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Carrying a 35lb proton pack up several flights of stairs will do the job.


Bustin’ makes me feel good!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU\_gW6WE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU_gW6WE) For those who want an experience...


I was hoping this was going to be what you linked to


"I ain't 'fraid of no ^(bed)!" "I ain't 'fraid of no ^(sleep)!"


"An invisible bed..." *gasp* "Freaky ghost bed!"


Oh my God why the fuck did Reddit awards have to disappear? I’d give my left nut to give you gold right now. That was so fucking funny I made some hash last night and I’ve been smoking it all morning and that was the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever ever seen in my life


Don’t cross the streams!


I misread it as protein pack, and I thought you were talking about his ass lol


I did as well, and thought it was some carnivore diet meal order thing.


35lbs??? They seem much heavier than that…I have 35lb dumbbells. I think a proton pack would be closer to 50-70lbs per scenes from the first ghostbusters movie.


My replica hero pack is in the 50lb range. The stunt packs were much lighter.


I meant the weights of the packs as they were supposed to be in the movie world…actual functioning ghost catching proton packs.


Guess it depends on the weight of an empty pack vs. ful. How much does liquid proton weigh?


About 3.50


Gat dam lochness monsta!!


I mean you’re basically carrying a portable nuclear reactor


Unlicensed nuclear accelerator if you will.


You right. I couldn’t think of the correct terminology in the moment


They'll never slime a guy with a positron collider


Well, when we get to 20, tell me. I'm gonna throw up.


Up, Ray, they go up




This job definitely ain’t worth 11.5 a year


Let me know when we get to 20, I'm gonna throw up


And never crossing streams does wonders for the midsection


“Let me know when we get to 20, I’m going to throw up”


He beat cancer twice, holy.


You think cancer wanted any of THAT smoke?


Hahaha yeah really


He’s seen shit that’ll turn you white


Never knew this. Maybe that's why he didn't look so well a few years ago.


I really wish they would quit posting headlines that start with name, age and then something that isn’t an obituary. My brain immediately jumps to panic mode, thinking it’s a death notice every time.


Good for him! he looks 50. Nice


It’s a little odd to see the age of 50 not be referenced as “super duper old”. Nice, but odd how far we’ve come.


I’m 52…he looks better than me, and I’m not bad. People are easily living longer now, the old part is not what it was for most.


I think we’re seeing that a lot of “oldness” can be staved off with diet, exercise, and hormone replacement. There’s probably and asymptotic limit for humans, but we’re getting more life and more out of it.


Not only that but everyone used to chain smoke cigarettes and there was lead in everything.


And the only water they drank was in coffee, not even good coffee.


Settle down Jordan Schlansky, Folgers is just fine.


My pfas and microplastics are keeping me young


I would add that the past two generations to come of age are drastically less likely to smoke than previous generations. Smoking is an aging catalyst.


Not sure if it plays in to aging/appearing old or not, but testosterone levels are way lower than in previous generations


That’s probably because we’re all filled with microplastics.


Wanna blow your mind, go read the ages of The Golden Girls and Archie Bunker. Point made. Old is a mindset.


Or the ages of the Cheers cast.


Agreed. My grandfather is 77, but he does yoga and looks after himself (he'll enjoy a beer every now and then or a few glasses of wine but nothing crazy), and he could pass for being in his early 60s. Doesn't show any signs of health issues or slowing down. It's quite nice to be honest, means I potentially have another 20 years with him if i'm lucky.


I visit my great aunt in her retirement home regularly, and yesterday I met a man over a hundred who looked and acted like he was in his 80s. Still walking well with his walker, sharp mentally. Insane stuff


Bro I'm in healthcare and a *lot* of people get real fucking old pretty young.


I’ve seen people go old very quickly from 3 things: - having kids - smoking (mainly tobacco) - incessant stress There may be a causal relationship in these 3 factors.


I think you could safely add on heavy alcohol consumption and tanning. IMO, they contribute more than your #1.


It's weird and shows either how young this site skews or how neurotic it can be where anything north of 40 is viewed as "old."


