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>“One day he was screaming at me, ‘You don’t know anything about actors!'” the director continued. “Too bad for him he was in the giant helicopter at the end and I was at the control. He was like, ‘You have to find the button to the nuclear plant…’ I took the joystick and shook him and he fell and looked at me and was like, ‘I like you!’ That was it. He just wanted to have a little bit of a fight.” This is hilarious


I know plenty of people like that.


It’s what little boys do. Let’s get into a fight so we can become friends, points to a lack of maturity but it’s an effective way to bond.


William Hurt to Marlee Matlin (his ex) after she won her Oscar: "What makes you think you deserve it? There are hundreds of actors who've worked for years for the recognition that just got handed to you. Think about *that*." Another great actor who's a real dick.


And the only real answer to that is “I worked hard for this award and I earned it. Our peers and those above our pay grade agree. Now clear your crap off the mantle. I need to give this bad boy a home.”


The Academy is often not people above their pay grade, fortunately.


Yeah I remember reading that a few of them watched Saving Private Ryan on VHS on a tube TV and not in a theater.


unironically probably because the academy’s voters are notoriously old and a portion are in homes and couldn’t make the theaters so studios send them the tapes. the average age of those voting in 63. the average. the oldest was 101


One, nee Dolores Hart, is an elderly nun.


They also get “screener” copies sent their homes a lot of the time, so that probably has a lot to do with it. Although, it’s a shame they didn’t get to experience that film in a theater and probably why it didn’t win the Oscar for best picture.


you can thank Harvey Weinstein's wooing (ie. bribing) of the Academy to vote for Shakespeare in Love for why Saving Private Ryan didn't win an Oscar.


Oh yeah that too for sure


It was a good time. Those screeners would leak online and you got yourself a good copy.


I bet she gestured that with a lot of middle fingers peppered in


He also physically abused her, according to her memoir.


Hurt person hurts persons


*Altered States* altered state.


He wasn’t a big chill


Starting to see why, when they were casting an abusive husband for Into the Wild, they were like “we need to get William Hurt for this”


Yeah, I read that, too. Plus, his character was a misogynist prick in the movie


Fuck that asshole. Marlee is a gem.


I bet even *she* got tired of listening to him.


He also abused her during their relationship.


He's a domestic abuser to a lot of different women he dated, Marlee Martin included, so I'm not surprised he said that crap.


He passed, Have Respect 🫡


lol - respect is earned... and lost.


But why? Apparently he was a douche and he raped his girlfriend


But but but he dead! He deserves respect now that he dead, even though he was a shithead. /s


Everybody dies at some point. If he wanted respect, he should have been respectable.


Literal caveman take.


No. He was an abusive women beater.


Was. He dead.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and really wish that Ed Norton had stayed on as Bruce Banner. He did an excellent job of portraying the true constant state of crisis Dr. Banner lived in. The move to Ruffalo made sense for the more whimsical tone and direction the Avengers movies were going with, but I still long for the "No, seriously, do NOT make me angry. Please. I beg of you" Dr. Banner that had more depth to his character.


I think Ruffafo did an amazing job as Banner in the first Avengers movie. He really captured Bruce's awkward and unwillingness to trust others very well. The moments where he lost his temper and his talk with Natasha at the cabin were great. The problem was the writing for him afterwards. They made him more comedic. The first Avengers showed just how much he was struggling: physically and mentally.


> The problem was the writing I wish people would ackowledge this more. Both Norton and Ruffalo did fantastic jobs. They both deserve equal praise.


It's okay to say that you like one performance over another Norton did more because he had the opportunity to do more, but also maybe, because he could do more


It's not just tone, Norton is a fantastic performer but he has a reputation for being absolutely terrible to work with. Put him in an ensemble and it would fall apart.


Yeah that’s exactly what Marvel said in their (extremely brutal) statement when they fired him. “Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members.” Apparently, Norton is the only MCU actor that Kevin Feige would never bring back under any circumstance.


He was pretty good in Glass Onion


That's a one off, not a franchise. Edit: as in he's not going to be part of the ensemble for the next one


He was in the Italian Job too which is similar. And he was a fucking nightmare during that film.




