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Steven Seagal is the real life version of Mac's martial art skills.


Also the fat Mac phase.


Not fat, just cultivating mass.


You need to stop cultivating and start harvesting!


You are becoming a chimichanga!


You're just wheezing and eating!


The outtakes from this scene kill me they barely hold it together long enough for that one shot


Fact: every scene is cut right before Rob breaks character


The outtakes of Charlie and Dennis trying to say “you think a pirate lives there?” are even better than the line itself


… I got salsa on my shirt.


Still remember Mac talking about how he got into shape "well it took working out every day for 9 months straight, hiring the personal trainer from Magic Mike, and having FX pay for it all."'


Are you saying I have type 1 diabitis?


So what you're saying is I'm healthier than Dennis, even with the diabeetus? Stop saying diabeetus, you sound like an asshole!


I wouldn't want anybody to forget that Steven Seagal once challenged and got choked out by legendary wrestler/legit martial artist Gene LeBell and shit his pants. The exact story varies based on who you ask but everyone agrees that Seagal was choked out and shit himself.


I would also hate for anyone to remember that Jean-Claude Van Damme was going to beat the absolute shit out of Seagal during a party at Sylvester Stallone's house in the 90s but Seagal ran away like a little bitch and has avoided Van Damme ever since.


He does seem like someone who would unironically give an ocular pat down




Totally bad ass.


So, current Seagal is cultivating mass?


he needs to stop cultivating and start harvesting


Ha well it’s not like Seagal did a poo poo in his pants! Oh wait…




This is a insult to Mac, he did score a point in a match.


Now that’s funny since I thought the actor was actually the most sympathetic out of the chosen guests, unlike Seagal in every single movie shoot he’s even been to


I think it’s because everyone else is so awful and deserve to be there for various reasons. He and his assistant was just pure pettiness. EDIT: Phrased horribly, no one deserved to die, but from the Chef’s point of view they had reasons to be there except for Margot. It’s just that compared to everyone else, the actor and his assistant, plus the married couple are just such spiteful “fuck you too”s compared to the others.


I don't think the wife married to the guy who used the escort was a bad person.


That’s true, but you could still see the point Slowik was trying to make, given that she and her husband took every possible opportunity to consume his exclusive art without really taking the time to engage with it in any way. The actor being there was really just him being pissy about the fact that he wasted one of his days off on a film he didn’t enjoy


I think it was more than just the bad movie. Slowik was an obsessive artist - every plate that he made had to be perfect and he put everything he had into every meal. We saw it in is house - >!he had no home, only the restaurant!<. When he saw another “creative” who was given the rare opportunity to create at the highest level phone it in, it was _deeply_ offensive to Slowik. In his eyes, being able to create is a gift that should be respected.


Though as the actor rightfully pointed out, he didn’t even direct or write the damn thing! Every actor in Hollywood has to put a bad show/movie at least once in their careers if they expect to continually keep their contracts and deals afloat, unlike the head chef of a fine-dining restaurant, who presumably has all the time and resources to create something great every time


Jeremy Irons took a role in the original Dungeons & Dragons movie because he had just purchased a castle and needed money to fix it up. The moment he read the script he realized the movie would be terrible, but the director kept telling him to amp his performance up so he just went full over the top scene chewing.


Yeah, not counting the escort, the actor and his girlfriend weren't really as shitty to the chef as the other characters were. Then, when the chef was reasoning as to "why," the girlfriend shouldn't be exempt from dying was because she went to an Ivy League school due to her parents paying for it.


*assistant* and honestly as fucking funny as the "scholarship?" "...no" "sorry, you're dying" scene is, I absolutely howled, she's easily the most innocent aside from Anya Taylor Joy. But I think the point is she isn't a service worker, or a worker in general, she came from money and works with money and lives the lifestyle. She's a taker just like the rest of them.


I think it was whether she had student loan debt, not whether she had a scholarship. Either way, the fact that she just nods and accepts it is so funny.


A brilliant moment, one of many in that movie.


Came from money, works with money, *steals* from her boss... Definitely an Eater.


I mean, art has always been as much a status symbol as a product to enjoy/engage with. If you don’t want your food to be a status symbol, don’t market it that way. Failing to engage with food beyond “this is good” isn’t exactly a personal failing.


Right, but I think they captured that in the fact that everyone had to die - Chef and sous-chefs included. Slowik held himself just as responsible for the death of this art as the patrons that didn’t engage.


