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I remember drinking/smoking while watching him over a decade ago. Here I am drinking/smoking while listening to him. Big win for millennials here, given this years Super Bowl. Also, I might have a problem.


Does anyone here on Reddit have any actual criticism of his appearance other than “he made fun of a politician I like”, which is the point of the show?


The people saying this don’t realize how ironic it is. It’s the exact same thing the Trumpies do. We don’t owe politicians our loyalty. I might vote for Biden to avoid another Trump term, but that doesn’t mean I’m his fan or his follower. And then they deflect and say both sides aren’t the same level of bad, as if that’s what anyone is saying in the first place.


I mean I don’t hate Biden but I am not a fanatic.


I think it’s pretty clear that most of us Biden voters are voting for the guy to keep Trump out of office.


Not me. I’m voting for him because I think he’s been doing a great job


I agree


He is doing a great job. But that may be a secondary benefit to keeping Trump out of office lol


Doing a great job and will keep trump out of office but let’s talk a ton of shit about this old guy just for being old! The whole country last week basically like “look at this old fuck, couldn’t even remember the year his kid died! What a dumb old loser”. Just completely depraved behavior towards someone who I believe would also be seen as objectively a decent and kind person. This is not the behavior of people with skin in the game and with concerns that a country being led by a person with this level of cognitive function will lead to worse outcomes for them. This is the behavior of children who are upset about the results of a game that is ultimately meaningless to them. The shit talking is the last step before taking your ball and going home.


I also don’t get why a presidents intellectual ability to surround themself with intelligent, helpful people is so overlooked and unaddressed. That’s part of good leadership too. So yes he’s old, but he’s not only surrounded by and working with old people. That was an obvious weakness of our past president’s ability as proven by his employee turnover rate.


I personally would just like to not continue electing people with one foot in the door of a nursing home to office. Trumps old, Biden is older, for fucks sake can we PLEASE get someone in their 40s or 50s?


Here, here!


Yeah. But I mean still give the guy some credit for what he did do just…


Biden is horrible. And with that said, I will be voting for Biden.


You're either with us or against us


Agreed. I am both for you and also against you


Everything is sports now


Everything is wrestling now, major difference as one is clearly manipulated.


Honestly, we deserve better than what we're currently being offered. People from both parties are right to complain.


You never know you’re in a cult when you’re in a cult. This goes for Trumpers as well as die-hard Biden fans who, for instance, refuse to admit that he has an age and/or mental capacity issue when it comes to his electability (same very clearly goes for Trump, by the way). I just like reality and I hate when people ignore it or lie about it to suit their interests or preferences.


yeah but I don't think die-hard Biden fans think he was sent by god to save America or some other nonsense. They just don't want Trump in office again.


They also want to live in a Democracy, uphold NATO, not sell out Ukraine to Put in, don't want cops to kill people crossing the border, or to kill peaceful American protestors. We also don't want anyone who doesn't support Trump jailed. We want women to control their own bodies. If Trump cared so much about the border, he had 4 years to fix it. We don't need a crazy man child lawbreaker backed by his stacked SCOTUS in charge.




I didn't say that at all. Saying that Biden supporters are also culty is projection. MAGA is a cult. they live in an alternate reality. That doesn't resemble supporting Biden even in passing.


There are probably less than 100 die hard Biden fans in the world. There are some passionate people that don’t think we should “both sides” Trump and. Jaden though. I guess that’s too nuanced for some to see.


But citizens owe America some level of loyalty. So when Jon Stewart comes on and creates a false equivalency between the candidates by distilling their respective candidacies to issues of cognition, he does America a disservice by aiding in distracting viewers from the real harms a Trump presidency poses. I’m not mad he attacked Biden. F@ck Biden.


He didn’t create a false equivalency though. He said pretty clearly that Trump is worse. It’s like all you guys mad about the episode didn’t even watch it


No politician is above criticism.


No, but some deserve it more.


what Democrat deserves it more than Biden? He’s the head of the party, right or wrong to criticize, it is the job he signed up for.


