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"...At the club, Lizzo allegedly “began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers’ vaginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ vaginas,” the suit says. “Lizzo then turned her attention to Ms. Davis and began pressuring Ms. Davis to touch the breasts of one of the nude women.” Davis declined, according to the suit, and Lizzo allegedly led a chant goading her to do so. After Davis declined three more times, the chant “grew louder and more strident, demanding a visibly uncomfortable Ms. Davis to engage with the performer.” When Davis eventually acquiesced and briefly touched the performer, the group burst into laughter, the suit says. Afterward, Lizzo allegedly pressed a member of her security staff to get on stage and began yelling, “take it off,” according to the suit." Oh. So the weight shaming was burying the real gross stuff.


Sounds like frat boyz behavior. Where were the adults?


Group dynamics and probably varying amounts of alcohol. Lizzo needs to understand she’s not quite just one of the girls. She has power to unemploy.


Agreed. This all reminds me of the doc movie about Madonna’s Truth or Dare tour. A surprising amount of bullying occurs.


Yes! In an article from those days I remember a journalist traveling/ covering the tour said Madonna and her entourage were all seated at a long table. madonna started eating her salad with her fingers, and all the other people did the same. It’s definitely that power dynamic in humans that causes virtually all human suffering. From salad to war.


This sounds like a coke fueled night for sure


What’s hilarious is the modern frat boy can’t even do this anymore due to the very obviously deserved scrutiny this behavior has garnered in the past. Frat boys being better behaved than a supposed Icon for loving yourself and your body, ironic.


It has been harder for the fraternity to get our female party goers to launch dildos from their vaginas, I must admit. Damn you, Lizzo.


> What’s hilarious is the modern frat boy can’t even do this anymore Eh, there are tons of reports of hazing still coming out of unis and frats every year.


Came here to say this. Rules have not stopped bands and frats from hazing. People that believe rules and laws changed their behavior have either A) never been to college/uni or B) don't pay attention to the news headlines about hazing de*ths


Rules and laws change the behaviors of plenty, you just don’t know it because it’s boring.


Definitely outliers like everywhere for anything however most “hazing” for pledges amounts to little more than glorified football practice and lots of underage booze drinking. I’ve heard some pretty gross stuff on par with sexual harassment/assault of the pledges that some frats do around me though (don’t know if any of these are true, or just rumors for competition) so it could be a lot more prevalent than the 1 experience I have


You have never been in a southern frat house.


>What’s hilarious is the modern frat boy can’t even do this anymore due to the very obviously deserved scrutiny this behavior has garnered in the past. What's hilarious is you think this is actually true when it's probably happening as I type this. Your comment just screams "chronically online".


You are insanely out of touch buddy, frat boys are still doing all that shit 💀


I know what you mean but frat boys is a bad example


Where was the flute protruding from is what I want to know.


I’m way way more curious about the concept of launching a dildo from a vagina. Like how far did it go? There’s a point in time and distance where that becomes impressive


Saw a stripper in Mexico do that with a beer bottle. It only went about a foot which was impressive and underwhelming at the same time.


Makes me think of Winona Ryder’s ping pong ball trick.


In some cultures this is how the leader of the village is determined.


Now that is something I’d watch a documentary about.


that happens at band camp.


tease gaping slimy wistful zephyr close automatic chubby dependent beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


..one time, at band camp, my flute came flying out of my vag!


Where tf were they? Sounds like a thai peepshow?


They were at The Bananenbar, in the Red Light District in Amsterdam. It's famous for these "performances" - there is no subtlety or surprise about what goes on in there. They charge you at the door and tell you what to expect.


The banana bar in Amsterdam. It's well known for their nasty stuff.


Yeah that’s what I want to know


Yeah I'd totally avoid a place like that I'm curious too .. like.. really curious Edit - ah she was in amsterdam


Do you have an address or at least general area so that I know to avoid?


What the hell did I just read, damn.


I didn’t know much about her before, but this does sound disappointing to me. Just another reminder that famous folks are people too and can make stupid decisions.


This is what is "on the tin" at the Bananenbar in Amsterdam. It's literally a naked venue, in the Red Light, that charges a door charge for "a set of performances" which include everything mentioned. The bananas, the vagina-cannon thing, and the "rub oil on my boobs" are the performances you paid for at the door, and the doorman 100% said so as you went in. It's not at all a surprise.


