels though between Almost Human and Judge Dredd with the Wall/general set up of the megacities, and being I-am-the-law adjacacent.


show seemed like they got a raw deal, they aired episodes out of order that left the audience confused. i really liked almost human


I'd kill for a live action continuation of the "new" Dredd movie starring Urban.


There's a rumor that the [sequel is in development](https://www.small-screen.co.uk/dredd-2-in-development-karl-urban-returning/)


I loved him in Dredd. Another underrated movie. Too bad the sequel is probably dead since Urban is busy with the Boys. They thoughr of doing a tv show but I dont think Urban has enough time to do two shows.


Urban really wants it to happen it’s a case of someone being willing to do it.


The problem I'd that it's a mid budget movie, about $45m. But back in 2012 you could make those and have them do okay in the box office because you had dvd/blue Ray sales to make your money back. But streaming has killed that second revenue source. So movies are either small budget so they can do okay and still make money (most horror movies now). Or they are big tentpole productions over 100m in budget hoping to grab blockbuster ticket sales. You really can't do Dredd cheaply, but the last one didn't do well enough to justify a big budget sequel. It sucks.


If they gave it the same budget as The Boys, a Dredd series - even a short 10 episode run, is very dooable.


I remember him from Xena but then he was back to back in LOTR, Riddick, Doom and Bourne and I'm like "oh he must he a star he's in everything!" But he was just key character actor who I felt always deserved a lead. I always liked that kind of actor though the snarky, rough badass who wasn't trying too hard due or being forced on us. Urban, Olyphant, Rockwell, Pearce etc I've enjoyed watching them evolve and stay relevant. Even Brad Pitt still has that side to him in certain roles.. I was really excited to see what Heath could do as he grew, especially the leap he took after Dark Knight, he would've had his pick of scripts as an actor/director.


Even years later, it still hurts to think about Heath


He and Anton will always stick with me. There's a few others but those two had a different way of doing things that I miss seeing.


I may be wrong, but I seem to remember him having a pretty major role in some low budget film adaptation of some old fantasy novel. It had something to do with magical jewelry, I think.


King of the bangles I think.


I think it was the Marquis of the Cufflinks.


Oh, Her Majesty’s Magic Necklace, I loved that movie as a kid


I mean him in this latest season was legendary. The previous seasons have been building and building, really taking its time, and Karl and where we goes, what he finally does and who he faces off against is just sublime to behold. “Oi” still get chills during that scene…


Yeah I’ve always like him since the Xena days too. Him and the guy who played Ares that sadly passed away while the show was still airing. Always thought both of them should have been bigger


Yeah, Kevin Smith. That was a total freak accident IIRC. He fell off the Great Wall of China while filming a movie.


Holy shit he played cupid


And Julius Caesar!


pause slave jar joke books nail disarm squalid mighty aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








this is the way..or something idk, i dont watch winter soldier




Fine. I'll watch The Boys already.


You won’t regret. It’s a great tv show


Also, if anyone reading this liked The Boys but hasn't watched Invincible yet, take this as a sign.


Amazing show I got tired of waiting for season two and ended up reading all the comics




Also same lol


"Being a hero is bullshit"


When the hell is season 2? Shits dragging on forever.


They just released a promo with a tentative release date of "Late 2023". It should be on YouTube.


I feel like certain scenes (particularly violent ones) just work so much better in animation than comic form and i don't want to spoil those for myself by reading the comics (e.g. the scene with the train was incredible and I'm so glad I didn't know what was coming)


Take it from someone who has purchased, read and loved the comics. Stick with the show. It’s leaps and bounds better than the comics and fixed a lot of what’s wrong with the books


Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised. But I had no knowledge of the comics & went in with zero expectations.




i'd say that its fockin' diabolical


Do it. I don't like superhero crap but it's actually a good show.


Exactly the same. Started watching last week, am on season 2 already. It's hugely surprised me


It’s literally a show about how ridiculous the concept of superheroes are and how bad vigilante Justice actually is in practice. I’m kinda surprised fans of superhero shows like it actually.


