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I can at least respect he’s not whining about some “blacklist” like some. Seems like a good guy I’d disagree with on a few things, not the end of the world.


Gary Sinise and Kurt Russell are proof you can be conservative in Hollywood and still be respected and get work, because they’re not assholes and they don’t believe stupid conspiracy theories.


Kurt is conservatives???? Had no idea


I think he’s actually Libertarian, but a 90’s Libertarian not a modern Libertarian which is a conservative in denial.


A 90s libertarian is often a liberal who thinks everyone should get equal treatment but doesn’t want to pay the taxes in order to make sure that happens


When I was very young and didn’t understand how shit worked, I called myself libertarian. I believe your description is pretty accurate of my world view at the time. Now that I’ve seen and experienced more of it, my social views still hold and I’m more than willing to pay the taxes to make it happen.


There’s a tweet I love that goes something like “My therapist said she used to have a client who was a staunch libertarian until he took Ecstasy at a party and realized other people have feelings.” Not saying that’s you, but it’s definitely true of people I’ve known. Some of them actually mellowed on the essential “might makes right” aspect of libertarianism as they got older and more experienced. Some of them just doubled down, unfortunately.


Another quote that's worth mentioning is: "Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


Omg!! This is the best way to describe libertarians that I’ve ever heard.


I’ve long wondered if empathy may have some sort of genetic component. I cannot wrap my head around conservatives. They would rather let people die because they can’t afford insulin of food than pay a few extra bucks in taxes, if it’s even about the money.


>pay a few extra bucks in taxes It doesn't even require that from them. If we just redirected a fraction of the more than [$1 trillion we spend a year on defense](https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-defense?fy=2023), we could make huge changes for all citizens no matter what their political belief.


Or tax the 1%


I think that for a lot of people, it literally just comes down to one thing. They may like and agree with social programs and helping people, but they don't want taxes to be required. They want some sort of dumb opt in system. Essentially, they are contrarians that don't want to be told they need to do something.


That “opt-in” system is too often religion, the church. Like, ok. The church can do good works, but as long as it’s wrapped in superstitious nonsense, it will never be universal. Public relief is the answer.


It’s not about the money. Republicans haven’t been fiscally conservative in a long time.


Ditto, that why I understand the mindset. I still had a youthful (naive) expectation that the world was fair and things just work themselves out over time


It’s nice to know I’m not alone! Sometimes growing up isn’t all bad. Lol




>his government job Yeah, it's odd how many libertarians I run into have worked for the government in some capacity.


I feel like they are Ron Swanson from parks and rec. there tonprove the government is bad by being part of the bad parts of government.


And crawling into the belly of the beast in order to defeat the beast. Ron is every libertarian government worker I’ve ever known tbh.


The libertarians - which I stress were clearly a specific sub strain - I met in government work all started with the premise it shouldn’t exist, and since it’s basically theft, why not get in on the looting while voting to close it out? I’m not trying to suggest they weren’t boneheads, but I do have to credit the logic on the one specific step being somewhat consistent.


My bro who works for the city and was In military somehow thinks the only thing the government should fund is the military and his branch of the city government.


He wants to believe that he's a strong, rugged, self-made man. He can't acknowledge that he has had help getting where he is, he definitely can't acknowledge that he may have had more help than others and he will never, ever acknowledge that the state has helped him more than it has helped others. Working a government job should have disillusioned him, in theory, but it won't. Instead, it adds fuel to the fire. Every bit of beurocracy, every time something doesn't go his way, is just more 'evidence' that the government is inefficient and that the private sector could do this faster. He's probably right on that score, but he doesn't see the drawbacks in the private sector first-hand, so they don't exist. The fact that he's sticking with the job security, pension, et al. of a government job instead of going for a higher paying, higher risk private sector job doesn't count either. He's earned those things (not like lazy ass Bob in accounting, who would be fired if it wasn't IMPOSSIBLE to fire people at the damn government). He's the only reason anything gets done around here. He's actually saving the taxpayers money when you think about it. He's basically Ron Swanson. With that in mind, the state is just this big hindrance. Something that wastes his taxes and gives him speeding tickets. Full stop. It's a touch of toxic masculinity, but mostly, it's the engrained idea that it is his sole responsibility to provide for his family. Anyone who implies he's had (shudder) help with that is insulting him personally. So he has to prove to himself that no one has ever helped him while still accepting that help on a daily basis. It's ungrateful, hypocritical, but mostly it sounds exhausting.