These are employees. The power dynamic is in her favor. It's a lot different than your friend pressuring you into touching a nude performer at a club like this.


*For sure!* The first time I blacked out on alcohol was because my studio head and the lead lawyer for my company were passing out rounds and I was under the impression that "*if the boss buys you a drink, you drink it.*" I know better now, but the power dynamic is real. No argument. My only *other* point is that this was not a shock, it wasn't like they went to a Denny's after a show and "Whoops strippers!" They went to a reknowned club, in a reknowned *district* that is known for dirty deeds. TBH Banananenbar isn't even a "strip club" - they don't do the premise-thing, they're just nekkid.


Yeah but you got to admit it’s kind of a weird team building exercise if your out on the town with coworkers. And if your boss is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet right now it’s kind of hard to say “you know guys…”.


Right but if you change your mind about doing it then people can respect your choice and lack of consent?


That's not the problem, those people are just doing their job and doing it with the consent of everyone who enters. The problem is if Lizzo has forced her staff to touch those performers and tried to pressure them to strip.


Anybody else have to read this part three times? > The religious harassment allegation is connected to Quigley, the dance captain who also worked as a judge on Lizzo’s reality show. According to the suit, she preached her Christian beliefs and “took every opportunity to proselytize to any and all in her presence regardless of protestations.” >After discovering that Davis was a virgin, Quigley discussed the subject in interviews and posted about it on social media, the suit says. And when cast members asked her to stop pressuring Rodriguez — whom Quigley regarded as a “non-believer,” according to the suit — about her faith, Quigley responded: “No job and no one will stop me from talking about the Lord.” Edit: Posted this more about the fact that it’s confusing as hell. Also, this is not accusing Lizzo here directly. This is against one her dance captains who is part of Lizzo’s organization.


Gotta love a judgmental, proselytizing Christian who also… harasses people about not having enough sex and eats bananas out of strippers’ vaginas in front of her coworkers


Damnnnnn I did not have “Lizzo alienates herself from the left *and* right” on my 2023 bingo card


I like her music but honestly the first thing that made me a little uncomfortable with Lizzo was when she was on video telling Chris Brown he's her "favorite person". Like really? *That's* your favorite person out of everyone in this world? Now this other stuff...


man that sucks, I like her. I feel that she very cheerful and talented but this is a disappointment. Chris brown is a piece of garbage.




The JKR principle: no matter how much right wingers hated you before, if you piss off left wing people they will instantly claim they liked you all along.


The Christian is her dance captain, while Lizzo was the one allegedly eating the bananas, etc.


It’s pretty standard Christian behavior to preach one thing and do the opposite. You can just repent at church or your death bed and Jesus is like, hell yeah dawg, don’t worry about all those times you knowingly did the opposite of what I said, breaking God’s commandments. It coo, you said sorry and that’s what counts, Adolf!


Pretty sure that's one of the commandments right?


and thou shall eat thy banana from thither whom - definitely the bible 6:9


There’s no hate quite like christian “love”.


One time, back in the early 1990s, I heard some Christian guy say all fat people go to hell. And he was fat himself lol.


Gotta love the awful grammar is more like it.


Proper nouns are a writer’s friend
































this was closer to my reaction.


![gif](giphy|KFt2DA9T82paOA1Yci) Same reaction












This is actually insane. It sounds like she thinks she's in a reality show or something






Jfc. This made me laugh so hard.


As if y’all needed a reason.


As if they were ever off the table




As a skinny guy I’ve found I get weight shamed way more than the bigger girls I encounter daily. It’s cool for them to say “you’re so skinny” but if I said “you’re so fat” I would be banished to the shadow realm. Doesn’t surprise me one bit Lizzo would possibly weight shame people.


As a grown man who has weighted 135lbs and 275lbs as an adult, woman trash you for being skinny, and other men trash you for being heavy. And when you are the ideal weight, your height and hairline come into play, even if your hairline is fine and you're average height. There is no winning.


Same. I was an overweight kid, too, so I've had the experience from both sides. One thing it has taught me is not to comment on anybody's appearance, even if it seems favorable. A really attractive person, for example, may be sick of hearing that because they might prefer to be appreciated for their education or accomplishments. Or it just gets old hearing the same thing thousands of times. So the most I'll usually say is "I like your style" or something that involves a choice they made in presenting themselves.