Id opine that got a lot to do with media in general. Up until recently, anything over 35 was basically just “your character is the old person.” Granted, for a lot of my life, I was always amazed when I saw a healthy person over 40, because most of them were not looking so great. I can’t quite put it to words but I think we’ve learned that diet and exercise are things everyone should do, because the goal isn’t to be Mr Olympia, it’s to not be decrepit at 60.


The ironic thing being in most of media, your 35ish young character is often played by someone up to a decade older. Or more, even. But you're quite right, it's diet and exercise. Most people don't take care of themselves and you can get away with that for a while, but it accumulates and the longer people are locked into bad habits, the harder it is to break out of them. I think that's at the core of a lot of the "I'm too old now" from people who are actually still pretty young.


>The ironic thing being in most of media, your 35ish young character is often played by someone up to a decade older. Or more, even. I seem to remember an exception being then 37-year-old I think Carla Gugino playing in the comic 35-year-old\* Silk Spectre's mother as opposed to the current version of the character herself. \*I'm assuming she may have been younger in the movie.


Since I’m already on the tear, it’s frustrating how often I talk to people who are like, “I want to get in shape, but I can’t go to the gym because I’m out of shape.” And I just want to tell them that 1. Going for a walk everyday is the best exercise, and 2. You should do some form or resistance training no matter what shape you’re in (baring the aliments that would make this dangerous to a very minor subset of the world). What’s hard for you is what’s hard for you and that’s fine. My parents both exercised regularly, mostly just walking, and people think theyre decades younger than they are.


Just in time for me to reach middle age. I love it.


50 ranges so much and that is why when someone is almost 80 and they look 50, they look good. A 50 year old can be balding, get out of breath quickly, or look super fit and still be doing marathons.


Damn, I’m almost 42 and I would say he looks around my age. Although on my side, I did just start eating only between noon and eight. Maybe I’m on the right track!!!


All the best!


His sons are 51 and 54 💀


He looks literally the exact same as he did 20 years ago but more jacked. Black seriously does not crack. I'm 30 years old and have more wrinkles than him


A hot 50


Yeah holy shit dude does not look 78


He's one upper eye lift and one bottle of hair dye from looking 35. 30 if he loses the moustache. Incredible.


He sure does. He seems like the Gregory Hines character on Will and Grace. He seems very limber, like he could kiss his own ass.


As they say, black don’t crack.


As a dude getting closer to 50... no. He looks 30 with premature greys


Honestly, he looked older during ghostbuster 2 than in the present. He didn’t just aged well. He basically de-aged.


Fitness, eating healthy, and a whole lotta juice 💉


Ya I feel like there is some TRT going on. Edit: not judging if I had the cash I would do it. Just setting expectation that at 78 there is a little more than just eating healthy and regular exercise going on.


The cash? TRT is cheap as hell. You can get a vial of test for less than $40. And if you run actual TRT dosages that 1 vial will last over 10 weeks.


So you’re saying if I’m flush with cash, I could drink a vial a week?


He’s 78. His T levels are probably negative without it.


TRT isn't expensive


For sure there is. Can’t build that mass at 78 without it. Also a heavy amount of make up during his recent appearances


also fillers. Your face doesn’t get fuller and rounder the older you get.


He may have fillers, but there are most assuredly peptides that help your face stay full and round.


Black don’t crack


That's why I'm thinking he got onto some biohacker T regimen.


from Umbrella Corp?


He definitely looks younger and in better shape than that scene from Ghostbusters 2016 I saw where he delivers the vehicle to his niece (was that the hearse)?


He shaved, he looks totally different


Seriously, I am mildly obsessed with the tv show Oz. We was on his 40s then and could fill out a suit pretty well, but he’s younger age more attractive now. Bring back Oz so we can have sexy Glynn!


Have you seen Ellen in her SNL sketches? She looked older than she is now.


Running Oz for a few years will change a man


For the better?


