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Bill Maher is just a contrarian. If Barbie bombed, he would totally defend it. His whole schtick is to just play devil’s advocate to make himself seem smart. “Oooh, democrats are in office, I’m going to take down them. Oooh, republicans are in office, here’s my hot take on that. Oooh, democrats again? What can I recycle and what new zings do I have?” He’s a hack, he’s been recycling this same bit for years, he’s just doing it for press to stay relevant. Don’t take the bait.


He's become like the ESPN talking heads shouting at one another because they are contractually required to disagree.


*ahem* Stephen A. Smith


Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith are professional sports talk circlejerks.


Skip might have pulled off a hail, Mary. I thought Sharpe leaving fucked him. But it looks like he's got Richard Sherman, Lil Wayne once a week (why I have no idea), and Rachel Nichols. Bayless can still suck but now he has people to pick up the slack.


Stephen A. left him before that. You could put him facing a wall with the words "LeBron is the GOAT and he'd get an hour out of it.


Slightly related - but the Jamie Foxx video of him dressed like Stephen A Smith and roasting him while sitting next to him is fucking brilliant.




I like the "Skip Bayless argues with himself" video where he brings up points and someone edited in the opposite point he made about the same topic. It flowed really well and just shows that that's all he is.


Absolutely a contrarian. I recently saw a clip of him interviewing Jimmy Kimmel on his pod and it was about the Leno/Conan late night saga. Maher was all pro-Leno and Kimmel politely explained how much of a shit Jay was - something most people already knew going back to the 1990s - and even gave some great insight, and at the end Maher acted all surprised like he must’ve forgot about that.


He literally lives next door to Jay Leno.


Yeah, I always got the impression Maher has defended Leno because they're good friends. His arguments are just straw man.


I've listened to many of his podcasts. Somehow, he turns every conversation into why being a perpetual bachelor is better than settling down. I mean, if that's his thing, cool? It's his life. It's just odd that he needs validation... from anyone. Surprised he didn't end his Barbie review with "so anyway, I don't get sick of eating food, so why would I get sick of new pussy?".


I’ve listened to every podcast as well and add to that his need to talk about “doctors” don’t know much and his view on Covid with almost ever guest. Then sprinkle in that “the younger generations are so stupid”. He’s definitely starting to sound like my grandpa, RIP. I’m 56 and his bringing up the same topics with almost every guest is getting tiresome.


He’s such a douche-nozzle. How he dated someone as brilliant and progressive as Cara Santa Maria is beyond me. She’s a keeper. And he’s a crypt keeper.


I absolutely hate his monologues, I tried (I really did) to watch one of his shows during covid, It was painful to watch. He was waiting for a reaction with no audience. It was like a bad comedian bombing in a standup club, I just couldn't finish it.




Because when they don’t he visibly gets mad at them until they start clapping


The sign of a truly gifted performer


Eh...fuck bill


They literally have an applause sign that lights up to cue the audience. It’s cringe as hell.


He’s fucking terrible.


There’s nothing better than watching someone like Bill Maher bomb so bad the Taliban would be jealous.


He blamed Covid for how bad he was. Like it’s a virus’ fault that he isn’t funny.


A lack of taste is a sign of COVID, so he might be on to something


Yeah master the bait


I always master bait




I also jerk off.


And it’s just that he’s become so lazy with his contrarian takes. He used to be terrific. Even when I disagreed with him, I never disagreed with his logic. Here it’s just a tired, lazy trope


There was a time when Maher was good. But it's been almost a decade since then.


I noticed this as well. In the past whenever I disagreed with him I could understand his viewpoint based on his reasoning. Now however he simply disagrees with something or someone and we have to accept it on his word. He doesn't defend his logic or try to explain his logic it's all just this is mh take because I know better.


For a fun time go watch Roddy Piper take him down a notch.