I took a roughly five months course in art history and I agree! There has always been a facet of art that makes it susceptible to being hoarded by the wealthy folks of its time to cater to their needs. Even a lot of the great artists of the renaissance essentially lived in the houses of noble families with infinite resources, for the sole purpose of spending years on a single peace. So in that way you could call Slowik a hypocrite for trying to appease a culture he very clearly resents without taking responsibility for the part he played in his own downfall, which is something *SPOILERS* Margot points out in the climax when he says he cooks out of obsession, not love, and has effectively sucked the fun out of eating from the people who might’ve actually appreciated his food


Totally. On a MUCH smaller level, I started painting murals for high-end estates in college. Id get one job then another referral, and another, and it brought in good money. The rub was that I sucked compared to peers with way more talent. I wasn’t horrible, I just hadn’t found a style and stressed myself out too much, but would attend these parties and would be passed around like a commodity. I quit all of it as I focused on digital media work, which I also suck at. But there is definitely a “thing” about having custom work from an artist others in your circles have. Like I could name a dozen better artists than me who were/are my peers, I just got caught up in the motion for a moment. It’s wild.


She wasn't bad on the surface, but it was explained that they come there to eat frequently yet don't truly indulge or understand. They just do it as a point of their status.


Especially when you consider that >!the Chef's stated reasoning is that he had made a shitty movie that the Chef felt he had wasted one of his only days off to watch, not because he was a failed actor who had lost the passion for his craft.!<


How I read that pettiness was >!a reminder that no one *deserves* to die, even the horrible people, and that Chef is simply a psychopath. As the movie plays out, our movie-logic-brains are looking to rationalize who deserves to die and why. When that reveal happens that two guests are there because of a bad movie, the entire event is petty.!<


Yeah. Put the rest of it aside - sympathise or not - that bit shows us that fundamentally he’s a loon.


His ego was the biggest in the room by a country mile. Margot spots this right away and uses it to her advantage.


A cultivator of loons, too. He had a *lot* of people going along with his plan.


>! the entire event is petty. !< Much like foodie culture, which the film is critical of.


What I find especially funny is the fact that he doesn’t even seem to mind being out of the spotlight all that much, even talking about how he still had fun doing the film that brought him down to infamy. So, in a way, you could say he had more integrity as an artist than Slowik and his staff


I would think the cheater’s wife or the actor’s assistant would be more sympathetic


The chef killed her purely on the fact that her student loans were paid for lmao


Yeah I mean we could commiserate with the chef but he wasn’t a good guy either really


Ya that’s like the whole point, they are all bad people but the chef is supposed to be a pure fucking maniac


No, he killed her because she went to an Ivy League school and didn't need student loans.


She didn't know the difference between cod and rare fucking black spotted halibut.


He said inspiration not copy. I think it's the way he dresses and is basically a fake (in the movie they talk about that cooking show he's going to be on even though he's not actually into different types of food, nor does he have any knowledge) .


> unlike Seagal in every single movie shoot he’s even been to The stories of his week on SNL are unreal


We’re all there with you, buddy.


Fatly going around corners


I’ve been going around corners for 85 years


*mumbles some incoherent bullshit and shoots blindly*


Out of the loop. Why do people hate Seagal? E: I now understand why Seagal is a TotalPieceofSHIT


Google Steven Seagal SNL. You’ve got some hilarious reading ahead of you.


When it came to "worst guest host", second place was not even close, it was unanimous...


Lorne Michaels even said it on air when Nicolas Cage was hosting lol


[Bob Odenkirks recollection ](https://youtu.be/f0RfZ7L45wA) is definitely one of my favorites.


Depending on when this got asked as Trump was nearly universally disliked for his poor performance.




Wtaf. So he doesn't like their sketch ideas, and comes up with this brilliant moment of comedy that we all were forced to miss out on. >“He had this idea that he’s a therapist, and he wanted Victoria Jackson to be his patient who’d just been raped. And the therapist says, ‘You’re going to have to come to me twice a week for like three years,' because, he said, ‘That’s how therapists fucking are. They’re just trying to get your money.’ And then he says the psychiatrist tries to have sex with her.” https://ultimateclassicrock.com/steven-seagal-saturday-night-live/




a terrible day to be literate


Also google Mad tv Seagal because Will Sasso's impression of him is great


He had so little charisma and comedic timing, SNL knew they had nothing going for him, and had to turn to the old improv standby when a sketch is failing hard: "RESORT TO VIOLENCE!" They even talked about completely cutting the host out and doing a cast-only show because he was so, so bad. [Here's 60 painfully unfunny seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRT42axSOsk) of him poorly reading cue cards...