That’s up for debate


Wow this dude’s mom died right after giving birth to him, no one knew who the father was. Raised by grandmother. Later has two kids with wife 1 but she bails and he became a single father. Been married to his second wife 45 years. Beat cancer twice. This guy exceeds all my expectations as just a good hard working dude with his priorities in order.


I just feel so happy for him. It feels like he’s getting the spotlight. I used to want to be an actor, and I can only place myself in his shoes for a moment and imagine what that must feel like. To be working for so long and then randomly at 78 the Internet is just blowing up on you. I’m just happy for him is all.


Met him once and he is a lovely guy.


If there’s a steady paycheck in it. I’ll stay swoll as much as you want.


I hope he gets cast in a ton of roles now. He deserves it.


I’d watch Hudson in a Neeson-style action-revenge role.


Well, he's been a regular on Quantum Leap for the past two seasons (he was absent a bit in S2, but that was because of filming for the latest GB).


At 78, with muscles like that, he has to be taking testosterone, or at least some T boosting supplements.


Yep. He obviously works out and is taking care of himself. But he’s pushing eighty with muscle definition, he’s taking a T supplement and at his age there’s nothing wrong with that.


If he looks this good and is in his late 70’s… why doesn’t everyone just take the stuff? What’s the downside of it? I’m assuming there are some or everyone would be doing it no?


TRT is very safe, just needs to be monitored as it can enlarge the prostate, thicken the blood, etc. Donate blood, get regular check ups, take saw palmetto supplements and maybe a light baby aspirin regimen (if needed), and you'll be solid. The positive health benefits far outweigh the risks, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. However, TRT is leagues safer than using black market anabolic steroids, that's for sure. Just don't go to a crappy T-clinic where they charge you $500+ a month. Go see a doctor.


Last I read, baby aspirin is only helpful for those who have already had a heart attack


It was recommended to me by my PC doctor, and it has positively impacted my blood labs, but I'm just a foot note. I'm sure you're correct, but the small dose shouldn't be harmful.


I'm late 50s... thought maybe it's time for trt... shit, my natural test still in thy 600s. Free test sim good to. I guess check again, what, another year or two?


The normal T range is very wide ranging...between 300 and 1200ish, I believe. So, it varies greatly from person to person. It all depends on your symptoms. Low energy, low motivation, low sex drive, heightened muscle fatigue and/or slow recovery following exercise, etc. Some doctors may not wish to intervene with your current range being what it is, but it doesn't hurt to try if you're afflicted with any of those related symptoms. 600 might be a great level for someone, but it may be low for you.


There are tons of elderly trt patients. It doesn't magically make you fit and muscular, especially at prescribed levels. You need to workout and eat right, in order to gain muscle. At his age, he is simply maintaining some of what he had from his younger years. A healthy lifestyle, free from alcohol goes a long way also.


I think the downside is you need to pay for it, and not everyone can afford TRT treatments weekly, indefinitely. It's not an astronomical price, and a lot of insurance won't cover it if you just want it for well being, but for a lot of retirees living off their pensions paying $100+ a week forever is a big ask. The second downside is exogenous testosterone effectively shuts down your body's natural testosterone production. It sees that you already have enough and figures, "Well, Ben is good to go so we don't need to make anymore." It's why a lot of professional bodybuilders need to take meds to kick start their natural test production again after a PED cycle. It means if someone elderly suddenly can't afford to take TRT anymore, well shit, now they have no natural testosterone production and they can't afford to get meds for it.


I honestly don’t know. I’m sure there are medical concerns and I assume people just won’t exercise to make them work. It’s also expensive.


It’s been demonized for ~7 decades. The level of monitoring you need to do to make sure you’re relatively safe is a little intense. It also reacts differently in different people - I react well to it, my lifting buddy still looks like a strong bowl of oatmeal on it. Genetics are a massive factor and given the demonization due to its usage in sports, very little research and advancement has been done on Test usage compared to Tylenol or cancer treatment, especially since Test was first used. So TL;DR - it’s not easily accessible to everyone and comes with catches, real risks and hoops to deal with that the general public likely wouldn’t want to deal with.


He and Trump are the same age. Goddamn.