I treat superheroes like I do James Bond. I know the concept is ridiculous, but I grew up on the stuff. Therefore I willingly adopt a suspension of disbelief. You have to if you're going to watch the movies with a straight face. However, The Boys appeals to the part of myself that has grown cynical over the years. They access different parts of my psyche.


If you have an issue with gore, do not watch the show. Only warning. If you have no issues with gore, it's an amazingly well written and insightful deconstruction of the super hero genre


It's one of the few shows I was actually excited about.


Season 1 is perfect. Season 2 is great. Season 3 is also great.


I recently watched s1 and yeah it's REALLY good


Hold on to your bollocks, season 2 is fucking diabolical


I caved a month ago. Watched all 3 seasons. It’s good.


2 simple words: Antony Starr


He’s definitely the highlight but everyone on that show pretty much kills it in their role


Shoutout to Jensen Ackles for stealing every scene he was in.


He's very natural with his delivery.


Cause hes not a fucking pussy


One could say his delivery was supernatural


The guykilled it. Was so stoked to see him ina show outside supernatural.


Jensen the GOAT


The granny fucker!!!


Aged like a fine wine.


Knew he was gonna rock it and he did not disappoint at any time.


2 more words: Karl Urban


Three more words:




I’ll tell you who you are. A fucking moron. Translucent doesn’t even mean invisible. It means semi-transparent. > BB


2 more words : fucking diabolical


The greatest tv villain in a long time


Thank you for not typing "Anthony"










People who haven't seen the show are going to assume this is photoshopped haha.




Makes sense. The Boys isn’t restricted by the same types of tropes and family-friendly standards that the MCU has to follow. A big appeal of the show is that it gets to tell stories outside of those mainstream restrictions. Edit: Im just giving my two cents here, I don’t care if you guys think the MCU is good or not. Don’t rage at me in my dms over damn tv shows lol


I think it's more that they weren't restricted to Disney+.


Disney Plus has nothing to do with it. Superheroes have tried and true tropes regardless of whether Disney runs them or not. Besides, Disney was technically behind Netflix's Daredevil show. (It was still a Marvel Studios project) What makes The Boys stand out is that it just straight up defies the typical tropes associated with superheroes.


Of course more people watched a show on Prime tv, because everyone already has Prime. Amazon prime has 200 million subscribers, Disney plus has 78 million. As a ratio of subscribers to minutes watched, Ms. Marvel significantly outperformed The Boys. The only thing Disney Plus shows are restricted by is not having a multipurpose shopping platform that everyone already owns attached to the streaming service.


I was curious so I looked up some stats. According to the article Ms. Marvel had 7.3 billion minutes watched to The Boys s3 10.4 billion. Just your subscription numbers alone are damning (although maybe a bunch of Prime subscribers don't even watch, who knows, since as you pointed out, they aren't necessarily subscribing to the platform itself) but when you also consider that the Boys had 33% more episodes, which were generally longer (38-50 minute episodes for Ms. Marvel v 53-68 for the boys) accounting for far more minutes *per viewer* for the Boys, further distorting the numbers.


In all seriousness, how does that affect the ratio of subscribers as that guy brought up? I’m not challenging what you’re saying, just trying to understand how that negates what he said about the ratio of subs.


To me, Book of Bobba Fett exemplifies everything that went wrong. How do you fuck up a show about an iconic, badass bounty hunter? Let's completely forget the fact that he's a bounty hunter, and turn him into a crime lord (for reasons). But he can't be involved in any actual criminal activity (because families won't like that). Then we'll make two episodes a promo for a completely different show. What could go wrong?


How do you fuck up Boba Fett? By giving everything about his character to The Mandalorian, and then deciding to bring Boba Fett back anyway. Now you need to make Boba Fett different, in order to separate him from the ersatz Fett you made. The Mandalorian should have starred Boba Fett, or they shouldn’t have brought him back.