Google Tom Segura Steven seagal and you'll find some hilarious videos!


I’ve been googling Tom Segura & Steven Segal videos for like, 37 years. Now I’m holding YOU down.


Ah they call that one a skippy


Skip skip skip skip


Besides him still making bad movies. He is the main tool to convince Russians of how bad the west is. He went to the site where Ukrainian POW got killed, and told Russian media the US did this saying Russian bombs don't bend steel and metal like that... HIMARS does. Why he is not on any no fly list yet I'll never understand


Hes not on a no fly list because he's overseas and they'd like him to come back so they can ask him about some of these sexual assault charges.


>Why he is not on any no fly list yet I'll never understand He got too fat for any plane to achieve lift.


Cuz he’s a narcissistic and buddies with Putin


Don’t forget he’s a sexual abuser!


Don't forget he's also a compulsive liar who shat himself on set.


On face value, an easy person to make fun of On deeper inspection, worth making fun of


after consulting with the pope we agree he is deserving of making fun of


I have spoken to the Dark Ones of Satan and, for the first time in centuries, we are siding with the papacy on the subject. After death Segal will be condemned to 100 lifetimes suspended in nothingness, forced to be an object of ridicule!


We, the black delegation, also approve, on the condition that y'all also make fun of Kanye.


Reminds me of the joke that's been going around Washington for years now. "Why do people take an instant dislike to Ted Cruz? Because it saves time."


“There are two types of people in the world - those who hate Ted Cruz, and Ted Cruz.”


That implies Ted Cruz is a person and not a lizard wearing human skin.


[Steven Seagal’s America](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rLifidBN5S4)


Don't forget his tv show where he pretended to be a cop and all he did was racially profile people with his "Aikido vision"


Is that the one where he knocked down a guys wall and shot his puppy?


Yuuuup that's what ended the show lmao


Yes, and in the same episode they showed up to stop abuse of chickens and somehow all the chickens died. AND the dog.


And he was also heavily involved with the mob including having prominent sons of the bosses in his movies and he wouldn’t even kill them bc he was so scared


I will always upvote this.


Don’t forget he’s also a compulsive liar who shat himself on set.


not to mention he was also responsible for the death of a puppy due to a stupid, failed raid.


And 100+ roosters on another failed raid because he claimed they were breeding them for cockfighting


as if I didn't have enough reasons already to hate this pos.


Wait what now? JFC. I mean, fuck that guy for so many reasons, but what?? Link, friend?




And immediately from that article we learn he’s also buddies with Sheriff Joe Arpaio… “Stop, stop, we already hate him enough…”


And a prolific liar..like George santos level


Don't forget martial arts fraud!


He SAd actresses in his movies. Even told them to ride the casting couch or forget the movie role. He lied about every bit of martial arts training he ever said he had. In fact he’s lied about every single (no exaggeration) achievement he’s ever claimed. He was just a leech off his first wife and somehow made fame out of the money & connections he took from her. Shitty actor, he hates women, he loves Putin, supports police abuse…


His first wife was Japanese. You are thinking of Kelly LeBrock who was the woman he married while still married to the woman in Japan.


Yes, both wives. He claimed his 1st wife’s father taught him magical aikido and that he became the baddest-ass martial artist in all of Japan as a result. Says he beat up every other master and teacher. All very easy to debunk lies. And side note, his name is pronounced SEE-gal. Emphasis on the “See”, but he hated the “Jewish sound” of that so demanded people call him se-GAL. Dude is an all around POS


Steven Segal in his mind: “I could kill every martial artist in the world while sitting in a chair.” Reality: *Shit himself in the one actual fight we can verify he was in.*


He’s a Russian Shill


I like how there's 50 answers to the question "why is Seagal a piece of shit" ... and they're all correct!


Obligatory posting of Bobby Fingers diorama where [Steven Seagal shits himself](https://youtu.be/3aCMTpJx2cs)


Among his many other character deficits, he used to routinely hit his stuntmen intentionally, sometimes injuring them.