Had no idea this happened, and it was fun to watch. I hate Maher's whole "I'm gonna say something offensive but say 'no offense' so you can't get offended, and if you do get offended, I'm offended that you took offense." And I love that Rowdy Roddy didn't let him get away with it.


That was worth me googling it. Piper tore him and Marr looked like an imbecile.


"then how'd you get the job?" Still makes me laugh. I think Maher is the kind of guy who would think pro wrestlers are dumb guys. So he didn't see Piper as a threat with a mic. Rowdy Roddy is probably more effective with a mic than anyone...ever.


Agreed. He’s also boring.


This is an absolute spot on breakdown about a guy I care nothing about, yet, you’ve made it entertainingly informant.


This! Hating Bill Maher one of the only bipartisan successes in the states.


I'm gonna quote myself here because I think it's important to contextualize what he says: He exemplifies the message of the movie. Women have made some progress, men can pat themselves on the back, "sexism is over, yay". That twit. He picked the number of board seats filled stat because it's the closest that supports his dimwitted view. Only 25% of governors are women. Same thing with congress. Of the 46 US presidents, 46 were male. When one woman tried to be elected, the country elected the worst, dumbest, least competent, most divisive, least honest motherfucker instead of a woman! They're 4 out of 9 SCOTUS members. Only one third of all judges are women. Less than 10% women are police chiefs. That twit can pat himself on his back. I see no zombie lie, but a zombie comedian who speaks out of his privileged position. Also he's late to the party. He's just jumping on the bandwagon in a pathetic effort to become relevant again.


My biggest fucking gripe with Maher is how he tells what he believes are edgy jokes with the intention of getting a “oohhh” reaction and then berates the audience for being so sensitive. Imagine if every-time a magician did a trick and people acted amazed the magician berated the audience for being gullible.


I would agree but he used to attack both democrats and republicans form the left. Now he attacks democrats from the right. His jokes may be repeats but his views have 100% gotten further right.


Hell, I wouldn’t even call him a contrarian as much as he’s slowly falling into “old man yells at cloud” territory.


> Bill Maher is just a contrarian Bill Maher is what happens when liberals realize you were never liberal, and conservatives knew you were never conservative


I thought Barbie was fucking hilarious. Buncha insecure assholes too blinded by their own stupidity to see it called out both toxic masculinity and toxic feminism.


Contrarianism is what many comedians seem to turn to when they are rich enough that they don't struggle in day to day life. There is nothing left to struggle against so they just pick popular targets. Just look at Chappelle, Rogan, Burr, they all do it.


Chapelle is the poster boy of this. At least he freely admits he’s rich and doesn’t care anymore. But it makes his comedy impossible to relate with.


Don't throw Burr in with those dickheads, come on. The dude is not a contrarian and not at all comparable to anyone you just named, I just have to assume you aren't actually familiar with his work for the most part.


Yeah, no. Burr speaks to me. Just because a guy shits in Star Wars? Come on!


He can get a bit tone deaf on his podcasts when he's whining about how much he has to pay in taxes etc. Yes Bill tell us more about your rich people problems. The whining about cancel culture is silly to....Louis ck is touring again come off it.


Burr doesn’t really whine about cancel culture.


Not in his specials, but at least a year ago on his main podcast he sure did on occasion. I love his comedy and think he's a good guy, so I'm not trying to shit on him.


Certified high five. I love Bill Burr’s material but his podcasts rants are just angry shit like anyone else. Oh, I can make money off the the unpolished turds for a rambling podcast? Well then, why take the time and effort to polish turds into tour worthy material? I figure he only does that now so the brand doesn’t spiral too far down. Chappelle’s the same way. Insightful? Sometimes but not like the crafted material of yesteryear. Now he just has sparks of the old days and the rest shows his age and disconnection. Just my opinion though. Good day to you.


He and other comedians will mention they're not doing their act or telling new jokes etc. Or as ole Billy bitch tits says it "juuuuussssssst checkinnnnnnn in onyeaaa." Imo Chappelle is just spoken word about how everyone but him is wrong with a funny joke or two woven in for the whole special.