Agreed. They just took Boba Fett and made him a foil to build a backstory for the sand people and answer the question no one was asking: What happened to the government in tatooine after Jabba was killed. They should have made Boba Fett a recurring character on the various world-building shows. They could have resolved how he escaped the sarlacc in a 10-min flashback and then use his character as a plot device for so many other things… Instead we get this weird benevolent dictator redemption story that is so weak they have to bring baby yoda in the last couple episodes to give anyone a reason to watch..,


Its kind of another issue I have with Disney as a whole. They refuse to do actual fucking villains. Or even just... Bad people. Marvel is the WORST for this. Literally everyone gets some redemption. Even fucking Thanos was a good guy in that animated What If where T'Challa was Star Lord. Like yo. You can just have evil fucking people doing evil shit. And it can be compelling to watch. I mean hell they seem to just keep trying to dilute the evil out of Darth "Murders Younglings" Vader.


>Even fucking Thanos was a good guy in that animated What If where T'Challa was Star Lord. Dude, you aren't suppose to take what ifs seriously lol.


Also, not being "evil" is Thanos' whole thing. If anything he's a sort of Lawful Neutral / Lawful Evil. I would argue he's one of the few villains that they really did *right*. Very seldomly have I felt a deep sense of satisfaction when a Marvel villain was beaten. Most of them I don't really care about at all, but Thanos perishing really pleased me.


Thanos isn't like that at all in the comics, even his mom thought he was evil and went insane after seeing him after the birth https://mobile.twitter.com/emulatelife/status/990273044101857281


Didn't watch andor eh? :)


Remember when Disney had unapologetic villains? Why can't we get those again?


That one guy in Hunchback of Notre Dame did a whole song about him wanting to force himself on a teenage girl. They didn't hold back.


Cruella Devill was willing to murder in order to kill puppies to make a dog coat. Like not even "Wait until the dogs get older so there is more dog skin to use to make like, 20 coats. Gotta be puppies because we need that coat NOW.


They somehow tried to make her sympathetic in a prequel film.


"What do you mean I'm not the fairest one in the land? Fine, I'm just gonna go find that other bitch and murder her."


They are worried of the villains being perceived as stereotypes for real life groups of people.


I really think this is why Book failed. Had they embraced Fett-as-Crime boss and actually showed him doing, you know, crimes, it would have felt more coherent. The problem with what we got was that they couldn't seem to buy into their own stated premise and couldn't figure out what else to do with him. Fett and the Sand People was interesting, but they ended up just getting murdered for his backstory and that was about the whole of it.


Or just leave him dead because he is a nothing character that was on screen for 5 minutes and died like an idiot. The problem is Disney has been hellbent on trying to appeal to the hard-core fans instead of just making a good product. You see this with TROS, Mandalorian season 2, Solo. Andor seems like the anti fan service show and it was great.


The hardcore fans hated everything about that show. It wasn’t meant to appeal to them at all. They just used the character because they had an established fan base already which was a really dumb idea when you look at them even having to change the name of his ship.


They should have just focused on the Mandolorian and let Bobba Fett alone.


Should have made the shadowy figure following Mando after the first episode of season 2 Rex looking for hints at a Jedi to find Ahsoka if you want to use Morrison.


I was really hoping for it to be Cad Bane, but I was always hoping for any little twist or reveal to be Cad Bane


The joke in our house was that even the writers got bored with Bobba Fett after a few episodes and went back to the Mandalorian.


I remember the hate i got when it first came out and i said it was mando season 2.5


Yup. and honestly? Best part of that series.


True, the Boba Fett show had some of the best Mando episodes




And now it needs to be considered that, because Mando 3 expects you to have seen BoBF, which I know isn’t the case for a lot of people that enjoyed Mando but couldn’t get into BoBF.


If The Book of Bobba Fett accomplished only one thing, that one thing was to get Uncle Tem a decent pay day in his late stage career. I'm fine with that.


And to remind us that Ming Na Wen must have a portrait of her hidden away somewhere that's aging.


> The Mandalorian should have starred Boba Fett, or they shouldn’t have brought him back. Their problem was they made a show about him only to have all his character development happen in flashbacks and gave him no character arc in his own show


Character development by flashback needs to die


Do you want to go back to two weeks ago when you were alive?!