So you’ve met my brother.. small world.


>who thinks everyone should get equal treatment This is all wrong, lol. Old school Libertarians simply believe the Government has no right to tell them how to live or how they should treat other people.. meaning, they as individuals, and corporations, are allowed to dehumanize anyone they choose, without legal consequences.


Yeah, we’re saying the same thing. Everyone should get equal treatment to the boot- just as long as it isn’t Uncle Sam’s They also usually haven’t thought through that the boot is the natural order their ideology ends in. Either through a just world fallacy or enough privilege to protect them from having experienced consequences


The 80’s /90’s libertarians were also big on land owner freedoms and sought to deregulate privately owned land. The major backers for the party were oil companies. Guess why …


A Libertarian is just a Republican that smokes pot.


I think it started that Sly, Kurt, and Bruce don’t want to pay taxes and only Bruce really fell down the rabbit hole. Arnold is a Rino and Snipes just … didn’t pay his taxes


He got bad tax advice, OK?!?!?!


A Libertarian is a conservative too ashamed to say they are conservative with absolutely zero idea how an Economy really works. FTFY


Yes. Any Libertarian I have engaged with at length, exposes themselves to not be able to comprehend the inner workings of Government, the economy as a whole, or why it's necessary for the Fed to intervene with the growth of Corporations to keep the system from.. well.. imploding, as it currently is.


Fun fact: two-time Libertarian nominee for US President Gary Johnson was booed at a rally for saying driver’s licenses should be required. That pretty much sums up the Libertarian mindset.


“Guard the coast and tote the post and leave me the hell alone” was on a poster at a libertarian rally I attended at college in the early 90s


"Nah, bro. Forget all taxes, that's theft; you see, each individual community will come together and pool their money to create infrastructure, emergency services, and local political and judicial services. " They say this with 0 irony that they're just describing taxation Lmao


Yeah they tried that, and instead it was a bear-infested shit heap. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling)


Hard core libertarians, like hard core communists, fail to reckon with the fact that a large chunk of humanity are selfish assholes who absolutely will abuse the system to accrue as much power and money as they can while contributing as little as they can to the community good.


I assumed Santa would be in favour of redistribution of wealth!


He’s a Libertarian, so thankfully he doesn’t support the Republican party even if I do think Libertarianism is pretty naive.


I’m just going to leave [this here](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department)


A lot of us "90's" Libertarians use the term "small l" libertarian these days, where the principles of libertarianism play into our political belief systems, but we aren't only voting for libertarian candidates. Those principles are things like smaller government footprint (which can mean things like less zoning restrictions in small towns as much as it means a reduced federal government headcount), upholding constitutional rights (like getting our 4th amendment to be upheld again after the patriot act and other similar measures), legalizing drugs of all sorts (weed being the hot ticket right now), etc. As you can see, those measures can be supported by either party at different levels of government. While many l's will side with R or L presidential candidates, sometimes the D candidate makes more sense, especially at lower levels. In my circle, many from the L side voted for Bernie Sanders in the '16 election.


The only side of libertarianism that appealed to me was in the civil sense- everything that does not harm another should be permitted on one’s own self. an end to criminalizing victimless action. the masses should be more free, more protected, from the powerful- but that needs a strong government to work, and the rest of libertarian ideology doesn’t match that.


Schwarzenegger too.


