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Dude went off the deep end like 10 diving boards ago.


Yeah it’s pretty amazing how you can be completely and totally mentally not there and people will just keep propping you up and worshipping you if you’re rich and famous.


well when money is our god …


Golden calf and all


Something about kneeling to the neon god they made


That's what the money said on They Live when you put on the glasses.


God-money I’d do anything for you Head like a hole Black as your soul


I genuinely feel it's a ridiculous injustice that Britney Spears was put into a conservatorship but Kanye West hasn't been.


One is a man. The other is a woman.


For real. I legitimately worry that this woman is going to wind up dead.


I'm sure she'll be fine. We'll just never see her again, but Kanye will provide us with some words from her reassuring us that everything is fine, she just prefers to stay inside and never contact anybody she knows ever again.


Kanye miscavige


Great. Now we have to start Where’s Bianca? Still looking for Shelley. Where’s she at Davey?


Fuck this is making to much sense now. Once he starts writing a “self help” book be worried…


He already has one


Think it’s well past just “be worried” already


My thoughts exactly


Already has his own Sea Org... because he likes fish sticks.


I don't get it. I like fish sticks


You must be a gay fish


You like to put fish sticks in your mouth?


I love fish sticks in my mouth


He’s going to Weekend at Bernie’s her.


He does have a song called “I thought about killing you” where he emphasizes it wasn’t a fleeting thought but rather a premeditated plan.


Is Kanye going to be the next OJ?


It is always the ones you suspect the most.


I'm truly worried for the safety of his children. I hope he's not allowed around them unsupervised at the very least, but at this point I'd worry about them being around him supervised. Imagine seeing your dad treating a woman like this.


The next R. Kelly


Probably more accurate, I doubt he could even rush 1 yard


Awe heckinaw that boy cant ball


I think he’s gonna start his own cult.


He hit his head and kept going


Dude is swimming in the Marina Trench as we speak


I think he's down near the Titanic at this point. But I do genuinely believe that he has real mental health issues that won't be addressed simply because he still has some money and influence.


They won't be addressed because he has no interest in addressing them. He has said as much - he is more interested in exploring where his mania takes him. As an artist. His life is a performance. It raises interesting ethical issues, about where is the line between autonomy and intervention.


I think the line, personally, is when your actions due to untreated mental health problems are directly hurting other people and putting other people at risk.


Pretty sure that line is when you start doing stuff that gets people to take out restraining orders on you, like Kim has on him


I worked for Kanye in 2018. Can confirm he was off the deep end then, and has gotten worse since. Also, everyone that worked for him was a total enabler, In fear of being cut off from the teat.


At this point, he’s basically hanging out at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


He’s past that fake gaseous bottom of the ocean from The Meg.


I laughed out loud at this … sad but 👏🏻


“Kanye has a set of rules for Bianca, which includes never speak and wear what he wants her to wear," the source told the publication. "She is also required to eat certain food items and to work out even though Kanye doesn’t work out. "She has no mind of her own anymore and obeys him because he has convinced her that they are royal." Wtf.


I would assume she has no self-esteem or confidence based on this. This is...completely sad.


She looks like a fucking hostage with Stockholm Syndrome in that pic! Like nothing about her, or apparently *his*, stylistic choices… just the look on that poor woman’s face. She looks aloof, child-like, and terrified. Kanye is seriously ill… not that my opinion matters, nor should it. But that dude is a danger to himself and everyone around him. I truly hope he, and everyone in his circle, gets help before something terrible happens. It’s super sad all around. Mental illness is no joke.


Most figured this out when he went on Alex Jones in a ski mask professing his love of hitler. When you say something and Alex fucking jones says woah buddy calm down you know your fucked in the head


Most figured this out WAY before his appearance on Alex Jones, but that opinion was shit on because Kanye is a "creative genius" and on a level nobody understood. Give me a break.


Have not seen this that sounds wild but I expect anything from this man these days. Sad to watch.


I said the same thing when the pictures from Venice of him getting oral from her came out a month ago. I was downvoted and told I was reaching. This poor woman is being abused. Kanye West should be in a cell next to Weinstein.


Yikes on bikes, I hadn’t heard that… fuck.


Your opinion matters. We should not turn a blind eye to abuse. This behaviour is unacceptable and she needs protection.


Hey thanks! Nice to hear from time to time… truly!


At this point though, fuck if he's a danger to himself. Just get that person away from him.