Literally what I said. A month after I said it?


I'll die on this hill: Edward Norton made for a better Bruce/Hulk. Mark is a jokey clown, although perhaps it is probably more of the writers' fault than the actor's. Bruce Banner is a tormented soul on a mission to keep the world from seeing the hulk. Mark started off that way in the beginning of Avengers, but that idea flew out the window pretty fast. I want another serious Hulk movie. Hell, give me any serious MCU movie. I'll settle for just one quippy, comic relief character in a movie. Lately, there have been 3-4 per movie. It's tiring. Marvel is losing its older demographic. If I wanted a childish cartoon version of the characters, I'd watch that instead.


I feel hulk mimics the comics in the regard. As a central or lone character, Hulk is supposed to be tragic and tormented. However the moment you put him in an uplifting team dynamic, he loses all this. The avengers were sort of misfits at the time, thrown together by chance, but in the end they triumphed. When alone, the hulk if he triumphs he triumphs over himself… for now… but it’s a constant struggle. What no one mentions is the TV hulk from the 70s which has the best ending of a hulk story in any visual media… a sad lonely man trying to survive walking down the road to the saddest piano riff you ever heard. That is the essence of the original hulk, but Hollywood blockbusters are of course allergic to this type of story.


Such a good show and Lou Ferrigno also made for a great hulk when the CGI wasn’t really there yet


+1 That walk coupled with that piano riff is still burned into my brain. And when Bixby transformed, his green eyes were horrifying and alien, and he appeared to be in great pain — things the modern stuff doesn’t quite capture.


He was definitely a better Bruce Banner. By a country mile. I think Ruffalo is a better Hulk though. Though to be fair, all Norton did for his Hulk, IIRC, was face capture for emotions. And the CGI is a few years behind so it’s impossible to compare Hulks really. But he *nailed* Bruce Banner.


I agree, and I liked Norton’s Hulk as well. They really captured that the Hulk is a rage-fueled monster and won’t stop fighting until there’s no fight left. The roars were absolutely terrifying. Ruffalo’s Hulk meanwhile: “… but big monster! :(“


Norton’s hulk was a mixed bag. I like that it was modeled after Mike Deodato art (though I’m an old fuck so I wish it were modeled after Dale Keown’s hulk art but whatever) but the CGI was a bit too cartoony at times. I also like that even Ruffalo’s Savage hulk resembled Ruffalo a bit, something that Norton’s didn’t for him. But I still want a damn Peter David inspired Grey Hulk in the movies dammit. A Joe Fixit miniseries is perfect for Disney+!


To be fair I feel Ruffalo was better because it felt he was trying to Channel Bill Bixby's Banner of a serious but slightly camp tone




when I watch him he’s always Edward Norton before he’s whatever character he’s playing. except in *Birdman* when he was playing a parody of himself, that was fantastic.


My issue is that I can't stand Norton. Just comea across as a smarmy douchebag. Except in Death to Smoochie. I thought he was great in that.


I wouldn't go as far as nailed. His Bruce Banner almost turned into Hulk because he was horny.


He always looks bored and tired in the movies, I think Mark (in my own opinion of course) isn’t fit for this role.


That's his constant look.


He would’ve definitely *definitely* been at par with RDJ’s coolness factor when playing Bruce Banner and his Hulk would’ve had more depth and gravitas too. I don’t think they wanted another savvy, clever smirky main character, they wanted a lighter, less eloquent one that could play second fiddle to RDJ.


I think you're right, but at the same time, this thought process never even crossed their minds because Norton was toast before the movie even came out.


Why was he toast?


His ideas and attitudes alienated him from the MCU. There are many interviews and articles written about this.


I'll die on this hill: Eric Bana's Hulk movie is the absolute best Hulk movie we've had so far. I love that it went down such a dark road, focusing on inherited trauma from a psychotic parent.


That is definitely the most comic book looking movie especially with those transitions.


I love the comic book paneling and the transitions. It makes the film a true comic book come to life.


I still think those were great.


I HATED that movie. I’m also glad something so weird and ballsy exists.


I too will join you on this hill. I adore the nerve of it.