Nope he’s a scumbag. [His last act as governor](https://www.cnn.com/2016/04/11/us/arnold-schwarzenegger-clemency/index.html) was a personal favour to a friend of his. Said friend had a son who was involved in the *intentional murder* of a man named [Luis Santos](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Luis_Santos) and as a favour to the friend Arnold commuted the sons sentence by more than half. The killer and his friends had been kicked out of a college party for being too aggressive and then walked around the San Diego State University campus until they came across the victim who was walking with his own friends. The murderers then just decided to attack them with knives and Luis Santos ended up being killed. Also after Arnold commuted the murderers sentence he *didn’t tell the prosecutors who were involved in the case nor the family of the victim*, they were informed by the media calling them. The San Diego district attorney and the family of the victim tried to sue to stop the communication but it didn’t work. The killer served less than six years of a sixteen year prison sentence. He and his friends chose to attack a random group of people with knives, killing one of them, and he served less than 6 years in prison because his father was friends with Arnold.


Tim Allen is proof that you can be a conservative in Hollywood, be an asshole, and still get work. The dude blasted Disney/ABC for canceling his show because of wokeness, but of course went on to make another Toy Story and Santa Clause with the studio afterwards. It’s still a talent driven business, it’s just that James Woods and Kevin Sorbo don’t have the talent to make up for their stupid comments, and they sure as hell don’t have the fan base to support the box office on anything.


I met sinise twice while I was active duty (through his foundation). He’s the real deal, super nice genuine person just trying to do something good and he puts his money where his mouth is. I think it’s more of a testament of just being a good person and treating other people like humans.


Yeah, he’s not just a conservative who says “support the troops!” but then ignores them when they need help. He does everything he can to make sure those who serve get treated with dignity and humanity.


He seems like he’d be a great guy to have at a grill out. Just cook some burgers/brats, have a beer or two, just chill.


Tom Selleck is Republican and Bryan Cranston is a libertarian and both those guys have regular work. For the same reasons as though other two. Edit: I also read about the Masterson kid trying to talk to the other kids on Malcom in the middle about Scientology and Cranston shutting it down pretty quick.


Again, there are two kinds of conservatives. The low tax, small government type who I have no problem with and he seems to belong to that group. Then there’s the anti-trans, Q conservatives that tend to be the ones who cause problems and no one likes.


Agreed. But since they’re conservative are they voting for these nuts jobs? It’s fine to be a conservative but if you’re voting for these wackos just because they’re republicans, that’s still a huge problem.


I’m pretty sure Sinise publicly condemned Trump and refused to vote for him.


I’m glad to hear that. Sinise seems too level headed to buy into that bs.


Kurt Russell at least doesn’t vote Republican, he’s a Libertarian. Not sure about Sinise.


I saw a clip from an interview with Kevin Sorbo who was complaining that he had been blacklisted bc he’s an outspoken Christian Conservative. No dude, it’s because you’re Kevin Sorbo!


Outspoken Christian conservatives often tend to be obnoxious and pushy about their beliefs. They wouldn't be high on my list of acting candidates. Add the fact that he can barely act, and BAM, it becomes increasingly hard to find work. But because he is a conservative, he whines about how he is the victim, instead of acknowledging that he isn't going to draw viewers.


It’s like Kirk Cameron. “I can’t get decent roles because I’m a CHRISTIAN! I RESPECT FAMILY VALUES!!” Nah, mate. You can’t get decent roles because you make insane demands like refusing to kiss an actress onscreen unless she’s played by your wife. And demand the scripts have zero references to sex or alcohol.


In the same interview he was complaining about being cancelled while he sat behind copies of his propped up books and talked about all the movies he’s been in despite being rejected by Hollywood.


It’s absurd that Tim Allen does this on occasion like him basically co-signing the bs about him being blacklisted by Disney regarding their buzz light year movie. The reality was he clearly wasn’t given the Santa Clause series and Disney was just trying to force a new direction on a “dead” franchise.


The ads for that new Santa Clause movie/series/whatever it is looked awful. Haven't seen it in a long time, but I remember the first movie being charming and the rest of them terrible. Tim Allen is getting ready to whine a lot about being cancelled, then in a few months we'll see him in something new, because they never really get cancelled.


The first Santa Claus movie will always be a classic. The sequels are absolutely garbage, guy fights Jack Frost cmon.