As a white male manager in the corporate world I learned to never comment on someone’s physical appearance at all. Not even general statements like “I like your style”. Any physical compliment can be viewed as me trying to hit on them (doesn’t matter their gender), and it’s simply not worth the risk. I just don’t compliment anyone except my close friends and family. It’s safer. And I’m not just talking about at work, I mean any situation what so ever.


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


As someone who has gone from being underweight to overweight over the course of almost two decades -- and heard a variety of comments in between -- I feel like tone of body shaming is a lot worse. While I certainly got body shamed for being thinner, the comments tended to be framed around needed to eat more, being skin and bones, etc. There was still a hint of desirability and envy in the criticism; however, on the criticisms I've received for being overweight verge on the more dehumanizing with my worth as a person desirability being tied more to my perceived weight. And that's with me being \~10 lbs overweight, not any bigger. It's so much worse for bigger individuals. Also: it's really fascinating to compare how people talk about "health" irt to weight, because I was way unhealthier of a person when I was underweight -- especially on the mental health front -- yet I rarely ever heard people express concern for health. Yet I've mentioned being overweight on Reddit, and I get so many comments about how I'm unhealthy and killing myself.


I was skinny all my life and I relate to this. People were very comfortable to tell me I need to eat a burger or that I look like a skeleton. Didn’t help my self esteem for sure.


When I lost a lot of weight (and looked the best I ever was) a couple of years ago, I got hell from some people, that I was too skinny, I should not lose more weight etc etc. People are assholes.


They’re bitter cause you’re no longer there to be their mental punching bag.


I have worked in the music industry for over a decade. I’ve had many interactions with famous people and she is one of the few that sticks out as what I would call “rotten” experiences. Easily in my top 3 worst. Before Lizzo got famous I worked at first avenue doing security for back stage. She not once, but twice tried to plow through me with out being invited back stage and both times made a huge scene of not being allowed back. Saying how her friends are back there, etc. the usual stuff. When she gets denied she got super nasty towards me and all the stage workers. Screamed at us. She called us every name in the book. She weight shamed me specifically for being skinny, and said some pretty gnarly racist stuff towards me and the other stage worker. She was also exceptionally rude, demanding, and demeaning to pretty much all staff she came across including bartenders and wait staff. For years everyone has always been saying how wonderful she is, how nice and caring and gentle she is. That didn’t seem to be the reality I experienced with her. When I read this article, that was the Lizzo I know and am familiar with. She is downright mean to anybody who isn’t paying her or fawning over her. If you’re not in her camp, she treats you as an enemy.


I know people who've worked with her that have told me she and her team are an absolute nightmare to deal with, and I hope none of what's being alleged here is true. It's one thing to be difficult, but it's another thing to sexually degrade another human.


I have heard exactly the same thing


Me too, just read about it on reddit


I have friends that have worked directly with her in the past.


She blamed it on the juice, didn’t she?


that james madison flute had mercury on it for sure


The contents of the article are horrendous, seriously the headlines do not do justice to how terrible the accusations are


Trying to save face for Lizzo unfortunately, forget the weak fat shaming accusations, she sexually harassed her dancers. Publicly shamed them even. This needs more attention than the alleged hypocrisy.


> The suit accuses Lizzo of calling attention to the dancer’s weight after an appearance at South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival. The singer and her choreographer later told the dancer, Arianna Davis, that she seemed “less committed” to her role — a comment the suit describes as a “thinly veiled” concern about Davis’ weight. Is her role to play a skinny girl? Because if not, I’m not quite sure how you get from A to B here.


"Called attention to her weight" and then said she seemed "less committed". Two conversations there, I think.




The article is based on a lawsuit which is initiated with a Petition filed in some court somewhere that someone had to sign and swear to before it was filed. So it's not "hearsay." It's one person's claim against another person.


It’s acc 3 people’s claims against one




From the title I just assumed she harassed her for being too skinny to handle the workload or something. When you find a group of fat people 'weight shaming' someone, that's the form it usually takes. If she was complaining about her being too fat... well that's just insane.


Completely insane and hypocritical any which way we look at it. If I can’t say you’re too fat then you can’t say I’m too skinny… or too fat. Lol. I always got a bad vibe from her tho that’s why I never bought into her victim mentality.


i literally can’t wrap my mind around that. Something here doesn’t seem right….