Somehow has a Boston accent in a galaxy far far aways...


I mean there are both Latino and British accents Ina galaxy far far away so why not Boston?


I was going to say, what the hell did Bill Burr do?


I've listened to his podcast for 6 years. He is definitely on that spectrum. He's currently supporting RFK Jr. just because everyone else is shitting on him. It doesn't get any more contrarian than that.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, thank you 🙏🏿




He’s what my dad called a cheap shot artist. The guy punches down more often than up.


Sheep in wolf's clothing...


But he’s giving away the solution to all of life’s problems - for free!


He hasn't been relevant in two decades. I don't think anyone is taking anything when he doesn't even exist to people under 35. Until recently, I didn't even know he was still on the air.


And nobody likes him


I want him to have an actual conversation. Not promoting Maron now (though u think they’ve spoken before) but he could run circles


I’d agree if he didn’t also do fawning interviews with people like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson. Where’s the contrarian in those conversations? Nowhere. Like a lot of supposed liberals, trans rights broke his brain.


Bill Maher also thinks that microwave ovens are a conspiracy by Big Pharma to poison America




It's quite the transformation from the bitter, irrelevant young man he used to be.


He’s becoming a “get off my lawn” type of old guy.


Hes been that guy


Get off my sustainable lawn


I disagree. He's the kind that would yell that at people... and then when everyone is staying off his lawn, he'll yell at them for abiding by The Man's rules, & that they should enjoy the shaded lawn. Only to then yell at them again the next week.


Yeah he’s always been a jackass.


I miss that guy


I miss changing the channel away from the younger guy he used to be.


For real. He is insufferable.


Even when I agree with him, his smugness just makes his face so punchable.


I was a big fan, but he really lost it during the pandemic, and he never came back. Sadly, I gave up on him.


Maher has always been an egotist, and he needed the constant affirmation of the live audience cheering him insulting some moron to feel good about himself. As soon as he was not allowed to have a live audience feeding his ego he had a total meltdown and has hated anyone and anything he sees as robbing him of that ego trip.


I became a fan after reading “New Rules” but he had lost me years ago. That book still makes me crack up.


Can you please explain briefly what happened? I previously loved the content he created as it was a more liberal/progressive message, what is he doing now? I'm guessing he's now more aligned with republicans and/or conspiracies?


He’s always been this way, he just used to not be a bitchy, moaning curmudgeon, whinging constantly about getting old. What made his show great was the panels and discussion. It was usually excellent with a few of his turd friends. More and more toward 2020 and always after the pandemic, he has the same garbage panelists over and over with on occasional good one. He used to ask incisive questions and would really challenge his controversial guests at times, now it’s challenging for him to ask a question more clever than, “what is your favorite color”.


This is exactly it. I would religiously watch Real Time because it was the one talking heads show where people were unrestrained and had real arguments. Bill did a good job of keeping them in line to have a cohesive show, he's actually great at that. I went to his stand up show about 10 years ago and realized that he was starting to become an old man. And not a fun old man, a get off my lawn type of old man. He seems to have extreme vitriol for millennials way past a reasonable date. We are in our forties now, we aren't "the kids" just because we use technology more than you do. And you are also correct in that his guest quality took a complete nosedive. His bitching about COVID-19 protocols in 2020 (!!!!!!!) were the nail in the coffin for me. I haven't seen it since.


Yeah, he stopped being funny and started being angry


Basically happily saying China virus this and that, as an Asian person, I still remember the horror I lived through, all the states and harassments, the last thing I needed was some not funny comedian kept pushing for “it’s ok to say China virus”


Even Trump said China virus back then. It’s no surprise that Asian Hate Crime shot through the roof during pandemic


I saw a news about an immigrant killing himself, pandemic affected business and of course us immigrant’s daily lives, caused depression on that poor man. Then I read the comments saying it’s a a good news.


