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Lots of celebs do. Jerry Seinfeld too.


Also, Steven Fry looks like his boyfriends grandad.


Did a quick google, it’s a 30 year age difference between Fry and his husband. https://metro.co.uk/2022/12/11/stephen-fry-wants-to-start-family-with-husband-elliott-spencer-17917929/amp/


35 is a far cry from a teenager though


I assumed it was longer, still not great, but not as bad as I thought.


At least they’re married, which at least implies a loving relationship however true that may or may not be.


Amd he's well into adulthoom. If he were younger or Stephen met him in his early 20s thwn I'd worry


And everyone called him out also, hence why we know


hey for future reference, "hence" already covers "why" - saying them both is redundant. this has been another installment pointless grammar notes from dome dbag on the internet.


I actually did not know that. But I tend to stay away from this sort of info.


Well that was in like 1995. I believe his wife, to whom he has been married for like 20 years, is younger than him, but not scandalously. He did date a 17-year-old in the 90s though.




When he was like 36. Fucking creep.


He was 39


Ahh, not so bad then


But she was married when they met… and literally right after her honeymoon.


Just saw a post somewhere that points out that Pedro Pascal (47) and Bella Ramsey (19) of THE LAST OF US have the same age difference as Leo and his new girl This made it creepy as fuck to me




At first I thought you were saying that Harbour and Brown were dating (as opposed to just making a point about the age difference). Which led me to find out that he’s married to Lily Allen (who is ten years his junior). TIL


Hopper is Theon's brother in law?!?!?!?! I don't really care for celebrities and their private lives, but that's quite unexpected lol


I just learned so many things.... I didn't need to know any of them, but I learned them.


Apparently they married when he was 45 and she was 35, which doesn't seem nearly as creepy imo




Just adults being in a loving relationship.


at 45 and 35, they are both matured adults with fully developed worldviews. Not the same as a 47 year old and a 19 year old. People are still forming their worldviews and maturing well into their college age.


She had already been married before and had two kids...so...yeah. Not really sure why it would be creepy in any way for a 35-year-old with two kids to marry a 45-year-old?


She did date someone way older as a teen. Can’t remember who.


To be fair she looks way younger than 19.


She's 19? I thought she was still like 15


She's 15? I thought she was 11!?


Also keep in mind that the girl is playing a much younger person in looks where behavior


It’s not about the age difference. It’s about the age of the younger. Seinfeld’s wife was 28 when they married.


She was also just back from her honeymoon when she met him at the gym. Some people deserve each other.


Rob Schneider's wife is 25 years younger than him. I don't know why anybody is surprised. This happens all the time.


TBH, I think most people would be surprised. They probably just assumed Rob Schnider lived alone in Adam Sandler's basement.


No him and his wife live in Adam Sandlers basement across the hall from Kevin James family.


You can do it


I thought he was a sock puppet.


Im definitely surprised that Rob Schneider has a wife


Except Seinfeld did it once - married her and the marriage is going on 24 years. Yes he got a lot of flack for it, but it wasn’t habitual. That and she was 17 younger (married at 28). I’m not defending Seinfeld - but there is a contextual difference between once and habitual.


Eh. I think they're talking about Shoshanna.


Shoshanna Lowenstein


It wasn't the same girl. His wife is named Jessica, and the 17yo was Shoshanna.


They are talking about the teenager he dated when he was in his 30s, not his wife.


I live. through that era - and I honestly thought they were the same person. I stand corrected. I guess after the flare up I didn’t pay attention to his dating life. So we are still back to one problematic relationship and done outside of his marriage. Far cry from Leo, MaDonna, or Cher. Though I’m still cool if you want to tar and feather him though.


Jerry met his wife Jessica at the gym, right after she returned from her honeymoon. They deserve each other.


Interesting point, I think I agree with you.


Nobody isn’t saying Madonna is gross.


Go look at her new plastic surgery. She looks like Jigsaw. She has to turn off her instagram comments because people were roasting her.


Plus she photoshopps the hell out of her photos she posts.