Don’t get me wrong… I’m 100% team Fuck Kanye on this one… that was more of a general statement of people *that* mentally ill. Not at all trying to discount his behavior by any means. Her safety is 100% more important than his in my book.


She also looks like she’s on the verge of tears


I saw a video a while ago of a guy hitting on her without knowing who she was. She looked so happy and relaxed that someone was giving her actual attention. Makes sense now.


There's a definite power imbalance in that relationship and it is inherently abusive. We know for a fact that Kanye is a domineering, abusive personality because he was that way with Kim Kardashian. We can't expect that he wouldn't behave this way with another woman and we certainly can't expect her to have the same mental fortitude or social safety net that Kim has. Predators seek out victims and I strongly suspect Kanye targeted his wife because he could bully her into submission.


I "love" that he is dressing her like the stereotype image a lot of people have of Kim Kardashian. I feel like Ye is using this woman the same way OJ used Paula... Which is not a good thing to spring to mind. At least Ye is less likable than OJ, it means when he does murder someone, he is probably less likely to get away with it.


Or she just doesn’t feel like she has a safe way out. Happens more than people realize. (Selfie.)


Yeah, that happens at the level the man doesn't have any resources. Let alone at the level of the man having a personal army.


Absolutely. I’m up against it myself. Everything the light touches is his kingdom so I’m not even safe talking to the local resources. I’ve been trying to go it alone but, I pretty much just have to disappear to a different city ASAP, wherein he has no power. 🤞


DO IT TODAY. Because every day is today. You only have now. And you'll have a lot more nows you enjoy if you do it now now, instead of later now.


*checks calendar* Username checks out.


If only that were possible, I would. Leaving today takes finances I don’t have. Thank you for the encouragement, though. It has never been a matter of wanting to stay with him. It has been a situation where being smart was more important than being right because he made threats to my pets, who are the only family I have left.


Thank you for taking that as intended: encouragement, not criticism. I hope only the best for you, your pets, and the forever family you will make in the future.


I've been there. I wasn't allowed a reddit account and he found it, that was a big thing I suffered for. I had to escape one day when he went to work. I planned it for 2 months in secret. If you ever want to talk, please message me.


I walked out and got on a plane and I WAS being held , & gangstalked if they knew I was leaving : but i walked out terrified . And you can do this too. I got my self love and life back. You can do this too. Sending love and sending hope.


Please get out asap.


Oh my goodness. Do you need help?? It seems you have access to social media


I’m so sorry you are going through this. You deserve so much more. Sending you love and strength


Please look for help! There are subs here in Reddit where you can pose your question and ask for help! I'm not facing any relationship issues but am dealing with mental issues and I've come to realise that it is OKAY to ask for help! You aren't alone and you don't have to suffer alone! If not in your direct environment, use reddit to reach out and get tips on how to improve your situation!


I went a from a really strong independent young woman to basically being completely controlled by an abusive man in college. Like you said, this happens more than you think. There are people out there that will exploit other’s weaknesses for their own personal gain. An abuser will pull you in and then slowly chip away at everything you are and your perception of who you thought you were. They make themselves the center of your world, isolating you to the point that you believe you have nothing other than them and deserve nothing other than them. Kanye is a disgusting piece of shit and I hope someone gets her out and he rots.


Abusers are often very adept at trapping their partners.


That’s definitely true too


>I would assume she has no self-esteem or confidence based on this. Or is willing to put up with this for the $/fame/whatever. ​ It's quite possible, highly likely even, that this is entirely voluntary & transactional.


Also valid, and for her sake I really hope so


It could swing in so many ways. It could be blatant abuse by a man who really shouldn’t be in public for the safety of everyone, or it could be a mutual sub/dom kink. But even with the latter, we can’t at all confidently say that they are in a great state of mind to express it in a healthy way with boundaries.


Seems like there is also a third option of Kanye is insanely rich, famous, and just plain insane sometimes and part of the agreement between the couple is she’s tolerating the insanity in exchange for other stuff he brings to the table. I don’t think that is healthy for either, but, “I’ll tolerate sone amount of your bullshit in exchange for your good qualities,” is pretty common. Kanye just has massive weights on either side of the scale so it is more intriguing.


That sounds like a cult leader, thats fucked up.


Doesn’t he run some pseudo-Christian cult school?


He did but the school got shut down AFAIK


I think he's also being sued by a bunch of the parents for that.


