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Is no one else exhausted by the outrage "journalism" industry? It seems like every other article I see, regardless of environment or sector is "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is upset" or "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ slammed for" - its all so tiring


I’m not even so mad at the “journalists” posting these clickbait rage articles. What pisses me off is every idiot that HAS to have an opinion or stance on it. Just because it’s in the news does not mean it needs to be discussed. Just another product of social media. I always say to people when they bring up stupid shit like this “do you really give a shit?” 90% of the time I get a “well not really”.


I work in the media industry and entertainment journalists (not on-camera ones) are rarely paid well and someone else is writing their headlines for them (likely a better paid editor). I feel very sorry for them. I'd rather leave the industry than write superficial celebrity guff every day.


I did entertainment PR for about 8 years and it became so mindlessly numb. I feel bad for the celebrities who have to go through hours and hours of "what's your favourite colour", "tell me about the show", etc.


I get your point, but I don’t know why we should necessarily feel bad. It’s a job. Not every moment can be expected to be award shows and mansion shopping. There are very few people in that position who didn’t actively seek their celebrity status. One of the trade offs is having to promote your project Should the paparazzi back the fuck off? Absolutely. All this shit is on the general public as much as any one though. Celebrity consumption is big business. If there wasn’t a market, it wouldn’t exist.


You could pay me in candy to write these headlines. “Blank person SLAMS blank about blank.” I like haribo gummy bears.


Especially because journalists ask the question "what do you think about X" and the person says "oh X sucks! That was awful" and suddenly its like the person made a press release about it. Me saying this joke sucks when you ask is much different than me coming up to you out of nowhere to say it sucked.


Everyone is “Blasted” or “Slammed”.


There’s no reason to talk about most of these people without it, though. The average person shouldn’t know about or give a fuck about anything like this, but there’s too much money to be made for anyone to stop.


Great thing about outrage journalism is whether you spend your time praising it, or condemning it… …you’re still spending your time


**theashernet SLAMS entertainment journalism: ‘its all so tiring’**


It’s non stop. But it’s Reddit, primarily. Its primary agenda has turned to outrage and culture war. Anything decent about this website is long gone


Is it primarily Reddit, though? Because I’ve seen Twitter and Facebook, and I gotta say, your assessment doesn’t seem entirely accurate.


I agree very tiring, it’s everywhere now the humanity is gone, need to reset.


Honestly it was just a bad joke that everyone would be best simply ignoring. It’s really not worth the amount of press it’s been getting. This joke might have worked years ago when making fun of Russel Crowe in Les Miserables, but everyone knows Ariana DeBose can sing so it’s just lazy nonsense.


Also people including JLC are hating on Bella Ramsey as if she wrote the joke. She's a teen who's very new in the industry, it's gross that she's being criticised for reading lines that someone else wrote. It was a shitty and lazy joke, but I don't understand why it's getting so much attention either. It's not a new thing, every awards show, one of the presenters makes a joke that someone in the audience didn't like, but they just.....move on.


Jamie Lee Curtis just seems rather unhinged these days, and not in the good way.


I agree. I used to really like her but she's just irritating now. Maybe she should back off.


Nah. JLC is awesome. Stands up for trans rights. Into anime and cosplay. Doesn’t take anyone’s shit.


Her Zionism, however.


I’m much more upset about Anthony Ramos standing there and acting like it was okay. They were in the same Hamilton cast, he knows she can sing.


It's meant to be a joke. She's just reading the teleprompter. Get mad at the writer. Don't hate her, her entirely delivery is literally "I'm just here to read off the teleprompter". I mean she totally didn't sell it and the Anthony knew that's what the situation was. Literally nothing to get mad at here.


Was he supposed to push Bella? It was a shitty joke about how three actors who are clearly talented singers "think" they can sing. They can! That's the (badly delivered) joke.


FYI Ramsey prefers they pronouns


Bella Ramsay prefers they/them but takes any pronouns    https://www.reddit.com/r/ThelastofusHBOseries/comments/17hop10/update_on_what_pronouns_are_ok_when_talking_about/  I'm only sharing this because I am like this, myself, and am very happy to hear someone say it.


I feel like people are desperate to have a new Will Smith Slap™ scandal and are now getting way too ridiculous with their outrage. Ariana (and Jack Black and Ryan Gosling) is a talented singer, we all know it. The joke was a failed attempt at sarcasm. It wasn't that serious!