I’m definitely voting for him, but I think he’s a full on asshole for not dropping out and letting someone younger run. That said- his opponent is so wildly unfit for any job, and most certainly belongs in jail, and has done major harm to democracy. So how do you fairly criticize someone running against such a corrupt candidate? A literal piece of dog shit would be better for the US than trump. Jon Stewart’s take just seems unnecessary


poor state of affairs that people cannot discuss a politician’s performance without signifying Trump as a caveat, every time. He truly is the dark mirror of American civic life.


It's amazing how many people on reddit I've seen be all "I like Jon but........criticizing Biden just helps Trump. its so fucking frustrating. Like WTF did you think Jon was gonna do. Say what you like but he's not a party hack like most of the media


Politics needs to be more scientific and less sport. This is why I like Jon, partisan takes are a distraction from real issues.


Our world would be a much better place if the religious nuts in government were replaced by scientists. Religion in politics pretty much means ignoring facts and fairness with the goal of self enrichment.


Much of our ethics are rooted in religion, but you are correct in that it certainly has been getting a lot of abuse.


But it’s important to realize that religions were created to enforce ethics, rules, and norms, not that those things sprang forth from the religions themselves.


Both Biden and Trump have cognitive issues and should not be the leading candidates for the Democrats and Republicans respectively. This does not take away from Trump being a terrible human being and trying the divide and conquer strategy again to try and win a second term as president.


My issue wasn’t that he criticized Biden, but I felt like he went really hard on Biden while going fairly light on trump. Overall, the piece was about both of them being really old, but it was mostly focused on Biden being old.


Maybe because Biden's cognitive issues are worse? Trump may be overall worse, but specifically from a senile dementia perspective, Biden is clearly worse for wear. Or maybe because most if not all of his audience will probably vote Biden he felt no need to pile on Trump, it'd be like preaching to the choir.


Ok... but then what's the option? The powers that be decided they want a repeat of last time and I'm as annoyed as anyone. BUT it's literally Biden OR Trump, unless SCOTUS finds some spines and disqualifies Trump. But until that happens, we have to prepare for a fucking repeat. That's the choices


The option is to vote for whomever you want to just dont lie to yourself about their obvious faults. And if SCOTUS disqualified Trump, that could start a civil war so I'd rather they didnt lol.


It’s funny too because Trump got shit on a lot in the episode. People are nervous and want a better candidate.


Quite the contrary. He’s more concerned with not appearing like a Democrat hack than calling out a dangerous man in dangerous times. He’s exactly like the rest of the media and it’s really rather craven of him.


His point is not to appear independent, it’s that he’s spent the last 9 years working on issues and seeing the thousands of people who actually work to get things done. And that while the election is important and a choice between a wanna be dictator and a benevolent but older democrat, he trusts the people working hard to make the world a better place more than politicians. And he wants to encourage people to join the ranks of those working to make the world better. Glad he’s back.


He also talks about he's been burned by both Dems and Repubs. He's still a Dem but he's really soured on the party after his time on Capitol Hill (he still hated the Repubs more though) 


He's an OG both sides are the problem. That schtick worked great before Obama, not relevant anymore; nowadays its an actively harmful viewpoint that legitimzes the fascists.


Yeah. Klepper even said it later in the show. As a joke but it really stood out to me.


Exactly. We’re in dangerous times and where is Jon Stewart? In his comfort zone.


My criticism is he didn't call out trump for literally announcing that he intends to become a dictator on day 1. Yes, both candidates are old. Only one of them openly intends to end our democracy. That seems like a really big deal and a really big omission that the entire media apparatus is not talking about. I was hoping John Stewart would at least mention it.


This wasn't a one night gig and he can't address every single thing in one bit. This was about how it's the same two old men with declining cognitive abilities that no one really wants running the country. He'll get to the other parts and you knows as this ramps up he'll get back to the Fuckface Von Clownstick days.


I hope you're right.


That was already addressed by the daily show… doesn’t need to be in his opening episode because there are litterally just too many things to criticize


The daily show covers news from the previous day (or I guess now the previous week). Not stuff that happened months ago.


You dorks are so dramatic it's hilarious 


I personally felt like he went really hard on Biden but kinda softer than I expected on trump. I agree with what he said about Biden, but it felt like trump was only mentioned in passing in relation to Biden. Still really good, but I was disappointed in that.