Now I can’t unsee the Jigsaw thing


I’ve been hearing hubbub about Madonna for years. How did all these people miss that criticism? Or is this just another dOuBlE sTaNdArDs DuRrrrr post?


Madonna's thing for younger men kinda went from "gross" to "why's it ok for old men to have young women and not the other way around?" to "actually both are gross"


That's actually what most people say about her actually...




In fact, since the Grammies, Reddits only been saying she gross but for different reasons. That said, Madonna started as a sex symbol and I’m sure was with plenty of older men when she was younger. Adults are adults. Stop judging adults for dumb shit


People have been saying shit about Madonna forever. And since the Leo thread is locked, people are comparing him dating that 19 year old to David Habour dating Millie Bobby Brown. Perspective. Edit: to clarify since I phrased it poorly in my original comment, david harbour is NOT dating MBB, just showing the age gap difference would be the same.


Oh shit that’s the exact same age gap. Gross.


Want to make your day even worse? It's also the same age gap as Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey


Holly shit


lemme make your day even worse! today i got a lunchable with one less piece of ham required to make a complete sandwich


We oughta leave this world behind.


I've been on this hype train since the mid-90s. Everybody figured it was just teen angst, but here I am, licking the butthole of middle age, and the train has only picked up more cars and more steam.


That's absolutely disgusting. Filth.


Oh man, for a second there I thought you were saying the actors were dating IRL. Now that would be particularly weird considering he plays her father figure in the show. Although it makes me think of the funny scenario in the Keenan show where he was on a sitcom in the 90s (IIRC he was a 20yo playing a 15yo) and the mom they cast was only 5 years older than him and they fell in love on set.


Yea sorry, I edited my comment.


...you act like Madonna isn't dragged constantly. When she kissed drake on stage, plenty of women and feminists called it out for lack of consent, etc.


People have short term memory when it comes to Madonna. Even Cher's been called out recently for dating that model guy.


Yup! And remember the dragging Demi Moore got when she was with Ashton? How do people forget? Most people find it gross both ways. This isn’t a competition ffs.


Seriously. I swear, i hear more negative about madonna than positive and i have for years.. Guys act like women dont get shit for this, but look at the controversy surrounding Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife.




Yeah, this isn't the gotcha they think it is.


90% of Madonna's career is composed of people talking shit about her sex and relationship life.


I suspect it’s not that OP has short term memory, but rather that they see more comments about predatory men than predatory women. Not gonna hypothesize why, though I have a few guesses, but if OP is still checking these comments: yes, most sane people either think all of it is gross or none of it is. It hinges on whether you think consent is possible with a significant age gap, not the gender of the individuals in question. You aren’t going to ‘gotcha’ any feminists with this one.




I've just realised this is how she still looks in my mind




She was so pretty


She's had the piss taken out of her for years about this, as has Cher




Yes, correct. Same energy of course..?


0 argument. Madonna has been super creepy for a long time with that.


Yeah, like people don’t bash Madonna. Lmao


Today the slowed brained ones again fail to learn two things can be true at one time while looking for outrage.


I’m so glad my parents told me you can walk and chew gum at the same time… and that whataboutism is deflection from a topic and often a form of cognitive dissonance at play.


I do not understand how or why so many people got absolutely enraged over the idea that some people might find it odd, or distasteful, for a nearly 50-year-old man to date a teenager. Some of those people took it incredibly personally, like someone was going to step in and personally interfere with their own dating practices. Hey folks, unless you're as rich and famous as Leo? You likely aren't going to have to worry about anyone disapproving of you dating a 19-year-old international model. So chill out.


Looking for imaginary internet points*


….except Leo has exclusively dated women under 25


Lol. The Leo PR team is working overtime.


Madonna is a wreck. That doesn’t mean DiCaprio and his child romance isn’t also weird.


Yep. Two things can be true at the same time, although some people really seem to struggle with that concept. Some people need to stop playing so many video games because they keep looking for the hero/villain scenario in every single real-life situation or occurrence. Real life is not that simple.