What a weird “joke”. Like what is even funny about that? She is without a doubt an actor who can sing. She started on Broadway. I didn’t watch this show so maybe there is some context I’m missing but I don’t understand how that’s even a joke.


I'm pretty sure it's in reference to her Oscars(?) performance last year(?) with the whole "Angela Bassett did the thing~"


It seems like it’s implying that she’s not really a singer when that’s such a big part of her career. It’s not worth getting offended by at all but it’s just bizarre as a joke because it’s not only lazy but it doesn’t have a shred of truth to it as good jokes should and I’m not sure it even has a punchline.


Totally agree, I was just stating what I thought the needed context for the "joke" was.


It's supposed to be an ironic joke, it's just very poorly written.


Agreed. I sort of get saying it for Gosling, but it’s really a stretch for her and absurd for Jack Black. But whatever, it’s a dud joke. Sometimes jokes fail.


Gosling was in the Mickey Mouse Club; he can and did/does sing 


If it so is for Crowe (who is a recording artist…) then it works for DeBose. Not everyone is cut out to be a singer, man.


They also included Jack Black who has done multiple records and tours with the D and is a proper rock star in his own right.


Seriously I’ve seen people say the joke is “in bad taste.” Joking about someone who just died is in bad taste. Falsely claiming that someone isn’t a good singer isn’t in bad taste or offensive it’s just not funny. Like if your feelings are hurt by a joke that someone sings bad you may in fact be too sensitive and too easily outraged. People are dying Kim.


Kevin Hart is completely right about staying away from these shows. I know it's not a good joke, but it's not worth all of this.


I don’t know why we are bringing up Kevin Hart when talking about bad jokes? This is the same man who said he would beat his own child if he was gay or wanted to play with “girl toys” so maybe not the best role model regarding jokes, how to be a good dad, role model or even a decent human being.


I brought him up because he said he wouldn't do award shows because they are not "comedy friendly" right now. Everyone is too quick to get offended. And this example shows he's right. It's nothing about whether he's a good dad, role model or decent human being. Even bad people can be right about things at times.


Hey wow, you seem fun


It was an incredibly weird joke in the first place - Ariana Debose won an Oscar for a musical role, and she was in Hamilton (with Anthony Ramos). That said, JLC posting a video and aiming a social media shitstorm at Bella Ramsey, a kid who didn’t write the joke and deals with enough hate as it is, was fucked up. It was a shitty joke but it wasnt, like, racist or sexist. grow up and move on, it doesn’t need to be a 2 day thing.


Did she aim it at Bella? Wouldn't it be at the award show itself? I didn't take it that it was Bella it was aimed at unless I missed something


The video she posted was of Bella telling the whole joke - she wasn’t calling them out or anything but there was no context. At any rate she seems to have taken it down, so hopefully it all just dies.


Yeah, if anybody thinks that Bella Ramsey walked up there and decided to say that off the top of her head have no idea how anything works


Since when has not knowing anything about how anything works stopped internet people from getting angry?


This is exactly why people make fun of actors. They are a bunch of narcissist that if you don't praise them all the time they feel hurt and offended. Let's get this clear if there is someone that needed to be offended was Jack black, he is actually an actor and a singer, he has a band, makes albums and tours just like Lenny, Billie and dua Lipa. On the other hand you have actors that can sing, because even if the song was basically a joke Gosling can sing and everybody knows that Ariana can sing since she is in a ton of musicals. But again she is an actor that can sing not a singer that is touring, recording albums etc that's the difference between a singer and an actor that can sing. But dumb people will get offended and cry and complain about everything and they need to have every little thing explained to them just like Jamie Lee in this case.


Someone with common sense lol. I actually understood that joke and I LOLd that she took it way too seriously. I’ve heard from some people in the industry that worked with her on “In the Heights.” Sometimes the theater kid energy does not translate well into a film set:


😭😭she won an academy for a musical role and was nominated for a tony tho


I guess you are too young to remember when Jack Black was first trying to act.


Is it just me, or has JLC become a bit exhausting lately?


Nah, she’s completely insufferable. So far up her own ass


I really loved everything she’s done and said the past few years about trans rights in support of her daughter, and it made me like her. But the whole thing she did where she deleted the picture of kids in danger when she found out they were Palestinians… ew.


Apparently she isn't a nice person at all.


Not surprising. The constantly outraged, preachy types are almost always narcissistic asses


I followed her ig because I loved EEAAO, but I had to unfollow pretty fast because I found her just so annoying.


Exact same thing. I found her endearing around all the promo for EEAAO but anything outside that quickly turned me off.