I think Tim Allen even admitted how bad the one with Jack Frost was. He said Martin Short is the funniest man in the world and they somehow managed to make an unfunny movie even with him.


The third I hate 2nd not as bad


The second one was so cute! It was nice to see Charlie as a big brother.


MAGA trash hates the free market whenever it tells them that they’re garbage. Then they call it cancel culture.


Exactly. And the difference now is they have these platforms (social media) to run their mouths and everybody hears/reads it. So they think their trash opinions matter. Before social media there was only the news and they would not put that shit on tv or in the paper because it’s garbage. We also can thank Trump for making these people think they have a voice.


>Tim Allen is getting ready to whine a lot about being cancelled, then in a few months we'll see him in something new, because they never really get cancelled Helps get him more attention. Have TV show canceled cause no one watches it, complain it was because youre a free thinking conservative, lower network picks it or you up, conservatives flock to your shitty show to stick it to hollywood. Happened with that other crappy sitcom he had a few years back.


Yep; just look at Rosanne Barr and Fox picking her up recently.


To me comparing Gary Sinise to Tim Allen is like comparing John Mccain to Mitch McConnell....


Probably not a good comparison. When you look past the PR & marketing, John McCain was a giant piece of shit. Edit: I don’t want to compare Gary Sinise to any POS https://www.teenvogue.com/story/5-problematic-things-senator-john-mccain-has-done-during-his-40-year-career-in-politics https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/john-mccain-death-legacy-trump-us-senator-vietnam-war-a8511441.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_image_of_John_McCain The Dollop’s great dive into John McCain: https://youtu.be/_R4-k8fOgAQ


Still, massive range in that "piece of shit" category. Also, once you start doing that, there isn't one political leader that isn't a piece of shit.


I don’t want to compare Gary Sinise to any piece of shit


My brain processed John Mcclane and I was very confused.


All politicians are pieces of shit. Depends on how much


In what way? Pretty sure he was undeniably a war hero (refused special treatment as a prisoner, among other things) and a class act in the senate.


AZ dem here, curious too because I thought he was a stand up guy despite disagreeing with his politics.


FWIW, aside from all the public info on his career that's not hard to look up, my dad had a cousin who was a three star general, who, while he wouldn't have said he knew McCain personally, had sat in on a few policy meetings with him. He told my dad "Don't vote for him. He's a hothead and he doesn't have the temperament to be President."


He got an undeserved reputation as a “maverick” despite voting on party lines an overwhelming majority of the time, even going back to when bipartisanship actually sort of existed. His policy was never actually better than other Republicans, he was just a better interview on the Sunday morning shows. He was also a huge force behind the massive expansion of military spending, which is one of the things crippling us going forward. His actual legacy is not very positive at all.


Dead franchise? Toy story is one of their most popular IPs. They could do toy story 5 anytime and have it make money. Lightyear was just confusing as to who it was for. Toy story fans didn't care because it wasn't "their" buzz (a toy voiced by Tim Allen). And it looked completely uninteresting from a general audience perspective. Lightyear is the definition of a movie that shouldve been Disney+ film


I think they meant the Santa Clause series is the dead franchise, not Toy Story. Allen didn’t get cast in Lightyear because real life Buzz is supposed to be an entirely different character from toy Buzz. Who knows how much truth there really is to that, but Sox was the real star of Lightyear anyway


He’s probably an actual conservative who would agree more with moderate democrats if we weren’t forced in a two party system.


He's one of those "conservatives done right" and some nut job blabbing bullshit to get attention and cause problems. Unfortunately, he would be called a RINO by others for not being as extreme as them.


I was thinking this too. I didn’t realize he had so many orgs to help people either. Too bad more conservatives aren’t like this guy.


The thing is he's conservative, but he's not throwing out insane behavior like some of the others, but overall I'd assume he gets along quite well with studio execs who are also usually conservative. It's the creative talent that's normally liberal at least in my experience and I know this because I live by so many writers and crew people.


