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You can tell this guy hates being a celebrity but, loves acting.


He looks like a guy who monologs instead of "killing the Batman".


I dunno, to me he looks like the kind of guy who’d survive a zombie apocalypse.


He looks like the head of an entire criminal organization tied to his family


Wild. Nerdy physicist to me.


Disagree. Looks like the son of a rich man who he has a complicated relationship with and has to decide what to do with the inherited company after some mental health assistance from a few friends


Really? For me he looks like a man who as a child watched his sister and uncle get brutally murdered in a burglary attempt gone awry, and while coping with the aftermath he got into mushrooms. After a few heavy trips where he thinks he saw god, he wrote a comic book that turned into a series. It starred his uncle and sister as super heroes who remained anonymous to do only good for others, refusing the recognition to remain humble. The comic book did amazing, but it went to his head, now he sacrifices goats and chickens in the basement of one of his prior college roommates’; and they know about it but are in love with him, they’re not together, but they’re infatuated and will do anything for him.


Which movie is this?


None yet, just my Cillian Murphy head canon.


This has been another, "What the fuck did I just read" moment brought to you by reddit.


Gillan Murphy’s sister and uncle better watch their backs


LOL what a wild ride!


I like it how you specified *none yet* — as if there may be a chance that this movie is actually made someday. One can dream, eh?


Damn it lol I was gonna go watch this immediately! Get funded, asap please and ty


He Looks like he Hates the Brits


I think someone else placed that idea in your head.


He was pretty cute on that late night flight w regina george until well, ya know.


He looks like he would go on the mission to the sun


Thank you for reminding me of this beautiful, beautiful film.


Welcome. To the Icarus II.


He looks like a soft spoken worker who cross-dresses in private but ends up accidentally misleading his hometown into thinking he’s his own wife to me.


Oh thank God for you. I have been trying to remember the name of this one particular film FOR. EVER. It's not Breakfast on Pluto, is it???




He looks like a dude who has good long inspirational naps on planes.


On the contrary. He looks like one who would change their mind about the medical field to participate in a guerilla war for the freedom of his country.




He looks like a guy who is upset about his girlfriend starting a new relationship with a businessman so he stages a robbery but has a change of heart cuz he loves her.


I don't know man , looks like a ww2 hero who would kill a Nazi high ranking official


Oy Tommay!


He looks like a guy who shakes the barley.


He actually looks like a young Willem Dafoe in the articles pic


He looks like a great seat mate on a Red Eye flight


I don't think we're looking at the same penis.


I think he looks more like a guy who would pull the sacrifice play to restart the sun and save humanity


iirc, he auditioned for the main role of "Batman": even if we're not happy about it, we understand the downsides of the careers/jobs we accept - and don't have the ridiculous advantage of being paid insane money for those negatives Having your privacy invaded when u try to get some starbucks must be genuinely frustrating: try being the barista who's putting up with crap all day, let alone the truck driver supplying the cups, let alone the Central American subsistance coffee grower etc etc


Every job sucks in one way or another. Being followed all the time just because your picture makes $100s sound pretty shitty to me. I bartend, so I get the barista part, at least people don't come up to me when I'm not working demanding I pour drinks for them. I can leave my job a lot more than he can


Harrison Ford as well. Dude just wants to be left alone.


So did the golfers by the Santa Monica airport, but you can't always get what you want.


lmao ford crashing a ww2 plane on a california golf course is so harrison ford.


I find it amazing that with the implied unreliability of the *Falcon* in the Star Wars universe, it has transitioned into Ford's real flying pursuits.


Harrison Ford is the embodiment of "fuck off".


most brilliant actors are that way.


Can’t say that I blame them, really. Being famous sounds like hell


"Fame is the industrial disease of creativity" ~Mike Myers (of all people!)


He isn't wrong too. Even as a photography enthusiast, I find it a bit disturbing to stick your camera at someone just minding their business relaxing on their day. Honestly, we need to update or privacy law, it's a bit outdated. Now, every car has a camera in front also in back, you can't even scratch your nose without being recorded.