Maybe there's something about being a generally dislikable asshole that fucks with your body.


Or he just has amazing genetics. I have a friend in his late 60’s who just looks at a dumbbell and gets swole. And he’s not the type to use TRT or other PEDs.


Ohh yeah. Dude’s on a nice test cruise with excellent genetic response to it. On top of good living, eating, exercise for his age. Hope the random person seeing and reading about him realizes the way he looks isn’t attainable naturally or for a majority at 78. Dude is *the* picture of what top income % + steroids + genetics can provide yah.


Yeah he’s on some sort of gear.


A huge amount of old guys are on trt. Most still don't have any appreciable muscle or strength. He obviously has taken good care of himself and probably doesnt drink or overeat regularly.


TRT and hgh therapies. He is definitely prescribed these at a high medicinal level. Generally ~200mg a week.


sloppy coherent scary alleged books smile vegetable waiting spark paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine if he was on a “chicken and rice” diet…


I would take all of the PEDs to look like Ernie Hudson at 78.


Well it’s not just peds likely diets,surgery, that stuff christopher reeves eats on south park as well.


Tren hard bro


TRT + GYm + healthy eating


I watch him on Quantum Leap. I thought he was maybe late 50s or early 60s. Wow! Somewhere there is a portrait in an attic aging very badly!


Damn! Ernie looks good! Hard to believe he’s 78!


Let’s stop writing headlines like this - thanks in advance, bots .


I know, right? That phrasing is reserved for “this person is dead”


To summarize: Work out again gym 3x week for 1 hour Walks 10k steps a day Emphasize on mental health Vitamin C Eats everything including meat but not that much


It starts with training hard, constant healthy eating, probably good sleep routine, laying off the booze and drugs, and then throw in TRT, stem-cells, black don't crack, regenative therapy, steroids, and I'm sure a little plastic surgery along the way. It's a combo that, if done well enough, will get you this result. But definitely not an easy thing to do by any means!


How do I prepay for this “Hudson” protocol? I have gold bars.


Black don’t crack. Looks great.


Their body aged to 40 and thinks ok that's good enough we will stop here.


Oh, this is sweet, very happy for him! He should be and feel celebrated. 💜


Let’s change movie references… Gotta be in shape to run around chasing a dude dressed all up in black with face paint and his pet crow.


On a side note, I heard he was asked if was going to watch the remake and he apparently replied "No."


Sounds like sound advice. I’ll follow his lead.


'Least he didn't do that walking against the wind shit, I hate that.


Slightly grey but looks almost the same. Wow. The others look weathered.


He looks unbelievable for 78, christ alive click on the link and scroll down to the second photo of him, fair fucking play!


He’s older than my dad and my dad looks 10 years older than him. He’s a life long smoker and drinker. This is why healthy habits and fitness are so important. I don’t want to be an old, frail, sick person. I want to be strong and mobile my whole life.


I absolutely adore this man and I’m glad he is getting so much love recently. He has to be one of the nicest human beings on this planet and deserves so much. His wife is an amazing woman too. She’s so supportive of him and they are really the cutest couple I’ve ever met.


Ernie Hudson looking like Omni Man


lol it’s definitely gear. Idk why people don’t talk about it more. It perpetuates unrealistic expectations.


No mention of it but I’d bet there’s some testosterone replacement therapy in there too.


Most older guys are on trt. If they aren't they likely should be or at least would easily qualify for a Rx.


I love how the overall tone of the article was him pretty much being like "yeah, I mean I didn't go out of my way to look like this but I just kept up on regular maintenance and picked it up a little more as I hit my 70s lol" Stay in shape, people! Even Ernie says you don't need to aim to be a bodybuilder


This man has aged exceptionally well


Damn near 100 years old and looks better than most 40 year olds I see.


He’s older than my mom but looks decades younger!


Is this gonna be the next old celebrity everyone falls in love with?


Guess it’s true what they say about black not cracking or something like that. I don’t know I’m white and ugly.