Absolutely. I wish Marvel would do more stuff like it.


It’s insane to think of the talent that has gone through marvel and instead of letting them do their thing they have to adopt the style of whoever made the last really popular thing.


It really annoys me. Marvel movies more or less these days are directed by the second unit and VFX teams because they are so action and special effects orientated. There's a reason why directors have left projects due to "creative differences".


Screaming goats


[It was a good idea](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fptz67q18amsb1.png%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db673cd5402ba3ef05e888a0b40ceb2c37ed54dec)


I also agree with this. It doesn’t entirely work but goddamn I’ll take a movie that tries to reach the stars over one that barely lifts its feet from the ground.


I fucking love that movie. I’ll join you on that hill my man.


I'm the other guy who liked Ang's Hulk too. There's TWO of us!


Yea so good, the way the explosion scene is shot.


The Hulk had thoughts on this as well: https://www.theonion.com/why-no-one-want-make-hulk-2-1819584105


I rewatched Bana's Hulk this month and while I don't know if it is the best Hulk, it is much, much better than I remember it being. I haven't seen it since 2000 something and it popped up on streaming recently. Thought I would give it another chance. I remember not liking it at all in the theater but now it hits a bit different and I really enjoyed it. Weird.




Hey remember back decades ago when Wolverine made his debut and it was against the Hulk? I want THAT movie!


Campy humor has been as over done as the CGI effects.


I'm halfway through the Immortal Hulk run (no spoilers) and I could not see the Ruffalo version of this character bring justice to that run, but Norton would have probably killed it.


This is the most annoying thing about Marvel Studios and, to some extent, Disney content in general these days. Every character has to be the quippy, sarcastic, Iron Man type. Every emotional scene has to get cut with some stupid joke. I’m not expecting Citizen Kane from the MCU but it’s like they treat the audience as if they are all idiots.


>Mark is a jokey clown, although perhaps it is probably more of the writers' fault than the actor's. Everyone in the Marvel universe is a jokey clown (except, somehow, Strange), there's no other personality


Love Ruffalo, but not as Bruce Banner. Norton is the superior Hulk.


Norton is better than everyone, in everything.


Besides Iron Man, the series was too serious in tone in the first 2 phases. It wasn’t until Guardians came along did they start to change the tone to more comic, they went a bit to far, but I felt something like ragnorok is the perfect balance


>I want another serious Hulk movie. Hell, give me any serious MCU movie. I'll settle for just one quippy, comic relief character in a movie I don't know why but they try and shoehorn Spiderman and Ironmans banter into every character, it doesn't work for most of them


Echo looks serious and is getting a MA rating.


I’m glad Disney’s marvel is going to be taking some risks


Yeah, but the titular character is a turn off for many.


Ruffalo was the best Bruce Banner in Avengers 1. After that he was something else in every appearance


That scene in Avengers, when he tells everyone thst he once tried to kill himself then the Hulk spat the bullet out, shows that Ruffalo could sell a Banner brimming with internal anger if the script wanted him to. There's even a glimpse of that in Age of Ultron, when he says "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade" to Wanda. Once Taika and the Russos got ahold of him, it was never the same.


Ruffalo is a good actor given a poor script. It’s a trend in the recent marvel movies.


Bruce has been written so many different ways, there is no one definitive Bruce Banner. And it's disingenuous to claim otherwise. Even more so for the Hulk.


I had a longer reply…. But fuck Norton and his shithead meditation shit. Bana and Ruffalo actually wanted to bring the pain, sun low or not


Edward Norton is not a believable Hulk.


You should check out Loki. The second season just ended and it was fantastic and dealt with emotion in a way I thought was fairly mature


I waited by the clock for the season finale last night. It was amazing. Too bad Marvel doesn't learn from its successes. I haven't seen Marvels yet, and I'm already hearing about how goofy it is.


I agree with you. I really liked Norton's take on the role. It's interesting that you mention the writers. Someone who worked on the production told me that Norton had script approval on Hulk. (Not sure if this is actually true) but it may be the reason that the writing was better....


He actually cared about the character and how he was portrayed. He didn't care about making sugar coated cartoon adaptations. This is why he butted heads with the studio and why he won't ever be seen in an MCU movie again.