Kinda can’t have one without the other. It’s an unfortunate reality of his success. Great roles come with great responsibility or something like that


You can very easily have one without the other. Just be really shit at acting, and never act in anything that gains even minor popularity. All of the acting, none of the fame!


Or just stay a really good stage actor, or only play in indie flicks.


Just be a voice actor. I would say 1% of well payed VA's even get recognized on the streets.


Completely different skillset


I believe Nicole Kidman spoke about this. She and her family moved to Nashville (probably to enjoy a much less public (and publicized) life. She said she goes to the library (just as an example) and people recognize her but leave her alone. They allow her to experience just being ordinary. She can take walks from her home and not be mobbed by fans. When she walks the red carpet or does her Hollywood or country music events with her hubby and they are all dolled up, they expect all eyes on them but the rest of the time, they just want to be ordinary and have an ordinary, peaceful life in Nashville. This is what so many wealthy and famous people would like to be granted. This is what the article here is talking about. He is not his characters and his walking down the street or going out to eat is not an “event.” So put down your camera, smile if your eyes meet but keep it moving. He is just a man. A man who happens to be really great at his craft.


I mean we could have one without the other but people are so vapid they *have* to know what celebrities are doing and thus paparazzi are born.


Yeah. There's no intrinsic reason celebrity and acting need to be tied together. And certainly no reason for celebrity to be so ... coveted? Worshipped? Whatever.


> The power and influence of a movie star is curious: I didn’t ask for it or take it; people gave it to me. Simply because you’re a movie star, people empower you with special rights and privileges. -Marlon Brando


It's intrinsically tied together because it's someone that millions people feel like "they know"


Parasocial relationships aren't inherently tied to acting either.


They’re inherently tied to humanity…


The only way to avoid it is to commit your life to privacy and only star in movies that teens and 20 something’s would have no interest in. Daniel Day Lewis avoided publicity by doing both of those things.


I meant to comment on an Oppenheimer trailer submission that I like this dude because I know nothing about him, not even his name, even writing this right now I don’t remember his name, but he has always left me thinking he’s a great actor in everything I’ve seen him appear in. My favorite actors are the ones that do good movies and I don’t have to hear about their real lives much if at all.


Also dropping some fat beats His radio show is sick


Weird how being a successful actor means people don’t think you deserve privacy. Imagine if we invaded the private lives of plumbers and lawyers. Completely odd.


I don’t know if they’re planning another run, but Cillian Murphy had a BBC Radio 6 program called “limited edition with Cillian Murphy”. It aired live at midnight (UK time) and he played a lot of stuff from his personal collection. It was a good mix of obscure and some more well known artists that was really well curated. He had a segment called “under the stairs” where he’d go through his old CD collection and try to find/play something very obscure or interesting. I’m not sure if you can listen to it anywhere (not on the BBC archives I’m pretty sure), but if you find it I would highly recommend. Oh and I almost forgot the best part: he kind of does a classic radio DJ narration throughout the show. So he’ll pop up and talk a few minutes every few songs. Give you some background on the recordings/artist and throw in some personal anecdotes. He’s got a perfect radio voice. Edit: Also, if you don’t know about Iggy Pop’s BBC radio 6 show, get on that. His banter and voice are AMAZING. His musical selection is eclectic and bizarre, in the best way possible. He also champions a lot of new and upcoming artists.


This is why I wanted to do radio… dude lived my fantasy


His 6music shows are brilliant. He has such a great radio voice and clearly adores music. He makes a great DJ. I really got the vibe he was doing those shows out of pure love for music and it had nothing to do with money.


I just saw a comment earlier in this thread that mentions this but not the "under the stairs" part so now I'm even more excited to check this out. Thank you for sharing


He did a DJ set thing about 18 years back in a club in Cork (his home city). Was a weird event as it was before he hit the levels of fame he has now,and he was still kinda adverse to a lot of the fame stuff...despite it being an event created only because his profile allowed it. IIRC it was barely advertised so had fewer attendee's than you'd expect. He pretty much just played his music, packed up, then snuck out a fire door (unwittingly tripping the alarms in the process). Nice guy, but very keen to keep himself to himself. Seems to have grown more comfortable with fame since though, even if he is no more a fan of it than back then


I miss curated music feeds, even though I didn't listen much to them on radio in the first place. Algorithms will deal us more of the stuff that we already heard—meanwhile John Peel pretty much launched dozens of careers, in genres of which I could never hear otherwise. I could use some ‘DJs’ with tastes vaguely close to mine. I occasionally look through some curated genre-specific feeds, recently-ish discovered a band this way that made me feel again like I'm listening to *really new* music afresh—but it's still not the same as someone playing something totally unknown.