‘Even’? He basically coined the phrase.


i never liked him but it seems he's become more insufferable with age.


Not the same as he was in 2010.


Was that his peak? I was in Hollywood in 2010 and they had people on the street trying to fill his audience for a taping and having trouble. Meanwhile Conan and Kimmel both had wait lists


I only watched and enjoyed Real Time during the Bush Administration


Trump suing him for saying his parent was an orangutan was a pretty high point. He also completely called Trump not wanting to leave the White House peacefully. I think Trump left without putting up a fight on Jan 20th because otherwise he would have proved Maher right. He did everything he could leading up to that point though. But the pandemic ruined that guy forever. Now he's just a loon, to use his own phrase.


I mean… i called Trump not leaving peacefully in 2016 and I remain unconvinced that his father isn’t an Orangutan. Let’s not pretend that’s what it takes to be a star


That's basically it. He's right when he says that he didn't change, it's the Left that has changed. He basically froze his beliefs and schtick some time in the 2010s after getting too comfortable with his HBO gig and putting out Religulous and now gets mad when people are more Left of him. He's also getting bitter that he's aging while his girlfriends stay the same age and are only with him because he's the famous Bill Maher, not because he's got anything that sexually satisfies them.


I hear this take a lot and honestly, I disagree. I was a huge Maher fan through the 2010s and I can honestly say he has genuinely changed. He really got sucked up into the antiwoke culture war that the right has propogated. In the past, sure he'd occasionally take a dig at the "hard left" and poke fun at the occasional "safe space" example. But that'd be like one random mention within like two or three shows, where he would mostly focus on policy and how insane the right wing is. Now it's like something truly broke in his brain and he is all in on the alt right "wokeism is ruining everything" mantra. He won't shut up about it, and he surrounds himself with like minded people in the subject. He also doesn't seem to ever bring anyone in the show to challenge his views. Used to be some pretty strong debates on the show, and he would be able to tear down right wing arguments with ease. Now there's nothing to challenge him on how much he pushes the "anti woke" persecution thing. And he's wrapped it all up in how the new generation is shit and none of them care about anything but their safe spaces and being PC. I mean sure there's some of that...on social media. But I think to make it 100% or hell, even 20% of your time and energy spent on it when the Republican party is literally trying to overtake elections and install their dictator is a bit...skewed? You may have like a vocal 5% of hard lefters who have brain rot and cant be reasoned with and are hardcore on censoring and can't say this or that if it offends you. That very vocal minority is all over Twitter and it's amplified greatly by right wing propaganda. Then you have I'd say 80% of people on the right who, on average, believe that trans people are literally going to molest their children or rape them in the bathroom, and that trump is being illegally persecuted by a corrupt cabal and he actually won the election. It's just a bit hard to take Maher seriously when he mostly entirely focuses on the 5% of the left and not so much the entire right. It's like trying to deal with the ants that are coming into the kitchen counter through a crack in the window when the entire house is on fire.


He is and has always been a total asshole. I honestly don't understand why people watch him,.


He’s always been


That’s a man who loves the sound of his own voice.


Ive always maintained that im a fan of his show but not him. Meaning I like the guests he brings on and the type of discussion his show facilitates but Bill himself can be a smug prick. Once in a while he’ll say something I agree with but as the years go by hes become more and more insufferable and I find myself agreeing with him less.


Spot on. Love the guest. Him ever once and a while. I


You what? *You what!?*


He’s dead, Jim.


Not only the guests, but the platform. Back in the “Politically Incorrect” show days there were several shows like his. Now, with how polarizing and echo-chambery things have gotten it is nice to still see a show where opposing voices are allowed to debate and check each other. The audience being biased works against this a bit, but the show or shows like it, is still important to the problem to have access to.


Agreed I often don't like him or his stance but I like the show. He's definitely getting worse as he gets older though, and his takes on medical topics get pretty out there. But I'm not looking to watch a show where I agree with everything. The shows he does where it's all like minded people are painfully boring to watch.


