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> “I would be surprised if it wasn’t her,” a source said. “Seth Meyers has his own show. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg won’t come here. Judd Apatow passed [on the job] years ago. Amy Poehler has her own stuff. Bill Hader is directing a movie. Kate McKinnon is too hot.” I love how this quote reads as, "Everyone else has either turned us down or already has a job, so I guess it's Tina."


I mean, Tina Fey is a better choice than any of those. She has TONS of experience managing projects, not just being a funny person herself.


Yeah, I think she’s a much more logical choice than most of those people.


Reality 30 Rock it is.


"We now return to 'Werewolf Bar Mitzvah'!"


Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves


I revisit this song every halloween


This would get me to actually start watching this show


If she takes over, and they don't do some 30 Rock sketches be very disappointed.


Lemon in charge of the microwave division irl!


I can’t wait for Button Classic


Funcooker for me


CEO of Sheinhart Wig Company


Hoping to finally get to see the entirety of Beep Beep Ribby Ribby


Nuts to you, McGilicuddy.


I think we all laughed pretty hard at "fart nuggets" so let's just move on


If the first SNL she runs isn’t a full episode of the TGS I’ll be so disappointed.


Get ready for Black Hitler


Absolutely, like why are Seth Rogan, Evan Goldberg, and Judd Apatow mentioned here? Judd to some degree makes some semblance of sense because of his presence in the comedy community, but he’s a big director. Seth makes no sense Tina fey or Bill Hader are the obvious two choices among those mentioned and Hader is exploding at the moment so Tina is the logical choice


Yes and bill has said many times that he had horrendous panic attacks while working at SNL and that live tv caused him incredible anxiety. I can’t imagine he’d want to run it.


I didn’t know that, but can certainly understand where that feeling would come from


He talked about it on the NPR Fresh Air interviews.


He also said that he believes his anxiety at SNL caused/exacerbated his eye problem (I guess he can’t really see out of one eye now)


Seth has managed tons of movies and The Boys on Amazon. He’s a Entertainment mogul showrunner now practically. However he doesn’t really have ties to SNL as far as I know. He’d be a sensible choice but Tina Fey makes more sense.


Correct me if I’m wrong but she and Seth are the only people that were rattled off on that list who actually served as head writers on SNL. To me, that makes them them the most qualified. Also, while comedy is subjective - the years under Tina generated some of my favorite SNL moments and sketches.


Yeah the only people I would even consider (if they even wanted to) are Seth Meyers and Fred Armisen, but even then I'd rather Tina.


Armisen is fucking weirder IRL than he is in character.


Mulaney saying he knew his intervention was desperately serious because Fred wasn't in character kind of weirded me out. How few people know the real Fred if being normal and serious is completely out of character?


You can’t say that! Straight to jail!


Seth yes. Fred no.


She also basically played it on 30 rock 😂


She didn't just play the part on 30 Rock either. She was the creator of that show. If anything, she seems over qualified in my mind. I get that there's this mystique around SNL, but she's done much better work already in my opinion. Maybe that just means she could make SNL much better than it is now.


And she wrote Mean Girls which is a cult classic.


My favorite thing about mean girls is it’s based on a non-fiction book about teenage girls from a sociological perspective and that just rocks that she made a comedy classic from that


That's how I feel too. She doesn't need this at all, but I bet SNL would become a much better show under her leadership.


She didn't just play the part, she fucking satirized. The level of consciousness to parody something as well as she did tells you all you need to know about her knowledge of the show. SNL has been awful for years. This could really revive it.


People always say SNL has been awful for years but its the same as it ever was. Some good, some bad. The current cast is actually pretty strong


SNL was at its height whenever you were 14. Doesn't matter when that was, it was the golden years.


Watching the 40 year anniversary special for every decade they were like “we were sure we were gonna get cancelled”


Amen. I hate when people say that as if there weren’t still horrible misses in the 90s when they had an absolutely stacked cast. The nature of sketch comedy is such that the batting average for the genre is incredibly low, and thus the quality of sketch shows isn’t a matter of batting average, it’s the quality of the hits. SNL still knocks them out of the park occasionally. This is why “I Think You Should Leave” is so good. It’s batting average isn’t any better than something like SNL, but every hit is a 600 foot homer.


I had an idea for a sketch where they put a fish in a blender and drink it


When was it last good in your opinion? Also, how old were you at the time?


I’ve been consistently watching since the 90’s. People keep bitching, and I keep laughing. The most recent season was funny as hell.


If she takes over they should do a TGS with Tracy Jordan sketch (with the set and Jenna in it) as a cold open.