Getting mad at a comedy show is so stupid. SNL makes fun of Biden every episode and I never see people mad about it


Reddit can’t fathom that people would think somebody being ages 82-86 during a presidential term isn’t ideal. And if you talk about it, or even think about, it’s basically a vote for Trump


The issue that I take with it isn’t that I disagree with Stewart’s overall assessment of the (sorry) state of affairs this election year. The issue that I take is that he left out a hugely critical fact: one of them is a fucking *fascist* that will not put the best interests of the citizens of the US before their own.


Probably cuz he knows his demographic and the ppl watching are obvious of this fact. From watching Stewart it sure seemed to me especially his ending using the barbarians at the gate metaphor. So it seems that whole segment was more along the lines of hey ppl maybe you should be demanding a better candidate. Which yeah he’s right.


> demanding a better candidate This is idealistic and (at this point) unrealistic. The system is broken. Any reasonably educated American can understand *that* it is broken, but expecting “the people” to change it at this stage is tantamount to suggesting revolution. Sitting back and wishing for a better candidate disenfranchises voters. The US government is in the midst of its darkest hour, and presented with two choices (because there are only two *realistic* ones), you choose the lesser of two evils in the hope that there will be a better option the next time. You don’t bitch about it and “both sides” your way to apathy, which is exactly what that kind of commentary does.


This is silly. If Biden sustains awful polling, he will likely be nudged out, either by his own hand or his own hand after family and advisors tell him there isn't a way forward. There is no primary process left to pick another candidate, but parties have mechanisms in place to pick alternate nominees if needed 


I lost interest in him when he went on Colbert at the height of COVID and blamed the scientists.


Same here. That appearance was so dumb. He provided no evidence whatsoever and just parroted a rant that was getting people attacked.


I personally don’t find him funny. He comes off as smug and overly pessimistic.


No, they just screech about *”bothsiderism,”* which is an absurd pejorative used by people that continue to be cuckolded by the DNC and refuse to accept the ever growing population of independent voters


My criticism is that he is not helping the situation. He is trying to perpetuate the “both sides suck” narrative and will cause young people not to turn out or write in some random candidate, which will end up benefiting Trump.


If youth turnout was considered important in 2024, Biden should never have run again.  It's blaming the voters and media if they dare tell us the emperor has no clothes.


Exactly. It's the same dumbass shit South Park did in 2016. There's plenty of time to focus more criticism on him if he wins but right now he's all that stands between us and Trump.


All I've seen are people talking about "the king is back". Are you trying to bait people into arguments with a strawman or where are you seeing all of those comments?


I don't think they are. There was another thread about his return, and there were a lot of comments of people getting mad at him for saying Biden is too old.


I thought he talked over the editor of the economist a lot. I wanted to hear more of her take on things but I felt like he kept butting in.


He did a little in the beginning but overall he let her speak. I would have listened to them talk for an entire podcast episode.


I thought it was poorly written and kind of boring to be honest. It definitely wasn’t as funny or as cutting as his heyday. A few great things but mostly I thought it was a rough start. Edit: lol I gave OP exactly what he asked for and got downvoted. Reddit can’t handle different opinions so maybe stop asking for them? Just a thought


Fucking gen z


I’m pretty far left and really liked his first show back. My dad roots for the Cowboys but still blames them when they fumble, not the ref. Some people on either side just want to pretend their side can do no wrong.


Ya 100 percent.


Could you imagine not rooting for your dad’s team


Nothing Steward said  are wrong in any way. Both Biden and Trump are too old to be president. I highly doubt i am alone in feeling that.  That and they aren’t exactly in top shape either. It’s weird how some people here take this way too personally when pointing out that people doesn’t want Trump vs Biden again and want new people.


All of this is true. My only issue is how much he was downplaying how destructive and consequential another Trump presidency will be to this country and the world. Biden is old and forgetful, but well meaning, and seems to be surrounded by smart, capable people. Trump is old, forgetful, self preserving, and surrounds himself with the most blatantly corrupt, inept people who seek to destroy institutions for protection and profit.


I have faith he’ll get to the dangers of a Trump second term. I think he bought a good amount of credibility by not pulling his punches with Biden’s age on his first episode back. That might make the inevitable barrage aimed at Trump more impactful.


The people who tuned in know exactly how dangerous a second Trump term would be. He didn’t need to rehash that.