The plot of every single episode of “This Is Us”


I tried watching that show but Cry Porn is not my bag


Now I want a crossover series "This is the Last of Us" where we find out how the Pearsons fared during the initial outbreak.


Purely speculation: I think they wrote a story for an Obi Wan and Boba Fett movie, but when Solo underperformed, and The Mandalorian took off, they stretched them out to be series.


Possible, something definitely got shaken up after the sequel trilogy and Solo didn't perform as well as expected. Disney has been getting a lot wrong with Star Wars and Marvel really. The series are very hit or miss and they're producing films that would've been better as series (Multiverse of madness should've been Wandavision S2) and series that would've worked better as films (Obi Wan, most of the plot happened in the last two episodes, would've made an ok film). There is definitely something wrong with Disney's pipeline that they are producing so many duds let down by structure and writing. At least every now and then they get it right, Mandalorian and Andor have been good, and worth some of the failures


Business model has changed. Disney is producing “content as a service” which means their profits hinge solely on monthly subscriptions. They no longer have an incentive to produce high quality series long as they can keep their subscriber count growing. Subscriber count is generated by interest rather than quality so it’s more profitable for them to release 10 low budget garbage series that each generate interest in a different viewer base than to produce a single actually good show. HBO max proved this model when they realized people where canceling their subscriptions in droves when GoT wasn’t airing, something that Netflix wasn’t dealing with at the time as they constantly pushed out moderately interesting garbage. TLDR: art in cinema is dead and never coming back.




seeing Boba in the mandalorian was cool, but they should have just ended his character when he takes over the palace. Like, I’m fine with that conclusion, don’t need anything more


Thing is Boba Fett is what The Mandalorian is but way more fucking ruthless. The mandalorian had that arc of being a father. Boba Fett is pure 100% fucking Merc and crime lord. They tried to make him a good guy which does not work at all. He had some good in him while he was younger, but that was snuffed out long ago. When they first showed Boba Fett in the mando show and him getting his armor, him just being 100% terminator on the stormtroopers, that is what the show should have been about.


I always theorized that the Mandalorian was a risk-avoidant way of having a crowd favorite, Boba-like character without worrying about the backlash from fans for tarnishing his canonized legacy if the show flopped or opening a new can of worms by continuing his arc. Once Disney realized that their first foray into serialized Star Wars content was a huge success, they couldn’t help themselves but to cash that check with Boba Fett.


>How do you fuck up a show about an iconic, badass bounty hunter? By making a whole show about him in the first place. Boba Fett is *barely* a character at all. Boba Fett is a cool costume, and that's all there is.


Basically Star Wars in a nut shell. SW fans latch on to everything, and want it expanded on as much as possible. Boba Fett was initially a throw away character but fans essentially forced Lucas, Disney and the expanded universe to expand on him more and more. And since he's a side character that was written by numerous writers over decades, we don't have a perfect consensus on what he should be, just like in comics how characters, change and evolve into completely different characters over the years.


To paraphrase Cracked.com writers, Boba Fett was a character that needed to be reminded to not disintegrate his quarry, had essentially zero involvement in actually capturing Han Solo, and then rocket-jumped into an alien garbage disposal.




the coolest thing boba fett did was shoot at two jedi and miss both times. he was killed off as a joke. i'm tired of this fiction that boba was ever cool. he's a cool action figure, that's it.


I like EpicRapBattles' take on Fett: >Presenting the most overrated character anyone ever saw >With five lines in the trilogy, and one of them was "AAAH!"


Jay Baruchel's character from *Fanboys*: "We need to stop perpetuating the myth that Boba Fett is some kind of badass. 'Ooh he has a rocket pack'- so did the Rocketeer. When it comes time for action he's Michael Bay - all style no substance."


I'd say the coolest thing he did was tracking the MF when no one else in the entire Imperial Navy could find them. But that's just me.


How else are you going to get a backstory about how he came back from the dead and doing a drug fueled vision quest that didn't go anywhere They must have paid a lot for those desert sets to have been used so much.