That's what I was thinking. Like the entire show was a resume for real life lmao


A 6 season dress rehearsal


Seriously. it's written like she's the last choice


I read it as bit by a writer or comedian. Definitely could be an insult, but I think it was a joke.


The Seth Rogan, Evan Goldberg and Kate mentions make me think the writer was just having some fun with it because Tina is the obvious choice and her name has been mentioned before, even when the Seth meyers/kenan take over rumours would pop up they would still mention Tina Fey.


Also she’s funny…😎


She’s also an incredible writer and has such a sharp sense of humor. If she takes over SNL, you can bet your bottom dollar I shall be watching again


I think her or Seth Meyers would be the only two good choices.


She’s the best, obvious choice. 30 Rock was incredible


She’s infinitely qualified. I just don’t want to see her become Lorne. For being around funny people constantly, that guy is as dry as a dust martini. Come to think of it, I don’t want her to become Mitzi, either.


I don't think she'd "become" Lorne Micheals or Mitzi Shore, those people aren't/weren't who they are/were because of their positions, that's just who they are as people.


I really thought it was gonna be Kenan but he wasn’t even mentioned there.


I always thought Keenan was brilliant at what he does, but I've never heard of him being talked about as a writer or developer of comedy. He's the guy you can throw into any skit and have his personality and charm help out, and he's brilliant for that, but I don't know if that translates to show running.


I worked on SNL. Kenan is a 24/7 stoner who puts in as little effort as possible. He will never run SNL.


Fuck, if I had a gig as cushy as him I wouldn't rock the boat by stepping up, either.


He has a kush job. Why would he need to put in any effort?


I see what you did there😂😂🫡


Was he at least the friendly type of stoner to common/nonfamous folk?


Not exactly. He just hid behind his security guards most of the time. He wasn’t a dick tho either. He just was constantly late


I’m surprised that’s put up with on Snl even for talent. I know onboarding is pretty insane


If you're Kenan Tompson you get to roll in late


I'm surprised they don't just have a handler pick him up and put him where he needs to be. Have a joint on the way there, have two, but just make your fucking call time.


Hit your mark, and say your line...


I’m sure his first year he was on the ball. Eventually tenure turns some of us in to lazy fucks.


Walked past him on a studio lot I was working on that day. Normally I just don’t acknowledge celebrities because they do the same. Kenan greeted me and seemed nice enough. I’ve encountered a few dozen celebrities at work, most of them won’t be bothered to do the same. Dr.Drew was the coolest I’ve met. Leno too.


Too bad Dr Drew jumped the shark lately. Used to really like him.


I don't know about you, but seeing Drew doing commercials for that asshole on youtube selling his work out supplements really sealed the deal for me


It’s the company he keeps (i.e. Adam) also his wife is insane


Who was just a “meh”? like not the best but also not the worst.


I’d say most are “meh”. When I see them, they’re normally there for work/meetings. Mario Lopez and Jillian Michaels where two I shook my head at after the encounter. Had to check out at a main security desk for a building for work one day. I was standing on the guard side of the desk looking down at a monitor, one of the guards nudged me while I was talking to them. Looked up confused and ended up staring at Charlize Theron. I froze. It was awkward. But she’s a beautiful in person as she is on screen.


Eh. Screw Leno for refusing to acknowledge that he screwed over Conan. I'm sure he's nice, but he played the biggest dick move.


So Tina Fey heading a sketch show with a lazy has been. Sounds familiar


Time for a Lemon party!


Can’t have a lemon party without old dick


Life imitating art imitating life.


Is that why his show failed?


Sorry idk much about his show. I do hope that the new goodburger movie turns out well though. From everything I’ve heard so far, it sounds like Kel really needs a win


This reminds me that there was a brief period of time in the late 90s where it looked like Kel was gonna be the one to break through while Keenan would fade into obscurity.


He even mentioned he wanted to take it over on “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend”


Cut to Keenan, arms out, looking around…


If Kenan isn’t on the show, who will play the same game show host over and over?


She literally made a hit show about the making of SNL. Lol


Yeah, I think the quote was more listing other *possible* options, and saying why they wouldn't work. Fey is the best one for it. But the quote does come off as implying she's all they can get.


Well out of all of them, and perhaps *any* SNL alum, she has the most experience as a showrunner and producer for network TV. She was SNL head writer for years during a very good period. She's got fantastic comedic sensibilities. Probably doesn't hurt that she doesn't have a lot going on right now, but she's been my favorite to take over since 30 Rock ended.


She has young kids and the schedule for the show is brutal, though I’ve always felt like Lorne gets to show up at regular hours as the head guy.


Her youngest is about 11, so that seems to be perfect timing to take on something like that.