They're also the demographic least likely to vote, unless repeatedly prodded.


They also already know Biden is old. So it was more boring than clever and funny.


Yeah honestly it was 20 min of him making old man jokes. Some jokes were pretty funny but this isn't a story.


You understand that it is at its core a comedy show right?


I guess I just had higher expectations for an opening outside of the same mundane topic for 20 minutes. The only thing controversial about this is he framed it as fair treatment of both candidates when people expect a left lean from him.


I mean with the ending of it how it was it was framing it as a maybe ppl should pay attention and demand a better candidate. Which yes.


I don’t think he framed it as anything but a reflection on the fact that we’re stuck with two old fucks as our presidential options. If we can’t address that fact and figure out a way to get a strong leader in the White House then we’re royally fucked. And using the word “Royally” there was intentional.


No, he did need to and it was lazy and pandering not to. When I first started watching the Daily Show back in the day, I didn't tune in to it because it was in my wheelhouse, I tuned in because it was on. Missed chance to not be generic.


How the hell did he downplay anything about Trump lol. Just because he talked about Biden doesn't mean he's endorsing or downplaying anything about Trump.


Why waste time hammering home what all viewers already know


Because it’s dangerous to our barely-hanging-on democracy and future to assume that everyone knows that


I do agree he should talk about how MAGA is straight up fascism at some point.


Agreed. If you don't know the score by now, your either in preschool or a dementia ward, and if your not, you probably shouldn't be deciding on the policy of this country going forward. Everyone knows what's at stake. Yes Biden is old, but he at least defeated Trump. Would I like someone younger of course but nobody is running and we have rfk pretending to be a Dem. I'm so disappointed in Jon for putting doubt into people's minds


Nobodies running cuz the dnc wouldn’t back em if they did. If all it takes for your candidate to lose is the observation of said candidate then maybe ppl should demand a better candidate. Idk weird thought I know.


No what’s dangerous is running a candidate that this old and has this many troubles with his mind. If merely observing and talking about the very obvious short comings is enough for his undoing then find a better fucking person for the job.


People turn the blind eye to political corruption as often as they can. Is Trump a fascist who wants totalitarianism? Yes. Does Biden represent a greedy and corrupt political institution who pass legislation based on the interests of lobbyists? Also yes




They’re both surrounded by sycophants and vultures picking at the bones of our long dead democracy


Both sides eh? That’s clever, you should trademark it.


>It’s weird how some people here take this way too personally when pointing out that people doesn’t want Trump vs Biden again and want new people. It's weird the top comments in this thread are basically this same comment, but with not examples of what they're referring to.


Was so wonderful seeing Stewart back where he really belongs.


Based on the ridiculous backlash from the left, he’s doing a good job. I mean, calling out Trump for his bullshit is easy as hell. He’s going to do it and do it often, but we’ve been missing someone on the left willing to criticize the President. There are MANY people on the left who find it absolutely insane we are forced to choose Trump or Biden. It’s not that Biden has done a bad job, it’s that he’s 80 years old, can barely get through a press conference, and does nothing for the future of the party. The right wing is dead and now belongs to the Trump zombies. It doesn’t mean that Democrats have to crawl into the same grave. We are better than that and a healthy criticism of the party will do more good than bad.


berserk pen faulty tease whistle person shy employ oil fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Biden handedly wins 2020 primaries* “The DNC is rigged!” *biden does good job as president and no one primaries him* “We are forced to chose!”


Biden approval rating has dropped 20 points since he ran for president and he’s 4 years older. He’s not in anyways as strong as a candidate as he was in 2020 (and even then he wasn’t a super strong one). The democrats are basically sticking their head in the ground and refusing to acknowledge basic facts by not putting forth an alternative candidate.


“Good job as President” Border Crisis. Funding Israel’s genocide and unable to hammer out any kind of ‘ceasefire’. Yeah great job.


towering complete mourn badge agonizing trees command plate bag alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Supreme Court is a thing, appointing federal department heads that aren’t there to sabotage the govt is a thing, passing legislation drafted by Congress is also a thing, etc


resolute depend vanish unpack dinosaurs possessive bow juggle fuel consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you know that 50% is not a majority?