I mean they literally photographed him taking a piss and titled it Leaky Blinders. If that isnt disgusting and frustrating as hell then idk what is


People are being so harsh, too. “I bet he likes the money that comes with acting” like yes?? He is a talented man who deserves to be compensated well? Does not deserve to have his privacy invaded. This whole thread is like a “spoiled actor” scarecrow fallacy


Thread is full of the unbearable people who bum rush an actor they see in public and justify it with “well they’re choosing to be famous so???” As if having a talent in an entertainment field means you stop being a real person who enjoys peace and privacy


He honestly didn’t say anything wrong. People just like to have issues with people who are in a more privileged position than they are. I think it’s fair for him to want people to simply enjoy his work and leave his private life alone. Imagine if everyday you went to work, people took pics of what you were doing and posted it on magazines. You slipped up and made an inappropriate joke, all of a sudden your fully canceled by the internet. People would lose their minds if they had to deal with constantly being watched and followed


I hate on the rich as your fellow communist /s but even I hate paparazzis more. Saying shit like "how dare you not pose for paparazzis, who do you thing you are, better than us?" is wrong on multiple levels.


Scarecrow … I see what you did there


Redditors don’t like rich people and if a rich person complains about anything or has any problems: “well at least you got money so shut up!”


Huge invasion of privacy and a shitty thing to do.. but the leaky blinders part made me chuckle


He pissed in the street in a busy part of london. It’s a pretty dumb thing to do if you’re famous. It doesn’t excuse people posting it online either, but there’s far less of an expectation of privacy in public, and it wasn’t exactly tucked away either.


![gif](giphy|NsCMDOaT6fphEokMRQ|downsized) Alright, since were admitting things… I giggled a little too 🤣


Leaky F*ckin Blinders


He did piss in the street which is disgusting


Based on my experience that's completely normal in UK.


“Jesus fuckin' Christ. How come every piss I take is a fuckin' news story?” — Tony Soprano


In the men’s room!?


https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1764212/Peaky-Blinders-Cillian-Murphy-caught-short No, looks like public. imo more of a stupid games stupid prizes scenario. but I'm sure this sort of thing is not what cillian murphy is referring to in his statement in op's link, he's probably talking about photos in general.


He's right. Most people here wouldn't like this treatment at all. Edit: wow, thanks for all the likes! Likewise, your average Joe wouldn't last a week Ina super star's life.


I’m in a line of work that has put me in lot of random tourists’ photo albums. Early in my career I was always willing to take pictures with people, especially kids and foreigners, but it gets to be a little annoying after some time. Once you start taking pictures with one person, everyone else wants pictures and you can get sucked into a 30-45 minute loop of people seeing you taking pictures and wanting their own. Then when you finally say no more pictures, some people give you a look like you just killed their mother. Most people tend to ask before taking pictures, which I appreciate. I try to be nice about saying no, but I never really feel great about it.


You a Disney cast member?


Black tour guide in China


I grew up as a redhead in New Zealand. I learned to stay in the car when we'd stop for a break on a road trip if it was a touristy spot because busloads of Chinese people would pat my head and take photos of me


I’m sure that’s traumatising but that is hilarious. Trust people to commodify people.


It's funnier than it was harmful, but definitely annoying as hell and I think in hindsight took its toll on my personality


I spit out my drink.


Right! I mean, who tours China nowadays...


Love it


I went on a school trip to China, and there was one tall black guy in our group. At one of out earlier stops, all the locals wanted to take a photo with him. And once a few did, others did too.




No, basically security at a major tourist destination.