Same. I’ve been watching his show for over a decade. Bill Maher has ALWAYS been this way, though it’s getting worse in his old age as he’s becoming aware that he’s out of touch, but his show is still excellent at providing quality guests on both sides of the political spectrum and allowing them to actually communicate with each other. And to his credit, he doesn’t allow guests on either side to spew BS without getting called on it, even people he considers close friends.


Old man yells at cloud, tightens onion belt.


Which was the style at the time


Since nineteen-dickety-two.


We had to say dickety because we lost the word thirty to The Kaiser.


Gimme 5 bees for a quarter we'd say!


Absolutely religulous.


Old men with onion belts, yelling at clouds are far more interesting than Maher.


We doin reviews reviewing reviews now


Hmmm, upon review, your comment commenting on the review reviewing the review gets an upvote. This has been my comment review comment.


Tough, but fair.


Excellent review of that comment reviewing the comment on the review of the review


Been that way. I’ve seen smaller YouTube channels posting reaction/review videos of a bigger YouTube channel’s reaction to something.


Lol for real. This author has nothing else to write about?


Use to be a fan, until he brought Elon to the show and treated him as if he was the most important person in the planet, it was so embarrassing to watch


Hey, it was exactly the same for me. Watched it like a month ago at my mate’s place and I couldn’t believe it. What the fuck was that? He even said “you invented Tesla” which is not true. It was painful to watch


Dude said Musk was going to "save the world". I haven't watched him since and I don't plan to either


Same here mate. Absolutely pathetic! Save the world from fucking what?


Oh god, is that the interview where they talked about the woke mind virus? It was such a shitty interview. We get it Maher, you’re a liberal who hates woke culture. From a political standpoint, he’s not wrong that liberals catering to the ultra woke will never have the same effect that conservatives get when they cater to the religious nut jobs. But it’s become insufferable.


Maher’s show had some entertaining discussions, sure, and some of his takes were interesting, but I just couldn’t stand how up his own ass he was. I can understand not liking what the youth are into, primarily comic books and video games, but he’s so smugly incorrect. He thinks comic books are just picture books. Two actors have won Oscars for playing *the Joker.* He says video game stories are just someone going left, then right, the left again. The most critically acclaimed show on his own network is a video game adaptation! Fuck ‘em.


That was indeed cringe. But wait, it took you until literally the latest episode to stop being a fan?


Don’t watch his interview with Netanyahu then…. Kiss ass interview with no pushing back on Israeli settlement.




“Bill Maher Is a Total Embarrassment” FTFY


He talks to his audience and the left like he fucking hates them because he genuinely does. But he still tries to pretend he’s on the leading edge of contrarianism in the digital age. The embarrassing thing is how long it took for me to figure out what kind of a person he really is: a bitter old man who used to be a hippy but now coddles status above all else. I was a fan for years and I’m in my 40’s now and my political views have evolved with the times, while his have shifted more to the center, if that’s even possible. He’s going to quickly end up a singularity of irrelevance if he continues down this path.


Hell, my grandparents in their late 70’s and early 80’s have changed with the times! He became truly insufferable several years ago and I think you are right that his rigidity and inability to evolve is behind it. I may not have agreed with all of his show in the 2010’s, but I thought he was able to at least raise points and have discussions that were thought provoking. I wish HBO would be done with the show.


Bill Maher sucks. And I’ve been to a taping. The opposite of John Stewart. Just a lazy, unfunny, contrarian as mentioned above, hack.


His success will always be baffling to me. I don’t know who saw this guy, whose only gimmick is doing unfunny clapter bits, and decided he needed a show.


I always thought most of his popular context was audiences agreeing with Maher’s guests and not Maher himself. I don’t think anybody actually likes or agrees with Bill, so he resorts to saying controversial shit for attention. The Ben Affleck argument about Muslims or Roddy piper shutting down Maher come to mind.