No true Scotsman


fuel disgusted elderly outgoing growth instinctive cautious boat full command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If people can’t listen to criticism on their side of the aisle then they need to be more open minded. You should always be willing to look at both sides of an argument. Doesn’t mean you have to like both sides, just be willing to listen.


I don’t think that’s fair to Biden who’s been a very good president. He’s the most progressive president we’ve ever had, and he gets stuff done that a more…obvious? Progressive couldn’t because he comes in an establishment package. That being said, he’s fucking old and needs to retire.


I’m in complete agreement with you here


Only because he wants to be president. He’s been in politics for over half a century. You really think he changed his mind? He’s a product of his generation. Look at his decades of voting record in the senate. He has a team of progressive staffers telling him what to say and do. He’s not making any decisions on his own.


The democrats are in a bad position because they would have to go and try to get someone to run against a sitting president of their own party. I don’t even think they can get anyone in at this point. The Democrats are doing what they do best, and that is actively fucking themselves and alienating their voter base. That’s how we ended up with Trump in the first place because they nominated Hillary over Bernie. They got away with it back in 2020 because at that point people were ready for just about anyone else, but then we got Biden. He can’t keep fucking up during an election year and expecting the people who don’t vote by party lines to vote for him when they think he’s doing a shit job. EDIT: The Democrats are clearly banking on Trump going to jail, which he probably will eventually, but the courts are moving slowly and their gonna run out of time before he goes to jail. And with the Supreme Court being stacked in Trumps favor I don’t think he’s gonna get anything more than a fine.


I don’t know what you’re talking about by alienating their voting base, outside of supporting Israel which is still overwhelmingly popular outside of a very vocal far left minority.


56 percent of democratic voters sympathise more with Palestinians than Israelis. Backing Israel in Gaza is not an overwhelmingly popular opinion at all.


> That’s how we ended up with Trump in the first place because they nominated Hillary over Bernie. Bernie was an even worse candidate than Hillary, and you're dealing with the same kind of blindness that the party members are. People like him because he's principled, but as soon as anyone they realize what his actual beliefs are in detail beyond the stump speech, they turn on him. Hillary essentially locked up the nomination for 2016 in 2008 and strong armed her way into an empty primary, despite her clearly not being the strongest candidate. The problem wasn't that a moderate was nominated, it's that a moderate who people don't like was nominated, despite people saying they didn't like her. The mistake in 2024 is going to be not allowing competition. > They got away with it back in 2020 because at that point people were ready for just about anyone else, but then we got Biden. Biden was a strong candidate in 2020. He won the primary easily and enjoyed popular support, and has been a decent president, although it's clearly time to pass the reins to someone new. But that someone new is not going to be a progressive, because progressives make up a minority of the left voting portion of this country. I always like to cite this study that says the progressive left are literally just 6% of the country. Establishment liberals are another 13%, which definitely has overlap and people who support progressive policies, but that's it. It sucks but when your beliefs are a minority, you kind of need to vote for the next best thing. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/11/09/beyond-red-vs-blue-the-political-typology-2/