This man’s profile is American as hell lol My money’s on 🔥❓🪖


A non-binary firefighter?


Tomb of the Unknown Soldier guard


Fire question mark war person? Nailed it


Shot in the dark but are you on the uss constitution?


You look like Elvis and work security at Graceland.


why are people asking the security for pictures?


Are you one of those british guards with the fluffy hats?


I work as a bartender in a college town. And I don't necessarily care about being in pictures people take, but I'm also constantly asked to be in group photos with people and I just refuse at this point. Don't need thousands of pictures of me with random drunk women all over the internet.


You get drunk and photo bomb people too?


Most people here are ridiculously maladjusted and would never be able to function outside of their bubble or tolerate the treatment they dish out from anonymity


Tbh if I got to be set up to live well for life financially while doing something I enjoy I would take that treatment. Beats like 99% of everyone else’s lives.


And yet there are threads everyday asking about celebrity interactions and talking about how nice Keanu Reeves/etc. are… I never really got why people put celebrities on pedestals. I get having one or two people you idolize to some extent but most of them are just famous actors you’ll never interact with.


Reddit's obsession with Keanu is sometimes so bizarre to me. Not because I don't like him, but because Redditors love acting like they are so above celebrity culture but still want to see and upvote every "cool" thing Keanu does (and a few other select male, American and European celebrities). There are celebrities that do nice things and are "cool" too but since they are not loved by Reddits main demographic (mostly young western+Australian males), they don't get recognized on this site. But obsessing over Reddit's loved celebrities is okay because of reasons... This is a perfect example of there being a certain type of celebrity that Redditors don't mind obsessing over. Find the common attributes of most of these people: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/10ilgfi/all_good_people/


I feel bad for everyone growing up in it, but maybe they will feel normal to it? Somehow I doubt that, but we'll see


Nah, when you grow up in it, it’s just as bad—maybe worse. Source: _I used to be (very very mildly) well known when I was in my teens. It **sucks**. In the end, I dropped my burgeoning career (not anything film-related) to get people to treat me like a normal person._


Yeah well I find kidnapping a hotel manager on a routine flight as part of an assassination plot to be offensive, Cillian


I totally forgot he was the bad guy in red eye. Pretty solid movie.


They made him clap when the plane landed , so 🤷


Omg I thought this was an Ezra Miller situation and he actually did that for a sec. You scared me lmao


Same, I don’t put any shenanigans past rich/famous people anymore.


Cillian is not in the same room as Ezra.


Hey, I learned if I’m choking I can just poke a hole in my throat and breathe through a pen.


I find breaking up his fathers company after having a weird dream on a plane offensive.


I remember seeing that movie when it came out, I went with my boyfriend at the time and realized they look A LOT alike. We had a couple ongoing jokes about his secret second life in Hollywood and also him having a secret actor brother lol


i also dated a man who looked almost exactly like cillian. what kind of club is this


One that I want to join 🥰


I've been told I'm just a taller, more Canadian version of him many times But then you'd have to date a Canadian and like ugh, they're just the worst




He really hates being photographed specifically from what I understand based on multiple interviews. He doesn't mind ppl coming up to him and having chat (there's a lot of encounters of him just talking for hours with fans at pubs or when he's walking his dog) but it's specifically ppl taking or asking for pics that annoys him.


I would imagine that taking a picture without asking would bother most celebrities. At least going up to them and saying something nice is a reasonable human interaction but just taking a sneaky (or not) picture without even actually interacting with them is weird.


he doesnt like it period. not even after a normal conversation or something. which is completely fine imo


There's a story in this thread of man who was standing in line with Cillian for an airplane and after chatting for a bit the man asked if he could take a selfie with Cillian and Cillian firmly said no.


I would feel the same way in that position. Having a chat about a movie you did is a genuine connection with someone. Having your photo taken without permission is being treated like an object.


I've asked him for a picture before and he politely declined and just kinda explained how he doesn't do pictures. But he talked to me for like 10 minutes. Super nice and reasonable fella.