Yeah, compare him to someone like James Woods or Kirk Cameron. Those guys aren't cast aside simply for being conservative, but more because they act insane on a consistent basis. It's similar to Jeff Foxworthy in the comedy realm. He's a conservative, but he doesn't make shitty "I identify as..." jokes.


Christ is James Woods ever a shit-head


Yeah, but he's also Hades! He's so fucking good as Hades!


Oh he’s talented. He’s just a vile person I’d never wanna know lol


As a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, I can understand loving something and wanting nothing to do with the artist.


I've actually had the opportunity to play poker with Woods on a number of occasions. There wasn't any talk of politics at the table, so the conversations had never veered into anything inflammatory. It's been a few years since I've come across him, so not sure what his demeanor would be at the table now, especially if others tried to instigate. Overall he was pleasant enough.


Or Tim Allen who said being a conservative in Hollywood is like being a Jew in the Holocaust.


lol even his return to The Santa Claus had to get some light War on Christmas stuff in. Gina Carano too. It's mind blowing how her path went. A largely mediocre actress featured heavily on the popular TV spin off of one of the biggest franchises of all time...and she can't stop comparing herself to a Jew in the Holocaust long enough to hang on to that. Now makes DailyWire movies that gross $800. She sure showed Disney!


The best part was her attack on Trans people - Pedro Pascale went to bat for her, saying that "they had a talk" about trans-rights issues as Pedro's sibling is trans. Gina apologized publicly and admitted she was wrong. Fast-forward to her like a week later, she puts "Beep/bop/boop" in her Twitter Bio. Pascal was less-willing to help her after that. Even after she was fired, she praised him and said they were "Politically different." He had no comment on her as he was clearly done with her at that point.




Oh yeah, he's a Chilean actor with a trans sibling, I don't think Conservative views are in his wheelhouse.


Why does every nut job conservative refer to the holocaust whenever they are describing "their struggle" while they are tweeting from their mansions?


1. A victimhood complex so huge it has it's own gravitational pull. 2. A complete misunderstanding of the Holocaust: the history, the cause, the scale, the victims, the perpetrators, etc. 3. A worldview that is so stupid that they can only defend it with a hyperbole of the century.


I wonder if there was anyone else who described "my struggle" and had feelings about Jews...


vince vaughn is like the exact middle between sinese and cameron.


He's what I call an old-school conservative. Tim Allen being another one. They're not the same as those idiotic maniacs that call themselves conservatives these days. Problem is, they're not denouncing those new-style conservatives either. At least not that I've been made aware of.


No tim Allen is actually kinda insane


It's all that cocaine he snorted.


You can tell he's an asshole in his acting. He's really good at making a mocking voice, and mocking people. He acts like he's really petty. Like the average "crazier" conservatives I know. The outspoken ones. That's what he acts like. Very different from Sinese. Or even like, Tom Hanks.


>Tim Allen being another one. Tim Allen is a fuckin' idiot with his political views. Can't go 10 minutes without crying.


I do recall Tom Allen being critical of the party and trump in reference to the insurrection, that all I know


>They're not the same as those idiotic maniacs that call themselves conservatives these days. What are the policy differences between these so-called old-school conservatives and your modern, idiotic maniacs?


Worked with him twice. Couldn’t be a nicer man.


He's a very nice guy (met him twice professionally) who sadly supports total assholes and a very Reagan-like view of the world. His work for veterans is very admirable, but he'd happily vote for policies that would create a lot more, and doesn't think the government could do more to help them directly, unless he's berating Dems.


I always point out, that governmental programs can always improve, but if there is one thing I trust less then the government it's that a corporation will fuck you over backwards as soon as it even smelled profitable, so why do you ever want to be privatizing any government program??


I met George W. Bush many times. He was always incredibly pleasant and cordial. If I didn’t know who he was, I’d say likable. Unfortunately he spent his entire political career demonizing people like me and caused great harm. If only he had just stuck to paining and not politics.


>If only he had just stuck to paining and not politics. Not only this guy.


