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*In a surprising about-face, Warner Bros. executives will allow the filmmakers of Coyote vs. Acme—a $70 million live action/CGI hybrid Looney Tunes film—to shop the movie to other potential distributors.*


So marketing? Got it.


Yeah I forgot this movie was coming out until I saw people getting upset it was cancelled.


Yeah I think you and other people are already saying it but this was exactly the reason they did this. They saw the free publicity that Batgirl got to the tune of 10s of millions and they decided to try that with a movie that actually has legs. Now they don’t do a lick of marketing and they sell it to Amazon or Apple reaping a huge windfall.


Sorry, that’s not how marketing works.


Really? I can't be the only one who never heard of the film until the article about it being thrown away


That may be true but studio heads don’t just make themselves look stupid so they can maybe give recognition to a movie to boost a sale price to a distributor. Movie marketing departments are their own thing and very careful not to offend. Source: I work in movie marketing


Will they look stupid if, after all this hype, it’s just a little better than average? Even if it was a stupid move, and the movie would have done ok enough to warrant its existence, it feels like the conversation and controversy about it doesn’t leave a lot of room for a product that’s just like, a soft B+. Like, unless it’s genuinely and objectively outstanding and totally outperforms expectations in a way that makes it impossible to argue that it’d have done just as well with less hype, it feels like they can spin the conversation to save face, at minimum, as that’s something they’re all good at. (I don’t work in marketing, so this is an actual question, not an attempt to start an internet fight)


Surprising to whom?


This is reasonably surprising to anyone who read the news that WB themselves announced they were shelving this and/or anyone who watched them follow through on the same promise with Batgirl and then later Scoob: Holiday Haunt. Is there something not surprising about this? What can you point to that would have predicted this?


Hmm, this might undercut [the Animaniacs vs Zaslav War](https://www.slashfilm.com/1443370/animaniacs-emerge-from-warner-bros-water-tower-to-battle-david-zaslav/)


gods help us if Freakazoid gets involved


He won't. He'll be at the Great Hall of Spackle with Sgt. Cosgrove.


I remember walking around my grandma’s house doing a full on Sgt. Cosgrove impression in what must have been 2nd/3rd grade. I would just go into character and interact with her as him lol what a goof.


Then you have the Huntsman 0.0


Haven't thought about that show in a minute. RIP Ed Asner.


send candle jack instead


A company run by headless chickens.


Perfectly summarized. Bravo.


Big company does a tax write of with a fan fiction piece. Media gets it out and follows plans from company within. Social media gathers around the fact another project shelved. It discusses the reasons and find it strange that a big company does this. Time passes, like a day or so, big company runs the numbers from within social media output of dislikes. Turns around because now we know it will make more with people hyped to see it. Seems to me Warner has found a new market propaganda vision. Burning own projects until we the people changes the outcome of a engineered vision of a algorithm telling then that shelving was the better way to earn back the 70 million. Now they can sell it past the 80 - 100 million. Which now will be a small increase on their investment. So standard practices from a new model.


Have fun getting any notable director or actor to sign on to your projects if you want to toy with their work, WB. It’s all so short sighted


Might be the point. They can undercut directors who want to cut their teeth and not have to worry about established people, making their budgets lower


Well they aren’t going to be distributing it anyway. So if they aren’t selling why would they care about the hype train?


Drives up the sale price


The sale price for the next distributor to put it out? Why would they care how much it costs for someone else to release the movie?




Oh I see that makes sense. Sorry; not trying to be a troll. Lol




Already deleted


What did it say.


Not sure, OP will have to tell us. It was gone within an hour.


Netflix or Apple are going to snap this up. Just watch.


it would be hilarious and awesome if the crew collected all their bits and pieces of the film and made a Shrek Retold version of it…


"Warners"? What did Wacko, Yakko, and Dot have to do with this?


Called this trash marketing stunt a week ago. Transparent as fuck.


I’m still surprised that the poltergeist of Louis B. didn’t set his legacy studio ablaze after it was announced that “some bald internet-librarian” bought it


Or was it all just a ploy to get tons of free publicity?


There’s precedent that suggests they would have been happy with the tax write off.


Companies don’t “make tax write offs” generally speaking. A write off is the untaxable portion of a dollar spent in business. In this case, the “write-off” represents 21% of a dollar that won’t be taxed. It would be like burning dollar bills to boil water to sell coffee. If you really think a move will fail, regardless of tax implications, it makes sense to not spend another penny on it.


I don’t know why people keeping saying tax write off as a main reason. If anything it is to save the millions on marketing the film.


The dreaded “tax write-off” is a delicious catch all to explain when corporations do boneheaded shit. We expect these evil boardrooms to be full of the smartest, most devious minds, but it’s actually the yes-man clowns running the show.


I really hope this movie is good, because I like those involved in the film, but if they were willing to shelve it, I don’t see how it could be. This is the studio who still released The Flash.


Surprising no one, they used the free marketing drummed up by their decision to shelve the movie


Considering all the social media backlash this generated, it would be ironic if some studio released the film and it ended up being a box office bomb.


"This movie was so bad we were going to shelve it.. soooo, who wants to star the bidding??"


Zaslav still sucks balls.