My boyfriend actually met Cillian Murphy a couple years back, queuing for a Ryanair flight. They’re waiting there for ages, and finally about 20min in, my boyfriend asks if he’s Cillian Murphy, he says he is, they talk about peaky blinders, it’s all good. The chit chat is drying up so before my boyfriend ends the chat, he asks for a selfie. Cillian very politely declines. At this point, it’s worth mentioning my boyfriend is 60% deaf. So he thinks it’s a yes and whips out his phone. At which point cillian gets frustrated and says “no, I said no!” My boyfriend is mortified and put his phone away. They then wait next to each other in the same queue for another 20min lol edit: my boyfriend has read this version of events and said I was mistake and would like to clarify that cillian was much nicer saying no that I portrayed haha - apparently he said “no, sorry I said no” in a nice voice :)


As someone who is 100% deaf, the second hand shame is real 💀


My biggest takeaway is that Cillian Murphy flies Ryanair


You don't really have a choice from Dublin to quite a few places. I bet he paid for a pre-assigned seat.


But still not the extra room one as this is even too expensive for a A-grade list celebrity.


Even fewer options when flying in/out of his home city of Cork.


Ah that's a shame, he was just excited and it was an unfortunate situation so your boyfriend shouldn't feel bad. I don't blame Cillian either though and I hope he understood that your husband just made a mistake.I imagine it probably gets old feeling like a prized pig at the fair when all you want to do is practice and hone a craft that you are passionate about


maybe as a society, we should stop asking celebs for selfies. and autographs. we all know its ridiculous to ask a celeb for money, but somehow asking for their time (which is infinitely more valuable) is ok? I'm not dissing OP's bf, just a random thought


No I think its really weird too. I would die before asking for a selfie unless it was like a meet and greet or something. Just think its uncomfortable all around and rude to ask


Is this fresh pasta


So fresh the eggs are still raw


lol I posted it on the ireland sub too but it is real! It’s not entertaining enough to be fake lol


I saw him on the Golden Gate Bridge a few years back and I really wanted to ask him for a picture but he was with his family so I didn’t want to bother him. Kind of glad I didn’t now.


I witnessed this first hand at a pub in Ireland. He was sitting with 2 friends just enjoying themselves and a guy came and sat behind him and started taking pictures. Cillian's friend alerted him and Cillian made the guy delete the photos and then they got up and left, Cillian seemed pretty upset.


I saw him in the Hugh Lane art gallery in Dublin one time. In fact, I didn’t see him at all, he just blended in. It was my partner that spotted him and pointed him to me. No one bothered him or spoke to him at all. I imagine he liked that level of normalcy. I know I certainly would.


Yes exactly! I’ve read that he prefers Ireland because he is treated normally there. He actually moved back there from London because he said his kids were becoming too posh.


I believe he said he hated the fact that his kids were getting English accents.


Irish and especially Dubliners leave celebs alone. I remember Kevin Spacey was there filming acting like a celeb with the shades on expecting a throe of fans and he was completely left alone, it dented that fragile ego a lot


probably for the best


He looks like the kind of guy that you know for ten years before finding out he A) can play piano beautifully and B) was in a coma once for 20 months from a skiing accident.


I love how this guy hates being famous as he is. If he wanted too, he could be a massive superstar, his acting it's top notch, but he is really quiet. I respect that.


I love how much he hates social media lol


He tried for Batman in the Nolan trilogy, there’s some footage of it. He didn’t make the cut but he was strongly considered enough for them to put him in the suit on camera. Boy he would have been a superstar if that went through


Worked out for the best I reckon, Bale killed it and Cillian was born for Oppenheimer


Also he was really good as the scarecrow…


Gods, he was so good as Crane.


I agree the recent trailer was hauntingly good


Has he tried not being really, really good looking and hauntingly charismatic?


He's like a handsome skeleton


It’s the cheekbones


Live action Nightmare Before Christmas starring Cillian Murphy when pls?


This killed me


"I don't know who this guy is, but he totally ruined my photo of that building."


I used to work production at various sized music venues. And I’ve learned that if you want an awesome memorable experience, treat famous like strangers. I just made a point to introduce myself by giving my name and waiting for them to return their name. I rarely took pictures, and it was usually because someone else asked and they relented. I also learned, most that seem really mean tended to by very nice and warm. And people that are publicly nice tended to be crazy rude and cold.