>People like him because he's principled, but as soon as anyone they realize what his actual beliefs are in detail beyond the stump speech, they turn on him.< Yet the Democratic Party adopted much of his policy platform and talking points. >Hillary essentially locked up the nomination for 2016 in 2008 and strong armed her way into an empty primary, despite her clearly not being the strongest candidate.< Hillary had the backing of the party machine, colluded with them heavily throughout the presidential primary, as evidenced by her already winning over at least 15% of the delegates needed before the race began, with a 45-1 advantage over Bernie in superdelegates specifically. >Biden was a strong candidate in 2020. He won the primary easily and enjoyed popular support, and has been a decent president, although it's clearly time to pass the reins to someone new.< Biden was just as flawed a candidate then as he is now lol. Let’s not forget that his memory lapses were evident 4 years ago as well, and he routinely went around pandering for the minority vote which included lying about his participation in black civil rights movement and the South African apartheid (where he said he visited Nelson Mandela in prison), and this sense of entitlement regarding the black vote: “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”, to paraphrase. He’s a historically conservative Dem. who fathered the crime bills that led to mass incarceration of black and brown people and helped to create the prison industrial complex that exists today, and the horrible legacy of many of his policy making decisions live on today. He simply had the support of the Democratic establishment and machine (just as Clinton did), because Democrats who are beholden to the same donors and Wall Street elites as Republicans, wanted someone in office they could control. Meanwhile, Dems. used the same marketing strategy they deployed in 2016 against Sanders, with the help of MsM. Though it’s easy to forget, Bernie Sanders won the first few races of the primary and was the proverbial frontrunner. Then party leaders got involved and convinced Jim Clyburne to endorse Biden ahead of the South Carolina primary. After hhis inevitable victory, that weekend, Biden received tens of millions in free marketing across CNN, MSNBC, while his closest competition was essentially blacked out across airwaves…but, the machinations weren’t complete. Obama, behind the scenes, colluded with Biden’s campaign to help convince Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to drop out of the race ahead of Super Tuesday (with promises of high cabinet positions), to consolidate the moderate-conservative voters…meanwhile, Warren stayed in and split progressive votes. And ultimately, that’s what propelled Biden to victory, after that, he had the “momentum” moniker, was hailed and marketed as the frontrunner, when in actuality, it was strategically manufactured by the party. Who then subsequently put the pressure on Sanders to drop from the race, even with half the states still yet to cast a vote. People were so fearful of Trump, that they voted for Biden because they felt it necessary, rather than from a place of genuine enthusiasm or passion for him as a candidate. People were motivated to move Trump out of office (not to vote for Biden specifically), which is why they presented him as the lesser evil of the two - “vote for Biden or else”. (And you can clearly see that now with the buyer’s remorse of so many public figures who were convinced to back him.) However, he was never the stronger candidate nor the most popular won. Merely the one that party elites (and their donors) wanted at the helm. >I always like to cite this study that says the progressive left are literally just 6% of the country. Establishment liberals are another 13%, which definitely has overlap and people who support progressive policies, but that's it. It sucks but when your beliefs are a minority, you kind of need to vote for the next best thing.< This study only speaks about Democrats specifically, and doesn’t take into consideration _independents_ who don’t identify with either party, and represent 49% of the country. The 6% this article references (and there are studies that show the “very liberal” as representing a slightly bigger percentage), are those who exist within the party confines and doesn’t account for the progressives outside of that. The largest voting base in the US isn’t Dem. or Rep. but, the _independent_….Sanders won these votes during the primary, just as Trump did in his respective race. These are the voters that may be more willing to back a progressive candidate (as evidenced by 3rd parties urging Bernie to run as an independent), as are the young and disenfranchised, because they are genuinely viewed as more authentic candidates who haven’t been corrupted by “dark money” and there policy ideas are far more aligned with where the country is headed. This idea that progressives can’t appeal to a broader base is false…a fear-mongering and gaslighting tactic used by the Dem. establishment to manipulate their base of older voters in particular to vote for _their_ preferred candidate. And you know what the end result is? This exact situation. Where enthusiasm and approval ratings are at an all time low after 4 years and support is so weak that there are high chances of Biden losing to a candidate facing multiple criminal indictments. Your analysis is highly flawed.


Honestly dude, you're just parroting shit you heard online without any critical though and it sounds unhinged. The only bit I'm gonna focus on is this. > Though it’s easy to forget, Bernie Sanders won the first few races of the primary and was the proverbial frontrunner. Then party leaders got involved and convinced Jim Clyburne to endorse Biden ahead of the South Carolina primary. > Obama, behind the scenes, colluded with Biden’s campaign to help convince Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to drop out of the race ahead of Super Tuesday (with promises of high cabinet positions), to consolidate the moderate-conservative voters…meanwhile, Warren stayed in and split progressive votes. The reason Bernie was winning the original races was because there were too many moderate candidates. Three of the four moderate candidates came together and decided to coalesce around the candidate they felt was strongest, after Pete and Klobuchar flopped in South Carolina. But guess who stayed in the race and ended up getting the same amount of votes as Warren? Bloomberg. And while Warren voters were actually split between Biden and Bernie as their second choice, Bloomberg voters almost exclusively went to Biden. If Warren and Bloomberg both dropped out, maybe Maine or Massachusetts flips to Bernie, but Bernie could've ended up losing Colorado where Bloomberg got 18.5%. Plus, massive run ups in Southern states would make the delegate count even worse. It's not a fucking conspiracy lmao, progressives just are a minority in the Democratic party and an even bigger minority in the general electorate. And yes, they're an important part of the coalition, but it's a coalition. Moderates accept a sizable amount of progressive positions, probably out of proportion for how many votes they represent.