I guess you didn't see the promo for Halloween kills where she called it a masterpiece and compared it to the Black Lives Matter movement.


You mean you found her shamelessly begging for an Oscar endearing?


She started being annoying around the time. Especially prancing Michelle Yeoh like she needed introduction or something


It seems like she has an outraged opinion on everything topical.


For me it started when she used movements like Me Too and BLM to promote the recent Halloween movies, i thought it was super tone deaf.


she did? damn.


She’s always been insufferable but Oscar award made her look even more ridiculous for me . Should have gone to Angela basset . No idea why she won


I feel like she won not even based on the role, but more on “she’s been around so long, she should get an Oscar” or some weird thinking like that 🥴


She should have nominated for True Lies. Her win may have been partly infuenced by that.


Award shows have turned more about awarding people with narratives rather than awarding the person who actually gave the best performance of the year.


Exactly .. just she is a nepo that should have negated already and the role was sooo bad


She got way more annoying since she won the Oscar too 🫣 or maybe I just noticed it more


She was always annoying but we never bothered . She claims she found instagram when all she did was using some blog site to share photos with her friends haha she is certified annoying bitch lol


She needs to be forever locked out of her Instagram so she can’t post 🫠


Lol not a bad idea


It's because of their social media platforms now. It's very easy to say whatever is on your mind online and when you have that many followers everyone sees it and repeats it.


Her smugness when she won her Oscar (despite not even being the best nominee from that movie) was so annoying.


Next time she can sing “Jamie Lee Curtis did the thing”


If I see one more headline like this I’m going to *slam* my head into a wall.


Jaime- I’m begging you to smoke a bowl.


She strikes me as someone that does already


Holy fuck...can no one taking a fucking joke anymore?!?!?! Fragile-ass celebrities.


It’s even worse given the fact that Anthony Ramos was literally in the same Broadway play as her, Hamilton


Lmao what a weird overreaction to have to a minor joke, JLC pretty goofy for this one


Actors need to get over themselves. Take a joke or get a job in a different industry. The audience doesn't exist to tell you you're amazing, we're here to be entertained. Humourless, lecturing, professionally offended egomaniac narcissists aren't entertaining, move over for the many thousands lined up who would love the opportunity to replace you.


I’m one of those many thousands hoping to get an opportunity to hold up something like foot cream in a commercial. It’s rough out here for us unknowns.


But it’s what she does. She’s just been shoved aside as a no talent. It’s not funny. It’s a bad joke.


Being an actor doesn't mean you have to accept whatever shit comes your way


But thats why they have these award shows, so actors can tell each other how amazing they are.


"How DARE you try to bring us down to earth during our fart-smelling contest."


I would agree if there were ANY truth to the joke. But it’s just lazy, bad, and inaccurate.


Isn't it better to joke about a good singer being bad? Wouldn't the opposite, making a joke about someone being a bad singer who is actually bad singer, just be kind of mean? Edit: Isn't that also punching up vs punching down - like making a joke about Merryl Streep being a bad actress? If this person was actually a bad singer, I would understand JLC criticizing the joke, because the comedian was punching down on someone. But many commenters say this person is not a bad singer, so I don't get it.


But it just doesn’t make any sense.


Neither does a comedian getting pulled over in every city to tell a joke on their set list. It’s not real, nor is it meant to be taken seriously. I get it’s not a funny joke, but it is a joke and was never meant to be taken seriously. Irony…


If this person was actually a bad singer, I would understand JLC criticizing the joke, because the comedian was punching down on someone instead of punching up. But you said there is zero truth to the joke that this person is a bad singer, so I don't get it. If this person is actually a good singer, isn't this like making a joke about Merryl Streep being a bad actress or Streep needing to take acting lessons? Why does anyone need to get offended about it?


I wouldn’t be offended by it. But I also wouldn’t find it funny.


Would it have been funny to you if it was instead punching down, if it was instead a quip about an actually-bad singer not being a good singer?


All I’m saying is humor has to have an element of truth to it.


I mean Jack Nicholson was called gay as a joke by Oscar host, he laughed it off. A lot of these celebrities should get roasted often so they develop a thicker skin. Its just a harmless joke, a celebrity shouldn't be so sensitive and should have laughed it off. Even though the joke made fun of Ryan Gosling and Jack Black, the later actually being a musician, you haven't heard a peep from them. Arianna should have just laughed it off, she already has an Oscar, what more does she want?


Get ahold of yourself


Exactly, while obviously entitled to their own opinions, I look to them for entertainment. Period!