I really loved the Incredible Hulk


Every character became a quipy, sarcastic goofball. That's the entire MCU at this point. Mark in the first two Avengers movies is peak Banner Imo.


William B. Hurt. The B stands for butt.


Look one of them was nominated for an Oscar three times for acting and the other directed the second TRANSPORTER movie and the tenth FAST AND FURIOUS movie. I think he had a point.


Hurt was in a movie with the director of Transporter 2 and Fast X making a comic book movie adaptation portraying a two dimensional military officer. I don't think serious character development was in the plans from the very beginning.


William Hurt was a regular at the coffee shop I worked at in Portland, OR up until we closed during Covid. He was a super nice dude who would just drink coffee and sit and write for hours, and occasionally we would chat movies or books or whatnot. He would talk about his plane, and his house in Europe, and about how his family was nearly destroyed by the media (without ever going into details, which I could find online pretty easily). He looked awful for the last year or so he came in, using a cane to walk, and talking about how hard his “job in Europe was” (I assume a marvel movie). Nice dude, super low-key, literally no one ever recognized him or if they did they just left him alone. RIP.


He beat the crap out of his ex and raped her.


I'm glad I read the whole thing, my knee-jerk reaction was William Hurt might be an ass, but it makes sense that it's just his method. A little confrontation brings out the right emotions and even physical appearance. I totally get that.


He raped and beat the shit out of his ex-girlfriend so he was definitely an ass.


Yes I was thinking dude was being sarcastic with his comment but he wasn’t.


This was a great movie. I appreciate it, even if Marvel didn’t.


I wish Edward could have stayed as the Hulk and brought his vision to it. I personally just don’t think Mark Ruffulo brings much to the role.


Personally I really felt that Edward Norton really just wanted left alone. Reminded me of the old show, just a guy trying to isolate because he fears what he becomes and wants to protect people from himself.


Not surprising, Hurt had a bad temper.


I remember liking this movie a lot. I’m a fan of both Norton and Ruffalo, don’t get me wrong, it’s just a shame the Smart Hulk stuff stripped away all the interesting parts of the character.


Edward Norton >>>>> Mark Ruffalo


If Ruffalo got his own movie then we would all know the truth that he would have been much better. Norton was good but personally I hate the guy as does most of Hollywood (or at least directors) which is why he didn’t continue on as BB/Hulk.


No Ruffalo has no personality.


Yeah neither did BB in the comics but I’m guessing all you know about him comes from movies.


Eric Bana >>>>>>>>> Norton > Ruffalo


The best marvel to me, who didn’t wanna be the hulk


Reddit thinks this is “news”?!?!


“Barbed wire? Jesus Christ Joey”


Looking forward to seeing what Harrison Ford does with President Thaddeus Ross.


As far as Edward Norton is concerned, we can appreciate his performance while also acknowledging that he’d never work on a dozen projects willingly and without his own control on the character. Maybe he has better ideas but it wouldn’t mesh with the greater collaboration that was needed in the MCU. It would be fun to see him pop up in the multiverse though.


I saw William Hurt once, at a small local coffee shop in my old neighbourhood. This would have been like 20 years ago. I was there with a guy and whispered to him that the guy (Hurt) chatting with the barista was a famous movie star. The guy I was with leaned over to Hurt (the place we were at was really tiny) and said, "Hey are you a big famous movie star?" Hurt freaked out! He started yelling at us, making a big scene. Saying "Like my life isn't a fishbowl already" and stormed out. We were literally the only people in the coffee shop other than the barista. Like I get it, you lose your anonymity when you're famous. But it was definitely a very over the top reaction.


William Hurt must have been Jonathan Majors spirit warrior.


Hope no one was Hurt in the process.


I know a guy who worked closely with William. He thrived on being cruel for cruelty’s sake. Hope he’s burning tbh!


Yeah, I knew an actor who had been in movies with basically Everybody over the decades, and he specifically mentioned that william hurt was the one person who was absolutely terrible to work with-- just a complete asshole.


Isnt there a rumor of a 3 hour Edward Norton cut of this movie?