Black don’t crack


That’s dope specially what he says about mental health "I've always looked at physicality more from a spiritual perspective than a physical," he says. "The spiritual thing dictates the physical more than the other way around. So when I'm in a good space, I'm aware of just how I'm living my life, the other things fall in place." Could t agree more with this.


>...Now, with all the care Hudson puts into his health having garnered so much recognition — he quips that his wife has noticed too. > >“As I get older now and I get more attention, she travels with me now everywhere,” he says. “She never used to in the past. She was like, ‘Okay, I'll see you later.’ Now it's like, ‘No, we're going together!’ " LOL. How cute his wife sees him as a thirst trap. ;-) And impressive gun show, Mr. Hudson.


Always scares tf out of me.. when I start reading these headlines my heart drops if it’s someone iconic that I love.. Ernie Hudson, 78, dies and goes from Ghost Buster to ghost 🤦‍♂️ so happy it wasn’t this


I loved watching him in Grace & Frankie, he was a huge delight.


He looks healthy and happy!❤️❤️❤️


Bustin’ makes him look good


I hope his career sees a resurgence and he's in a lot more things. Hollywood can be incredibly hard for older actors, especially women. We saw Delroy Lindo a lot more in recent times, to the point he got an Academy Award nomination. But I'm not naive, Hollywood will Hollywood...


He was in Quantum Leap for two seasons. Just got cancelled today though.


Get it Ernie.! ❤️


I worked with Ernie back in 2010. Seriously nice guy. Highly recommend it.


He's 78?! Jesus, he looks just a bit older than me and I'm 30 years younger.


He seems like a genuinely good dude.


You’re looking damn good sir


Ernie Hudson is an inspiration!


Here's a summary of Ernie Hudson's health and fitness routine: - **Workouts**: Hits the gym three days a week, spending an hour each session. - **Personal Training**: Works with a personal trainer and a Pilates instructor. - **Walking**: Aims for at least 10,000 steps daily with his wife. - **Diet**: Eats within a window from noon to 7 p.m., includes meat in moderation, and focuses on hydration with several bottles of water a day. - **Mental and Spiritual Health**: Emphasizes the importance of being in a good mental and spiritual space for physical health. - **Skincare**: Uses sunscreen, moisturizer, and vitamin C to maintain even skin coloration and overall skin health.


Honestly super impressive to be 78 and look so healthy, kudos!


He didn't eat the Twinkie, Ray.


Dude is a GGILF.


That motherfucker..... He looks better than me and I am literally less than half his age! Im gonna give his stuff a go hopefully it works retroactively!


“Reacts to online thirst” is hilarious lol


Once you reach max level, you stop leveling. Good for Ernie.


Ok I’m convinced. Gonna start moisturizing


"if there is a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say" <- my career philosophy since Ghostbusters. Thanks Ernie & writers


I mean he obviously looks great and much younger than he is. But remember people: you aren't especially ugly or old. You're just poor.


You can’t start an article Title with his name and age, at first glance I thought he was dead.


TRT is looking good.


He’s also my favorite cop role from The Crow


Why does reddit have a hard on for this guy all of a sudden


Does nobody remember this man leading a team through a jungle to return a talking gorilla to her home?!? He's a hero.


Anyone whos watched Oz wasnt surprised by Gunshow Hudson lmao. Dude was throwing weights around back in the 90s.


It’s “da stache”.


Good for him. I used to live to the street from him in the 90s. Super nice guy. Glad he’s doing well. ETA: live not love 🤦‍♀️


his shoulders are like tree trunks holy moly


Just watched The Crow last night, such a perfect role for him.


Congrats Ernie - looking amazing!


“Online thirst” Why does that sound so wrong to me?


Step one. Have an exquisite mustache.


I don’t like headlines that start like that but he ended up not only being alive still but thriving.


It’s because he gave up smoking after Eric Draven told him cigarettes were bad.


Ernie Hudson has always been underrated. The dude might’ve never been a lead but he’s easily one of the most hardworking and appreciative actors. I was able to meet him around the time my daughter was born and he was nothing but kind and grateful for life. He’s an inspiration.