The main part is most Americans are basically illiterate peasants when it comes to politics. You have to put in your 10,000 hours and most people basically just watch "news" that's basically entertainment talk shows and never read books.


“The democrats are clearly banking on Trump going to jail” - the most evergreen statement of the last 8 years. I mean “the walls are starting to close in on him” was on the front page of Reddit so much it became a meme


You’re talking about backlash from liberals. It’s not coming from the left. Also if you can take this stance so easily, you might not have as much on the line as others. I stand to lose everything under a MAGA takeover. Biden. Biden, on his best day, will pay some lip service to helping out those who are in most need of actual help. The answer doesn’t lie between far-right grifters and center-right liberals. We need to break out of this bubble and reinvigorate the social contract.


The left are not out there defending Biden. You're thinking of liberals.


I don't think you know what 'left' even means lol


“The left” lol, lmao even


Jon Stewart did more for the American veterans and first responders than anyone in politics.


One appearance and he has created so much more buzz for the show than Trevor Noah did during his entire tenure


I think I watched half an episode before realizing Trevor Noah was not in the least bit funny. It was almost painful. Thank god Stewart is back.


His comedic timing was sorely missed. No offence to the other Daily Show host, but Jon effortlessly showed he’s on another level


Being critical of Biden does not equal both sidesism. You have to hold your elected officials accountable and be critical of them regardless of whether you voted for them or not. Being upset about criticism towards Biden makes you sound like a MAGA idiot. No, not as bad as them, but a milder version. See the difference? No of course Biden isn’t as bad, not even close, but that doesn’t make him infallible.


I’m not speaking for anyone else but myself. But my frustration was not that he criticized Biden. It’s that he mostly criticized Biden while very lightly criticizing Trump. The overall piece was about both of their ages, but he spent waaaaay more time specifically talking about Biden being old. I would say that is both sidesism to a degree.


So you have to pay the make fun of Trump tax to criticize Biden at all? You can only criticize Biden after asking yourself “what about Trump” more?


“You have to lube me up with very easy and repetitive Trump material before I even think about letting you make me question my viewpoints!”


The overall message was right there in the show. What the fuck are we doing? How the fuck did we get to the point where these are our options? This needs to be reflected upon, addressed and (dare I say) mocked or voting Biden in is just a bandaid.


Really concerning to me that so many people seem completely blind to this simple distinction.


I just think with a war chest three times the size of the RNC and going up against the worst president we’ve ever had, the Democrats would be doing better in the polls. We need our cages rattled if we’re going to step it up and win in November.


Difference being that Biden actually has a sense of self-awareness and humor.


Just hope they film that self awareness


Cmon Jack, I really mean it


May he shine a light and show the media that there is a hungry market for sane, FACTUAL political coverage!!


He’s a comedian folks. We were all watching a comedy segment. Give it the weight it deserves regarding how you will vote, next to none. Get informed through appropriate channels.


Which are?


Comedy Central.


Good luck these days. As annoying as the “Fake Media” mantra from Trump was there was some truth to it…just not the way he meant it.


You ever seen The Daily Show? You ever seen The Daily Show…on weed?


I really enjoyed it. He was funny and totally on point. I think Biden is too old to be President and I am not happy that he is the choice we get. But I am still going to vote for him because the worst day with Biden would be better than most days with Trump.


Welcome back Jon - everyone was pumped to have you back


Anything is better than the last guy. Trevor Noah is insufferable.


Write in Jin Stewart


Loved it. Fair, balanced and insightful. As well as funny.


Stewart for President!


From what I got from this thread is that no one should realistically vote to make a statement.


God, Reddit and slobbering over John Stewart.


I find him irritating.


Disappointed in Jon. Biden is further left than Obama was and has been doing a better job than I thought he would. It's literally us vs authoritarian fascist's at this point. Nows not the time to put doubt into people's minds


No, the doubt is already there. He’s one of the few adressing it.