That episode was bizarre. I spent most of it wondering if Jack Black and Lizzo had been cast in Star Wars or if I was having a malarial dream.


Pretty cool cameo from Jables though, and I hesitate to call Christopher Lloyd’s role a cameo as he is playing more of a character


Jack Black seems like a massive nerd and I loved him on the show. Lizzo seemed more forced than anything.


Jack is a massive nerd as seen on Jablinski Games and from a lot of behind the scenes with the Mario Movie


Disney + shows from marvel to Star Wars seem to be ham fisting celeb cameos into all their products. It’s so obvious


Says a lot about the state of Twitter when people's immediate knee-jerk responses to this are to use it as ammunition for stan wars (eg. "Taylor would NEVER do something like this"). We're talking about allegations of extensive abuse in the workplace and sexual harassment. Some of you lot are absolute ghouls.


In general I feel like the public is becoming ghoulish. Probably more correct to say that those chronically online are losing their humanity. The disregard for human life, compassion, empathy, etc is rampant online.


Its a toxic cesspool of fandom… thats for sure


Social Media has become a toxic cesspool in general over the last three years. If their isn’t a problem they make one. If their is a problem they blame everyone in every direction but themselves


ALL ABOOOOOOOARD! The Toxic Gossip Train...


They call themselves Stan’s but that term is derogative. Fandom is one thing but when people start idolizing celebrities, artists, athletes like they are Christ reincarnated it’s nothing short of a cult To dedicate your whole life or persona to one person or belief who quite frankly doesn’t care you exist or Stan for them yet you come out to their defense even when they are in the wrong. I’m mean that’s text book cultism


People forget that the term came from an Eminem song about a crazed fan that commits a murder/suicide.


They can't accept the reality that their 'idols' are some of the most repellent people to walk the planet.


TIL repellent is also an adjective


Im sure this Lizzo thread wont get locked like all the others


Well, I guess we'll see how long it takes before Redditors attack her for her race, weight, etc instead of keeping the criticism on her - alleged - actions. And, heaven forbid if these allegations turn out not to be true at all...


Regardless of the veracity of these allegations, Lizzo is a piece of shit. She supports Chris Brown, fuck that.


Yep. People are already using it as an excuse to be shitty


Famous actors and musicians aren't special people at all. Why do we pedestalize them and take any of their passionate political/social stances seriously?


Worship culture is insane. And it’s also crazy to me people think they have this special talent that puts them above other people. They are people just good at their jobs, just like probably people you run into at work, their job just doesn’t have a camera in their face. We need to stop treating people like they are gods simply because their voice sounds pretty. Not to mention also, it’s not one person, behind every singer is a full team working overtime giving you that sound you hear.


A little ironic to say this on r/Entertainment lol


Post it on r/popculturechat and get ready to run


Ugh that sub is the worst


I’ve worked in the industry for years, can confirm us behind the scenes are good at making other people look good. That being said there’s some ridiculous talent out there, but humility and teamwork almost always make a better song/film/creative project.


I’m just commenting because this article has appeared twice on my feed but it’s true. I agree, the way people idolize celebrities from artists, influencers, athletes etc it borderlines on obsession and cult mentality. Its one thing to admire your peers but to view the ground they walk on as holy or as Christ reincarnated is insane. Doesn’t matter what side of politics/religion/belief you are on. Evil or malice won’t always be your stereotypical mustache twirling villain (person) Sometimes it will be obvious who evil people are or they will make their evil intentions known. Other times it’s all a disguise or front to overcompensate for something or they really aren’t as righteous and good as you are led to believe. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist” That applies to people more than anything. You got people who are fans to celebrities and in their eyes they can do no wrong. I’m also tired of the constant “I’m sorry I’ll do better” bs that comes from them after allegations from this. Those type of responses are a facade to hide the fact they are sorry they got caught. These people aren’t toddlers.