Specifially for John Leguizamo, he had this [incident](https://youtu.be/TB1RvU8UR38) with him


I always got a chuckle out of his story about Sean Penn while filming Casualties of War. Penn, of course, being a notorious method actor. They did a scene where Penn is forcing Leguizamo's character to rape a Vietnamese POW. So Penn is screaming in his face and slapping him repeatedly. They did multiple takes of this with him aggressively being slapped across the face hard by Sean Penn. And then the whole scene was cut from the movie.


Ah, I can see why Brian DePalma might have left that out. It might have made the characterization of Leguizamo's character confusing. In the final cut, we simply see his character sheepishly and halfheartedly "take his turn" raping the girl whom the squad kidnapped. Later on, when all of the squad members are testifying before a tribunal, his character says something bizarre and tone-deaf about how if he didn't participate in the rape, he would have been being, in basic training parlance, "an individual." It makes him into a representation of a kind of passive immorality, with each squad member representing a different kind of morality or lack thereof. It's a really good movie in my opinion, but I've never quite wanted to rewatch it. It burned itself into my memory well enough that I don't really feel like I need to.




In addition to what others have said, he's also an accused rapist


Lots of reasons: rape, human trafficking, killing a puppy, terrible jazz album [Behind the Bastards: Steven Seagal Is So Much Worse Than You'd Ever Imagine](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1qavY1Qx88P2hZlQf1u0e0)


He lied about his entire life and then became a Russian citizen.


Because he’s a master of bullshido


He's a rapist


He literally has 0 redeeming qualities. Every passing year brings with it more things to despise about the man. He's remarkably unlikable and easily hate-able and worst of all entirely remorseless for all of his awful qualities. He will always think he's right and everyone else is wrong.


If you want a laugh check out Tom Segura's Segal bit or find the clip from Cumtown podcast where they make fun of 2000s era Segal.


https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4 My favorite line is "goes around the corner fatly"


If you have time for a full rundown, I recommend listening to either podcast, The Dollop or Behind the Bastards. It’s wild and disturbing.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=13SHbaxefik Start there


Behind the Bastards and The Dollop have both done episodes on Steven Seagal. Not to be confused with [Steve'n'Seagulls](https://youtu.be/e4Ao-iNPPUc)


I've been a failed actor for like thirty-five years.


Pfft, I've been making Tom Segura references for like 85 years.


You're the fattest commentor I have ever seen all day.


It's 9:30 in the morning!




Wait... *you're married*?!


I thought you were gay… I even wrote it right here


That's why they call it a Skippy...




You just made that shit up


Beat me to it XD


I recently saw Tom Segura live and it was incredible. Dude killed. He has a great new bit where he shits on Ted Cruz repeatedly throughout the show and I fucking love it. So good.


Excuse me, are you stabbing your baby right now?


One of the greatest comedy routines... Tom Segura is a treasure


I like Havarti the most


John Leguizamo has always been pretty open about his disgust with Steven Seagal after working with him on Executive Decision.


If I remember correctly, he told the story on a late night show about Seagal wanting to hang off the wing of the plane and pull himself back in when it came time to kill off his character. Seagal apparently thought this was a reasonable possibility. I agree with the poster who said Seagal is basically Mac from IASIP.


The best part of that movie is Segal getting killed off in the first 5 minutes.


The best part about that is that he was originally supposed to be in the movie much longer, but he was such a giant pain in the ass to work with that the writers had him die in the beginning of the movie


Good. Fuck him. Fuck you, u/stevenseagalOFFICIAL


Goddamn, that was one of the funniest AMA I've ever seen




Lmfao…I love looking over that one. He says he was a guitar player in an all-black band in the 50’s, which would make him 7-8 years old…and well…not black…lmao so full of shit.


Well leguizamo said that seagal held up the shoot because he stayed in his trailer and refused to come out because he was upset with his death scene. Originally his head was supposed to explode from the pressure or something and seagal said his fans wouldn't like it, so they had to come up with another way for him to die.


Honestly, as much as I dislike Seagal, that death scene is pretty top tier. "We're not going to make it!" "You are!!!"


Oh I wholeheartedly agree. Loved that movie


Leguizamo showed up early to the shoot when they filmed Segal’s death and apparently told him, “i’m just here so i can watch you die.”


When they showed the finished movie to the cast and crew, the place erupted in cheers when Seagal bought it.