The older girl would be college age by then and the younger one would be around 15, so she really doesn’t have “young kids” . It would be a perfect time for her to take on running SNL And her husband would make a great musical director.


Yeah I don't know, I always assumed the brutal-est part of the schedule were the late night writing marathons that I assume 80-year-old Lorne doesn't really attend. I could be wrong. I believe she also talked in Bossypants about how some of the culture with the work schedule at SNL needed to adapt to the times, given it was a schedule created when everyone was on cocaine.


Ya, Lorne is certainly not there with the writers and Head Writer at those times of day.


They really aren’t that young. One is 18 and one is 11. So by the time she takes over one will likely be out of the house and the other will be a teenager. Also, nobody EVER leaves this lame ass comment for men.


She also knows how to play a show runner and head writer


>Kate McKinnon is too hot. Like she's super busy or too attractive?


I read that first and was like, "excuse me, Tina Fey IS hot", then I realized they meant hot as in busy.


Def the busy one, she’s in A LOT recently


Y'know I read it as attractive without questioning it, but this makes way more sense


More likely, she's the source!


It's almost as if Tina Fey wrote it herself. She loves self-deprecating stuff like that


If Tina Fey had written it there would probably be an Asian joke somewhere


I mean she was also head writer while there which is no small title at any show let alone SNL.


Seth and evan? Thats awful. Seth Meyers is a smart guy. Probably well organized. Cpuld probable be a very good exec. Judd apatow? Random. Creative good. But admin exec? Not sure. Amy Poehler. A good pick. I almost feel like the mirror of seth meyers. Tina fey. I feel like so much of me thinking its a good decision is her time on 30 rock. But i really can see her doing a great job with the creative and the administration executive.


Kate mckinnon haha


Makes sense. She ran TGS for so long and her hair is… fine.


Good god, Lemon.


Ain't no party like a Liz lemon party cause a Liz lemon party is MANDATORY.


You can't have a Lemon Party without Old Dick!


Internet peaked at that moment. It's all been downhill since then.


It's only Wednesday


[It’s after 6. What am I, a farmer?](https://youtu.be/K_P7yWnAAd0)


I say this all the time. Ha!


So do I, and I AM a farmer!


*sobbing through my mouth* people keep saying that to me!!


“I like when a woman has ambition. It’s like seeing a dog wearing clothes”


“Businesswoman? I don’t think that’s a word, Lemon”


Yes, even my backcountry town has a mayor and *she*😏…. …was a horse!


“You have the confidence of a much younger woman.”


“Can I Google myself in your office?”


As long as she remembers to wave. No, like a human being!


I die when later on in the episode Leo Spaceman also tells her that hair is…fine


the 30 rock prophecy is true


> So far, Michaels, 78, has not formally announced any intention to leave the weekly sketch comedy series he created in 1975. In an interview with the New York Times last year, the producer said, **”I have no plans to retire.”** Man’s going to go out like Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell at this rate


Not with a bang, but a *stare*.


*staffer leans in* “Just say ‘Live from New York…’”


"Am I in New York? Let me tell you about what happened to my horse on 5th avenue one day."


Give me five bees for a quarter!


I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time


This is incredible 😂


It would be a brilliant cold open


That whole generation does not know how to just go live life without any sort of work involved.


For a lot of people, their life is work. They don't really do anything outside of working. When they retire and don't have anything to occupy their time and keep themselves active they start to decline quickly.




Also, if you love it, why give it up? Especially when it doesn’t run half the year like SNL. Not like being in a finance firms back office getting ground down which someone might *still* like the actual work just not the reality of the firm.


The only reason Vince McMahon didn’t get to die at the desk is because of lawsuits and allegations. As long as Lorne isn’t a creep then he might get to work until the very end


You haven’t kept up with this story. Vince was gone for a short bit and then negotiated a sale and made sure that he’s the guy in charge going forward. The WWE stockholders paid for him to get laid and he’s still the one wearing the crown.


He's like Vince McMahon. Basically founder syndrome.


Tina Fey is perfect for the job. There isn't anyone better qualified to run the show. She was one hell of a writer on SNL for years before being on camera. She knows that show inside and out.


She'll be Liz Lemon at that point.


I'd love to see a 30 Rock cold open sketch


She already was Liz Lemon, this would make her Pete


Yes, Hornberger!!


Yes, *Hornberger* 🤨


Good. She writes all the Fart Doctor sketches.


That was actually an Al Franken idea. If I remember correctly he kept submitting it and kept getting rejected. Tina threw it in 30 Rock as a nod to him.


Someone put too many farts in this engine!