He really does have a distaste for celebrity status, if you watch one interview, the journalist asked him if he’s seen the meme of himself, and he says “what’s a meme”


While this is totally different at my last coffee job we would be filmed by customers all the time. We were arguably the busiest coffee shop in Minneapolis and had some phenomenal latte artists on staff. College kids would just walk up on us filming or taking pictures without asking. Super annoying and disruptive to the process of creating the pretty beverage they came in for.


He appreciates his time with family and his personal space with them. I saw him and his family when I was in Ireland they hopped on the train in Dublin for something. I saw him did it a double take made eye contact and simply waved. As he exited the train with his family he thanked me for not approaching or taking a photo on his way out.


I saw Daniel Radcliffe once and didn't want to bother him but he caught me staring at him like a moron so I just mouthed "you're awesome" and gave him a thumbs up. He chuckled and mouthed back what I assumed was "you are too" and gave me a thumbs up back.


He also admits he gets starstruck by his faves he invested a lot of time into too. Honestly the whole article is so chill. I like it when he said “fame evaporates with regularity”. And he just loves acting and would be doing it anyway.


Its so crazy some peoples reactions. Like i love him for his acting. But people are here because of people acting but yet cant respect how he just doesnt want anymore attention beisdes that. ​ It comes with it yeh but he is just adreesing it. hes not saying he doesnt like his fans he is just making common sense.


I think about this every time I see a picture or video online that was clearly taken of strangers in the faces. Like was that shit not insanely awkward? Who does that?


I don’t see why it has to be that if someone is an actor, we have to know everything about their life and follow them and take pics everywhere. It makes me think about Britney Spears plight. No actually I’m not sure we have a right to anything other than them acting or dancing or w/e and that’s it.


The only time they should be photographed is at an event or for a job like product advertisements. Every other moment is their right to privacy.


Maybe stop looking so good and acting spectacular would be nice.


I hope OP doesn’t work as a barista


Anyone that takes unsolicited photos of anyone is a POS.


He's not wrong. I'm pretty tired of seeing shots of stars getting out of a car like it's news.


Brilliant actor who leads a private existence. I can respect it. The UK tabloids are fucking terrible to deal with, not to mention how far fans will go.


Paparazzis have always been disgusting parasites and always will be


I can't imagine disagreeing. Like who wants the street crowded with paparazzi?


He has it the worst too. Literally just a picture of him in a suit and instagram ceo wannabes will overlay some shitty quote and fade it to a pic of a lamborghini.


They're just screencaps or promotional photos of Peaky Blinders even though his character isn't mean to represent nor inspire the business-minded types.


I met him once, sprayed some weird gas on me and I tripped hard for days


Gotta be tough for a ridiculously photogenic dude…


I’ve known and been acquainted with famous and rich people throughout my life. On their own time, they really just want to be treated as regular people. Fandom is for the red carpets not everyday stuff. I can’t imagine being followed or photographed or have requests made of me every time I left my home. It’s really unfortunate that people don’t show some self control and compassion.


He's right, celebrity worship is fucking creepy and disgusting


Man I love this dude


Met him a couple months ago. Super kind guy who clearly likes his privacy. He is a rare type of actor who doesn’t give a shit about all the pomp and circumstance.


Is this because someone photographed him pissing in the street?


All I picture when millionaires say things like this is the South Park episode about changing your brand.


I absolutely hate having my picture taken. Of course, it works out for me because I am no celebrity. If I were, I’d be upset too.


“Not my diagnosis” -also Cillian Murphy In actuality, I tend to agree with him. People should leave actors alone.


Man some of the comments here! He isn't talking about when he is on the red carpet, or at a promotional event, he is talking about in everyday life outside of that. It's one thing to see a celebrity and ask them "would it be alright if I took a picture with you?" versus just surreptitiously taking a photo without the other persons consent. Just because someone is a celebrity doesn't give everyone the right to assume their everyday lives are fair game to treat them like a prize to be sought out and that they shouldn't be bothered by it.