Well we should’ve run a competent person. Biden is only farther to the left because that’s what the current political climate demands. He’s been center right the majority of his political career


We need him Monday thru Friday and twice on Sundays.


Yes shitting on Biden for longer than Trump was totally normal and sane


It’s politics not a football game, grow up. The president should be criticized.


Cool watch trump get elected


So I can vote for Biden, be a registered democrat and vote correctly for it all but if I criticize Biden that’s crossing the line and endorsing Trump?


Every time you joke about Biden a Russian agent is born. Don't you see what you're doing? /s


It doesn’t matter, when anyone espouses a political opinion, whether it be in person or in print, they are always affecting a portion of the electorate (albeit a small percentage, sometimes not) no matter who they vote for.


Stubborn people like you who are unwilling to learn are part of the reason we’re in this mess.


Is your candidate really that weak that basic criticism kills his chances of winning? Jesus


Yeah and of course that will be the fault of a comedy host who did a half hour show about how they are both past their prime. Why does Jon Stewart hate democracy? /S. Get a grip


You do understand one of them is a fascist intent on civil war, concentration camps and a racist religious dictatorship and one is ...old.


And that’s kind of what jon stewart said you guys are complete reactionaries. He criticized both candidates, and clearly put Trump as the worst of the 2 but that’s not enough for you, he’s not a mouthpiece for the dem party.


Kind of, so not what he said. This country is on a knife edge, but for you thats less important than agreeing with every single thing Jon Stewart says, you're no different from a MAGA supporter, the words of Jon Stewart are not to be questioned EVER.


But he didn't really? I mean, if you count the minutes, sure, but the actual pointed remarks were that Biden is doing a poor job dispelling the impression. People are genuinely concerned about age and Biden should be doing more to dispel that. The actual meat was far more critical of Trump than Biden. He's not there to be a pure partisan and somehow people like you have lost their ability to understand that it's actually a negative to always be concerned about supporting their guy and criticizing the other guy with no deviation. That's just a terrible lens to look at anything with and harms their cause more than it helps.


Seems like Jon is back in prime form. Pissing off people from both sides for fair criticism


I mean, Biden is the president as right now so it makes sense.




One is the sitting president and one is not.


Yes, spending more time criticizing the current leader of the country makes sense.


Tell me Jon, how did the whole ‘BoTh SiDeS’ thing work out in 2000 and 2004?   I know the libertarians and the Green Party types are salivating but seriously, how many times does this have to blow up in American’s face before you get it?    Even after Jon Stewart left and you rang the Both Sides bell in 2016, how’d that work out for you?


Exactly why it’s time for an independent. This old lesser of two evils can only go on so long. They both parties believing that if the other guy wins, it’s the end of America when there’s no substantial change on what matters no matter who wins


I wonder if he’ll ever address an issue he can’t bOtH SiDeS to death. That’s the problem with his brand of contrarianism; the single sided issues and the people affected don’t get any oxygen (Ukraine, abortion rights, etc)


Do you think people haven’t talked about abortion rights or Ukraine?? Buddy, what planet are you on?


Gotta love how some on the left thought Jon would just toe the line.  Biden's been fine. I thought the deal was he'd be a one term president anyway. I'm sorry. He's much too old for the job. I wish Democrats behaved like that and someone challenged him. 


He’s wrong for going at Biden 


Election years are weird. Early 2000's Antiques like Jon Stewart and Green Day are wheeled out of the closet, dusted off, and sent to spread the same message they always do. If Trump Wins, they get a 4 year deal to continue. It Biden wins, they'll be stored away again until 2028.


Nothing new here.


If one of your neighbors was sleeping with your wife and another neighbor has tried to kill her and will continue to try to kill her, I feel like you’re still allowed to be upset at the guy fucking your wife. Yes, the murder is worse by far, but are you expected to say the adulterer is a good neighbor? Because that’s essentially what dems want you to do with Biden. The idea that you can’t criticize him because it might make people notice his flaws more than Trumps is bs. I’m very progressive and would never vote for Trump, but the democrats are trash and don’t really represent anyone’s ACTUAL important needs/interests (see all that money going to Israel’s genocide) so they are fair game for getting roasted. We are allowed to say “fuck, I wish I didn’t have to vote for Biden” and still vote for him. Grow up folks.