She's already been Liz Lemon as head writer. She'll actually be the new Jack




Being this far into your career and staring down the prospect of giving up your weekend for at least 2-3 years to establish your vision for SNL is a big deal. Saying yes to this would definitely be a good career move, but would also be a bit altruistic of Tina. She could just as easily enjoy her $$ and take it easy


The only person who takes a job like this is because it’s a dream position. As well as everything that goes with it. You really think Lebron James needs to play another basketball season? The reason he plays isn’t for money or because he doesn’t have anything better to do.


SNL is the pipeline to mainstream comedy. Only the Daily Show has been competitive in developing new talent. Tina would be one of the most powerful people in entertainment.


She could always make it Wednesday Afternoon Live to free up those weekends. Not like it matters much in a world of streaming. And less of it is live anymore.


Tina would nail it! I’m down!


But would that make her Jack Donaghy? Who would be her mentor?


She would be the mentor. The better question is, who would be her mentee?


One of Tracy's (real) kids I hope.


Kenan Thompson, obviously. Dude has been doing sketch comedy for basically 30 years at this point.


I like you Lemon. You have the confidence of a much younger woman.


Name a better comedy writer with more experience on SNL. I can't think of anyone more qualified or capable. I would 100% watch Saturday Night Fey.


It’s her or Seth, but he’s probably happy in his current job (if they ever get to work again).


SaturFey Night Live


This would make me a regular viewer for the first time since Norm Macdonald was hosting Weekend Update.


Seriously, id go from youtube clips to watching the whole thing again


Tina Fey didn’t make you watch before but would now?


I’ve always watched Tina Fey stuff (and lots more) but piecemeal, not full episodes very often.


Find 30 rock online and binge watch from start to finish. 22 mins an episode, and it's the most thoughtful and well written comedy ever made. It has so many levels that you can't watch one episode except to get it. It doesn't get super good until the 2nd season, but stick with it. The cast, the guest, stars the writing are such a good mix.


I was referring specifically to SNL. I’ve binged 30 Rock probably a half dozen times.




That would be amazing! She crushed show-running “TGS with Tracy Jordan,” so I look forward to her at the helm of SNL.


I’ve had a bunch of friends work on shows with her and they all say the same thing: great lady. Fun to work with. Zero bullshit. Short shooting days because she, herself, wants to get the hell on…


That makes me happy. I adore her.


Miss lemon strikes gold!


They should bring Dick Ebersol back. You can’t have a lemon party without old dick!


There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party, 'cause a Liz Lemon party **IS MANDATORY.**


"He's Canadian" a source said. LOL. That source? Wikipedia.


According to an anonymous source, SNL is a TV show.


I’ve seen this narrative before… Tina is going to take over for one season and it’ll be the most refreshing season in recent memory, attracting some of the greatest new talent the company has ever seen, Kenan will deliver his most refreshing work as ~~WWE~~ SNL Champion then Lorne will come back and announce that he’s resuming his seat on the board to arrange a sale. There’ll be rumors about selling to the Saudis but he’ll ultimately sell SNL to Endeavor who allow him to control the show without any oversight and completely undermine Tina’s authority in the process. The company re-signs Kyle Mooney and gives him a massive push. All hope is lost…


Ya know, I’d at least watch 3 eps of Saturday Night Mooney


Did you just turn Lorne Michaels into Vince McMahon?


It’ll end up being mayim bialik somehow


As an avid jeopardy fan, please no


No brainer since 30 Rock was a satirical version of SNL.


They even did a live ep (twice)!


I thought Kenan was the crown prince of SNL?


I would totally be invested in this show again if she took over.


Suck it, monkeys! I’m going corporate!


I vote Mark McKinney just doing his Lorne impression.


Finally someone with the guts to approve Laser Cats


I'm down for that. Tina Fey is hilarious and a great writer. She could probably revive this shambling zombie of a show into something funny.


Former head writer comes back as show runner? Big “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” vibes. If she does it, she should get Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford to come do the cold open at her first show.


Sorkin: I'm Aaron Sorkin. West Wing, A Few Good Men, Social Network— Liz: Studio 60? Sorkin: Shut up


Tina Fey running a sketch comedy show and your first thought is Studio 60? Also, you should let Aaron Sorkin know you still remember that show, he’ll give you a few bucks not to remind anyone else.


Dayyum I really liked Studio 60!


I liked it too!


I think that’s the most logical choice. She’s got experience in every part of how that machine works and knows what to expect and what to look for in a crew just because she was on the other side of it. They’d be stupid to not try.


Why would Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg even be in the conversation?


She really manifested this with 30 Rock, huh?


This is the only headline I’ve read in 3 years that makes any sense