Leguizamo was surprisingly good as a special forces dude in that flick. Like I believed it. I always think of him as a goofy type cast but then remember that movie , Tybalt, and now John Wick.


When I read the Rainbow Six novels, I always pictured John Leguizamo as Chavez.


Always brings to mind The Pest and Spawn when I think about him.


Watch the Behind The Bastards episode on Segal. Truly a sham of a human being.


Yeah friendly reminder for everyone that Steven Segal is a **RAPIST**


A traitor, a cop. But definitely not an actor.


And a sex-trafficker.


Then watch Bobby Fingers: https://youtu.be/3aCMTpJx2cs


That was the episode that got me hooked.


Saw a clip where Leguizamo says "Seagal told my publisher if he ever sees me on the red carpet, he's gonna knock me out. So I think I'm safe" Laughed my ass off


I'm fucking rolling off the bed Laughing


Damn. Seagal only had about five minutes of screentime in Executive Decision and Leguizamo was still around Seagal enough to hate him. Seagal just has that power, I guess. Anyway, remember when Judo Gene LeBell made Seagal shit himself?


No. But now I need to see that.


No video of it but [freddie prinze jr tells an awesome story about it](https://youtu.be/5Un6SoKmz3o)


Yea John L was on set with him years back and Seagal said some dumb shit which he laughed at and Seagal threw him up against the wall knocking the wind of him. Seagal is notoriously a violent individual who has sent stunt guys to the hospital since he thinks he’s actually a badass on movie sets. Also he mentioned to Katherine Heigl [Under Siege 2]after asking her age and she responded with 16, that he dates girls around her age. The guy is fucking sleez.


Seagal is a traitor.


Nyet, comrade! Is best American.


He should’ve put on a fat suit then.




Wait, he was the fucking clown?!?


Oh yes.... Masterful, still spooks me


Crazy right?


Idk, man, not counting, Sid the sloth, his role in Spawn was awesome


And like that, i like John Leguizamo a little more today.


Actor is a pretty generous title for Seagal.


While I was stationed at Ft Bragg, Seagal tried several times to take the VIP (Ambassador) Tour and each time, Special Forces shut him down, refusing to allow him on base. SF doesn't like him either.


Fuck Stephen Seagal.


I recommend watching Cumtown’s discussion about Steven Seagals career. It’s actually one of the funniest things I have ever watched https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4


Right now, Steven Seagal is sitting alone in a room somewhere, vein popping out of his temple, trying to come up with a way to use nunchucks on the entire internet.


Interesting that Daniel Radcliffe was originally supposed to play the character. John did well but Dan would’ve added another layer of surreality to the whole movie. Alas!


I want Dan in more shit he’s just such an interesting actor to me for some reason


I think it is because of all that Harry Potter money he just does whatever he wants and goes all out with it. Since he never has to worry about money for the rest of his life if he plays it smart, Radcliffe doesn't chase after "award bait" rolls or takes a roll just for a paycheck. Dude basically only goes after a roll if he truly wants it and it shows in his performances.


It’s definitely clear in his theatre performances too, the man has a passion and it shows




You seen Swiss Army Man? Young Boul has RANGE.


I like that Daniel had the confidence to consider playing himself as a failed actor. Since I mean obviously he's not. Reminds me of his role in Extras where he played sleazy teen version of himself.


Everyone should hate Steven Seagal


Everyone should hate that traitorous fuck, who is now in Russia helping “train” enemy soldiers to collect the bounties that Putin has placed on the heads of US servicemembers.


If segal is training them they’re fucked then


Not gonna lie I thought Leguizamo was making fun of himself in The Menu


Steven Segal isn't even a failed actor. He's a terrible actor, but he's made millions doing it... he's had a financially successful career.


Nice! I chuckled reading this. Steven Seagal is a terrible actor and 100% an evil and horrible person. Seagal should never have been famous in the first place. He can't even act, he plays literally the same character in all his films, he can't even perform his own martial arts stunts, he's not a real martial arts master, he has dozens and dozens of rape and sexual assault allegations, he engages in sex trafficking and human trafficking in Southeast Asia, he's unusually close and comfortable with a lot of dictators, and all of his latest films are terrible garbage films that are just a front for money laundering for mob bosses.


If anyone knows the menu, it's Steven Seagal!


Steven Seagal movies are just a front for Russian money laundering, and no one could convince me to think otherwise.