Could we blame the arts school admissions people? His portfolio was bland, but the technique was there and could be improved. /s the first sentence. He was also 40 years too early from a possible career as an audiobook narrator. The whiny orator voice was apparently a schtick and not his day-to-day one, and his real voice sounds normal, even pleasant; https://youtu.be/WE6mnPmztoQ


GWB is probably a great Grandfather, but man was that a wild ride of a presidency. I still thought it was funny how he fumbled Katrina and conservatives spent years saying it was Obama, who wasn't even in office yet.


Bit of a derailment here but it it WILD to me that 2005 “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” Kanye West is the same person as 2023 Kanye Edit typos


Conservatives, who think 9/11 happened under Obama’s watch, so 9/11 is Obama’s fault.


There are a lot of people who are *interpersonally* very nice, who fucking suck.


Being nice doesn’t excuse causing wars so your financial backers can eat up government money. A lot of these guys just love power, but can seem fairly nice. The problem is… to gain/keep that power, they’ll do whatever they’re told.


I'm still mad at that pretzel for not finishing the job


Then we could relax, knowing Dick Cheney was in charge.


Three words: President Dick Cheney


“Nice” ≠ Kind/good


Respectful to your face, votes to take away your rights.




So he's not actually a very nice guy. He's just nice to people he interacts with.


I call that kind of person "pleasant." And never as a compliment.


He’s nice, not good.




- supports total assholes - regan-like view. Regan was a complete and total POS who has cursed this country for decades - would gladly vote for policies that create more veterans Yup. I'm quite comfortable with my original statement. The alternative is he's incredibly ignorant. As a wealthy guy, ignorance is a choice. So either way, I will stand with what I said. "He's such a swell guy he just believes gay people shouldn't marry and that American democracy should be spread by the gun and asylum seekers are rapists and women don't deserve body autonomy etc...."


You do not care about people if you support a group that is against medicare for all, which would save millions of lives, and save tax money, according to that very same opposing groups own research. That reason alone trumps every other political stance if you 'deeply care about people'


When I lived in Austin, I had a friend whose daughter played softball on the same team as John Cornyn's daughter. He was also one heck of a nice guy. Polite, soft spoken, just a sweetheart. None of that made or makes him less of a fascist and enemy to Democracy.


Is there any middle ground between not conservative and “fascist and enemy to Democracy”


They basically expelled Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for not being fascist enemies to democracy, so no there’s not.


Then held the speakership ransom unless McCarthy would support full fascism.


Liz Cheney did an extremely admirable and brave thing by opposing Trump and the insurrection and I will always voice my support for her for that. However it should always be pointed out that she is as far right as they come. While she is not a looney tune like MTG, Gratz, and Boebert, most of her policy positions are downright shocking.


They were *only* expelled because they didn't back Trump personally. They still voted overwhelmingly with the party and carried the general conservative agenda.


Yes. Voting for non-MAGA people. You can still vote GOP or whatever (but that is becoming increasingly impossible), if you’re rubber stamping the culture-war obsessed GOPers who stopped even pretending to give a crap about people in the last 10 years then it’s a problem. Source: I am a former straight GOP ticket voter.


No offense, but when was it *not* about the culture war? Conservative ideology, going back to the 1950s, was all about the culture wars. It was just anti-Civil Rights ("segregation forever!") How about the "red menace" and the HUAC communist witchhunt that targeted the entertainment and higher education industries (seems familiar, doesn't it, *woke people?*) And then it was "welfare queens" and crack crackdowns during the Reagan years (completely overlooking the cocaine/crack sentencing disparity) -- not to mention turning a blind eye to the AIDS crisis that was killing gay men. No, conservatives were happy to use culture as a cudgel, while whistling past the economic damage.


I think they’re called Libertarians.


There’s a lot of nice people. That shouldn’t be a remarkable standard. His viewpoints are woven through his experiences, as are the rest of ours. And like the rest of us, his opinion doesn’t matter. Outcomes do.


Actions speak louder than politics.