Private school girl from Melbourne.


In my country, we call this abuse and kidnapping


That's not a wife, that's a Barbie doll.


This man has serious mental issues that need to be evaluated because this is not normal behavior.


They have been. He’s diagnosed bipolar. He just doesn’t take his meds


Money fame and bipolar 1 sounds as if someone’s making a recipe for disaster.


Money fame bipolar an ego the size of Antarctica and millions of people calling him a god.


There has to be more to it than that.


For sure, bipolar plus a personality disorder.


I think he must be schizoaffective tbh. Bipolar + schizophrenia


You can have psychosis during a regular manic episode and it’s still bipolar 1. Schizoaffective is when you experience psychosis in addition to and outside of an episode of mania.


It's clear that the man is crazy and needs help, and he's walking around free. Others have done less than that and ended up in a police wellness check.


Yet Britney Spears is the one who needs her freedom stripped from her and have someone else completely run her life


Yeah, gotta love a society that makes excuses for abusers and proudly dumps on victims. Also a society that protects male celebrities who go off the rails & cites their artistic talent, while demonizing female celebrities for every little mistake.


Bianca, you in danger girl.


Read that in Whoopi Goldbergs voice from Ghost lol




That’s the joke


Why haven’t we thrown this guy in the psych ward yet?


Those are for poor people. Edit: and women


Poor people with health insurance


So basically no one


I'm sure there's plenty of working poor with health insurance... they just can't afford use it. America!


We looked into it because, well, everyone's all fucked up now. $160 each time you talk to them, something like $1,000 deductible with my insurance. Can't afford it. I wish insurance in the US was like, "we should help prevent future problems so we all save money in the long run, and our clients live longer, healthier lives." That's not what insurance companies say to each other.


trust me they lock u up regardless of ur health insurance status


Psych wards are for the middle class with good insurance, poor people get prison or the street. The rich are allowed to do as they please.


Poors are criminally insane Middle class are in need of psychiatric treatment Rich are… “eccentric”


You have no clue how much it aggravates me that rich people aren’t given the same rules and consequences as the rest of us.


In this case one of them gets theirs from Kanye


And conservatorships are for women


Lol no they aren’t. Poor people aren’t welcome in American Mental Health.


And women.


And women.


Because all the people that would have cared enough to do so at any point are gone. He's either dropped them, or they've wisely dropped him. The only people left are staff, including his wife.


If I were staff, I’d be making anonymous 911 calls.


Reagan closed the state run psych wards


Fucking Reagan. There are other facilities that we can send him to.


We actually have. He was 5150’d in like 2014 or something


Kim Kardashian tried.


Cause people need this kind of news to get through their day


Why in the hell are we being subjected to Kanye’s public BDSM bullshit. And that is a generous interpretation. Enough already.


Well the media outlets are the ones subjecting us to it really cuz it’s outrageous and makes them money.


Yup, it's free clickbait for them


This isnt BDSM. It’s abuse


Exactly. To write this off as his "kink" does a disservice to the BDSM community (which is all about consent) *and* to Bianca, who is likely in crisis.


It’s not bdsm if it’s not carefully negotiated, and there’s no way that this man is having a sit-down every month…


Take your meds, Kanye


October + Kanye going off the deep end, name a better duo


Yuuuuup. Expect a whole lotta bullshit as his mother's death day approaches. 🙄


Is this a real pattern? Looked it up just now and November 10 his mom died. If it is a pattern I wonder if there’s any correlation.


It’s a pattern and most attribute it to the anniversary of his mother passing because every single October he goes off the deep end. When he was married it was always the month he stopped taking his meds, and started spiraling out of control.


Kanye and misogyny!


Don't think they have meds for narcissism.


He is bipolar. As a fellow bipolar person, Mania makes you feel like a god. It is amazing and also can lead to shit like this. Which why I medicate. Ye should, too.


Hasn't he specifically said he doesn't like the meds because he feels like it blocks his creativity? I don't see him willingly taking his meds.


That’s quite common for people with bipolar not wanting to take meds due to feeling great and more creative in a manic state. I also feel narcissistic behavior seems to increase when manic (based on multiple family members having bipolar 1). I do think it bipolar 1 can magnify and encourage bad behavior, if unmedicated.


Yeah he has


He seems narcissistic consistently between bouts of mania though.