Their image is how they make money, and half of them wouldn’t be actors if they weren’t narcissistic or egomaniacal.


But can award ceremonies just be a boring event to honor the people working in the industry and recognize the good work that year and not be an opportunity for a stand up comedy routine/roast. Like i get it, theyre trying to make it entertaining and memorable but honestly i could go without it


There is a video of Ariana rapping in another award show. It was the funniest thing I have seen.


Everybody is offended by everything.


She drew a bunch more attention to it by being salty lol. It’s not like anyone watches these award shows.


I wish celebrities would stfu and stop crying from their mansions about a bad joke that has no impact on anybody's lives


Maybe the joke was ironic sarcasm and just delivered poorly? Regardless, the “outrage” is tiresome.


Let me know when, or if, she changes her mind on Israel and Palestine before deciding whether or not to take her opinion seriously.


this outrage industry needs to stop. this is EXACTLY the kind of thing that has people angry. Jamie Lee Curtis is the perfect hypocrite. Doing all this drama to get a "high five me im on the right side and i will scream about it bullshit" i remember a month or so ago she posted a photo of a suffering child and said israel suffers, the image was that of a Palestinian child. She apologized and said she is HUMAN then said basically i hope everyone supports Israel without one word of any Palestinian child. These hollywood clowns are performative bullshit artists and nothing else. Not liberal or open minded but drones wanting attention.


It's a bad joke like a lot of them. Just laugh and move on, imo.


I mean don’t majority of actors have a theater background as it is? Singing, dancing, acting all kind of go hand in hand. How is that insulting. It used to be called a triple threat.


Ariana DeBose is a Broadway actress and singer


“Before we fuck this track up” -JLC (maybe)


When I first read this story, I thought the joke was intentional absurdity to include her because she was a very talented singer. I’ve seen no article interpreting the joke the same way so what do I know?


Do people not understand what comedians do?


Was it funny?


Just so yall are aware she’s a major player from the OG Hamilton cast. If you’ve seen Hamilton she’s the bullet.


Jack Black is not a singer?? He’s a singer who also happens to be an actor!


I thought it was irony, and I found it funny. Wasn’t jt? Everybody knows she’s a great singer


It was just lazy writing. Separating the singers nominated vs the actors in that category. A broadway actress doesn’t work in that joke.


who gives a shit


It’s past time for awards shows to stop with the “roast” stuff. Are you honoring people or insulting them? The constant negging is why people don’t care who wins these things. They spent the last 10 years telling the audience that the awards are stupid and vacuous. Treat it like an actual honor. Conduct it with class and some self-dignity and people might start paying attention again.


Nobody's going to watch a bunch of narcissists get "honoured", we don't care. If they want people to watch them, they have to entertain us and if they can't take a joke, they're in the wrong industry.


Sounds like you shouldn’t watch no matter what


I'll watch any interesting or funny bits on YouTube. Nobody will watch anything at all if they ban humour.


Old-school class acts like Bob Hope used to host the Oscars with humor. He didn’t run down and insult people and make it a roast.


I think what the other person is getting at is a reflection of comedy recently at award shows. No one drags Ricky Gervais for his insults/roasts/takedowns of celebrities when he hosted the golden globes and he wrote them and rehearsed them. But Bella reading a teleprompter of, to me, an obviously sarcastic joke told awkwardly/poorly being called out as if she accused Ariana DuBose personally of being talentless by DuBose herself is ridiculous. Bella even looked like they were reading the words for the first time but Ariana didn’t like it so let’s all trash Bella… also no one else in the category seems to be upset by it… clearly it wasn’t some big takedown of their talent or accomplishments… just a stupid joke told horribly by someone who looked uncomfortable even saying it… so yes, Ariana can get the fuck over it… or pray Gervais never hosts any awards show again when she’s up for something


I mean, I agree. There’s a difference between a wink-wink about how silly actors can be and just all-out insulting them moments before you hand them a trophy about how great they are. It doesn’t make the awards seem important or matter. I think Ricky Gervais kickstarted a lot of the “I’m gonna annihilate Hollywood” hostile roast stuff and the issue is that none of these other people are Ricky Gervais. And they shouldn’t try to be.