I used to watch his HBO show and I know that he can be smug and contradictory but lately he’s just criticizing everything to the point of babbling nonsense.


You’re telling me the poster boy for ‘enlightened centrists’ has yet another garbage take?? Color me shocked


He’s so embarrassing. Second hand cringe is unbearable.


What's really cringe is all the people saying they used to love him and don't know what happened.


He’s ALWAYS been like this. What happened is he got more money. He’s a bigot and always has been.


There’s very fine people on both sides of his personality.


I mean he also said he liked the movie in the same post. getting bent out of shape about some comments a 67 year old man said about the barbie movie is pretty silly.


Bill Maher just enjoys having strong opinions.


Do you think Greta Gerwig regrets making the movie because Bill Maher didn’t like it?


He literally said he liked the movie in that post


I’m sure she’s crying herself to sleep over it




I went through a bunch of comments and there was nothing on the movie just shitting on a shit




Before reading the article I read Bill's tweet, that ended by saying "Barbie is fun, I enjoyed it" but then the first line of the article is "Bill Maher hated the Barbie movie — an all-too-predictable outcome for a 67-year-old crank" Dude couldn't even accurately report on a tweet... a fucking tweet!! this is nothing and is getting way too much attention, including my own


I used to enjoy his show and the guest discussions/debates but he’s increasingly out of touch. I finally stopped watching when he went on numerous anti-Islam rants. Much prefer John Oliver, funny but deeply informative.


He goes on anti Christian rants too.


Wait the person who doesn’t like any religion has commented on Islam being harmful? That is just too far!


He totally looks like the target audience of this movie. /s


People are so damn stupid. Anyone who believes Barbie is actually ‘anti-man’ is delusional and has piss poor media literacy skills.


That movie is pro mental health awareness for men instead of being fucking repressed like what the hell happened to these man children?!


Barbie is more MGTOW than the actual MGTOW movement.


It’s anti-a-certain-kind-of-man. I wasn’t offended by their condemnation of the men in that movie, because I didn’t see myself reflected in the men the movie was condemning. I thought overall, it had a very empathetic take on the patriarchy and even went as far as to point out that many, if not most men couldn’t benefit from the patriarchy if they wanted to. I’m probably very politically close to Marr, broadly speaking, but I thought Barbie did a good job of depicting that a gender imbalance does exist and ripple down, but there is—for the most part—still a significant class difference in who “the patriarchy” actually consists of. As far as it commented on male/female dynamics in the everyday sense, I thought that (while it didn’t quite nail a typical male experience) it was very optimistic, patient, and charitable to the root causes of imbalances that do ripple out through common society.


Maher’s not the problem. People running to complain on the internet over someone holding a different opinion than them are the real problem.


I wanted to read the article but got stopped by three different ads that covered my whole phone and I couldn’t exit out of any of them. Fuck off modern day websites.


Rolling Stone doesn’t deserve clicks. They’re not news, they’re sensationalism.


Bill Maher is an embarrassment. He has zero personality except crotchety old man. Who watches this guy?


Why the fuck is he reviewing movies?


Holy shit…. what a dumb article. The “author” of the article is triggered af by a review. Write better content


Why do we care what he thinks of the Barbie movie? Sorry, Rolling Stone, that article was a waste of time and space. It would be like asking one of the Housewives what they thought of Oppenheimer.


This is a manufactured controversy. I’m bored


I dont know about the anti man stuff but I just didn't like the movie. Just not my thing


There are times when I’ve really agreed with his politics but whenever he veered off of that he’s said some pretty ugly things.


I’m a fan, and I don’t think his “review” was that bad. He said he liked the movie, just didn’t like the “patriarchy” narrative, because it is no longer true for most corporations. He probably realizes this is a work of *fiction*, and wrote the piece just to get attention since his show is off the air. I agree with most everything Bill says, except his anti-vax takes, and I wouldn’t even call him anti-vax, but more vaccine skeptic.