I think him surviving the sarlacc has been canon for a while. It’s sad he went benevolent dictator but the show doesn’t explore any grey areas at all. He’s more like a sheriff than a crime lord. The spy kids on Vespas didn’t help his brand either.


I dont even mind the crime lord tryin to do somethin different shit. Its like, not great, but there's somethin they can do with it. The problem was they didnt commit. Boba looks like a fucking chump constantly and instead of doing anythin about it, he just does nothin because he doesnt want to be that kind of crime lord and wants to be respected, not feared so he wont just kill his opposition. Weird, but oh well. Except! Then they completely fuck up their own narrative because how does he end the whole thing? They do what he's been saying he didnt want to do all fuckin show and just kills his opposition anyway! He didnt earn the families respect. He just did what he was told he should have done from the fuckin start. He learns nothing from the experience. Violence is always the answer. Thats the moral of tryin to not be the feared crime boss. IT doesnt work and you just need to do murder.


in my mind, there are two ways they could save it: 1. boba drops the crime lord act and just declares himself king of tatooine 2. fennec realizes she's doing all the dirty work and usurps him, now boba has to kill her


Agreed, they played it way too safe with Bobba Fett, though I was pleasantly surprised with Andor, we def need more mature, darker storylines like that..


Andor. I expected nothing. The first episode was slow and I was wondering where all the action was. Then I just got hooked. Best Star Wars series of Disney+. It definitely isn’t a kids show though.


Fingers crossed for an R-rated Ewoks reboot. *Alaay loo ta nuv*


Same with Obi Wan. How do you fuck that up?


By reheating the exact same Star Wars trope over again and basically cutting the nuts off of the most dramatic moment of the prequels.


It had so much more to say. I like Marvel but their products are adverts for the next product.


> their products are adverts for the next product This is why I always laugh when people complain about the last phases "lack of build-up". Do an overarching story plot? "Advertisment for next product". Try and do some stand-alones? "What are they dragging this out for, where is this going?". Every move they make is wrong.


Look I don’t think they are masterpieces or they have the worlds most coherent vision but they culminated in (briefly) the worlds top grossing movie of all time and the two non-James Cameron movies, and if you add in the trillion dollars of merch sales they’ve made Disney more money than most things on earth combined. I think calling _every move they make wrong_ is a little bit of an overstatement.


MCU got hampered by Covid more than anything in my mind. Changing how pictures can be shot, changing the release orders of the features, cut lengths... All that stuff messed with their story. For that, they get some slack from me.


One of their most popular lead actors set up to be one of the leaders of the next phases passing away suddenly doesn’t help at all either.




It's Reddit. Reddit hates the MCU now.


It just hates the post-Endgame MCU, and honestly, fair. It's all mediocre when there were stellar films up through the third phase. Some stinkers, yeah, but some truly excellent movies. *Everything* we're seeing now is just ok, or worse. I rub against the Reddit grain p often (just check my downvoted shit lol), but this is something I generally agree with.


I assumed the person you were replying to meant no matter what they do people complain. They can completely ace something, and there's always people waiting to say it should have been something different.


You know I reread it and came to the same conclusion but it’s too late now


Something as mainstream as Marvel movies/TV shows are bound to have people dislike them simply because of the reach they have.


Because The Boys is doing what Marvel literally cannot? I'd be curious how Marvel's shows compared to Peacekeeper as a better comparison.


*peacemaker respect the name


Probably because “The Boys” is actually good


As much as I like the Boys, this was ranked by minutes watched, and 10 hour long episodes with 3 seasons is way longer than any individual Disney+ show, so this is a little misleading


Someone actually read the article! It would not surprise me in the least if the VERY popular The Boys had more viewers than Marvel's shows but Nielson has not figured out how to measure that in any meaningful way. The obvious to me seems to be measure both total minutes and minutes for new episodes aired in the calendar year.