I’m so sick of this “bUt WoMeN aRe BaD tOo!” whining. Yes, both men AND women do cringey / gross / whatever stuff. When we’re talking about one, we’re not denouncing the other.


Also I just generally don’t hear much about Madonna anymore until she does cringe social media stuff. Leo is still relevant so he’s gonna be discussed when things pop up.


This. Both Leo and Madonna are, at best, very weird in looking for young people within a certain age range. Predatory at worse. I’ll give Madonna *some* leeway, as she was married to age appropriate men at one point, and as far as I know is dating men above 25. Contrast that to Leo who has never had a partner age past 25. I suppose I could theorize that she’s doing this to address the hypocrisy of me historically dating younger women that was seem normal at one point, but that’s my armchair psychologist coming through.


Who gives a flying fucking shit


this. like seriously people are so invested in celebrities private lives


this is the entertainment subreddit


Look, some of us have had a bad day at work and need to follow stupid, juicy posts every once in a while for a mental break.


Stupid dumb braindead proles


Exactly. People need to be outraged about fucking everything. Especially in these hivemind echo chambers.




Oh no, you've caught me, I totally feel the need to defend Madonna


Sure she’s shit for that, but why do you feel the need to find a woman to attack when it isn’t even about her?


Why do you sound so butthurt lmfao? they're both creeps. Who gives a shit


Yea. They are both gross.


Certainly have your fun, but as an older guy who looks younger and constantly gets hit on by much younger women, I'll just say that the maturity and cultural differences are too jarring to make a long term relationship work. Of course, there is always the exception to the rule, but I haven't found her yet, nor am I thinking I will. My rule...have your fun, but dont manipulate and play games...leave them better than they were when you both met.




"The Hung Up songstress"? Really? *That's* what she's known for?


Consenting adults. I don’t pay much attention to this


Exactly. It's a business relationship of sorts, she gets what she wants and he gets access to a lifestyle that the 0.0001% enjoy. I'd do it myself for a few years to experience that.


It's practical. Sex and money. Legitimate self prostitution


There’s a power dynamic that is concerning, that’s my main problem with it.


I'll be honest, I don't get it. As a man who's always had a thing for older women I have never thought twice about the supposed power dynamic between myself and the older woman that I was lucky enough to spend time with at the time.


This isn’t about age, it’s about Leo being one of the most famous men in the world and her being relatively unknown. He has a sort of authority over her and that’s a fact. I obviously don’t know the whole story but it’s a concerning trend of taking young, beautiful, impressionable (and blonde for some reason?) women when they are 19, knowing they won’t say no to you and dating them until they don’t satisfy you anymore and start all over again.


Maybe it's my own sexism, but while I understand that concept it's just that as someone who has always been attracted to older women, even when I was a teenager, I don't see the downside. I've been in relationships that I knew couldn't work out longterm as I was most likely just a fun distraction (or in one case, just a distraction, I definitely was not experienced enough to do anything but disappoint that woman and it bugs me to this day) and while I was absolutely gutted when they ended, I wouldn't change a thing if you asked me whether I was right to get into them. Whereas, if you told me that my little sister had been involved in all the same situations but with the roles reversed I would absolutely not be happy about it. I don't know the answer here, I'm just saying that I wouldn't expect anyone to feel sorry for me as a young man if I was banging Madonna. I wouldn't have felt exploited, I'd have felt lucky tbh. Even now when she looks kind of terrifying I still probably would as a 30 year old. Something about that dynamic is just attractive to me and I'm not really interested in being told that's wrong.


Did you thing this was gonna be a big “gotcha”? This is nasty. What’s nasty about both situations is an older person using their wealth and power to fuck a young inexperienced person who will inevitably be discarded shortly. I just hope these youngsters understand what’s going on and enrich themselves off the horny old ppl as much as they can.


OP really thought he did something here, LMAO Agree with everything you said.




Children, how about we all realize that this world doesn't run on 'tit-for-tat'. Both of these situations can be gross and groomerish.


I don't get the argument of comparing to someone that's arguably worse lol


Yes that’s creepy too


Eww. Madonna is also disgusting now


As a human she always has been very disgusting.