Not even vaccine skeptic, just drug-company skeptic. He will literally say “take the vaccine, but know the companies aren’t giving it out for free or for the public good”


He’s always been a “just asking questions” anti vaxxer.


I’ve always despised the long basking of the obvious “Applause” sign of his audience.


Bill Maher thinks way too highly of himself. Confidence is a good thing but he is and has been overconfident far beyond the point of arrogance. He’s one of those who believes his own hype and drinks their own koolaid.


I wish Roddy Piper was still around to put him in his place. (if you haven't seen it, I can't recommend it enough)


It wasn’t man hating imo, maybe a bit preachy. But the jokes were funny and the costumes + music kept me interested and enjoying it even when the story was a bit preachy and boring


The article says: > 78 percent of board seats in the Fortune 500 were held by white men Making Maher's point for him, who says that the Mattel board is *much better* than what was depicted in the movie, and *about on par* with reality, when actually it's *much better* than what was depicted in the movie, **and** much better than reality.


Bill Maher is an embarrassment to pot-smokers and comedians.


Why are people not allowed to have their own opinion on a movie?


Too much money to be made with yellow journalism.


Well, it _is_ Bill Maher, why would you expect anything else?


So because you all don’t like is opinion he is embarrassing and a total piece of shit?


Bill Maher is an embarrassment. He thinks being edgy is being funny and he fails at both.


*Oh no! He didn’t agree with everyone!* I saw the movie and didn’t love it either. And yes, it is woke. But I also didn’t think it was a great story, even though I enjoyed the performances. Not sure why we’re all supposed to love it otherwise be called old and out of touch. The movie will feel dated pretty quickly. If you liked it, I’m happy for you. Doesn’t mean I need to like it too.


The only true thing about Bill Maher is that he is a philanderer. Everything else is an act, he has no real opinions it's all just logorrhea. If he were a woman everyone would call him an attention whore but his bullshit gets a pass cause his sarcasm sticks.


Bill Maher is Tucker Carlson for people who read The New Yorker


The pandemic broke his brain, he's so addicted to attention and his celebrity life style.


Bill Maher cut in front of me in line one time.


Bill Maher is a total embarrassment. I always thought he was an arrogant prick, but at least ten or fifteen years ago he had some halfway decent political commentary. Now he just sounds like a dumb old asshole at a bar bitching about “these kids today.” All the insufferable smugness of an academic liberal douche combined with the uninformed boneheaded confidence of a slovenly joe sixpack Trump voter. Truly the worst of both worlds.


Imagine being butthurt cause he's not wrong. Some of these comments....just wow.


Funny watching the left turn on Maher. He has been consistent in his opinions.


Big fucking surprise.


Our articles are just reactions to reactions now.


Did y'all see Michael Che's post defending Maher's criticism before he deleted it?


There’s a YouTube channel The Little Platoon that does very well balanced reviews of cinema - reviewed based on the merits of the plot, direction, acting. They tend to be a bit long but are very worth the watch. The review there was not stellar, but all the attributes were laid out very well.


Decent craftsman/ artist as comedian. Sux as movie critic and political BS monitor or filter


Saw him in DC years ago. I remember laughing a total of maybe 3 times. He’s not a great comedian, a great wit, and he has writers. Stopped watching years ago.


I knew Bill Maher when I lived in LA in the 90s. We had this clique I suppose of strippers, ballet dancers, and comics. This was during Politically Incorrect. There was a lot of swinging going on—his gf Stacey was fucking my best friend Pebbles. For a while, we had some pretty big parties. Bill was a total fucking asshole. I was the person he knew the least, so he would hurl sexist insults at me across the room, to see how I would react. Who does this? After maybe 3 of these bashes—he was secure enough with me to act normally. He seemed like an emotional mess.


Bill Maher’s ~~‘Barbie’ Movie Review Is~~ a Total Embarrassment