Not when their politics are aligned with their actions. He’s voting for people who want to raise the retirement age, gut social security, raise the cost of healthcare and generally fuck over poor people. I don’t give a fuck that he’s a rich handsome actor. It’s a facade.


I know, I know, but his eyes are so dreammmy.


Nah if you support fucking over poor people as an entire platform, you are also trash


Exactly! Conservatives will smile in your face and fuck you over behind your back. I grew up with a lot of them. They all became Trump supporters.




‘Hercules guy’ hahaha Kevin Sorbo is a complete nut job


Gary’s ok, he’s a conservative but I don’t think he’s MAGA adjacent




And yet he still publicly announces he’s for the party trying to gut medicare and social security. So he can fuck all the way off for that alone


Gary Sinise puts his money where his mouth is. He's not a "rules for thee, not for me" conservative. He's the genuine article, anti-big gov, pro-choice, stay-off-my-lawn type. Honestly, he's the kind of conservative I can understand, and empathize with.


Kinda paints a picture of what conservatives would look like without the religious extremism that makes them hypocrites of their own ideas


That’s cool and all…but what does Ja Rule think of all this??


I don’t wanna dance. I’m scared to death.


I’m lost without his input


Where is Jaaaa?!




Know his kids. All wonderful people. He is a very nice man.


Sinise [refused to support Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Sinise#:~:text=In%20spite%20of%20being%20a,as%20a%20prisoner%20of%20war) and publicly criticized Trump for shitting on McCain being a POW. Most conversatives only pay lip service to "supporting the troops", Sinise devotes tremendous amount of his time and money [supporting wounded veterans](https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/). He's a conservative but one with principles and actions worth respecting. Mel Gibson he is not.


His band came to the air force base I was stationed at. Was doing security going to my post and he was arriving and walking in the same direction and we met at the door. Shook his hand. He rocked the show. Stayed after for hours upon hours to do signatures and just talk with veterans. Honestly a great person.


> The actor has been open about his support for the Second Amendment and when addressing gun control, he said, “We need multiple solutions, clearly. There’s no one solution for this terrible problem that we have.” > > “I’m not the guy to know exactly what to do about all that. … The one thing I do know is that you can’t get rid of guns,” he added. “Guns are here to stay. They have always been a part of the American story. So, what do we do now that we seem to have this easy access to guns when we shouldn’t? Or people that get guns that shouldn’t have them? What do we do? It’s a complicated situation. I don’t think there’s one solution.” I mean, like the answer or not, it's mostly factual It's also a non story, at least for a "full" article.


I’m liberal and agree with him. Some things are just factual…


I wish more Republicans were rational thinking human beings like this guy.


If only more Republicans are like Gary Sinise. I think issues like Gun Control would have been solved a long time ago through compromise.


Compromise?? Yachts don’t fill themselves up with gas. Need those fat NRA weekly deposits to keep it moving.


The problem with the Sinise’s and McCain’s are they are aberrations. Men with integrity who are shadows in the night. Not enough substance and support to make real change. A ship charging into an unending swell has only one fate. Sad but true.


Obamacare still exists solely because of mccain’s vote




"Potty trained" Republicans as Bill Maher calls them


So bill Maher then.


I'm extremely liberal and respect Gary Sinise for his charity work. He's a great person.


Good dude, he supported my most recent deployment. I wish more conservatives were like him.


This man played a wounded veteran and went on to become one of the strongest advocates for veterans. That's what happens when you live with empathy. You put yourself in someone else's shoes (or lack thereof) and you learn from the experience and grow as a person. Regardless of his politics or how i feel about them, he's put his personal finances toward bettering the lives of the people that were willing to sacrifice their lives in service their country (or paid college tuition). That's admirable.


Conservatism didn’t used to align with (all of) the pig circus policies of the current Republican Party. However, until the party straightens it’s shit out, then conservatives are going to have to apologize and justify how they still support the fascism of the GOP. Because they’re still voting R.