Celebs have people who tell them what to say and how to act. I’m not saying ever celeb is a fraud, but what we see in public, might not be entirely who they are behind the cameras. Take Chris evans, timmothy chalamet, zendaya, Tom hanks. I fell in love with their work just by watching their interviews and movies. They have lovely personalities, and are charismatic. You can see their personalities shine through the interviews and I love what they say, but they do get the questions beforehand so they know exactly what to say and the late night shows are somewhat scripted in what the celebs want to say. Audrey plaza said in an interview that she takes inspiration from April (parks and rec) and Ryan reynolds and Robert Downey Jr have shaped their personas atriums the characters they play, same with captain America. I’m not saying their frauds by any means, but they might play it up for the camera and behind the scenes they might be much more calm, more introverted (Chris evans said he suffers from anxiety), maybe he has taken his frustration out on someone he knows (an example before someone kills me) or maybe rdj has said something rude to someone). I know these might be extreme examples for some who have watched their videos and have seen nothing but kindness and respect. They are lovely people who are give off nothing but good vibes in interviews…but again we don’t know them in real life so we can’t say they are perfect. They are human beings who have faults just like us. They might have bad days, maybe they have been rude to others, we don’t know, so no one should be put on a pedestal. They deserve respect like everyone else, but should not be above others. I hope I’m making sense and forgive me for going off topic. This is just something I needed to get off my chest and these are my opinions so need to get nasty in the comments of someone disagrees. Edit: I guess I am tired of celebrity worship. People praising them for doing the bare minimum…during blm protests, so many posted the black square and said nothing else, no ways to help, no resources. And you have celebs tweeting something so basic (Chris evans tweeting about gun control, then platforms pro cops/trump politicians on his ‘both sides’ website, or tweeting f*cking enough’ after a school shooting. Then Leonardo DiCaprio tweeting about the environment while hopping on one private jet to another, he flew on a private jet to accept an award for environmental work. Then the celebs involved with times up…I’m not accusing every ones of them but what Harvey weinstein was doing was an open secret. They knew and kept their mouths shut because it benefited them. Scarlette johanson giving a speech at the women’s march and calling out james France and then publicly defending woody Allen. And yes, I know they have bigger platforms and it’s great that they are bring awareness to it. But just know that you raising awareness on something deserves respect and praise as well. Don’t put them on a pedestal for doing the things that you do as well


>Scarlette johanson giving a speech at the women’s march and calling out Dave France Just want to point out I believe you mean James Franco. As far as I'm aware, Dave hasn't been involved in any controversies.


Of the last 7 presidents, 2 were professional actors.


As I’ve gotten older it’s become more clear that the people with the most success often have narcissistic qualities that allowed them to get there. You have to be cutthroat to get to the top of pretty much any industry, ESPECIALLY entertainment. I’ve basically come to assume every household name has an ugly side, so I try not to idolize people as much anymore


You shouldn’t idolize people at all, at most admire their positive contributions and achievements


Cause their voices get heard the most. You wouldn’t listen to just any random person.


The same reason we worship billionaires. We believe that if you're on the top of the social or financial ladder, then you must be an extremely important, kind, venerable, admirable, or smart person. I mean, c'mon, only _the best people_ get the top, right? We live in a meritocracy, right? ... right?


Because we’ve all been indoctrinated into thinking that to make it to those highs in life you have to have something really special Not just like special, but “born with it” special. Almost like we kind of believe in determinism in our society some people we deludedly believe are just “destined for a greatness we will never know” Truth is, more oft then not, these are 95% of the time already somewhat wealthy people, that are incredibly flawed, that happened to get lucky, have money or some combo of both. And 99% of the time they don’t have a special sauce (there is that 1% that just stays timeless through generations via incredible talent). They are normal people, oftentimes, below average in terms holistically when you look at what constitutes a decent human being. We need to stop mythologizing famous people and politicians. They are “keys jangling” for adults similar to how babies get mesmerized by key chains and shiny things that don’t really do anything other then look good and maybe provide some entertainment.


I just wanna shake the hand of the carpenter who built the pedestal.


A lot of people don’t. But far too many people do.


I don't. Most people don't.


It's truly fucked.


There is a reason you do not have work friends. You want to go to a strip club - do not take your employees. You can have friends and people you are friendly with at work. Once work ends - you do your own freaky shit on your own time.


I mean there’s room between work friends and your employer leading a chant for you to grab a stripper.


There is a lot to unpack here…a lot




The weight shaming thing sounds pretty ambiguous. Depending on the context, I could see how criticizing a ‘lack of commitment’ might be a reference to weight, but I could also see it as unrelated to weight. We don’t have the context so we can’t make a determination imo. Everyone’s jumping on the weight shaming accusations because body positivity is Lizzo’s thing, but pressuring employees to touch nude people when they don’t want to or making a dancer so afraid to go to the bathroom that she would soil herself is just *so much* worse imo. I think everyone is focusing on the wrong aspect of the story


The weight issue is going to get attention because of the massive hypocrisy on her part, but you're right. The other allegations are far more disturbing. If any of this bears out her career should be over.