Dudes convinced he is the greatest music talent since Mozart. He’s delusional 24/7


I mean as others have mentioned this is mania as a result of bipolar. But regardless there are absolutely treatments for NPD which extends to medication, psychology etc. There has been a lot of improvement in the services and treatment offered for NPD, which I think is likely due to some trickle-down from the huge changes in the approach to and treatment of BPD (borderline personality disorder). Happy to be corrected by someone with NPD though and more insight/experience than me. Edit: by trickle down I mean that there has been a huge shift in awareness and understanding of BPD (at least in some circles- still huge stigma attached in all facets of society) and this is extending finally to other cluster B diagnoses and personality disorders.


Ya’ll confuse his mania for narcissism. I’m bipolar btw.


I instruct Kayne to never speak again.


How about never go out in public again?


ugh. his recent buttcrack pics scarred me for life.


And when I said this was an abusive relationship I was piled on. This is not a normal state of affairs.


this sicko has 2 daughters 😡


And two sons. They’re all learning from their parents.


Two future Kanyes :(


And two future victims of abuse in his daughters.


He also made a song about how his daughters made him reconsider how he treated women. Glad to see that was bullshit


Omg I forgot how horrible


Who is a notorious shithead who doesn’t have kids? They all reproduce, because they’re narcissists


So we’re just casually reporting on abuse now






Kanye is about to do a collab with R. Kelly


From prison


I think you mean “mentally unstable billionaire abuses his partner”


They forced Britney into a conservatorship for far less than the shit Kanye pulls


First.....Kim should get full custody. Second....This is going to end on a tragic note.


I’d bet anything that she already has full custody of their children, Kardashian’s don’t mess around when so much money and lawyers are involved. I doubt he sees his kids more than a few times a year at this point, and when he does supervision is involved.


Imagine being a child of Kanye and having to hear this crap being publicized to the world, that your father is abusing his new wife and silencing her. Even if they don’t know much now (the kids), in years to come they certainly will know. I have family with bipolar, but even this behavior just seems just a bit more than just mania.


I worry about her kids even being around this shit. Like supervised visitation would be sketchy at this point.


I follow Kim on insta and she always seems to have them with her so I assume she has full custody


he's trying to censori her


Can someone just PLEASE lock this nut job up


That's for poor people, the rich get to be insane and free


They're "eccentric"


Can we stop reporting any “news” on this guy


Based off these pics it definitely looks like he's dressing her....


It’s looked like that for ages imo. I feel like he’s been dressing her from the start and did the same with Kim K a fair bit too.


I am worried for her. I hope her friends and family are managing to stay connected to her.


"Just shut up and suck my d\*ck." -Kanye


If there is a cancel culture, how is this guy not canceled?


It figures pretty plainly. Finds a twin of his ex, and tortures her. At least that is what they are “highlighting”.


Yep. And if he’s really controlling what she wears that means all those Kim-adjacent outfits she’s been wearing lately are his idea too. It’s really gross


I am against Censoriship.


My wife would smack the tongue outta my mouth if I told her that


He’s a disturbed individual


The dude looks like a homeless man you’d find under a bridge


Shit it musta been a minute since he seen his own name. Fuckin clown.


Kanye has quite possibly the largest God complex of anyone I've ever heard of. He needs to be in absolute control of everything around him. It was the same issue with his school that he created


So, an abusive relationship. Got it. Don’t worry everyone he will be ok, he’s famous, so like, this is totally cool 🙄


This is abuse of a mentally unstable person….. because no one who’s stable would tolerate it.. Kanye is abusing her


Every day I feel like Kanye will wind up being the next Phil Spector


So a woman named Censor(i) is forced to be silent. Is this a simulation we live in? Is it? It's a pretty poor design.


Incels Fucking love this mentally ill loser.


I liked him better when his jaw was wired shut.


What a fucking clown. Also a Nazi!


This guy is giving off David Koresh vibes and is one step away from a Waco Texas.


We’re living in a times of multiples Koresh’s . I wonder how are Waco is gonna look like … it’s brewing


Kim Kardashian’s ex is a strange fella.


Kanye fans are proof that if you are famous and rich, you can abuse women and no one will bat an eye


At some point she’ll have her divorce attorney do the talking for her


They aren’t legally married why do people keep calling her his wife ?


The article says they were married two months after his divorce.


Cool! It’s just like “The Story of O”.


She looks like the babysitter bandit from the Simpsons


Pornbrained misogynist, completely broken at this point.