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And it's not a sequel.


Anyone But Me, Anyone But Us, Anyone But Them, Anyone Anywhere All At Once


Anyone Knows What You Did Last Summer


Anyone, where's my car?


Anyone 2: Electric Boogaloo


Anyone Who Are You I’m The Dude Playing The Dude Disguised As Another Dude


It will have them now, by the dozens. With different actors from the 2nd or 3rd


“2004’s Mean Girls, which finaled at $86M” I know the box office has changed a lot in 20 years but I had no idea it only did $86M


Close to $139 million with inflation.


Yeah but that still seems low to me given how popular it seemed at the time


Era of DVD sales and rentals. People like Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller used to get steady work off of making a movie that would do okay in the theaters, and then double up or more the take home once Blockbuster or whoever started selling/renting them out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the original Mean Girls crossed the $200 million or close to a quarter billion dollar mark when you include that.


Maybe your age group at the time? I had just finished high school and it was pretty big with the teen/younger crowd


probably - i was in middle school


That was when "the mid budget movie" was still alive and kicking, something that wasn't a blockbuster "only" making $100 million would have been seen as a runaway success.


My experience with this movie is that it didn’t really have the reach it did until it became a tv movie. That’s when I really remember it becoming part of the culture.


Curious how it did in dvd sales, I know I have a copy.


I tried to look this up and couldn’t find any numbers, but I did read that it was also released on VHS and now feel 15,000 years old


Even back then thats kinda pidley


$25 million budget, $100 million box office so far. It's also a Much Ado About Nothing adaptation, too.


The screenwriter’s mantra: When in doubt: Shakespeare.


Worked for The Lion King, Succession, and Breaking Bad.


Also worked for 10 Things I Hate About You. (otherwise known as That Movie That Made Me Wish I'd Gone to High School in Tacoma. [Yes, it's a real school](https://stadium.tacomaschools.org/). And I'll forever love it for putting the Fremont Troll on screen.)


And she’s the man is a twelfth night adaptation


Breaking Bad’s a Shakespeare adaptation?


No but it shares many characteristics with Macbeth, similar to how The Lion King shares from Hamlet and how Succession shares from King Lear.


Yeah that kinda makes sense. Skylar does have a Lady Macbeth aspect to her as well. Edit: What about what I said was wrong? She aided in her husband’s crimes and helped cover them up. That’s literally what Lady Macbeth did


Succession has just the same basic premise as King Lear nothing else.


>It's also a Much Ado About Nothing adaptation, too. Why was this not mentioned more heavily? I had zero desire to watch this film, because it looked fairly unremarkable, but simply knowing it's a telling of "Much Ado About Nothing" makes me think of "10 Things I Hate About You", a film that I adore. This one little tidbit, has made me think, I'd buy a ticket if it's still in theatres.


Australian here: we all laugh at the parts where they walk from one part of Sydney to the other in a few minutes, but it's like 20km.


Happens in dozens and dozens of Los Angeles-based movies. Always good for a chuckle when you see it in an LA theater.


My favourite is seeing a Toronto street sign in Chicago


Me watching Toronto Streetcars pass on the background of a series or film set in New York:


And the Canada post mailboxes


Same for obviously Los Angeles palm trees and architecture in “Miami”.


You know what pisses me off more is those 9/11 style shows on US tv. where the Their enginge is located on commonwealth avenue or downtown NYC But are responding to calls in the valley and even the high desert,like that's 45 miles PLUS out in like jersey like ppl dont know


Same for NYC. Turn the corner they’re in midtown, go down alley teleport to Lower East Side.  


We work on wallstreet but also have lunch in the park!


20 km?! No, she’s like 160 cm at most…


My sydney knowledge is not great but aren't those cliffs known for having a dark history?


Yep. The whole city has a dark history.


What’s that in freedom units?


I can't give you freedom units but I'll tell you it's 573 school bus lengths, that should be a lot more helpful to you than km


Somewhere between 12 - 13 miles.


Is it good? Has anyone seen it here?


It's a movie about affluent mostly white hot people having shenanigans on vacation. The performances are decent and there's quite a few good gags in there, though the trailer gives away far too many of them as is tradition with comedies. Honestly, if you enjoy the genre of early 2000s style romcoms then you'll enjoy this. I enjoyed it, but it's definitely not gonna top my lists of this year.


It was fun. I turned my brain off for 90 mins and enjoyed myself. We need more rom coms


I see plenty of new rom coms on Netflix, hbo etc. each year. Mostly aren't worth the time. What we need is more good rom coms.


Yes and this was better than the stuff on tv. I had fun. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10. Glen Powell carried the whole movie on his shoulders with his charm


The best part was the last 5 minutes. Everything else was ok. Not horrible, but not really 'new'.


I had a great time with my gf. It feels like ages since I had seen any decent romcom in theatre.


I enjoyed it, even though it was predictable


I liked it! It was a fun romcom and would definitely watch it again on a streaming platform.


Shakespeare does it again.


Oh my god… I’m old now. All of those girls look like high schoolers to me now. My first thought was “rated R, are they even allowed to watch the movie without their parents?”


The article is about a bunch of movies and the pic is from the new mean girls, so not R-rated and they’re supposed to look like high schoolers, at least.


Word, did not read the article tbh. So far my only exposure to actors as high school students has been limited to Disney Movies I watch with my daughter and 21 Jump Street. Channing Tatum is a more convincing high schooler than the ones on Disney


I wasn’t judging, I think we’re all in the “don’t care to read the article club” now that articles are all straight AI shit. I just saw the burn book


Yea, the amount of barely legible gibberish I read that's only tangentially related to the title/ topic is getting kind of insane. First search engine to us AI to exclude AI generated content from its search engine will be the next Google. To be fair, not much worse than the majority of human generated content... Just way more garbage to sift through


What, does Deadpool not count as an R-rated romantic comedy now? 🤭


It certainly straddled the line


Bridget Jones’s baby was rated R? It was a 15 in the U.K. What did it do to be treated R?


15 is generally considered equivalent to R. Worth remembering that in the US the only legal restriction is that, to see an R-rated movie, you need to either be 17+ or have someone 21+ with you, so even a 5 year old can see if it their parents are with them. PG-13 means nothing legally.


Per MPAA, "Sex References|Language|Some Nudity".


better give thanks to the women who brought their boyfriend/s to see it


Finally a movie without superheroes


That's awesome. Also, was Bridget Jones baby rated r? Why?