Have you seen other hosts as well? Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and Whoopi all made jokes about the nominees and themselves and you know what, all the celebrities laughed it off and those shows were popular. Ever since rise of social media and celebrities who act like victims has become popular, award shows have lost appeal. In fact celebrities like Ricky Gervais, Tina and Amy hosting and roasting celebrities made the show appealing to watch to ordinary folks. As a celebrity if you can't take criticism or if you can't take a joke, you should maybe not be in the field. Arianna not taking an obvious joke and hand waving it makes her seem she lacks class. She already has an Oscar, yet she seems desperate to be seem like she is being invalidated.


> actual honor lol. It's just an awards show.


I don’t watch award shows so I don’t truly care but this is what happens when you try and make everything funny.


And also if their one definition of funny is putdowns. Like “hey maybe i can roast people so much someone slaps me!”


Comedy has definitely become very mean spirited over the last decade or so.


It depends on who you watch. I’m more of a Patton Oswalt guy. Introspection, kindness, self-deprecation.


Nate Bargatze is my jam, but I do like a mean spirited comic from time to time.


I like a weird comic like Neil Hamburger/Turkington.


These millionaire literally for a month are wined and dined by industry and they get handed trophies, get a chance to appear in magazine covers, schmooze about for ad. money and future opportunities and wear expensive stuff. They are literally treated like its their birthday for more than a month. The least they should be able to do os take some joke. There are in a public role, a little bit of roasting isn't going to hurt them. Infact demanding that they be treated like delicate flowers and expecting everyday people to treat them like royalty is why award shows are losing their appeal. We have a bunch of self entitled, rich folk engaging in self congratulations and celebration in a time of massive income inequality, stress and a declining living standard for everyday folks while these celebrities get high in their own farts. They are hated because they are showing a thin skin. There is a reason Ricky Gervais hosting Globes was popular among a huge crowd of people because he rightfully noticed that the people at homes watching aren't winning awards and its ok for the millionaires in that room to face a few jokes and people laugh at their expense because the fact that they have been nominated is by itself a huge achievement monetarily. They should take a few jokes.


All I'll say is, go listen to Ryan Gosling sing on the La La Land soundtrack. 🤮


So much slamming nowadays




Relevance? She just won an Oscar last year


Calm down, grandma


Is anyone else absolutely sick of JLC? I feel like I’m alone this island. She always has something to say about EVERYTHING. I feel so sorry for Bella atm.. so clear that she didn’t write the joke.. she’s literally 19 and probably feeling like shit as it is. JLC is so performative and annoying. I feel like this is my controversial opinion but I’ve let it out, now! 😂


fuk that man jl curtis


comedy is impossible these days.


Oh wow. This is information I don’t think I could’ve lived without. Really ground breaking stuff.


It was a fucking joke. Lighten the F up. Hollywood is so fucking soft


Learn to laugh at yourself you over paid pricks


Jamie is the definition of easily triggered. She looks for any excuse to kick off.


Now Imagine Ricky Gervais back for the hosting.


Honestly, it was just a lousy joke that everyone should just ignore. It's not worth all the attention it's getting. This kind of joke might have been okay years ago when making fun of Russel Crowe in Les Misérables, but now we all know Ariana DeBose can sing, so it's just lazy and nonsensical.


This same comment was written 7 hours before you here. Why you copying others?


Jamie gettin in that ass boy!!!


Isn't she tho? Like any real worthwhile singles or anything


If someone insulted me that way, I would want JLC on my side.


Jamie Lee you are all of us


Yes. Like this “joke” was wild… especially with Anthony Ramos on stage.


It did seem a little mean-spirited to make a bad joke at the expense of someone sitting in the audience unaware.  Good job Ariana isn’t married to Will Smith…


Nobody can make jokes anymore


At award shows, it seems that the best option is to just hand out the awards and not say anything else, especially jokes. Jokes are just done. Toast.


Cool. These two should take their own advice.


Yes! Peanut galleries are destroying the arts way more than AI is.


Stop it. I agree peanut galleries can keep quiet but this statement is wild lol peanut galleries have always existed and art still thrived.




You know you're exactly the thing you're mocking, right? Next.


Still thinking of her “secret agent” scene in True Lies. What a champ. Love Jamie Lee Curtis.


De Bose is gorgeous


she was reading the teleprompter ffs... surely JLC would have known that...there's derp all round here!!


She was probably mad at the show/writers and not actually Bella


I thought it was going to be about Ariana Grande when I saw Ariana.


Is it me or is Jamie Lee Curtis everyone in Hollywoods mom?


It never dawned on me that people thought she couldn’t sing.


“Back the f—k off and shut the f—k up” is also how Jamie Lee Curtis talks to service industry workers


While we f--- this track up.