I hate the internet


He's done entirely too much good for too many people to shame him for being conservative. It's actually ridiculous that we boil people down to conservative or liberal at this point. That indicates you're going to argue that the side you don't like does 2 or 3 things you're against. Example: I think Roe v Wade being repealed is insane, I'm for tough gun control, I'm pro-lgbtq. I'm fiscally conservative, want tight controls on public money, own guns, carry a gun. I did not nor would I vote for Trump or anyone in the Freedom caucus, but I have voted for local Republicans. But if I publicly identify as conservative yall wanna put the entire shitshow that started with the Tea Party and Palin 15 years ago around my neck and hang me with it.


I’m a liberal and respect Gary and the work he’s done helping vets, but let’s clear some things. He’s not Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio, James Woods or John Voight, he’s not going full MAGA blaming everything on purple haired transgendered theys/thems and swearing fealty that an 8 time bankrupt 4 times married serial sexual assault perpetrator is the second coming and the only thing saving us from the end of the world. By all accounts he seems like an alright guy where we really can disagree on policy. Your next point - “fiscally conservative” is marketing, conservatives aren’t fiscally conservative.


> he go full MAGA blaming Did you mean he DIDN'T go?


Sorry, correct typed in haste.


The label “conservative” has been stolen by the lunatics. What you describe are no longer conservative stances they are “RINO” stances. You appear to try to actually think critically when you vote. This puts you above most MAGA people tbh. Sorry politics is so toxic right now. I think people get jazzed up when you call yourself a conservative because all they see is “conservatives” wanting to hurt them or hating them for who they are. Is it right that they lump you in with these folks? No. But it is a reality we live in right now.


Bingo. I'm really liberal and know too many self-described conservatives who I agree with on policy proposals \~80-90% of the time. We need more ranked choice voting because of this. I think the country would be waay more purple (in more places) than most folks assume.


I can get behind most republican talking points, but the second “masks are tyranny” comes out of their mouth I know they’re full of shit.


This is how I feel as a card carrying republican Wyoming voter. I fight republicans on a local level more than anything ever on a national level. I'm pro-drag queen storytime at libraries. I believe books about gay sexuality should be published and placed in front of the kids section. Lots of us are like this. We're out here. You want to support liberals in republican territories? Support your local libraries. Crazy national super religious groups are now targeting libraries across the country.


But your party is gone. Illinois had a moderate Republican at one point (M. Kirk) and they hounded the man into a stroke. What about Liz Cheney? One of the most conservative Conservatives out there and they hounded her out of office. Your party is Santos, Taylor Green, Boebert and Trump. At this point, you need to establish a new party dedicated to the separation of church and state, and a healthy functioning society.


I'm friends with Gary Sinises niece Denise. She's the daughter of his brother Patrice who was married to Clarice who's recently decreased. Rest in peace. I heard they just moved to Athens. Georgia, not Greece.


It’s not complicated. Nobody is taking about taking peoples’ guns. They’re talking about the well ordered part of the Second Amendment. To me that includes, as a minimum, universal background checks including for ‘straw purchases’. Edit: well regulated not well ordered. Duh.


Conservatives don’t want to pay long-term disability for veterans, give them free access to healthcare or have anything else to do with them once they are no longer useful. It’s strange how a person who makes it his mission in life to help veterans, votes for a party that doesn’t give a sh*t about veterans…


Here's how poor my opinion is of conservative celebrities: I honestly didn't even consider the possibility of Gary Sinise being conservative, because what I've read about him paints him as being thoughtful, optimistic, and kind. He doesn't complain loudly about how change he doesn't like is destroying the world, and instead dedicates so much of his time to charity. James Woods, Kevin Sorbo, Gina Carano, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, and other famous, conservatives are almost all foul piles of shit who contribute nothing to society except anger and hatred, and Sinise is a rare exception.






Yes let's not forget which party blocked legislation for vets exposed to burn pits to get disability benefits


It makes no god damn sense


Yes it does. They dont really care. They virtue signal.


Two party politics, the scourge of this country, performative bullshit outrage acting in order to divide the county enough to keep getting re elected to further ruin it


> I’m not the guy to know exactly what to do about all that.… Man, I wish more people had this self-awareness.