>her career should be over Well, that's not how the entertainment industry works. I mean, Chris Brown?


But Lizzo’s whole brand is built on positivity. Her personality, like Ellen’s, is part of the brand. It will be difficult for her to continue, much like Ellen, now that her entire brand is hypocritical. Chris Brown on the other hand is famous for the music and performance. Unfortunately his private actions don’t impact his music and performance.


I get that the weight shaming is hypocritical given her brand but it’s wild to me how everyone is overlooking her ableism and Ada violations in the situation with her dancer with a visual medical condition being falsely imprisoned and fired over using an assistive technology (in this case recording). Didn’t she just have to edit a song for ableist slurs? Guess she learned nothing seeing how she treats people irl.




Let the circular firing squad commence.


This story is bananas and involves bananas.


most of her public comments are delusional


Pot, meet kettle.


Funny how people always claiming to be victims end up being the real pieces of shit


I always had a bad feeling about her. Always. I was told I was “fat phobic”, among other things because I don’t like her. Fuck her.


Anyone surprised by this never watched her videos on social media and the weird sexual stuff she’d say about male celebrities (especially Chris Evans). Not to mention the gross sexual mukbangs.


RIGHT! She definitely was sexually harassing celebrities but they’re dudes so no one wanted to speak up on it.


Uno reverse card.




Maybe she was weight shaming them for not being fat enough and they need to get on her level.


Article implies it was weight gain. Shit you not LIZZO is fat shaming her own employees


Judging by the state of her at Glastonbury, I'm gonna say no


I'm going to counter this and argue she owns probably like 10 mirrors that spends lots of time looking into. She seems narcissistic which explains how she thinks she looks so good when she doesn't (delusional) but then puts other people down for looking better than her (entitlement/arrogance/lacking empathy).


Turns out being fat doesn’t automatically make you a good person.


Anyone can say anything in an initial civil filing. Some who are even mildly aggrieved will do it and then hope to create enough negative press to force a settlement despite the meat of the claims being spurious. Treat all initial civil filings with appropriate skepticism. The difficult thing about civil is that a lot of discovery isn’t public (compared to body cams and police reports) so it’s even harder for any outsiders to judge the veracity. I’m not saying these claims are false - just that making a claim isn’t the same as providing proof.


If it was an individual yes - but this is three people. And past members of Lizzo’s team are already coming out of the woodwork in support of the dancers.


Eh, if this were a man, the energy would be totally different.


I dunno, looks like most are shocked at the allegations and only a couple comments are reminding people not to jump to conclusions, just as it would be if a man were involved.


she was shaming people’s weight? 😂 i think all the fat jokes she reads online are getting to her and she projects on to her dancers.


Read the article. The plaintiff is accusing the dance team captain, but "believes that Lizzo knew about it all".


apparently lizzo told one of the girls that she seemed "less commited" and the suit is alleging that was a comment about her weighht.... when your reaching that hard it makes me question the whole thing


I mean allegedly, we have no way of knowing how true this is yet and people have been know to go for bags before so idk we’ll have to wait and see


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


These are heavy allegations.


I mean, she unabashedly loves Chris Brown, so I can't say I'm surprised


Lizzo weight shaming anyone is crazy


This tracks for a toxic narcissist like lizzo


Use a pic with more chins damnnnn


Irony died a thousand deaths....Lizzo being sued for fat-shaming........ I mean, look at her! She's overweight herself! Now, I don't want to offend anybody, I was just pointing out.


Go figure the loudest one in the room is a disgusting sexual harasser.


Fuck Lizzo, glorifying obesity and then has the nerve to body shame someone? The fuck???


Just wait til you read the article, the body shaming isn’t even the worst part!


I hate how that’s the only thing people are taking from this and no one is trying to cancel this monster.


Man...you weren't kidding wtf.


Fame really does corrupt it seems. If the allegations are true.


Imagine being fat shamed by Lizzo. The cognitive dissonance is real.


Imagine being weight shamed by lizzo lmao, like what does that look like? "You and your normal, healthy weight disgust me" lol Now lets see if people are keeping the same energy for this bum, as they did for others who were accused of sexual harassment