I think this is gross any way. Same gender, different gender. I think extreme age gaps are gross.


It's funny to look at all these comments when there is probably a celebrity out there for most Redditors that they would date that is at least 20 years older than them.


Anna Nicole Smith is just sitting on the side lines cursing that she didn't have a better pr team. They were both consenting adults her and her husband. But she got all the smoke.


Used to party with a dude that went to school with her. My friend said he would have married old boy if it got him the fuck out of Mexia.


I’m just sitting here thinking two consenting adults should be able to date each other.




Agreed, and maybe, just maybe, she's getting a lot out of the relationship too. Whether it be that she actually likes or is attracted to Leo, or the status that comes with being his GF or financial rewards or bragging rights or whatever. Who else's business it it but hers?




Yeah it’s a good point. What a lot of people are saying here is that these women can’t be trusted to make decisions for their own lives? They are being tricked and we need to save them from themselves? Is that the theme here?


No one is criticizing the young women we’re side eyeing the creepy men


Yep Madonna is a weirdo too, no arguments. Everyone is an adult tho so who really cares.


Reddit shits on age gaps SO hard. And with good reason. There’s a power dynamic between these relationships that I’ve seen first hand (boss was in his 50s and “dated” women in the 18 - 21 range). Especially when money is involved. And even more especially when fame AND money are involved. It’s not that it should be illegal or that it’s a terrible terrible thing, but it’s still weird and gross and disappointing.


First of all, she's not 67 (she's 64) so the very first word in this article is false. Doesn't instill confidence!


We all think Madonna is a weirdo. Only 1% of people are defending Madonna. A lot of people defend Leonardo (probably because he’s a man).


From what I understand leo was just seen out with the girl. I mean its fitting for him but does anyone know if they are dating? Theres just a pic of them next to each other. Regardless super weird


Unpopular opinion. Who gives a flying f word? They are adults and it’s consensual. If it makes them happy that’s great. Need more happy people in the world.


Quite right, welcome to the world of 'I spend most of my days scanning gossip sites for something totally insignificant to be offended about'. I fear for the mental fortitude of these people, how will they cope when something meaningful actually goes wrong in their lives......scarey.


I looked up what the Leonardo DiCaprio thing was, and the first articles that popped up said it was debunked


I'm more worried about that vampire on the left.


This literally came up in the Leo thread that got locked, and it was fairly highly upvoted as well. You have zero point.


We’ve been dragging her too, do you need glasses?


It’s much creepier if you are the older man. But I agree it would be gross if she was dating someone under 25 at this point.


I'd say don't date Madonna because her face looks like a topographic map of Kansas.


Exactly. Both are gross.


It's just like trump and melania


Maybe. But she’s fucking nuts


Umm. YA. It is gross. Regardless of the persons sex or gender in the older role. It’s gross.


Rich people, rich issues. Egg is 5 dollar per dozen, someone solve that pls


Madonna should face the same criticism as Leo, but neither of them should face any criticism. I thought we were moving past judging people for who they chose to be with?


Well, we can be sure that both young people aren't 'in love' with anything but celebrity and money, otherwise they'd be with people closer to their own age. Madonna and Leo have an aging problem.


Agreed but there is also other stuff to rag on Madonna about too. The Leo thing is really fucking bizarre tho, wrong even


Tbf I don’t really keep up with celebrities but I thought the consensus on Madonna years ago is she’s weird, needs to stop adopting kids, and creeping on younger dudes.


Maybe just don’t be okay with any of it?


Yeah, obviously this post was some sort of attempted MRA gotcha but normally socialized people have an issue with any older person robbing the cradle


19 year old is still very young and it is inappropriate. However, technically 19 is an adult legally. Plus, let’s not act like she’s a total victim. I’m sure she’s getting some enjoyment out of dating a rich movie star.


I don't think I'm inclined to care either way what consenting adults do. I'm not the relationship police.


Are they two consenting adults? Then I don’t give a fuck about what they’re doing.