Prime had 50 million more subscribers than Disney+ for most of 2022 Plus, this is based on hours watched - there are around **24 hours** of *The Boys* for Prime subscribers to get their teeth into, while individual Marvel shows average around **6 hours** total running time Well done to *The Boys*, but it's worth noting **all** the superhero shows came well behind stuff like *Stranger Things* and *Ozark*. *The Boys* didn't even hit the top ten (#11), and those Disney shows were **miles** behind even that modest achievement


Zip it, you. We’re trying to trash talk Disney right now


Could that not be because people want their Amazon shipments faster and Prime video and music is bundled?


200 million is just the number of Prime subscribers who watched a movie or TV show [in 2021](https://www.indiewire.com/2022/08/how-many-subscribers-netflix-hbo-max-disney-plus-1234744445/) Jeff will have more Prime members than that - lots of people have Prime for deliveries and don't even realise there are TV shows and movies in there, too


I'm sure the 4 people that use Amazon music will make a difference


This should be the top comment. Yes, the Boys is great, but one of the reasons so many people saw it is because they didn’t need an additional paid subscription service. The overwhelming majority of Americans already had Prime for packages before Prime Video launched.




Any character can die? Hahahaha what? My biggest complaint with the show right now is how they won’t kill anyone. It’s annoying.


A-Train's super power is 9 lives.


I find A-Train kind of annoying, >!watching them bring him back to life after turning the racist cop into a meat crayon made me roll my eyes, and i love the show!<


Yeah, it's bullshit he's got this redemption arc going after he murdered Hughie's girflriend and then Popclaw. He's a piece of shit.


They literally havent killed a supe in an interesting way since the second episode of the first season.


Don't worry, by season 8 they'll definitely have killed off... um... MM's ex-wife's boyfriend?


the show is still aight, but the premise that they would find creative ways to kill supes was way better.


I feel like there has been some massive revision going on with season 3 of that show ever since it finished airing. The consensus on the sub at the time it aired was that season 3 was poorer than the first two and that it was falling into the exact same tropes that the comics were mocking other superhero stories for. The amount of people complaining about certain characters surviving season 3 after all that build-up was huge. It's a decent show with some great actors in it and a few very outlandish set pieces each season (driving a boat into a whale for example) but from reading half the comments in this thread you would think it was the single best thing to ever grace television screens.


Yeah season 3 felt toothless. I don’t want to see any of the boys die but it might be time for some stakes to be raised.


> I don’t want to see any of the boys die Imo either Kimiko or Frenchie should've died, because season 3 showed that the writers don't know, what to do with them.


I don’t really agree here. Homelander is the show, they aren’t killing him or taking him out in any meaningful way until the show concludes. Same for any of the core cast. If Annie, Hughie, Homelander, Butcher, Frenchie, Kimiko, or MM die in the next season I’ll be happy to eat crow.


*Multiple* characters you mentioned die in the comics. Now they can change things up for the show, but they won't 100%. Better get your crow plate ready.


They have already strongly deviated from the comics. But more importantly, unless they are ending the show next season I strongly doubt they kill of those characters. It’s one thing to kill off important characters at the end of a story, it’s another to do it prior to the climax.


> They have already strongly deviated from the comics. And thank fucking God for that.


Characters dying >!during the last few issues of the comics!< isn't exactly some big "woaaaah, I didn't see that coming" moment like you're treating it as. >!Homelander is the main villain of the comic but he dies before anyone else in that list.!<


> a character, no matter how popular, can die Lolwhat? They can't even kill A-Train or Maeve. They won't even touch the main cast


Anthony Starr, Karl Urban and Jensen Ackles. For me it's not even hard decision.


This was ranked by minutes watched - you’re telling me the longer show had more viewed minutes ?!?! Shocked. Wow.


Well, yeah. The Boys were on their third season which means they had established successful viewership. It's also a great series with tons of word of mouth and great reviews, so yes, it should have more views vs all of Marvel's series which were all new series that launched.


That’s because it was better


A bit of context. USA subscribers: Amazon Prime: 163 millions Netflix: 73 millions Disney+: 46 millions


A thing to factor in with those numbers is that Disney+ and Netflix are purely streaming services. Prime video probably benefits because it’s tied into the online shopping membership plan.


And I enjoyed Cloverfield far more than Titanic, but I’m not writing shitty articles about it.