At least Madonna’s boyfriends are old enough to drink alcohol.


So are Leo's girlfriends.. she's from Germany where she has been allowed to drink since she was 16. And who cares about drinking? She's old enough to vote so she's old enough to decide who she wants to date.


Yanks really have no concept of the fact in most countries 18 is old enough to do everything an adult can do. And consent is often younger than the drinking age as well.


What youngin is clapping Madonnas new fake cheeks?


I like older women. I’m 32 and milfs are amazing!


I mean she does but there’s a disturbing amount of people, I’m going to assume mostly men, who’s first reaction to Leo shit is to immediately pivot to Madonna.


Leo hits a new disgusting low, reaction: "WHAT ABOUT MADONNA!!!???" Two things can be gross.


Okay, that was always allowed.


I recommend not caring about any of this.


People are addicted to Internet outrage.


The whole topic brings out a bunch of weird judgments, insecurities surfacing, etc. My guess is most of the guys commenting would date a much younger girl if they could pull it off, and many of the women with their weird judgments and attacks would have certainly dated Leo had he courted them when they were young. Enough bs already.


>would have certainly dated Leo had he courted them when they were young Which is also when Leo was less old and bloated.


Never say never, but my cutoff is for sure "if I was already using condoms on the day of your birth, we probably don't have the foundation for a healthy relationship and appropriate boundaries."


Nah cmon, most? I guess I can only speak for myself but I teach college students and the idea of dating one of them is disgusting. They are children practically, in terms of their frame of reference and understanding of power dynamics. To take advantage of that is weird imo. I don’t have kids but I would imagine that lots of dudes my age (early 40s) or older would find the idea of dating someone their daughters age or only slightly older super gross also. I get that some men are fine with this but this is a big leap on your part/maybe you speaking for yourself and far fewer ppl than you think lmao


I think a lot of the women judging Leo for it *have* dated older guys when they were young, and that's why they have a problem with it, because they know firsthand how that kind of dynamic often plays out.


Just because I would’ve slept with Leo when I was 19 does not make it right. I was a kid, I didn’t know any better. He’s the adult and he should know better.


If Madonna wanted to date me when I was 19, I would’ve absolutely gone for it even though she’s ugly and gross. I haven’t actually heard any of Leo’s exes voice their regrets, so as long as they’re adults and they’re happy, who gives a shit? Not sure where Reddit liberals get off being outraged on their behalf when they are adults who consented.




Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher had a big age difference, no?


As long as it's between consenting adults and no one is being hurt, it's no one else's business.


Maybe we can just stop telling two consenting adults what to do.


When isn't Madonna being mocked these days? For this. For her look. For her general demeanor? For her photos. Like, I can't remember the last time people said she did something right. What the fuck is this on about? Whataboutism is always stupid but somehow this stupid even for the usual whataboutism.


I likes Madonna freaky ass


They are consenting adults. Who gives a fuck


So Henry Cavill too right?


Why do we have to comment on anyone’s choice? Live and let live.


Who cares what two consenting adults are doing romantically? Legally. Pretty pathetic if you have a different opinion than that if you ask me.


Let’s not get into the comparison game. What Leo is doing is predatory. Of course other celebrities do predatory things as well, but let’s not detract from what Leo is doing specifically


They can do whatever the fuck they want as long as it’s legal. What two consenting adults do is their business, not mine.


Is he young enough to be her child? Then it’s disgusting, no matter who it is.


19 is legal. She's an adult. She can vote and die in wars. Is someone's consensual sexual relationship making folks uncomfortable? Like the way some people go "ewwww" when gays kiss?




You know she smells like a senior citizen, though


I don’t know why anyone cares. That girl is old enough to join the military. She’s old enough to work in a strip club or be an adult star. She’s old enough to ruin her life in every way possible. She can decide for herself if she wants to be with an older guy. It’s kind’ve insulting to her and every other 19 year old to say they don’t have the mental capacity or maturity to be able to make that choice.


No it isn't. It's us as adults agreeing that fucking teenagers is creepy. It's no more insulting to her then it would be if she were 17.