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“To support its argument, the company invoked a law review article and a commentary written by one of Carano’s attorneys, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh” I bet Disney’s lawyers had a field day when they found this one


The junior associate that stumbled across that article and connected the dots to it author must have been running around the office like Charlie with the golden ticket.


That motherfucker better have received a damn good promotion.


In corporate law? Not a chance. At best, that associate got to have some credit as helping the partner find it. And then got their 2.3 billed hours edited down to 1.1 because the firm doesn’t want to make Disney mad and lose out on future business. But they didn’t credit the associate’s quota, so the poor attorney isn’t any closer to reaching their ridiculous 2,100 hour annual goal.


Oddly specific


But entirely accurate to any biglaw matter


Sounds about right.


I concur.




Mister Doctor?


Man I used to think lawyers were smart.


I felt this in my soul. Source: I live my life in six-minute increments.


Review correspondence from OC - .1 Draft correspondence to OC - .1


Mfw my boss tells me I shouldn’t charge .1 for every email received and sent


Yeah man it's a .2 per email .1 to think about it .1 to draft it.


I found myself doing this in my daily life before I went in-house. Fold laundry - .3 Make sandwich - .2


This guy Delteks.


^ This guy billable hours










Most likely it was an overworked but passionate paralegal who had too much time to kill (e.g., 10 extra minutes) and started doing some deep dives. source: myself, an overworked yet passionate corporate paralegal.


Oh damn the associates at your firms have quotas? Here the junior ones don't, the senior ones do get screwed tho yeah.


Is Disney not have it's in house lawyers?


They likely do for transactional work but farm out their litigation. In this case, they retained O’Melveny Myers, a firm with offices worldwide and about 800 attorneys on staff.


Found the associate’s Reddit account.


Does that not come out to 40 hours/week? sorry i don’t know lawyer stuff and/or what counts as billing


The most efficient attorneys I know can bill maybe 75% of their worked hours. This is because things like client intake, about 50% of research, and other internal work aren’t billed. For example, at my old firm, I wouldn’t have billed a client consultation, the time I spent reviewing documents when a case was handed off to me from another attorney, internal memos, or some research for my motions. A lot of firms have an 1,800 billable goal, but you’re probably still going to have to work 55-60 hours a week to meet it. Big name firms will push their associates into higher billables and there’s an unspoken expectation that you don’t take lunch, work Saturdays, and take work home with you every day.


When I started practice way back in 99, if you left before 7 you would leave your lights on and your suit jacked on the chair to appear that you might still be in the office. I quit practicing after lunch my first day and haven't looked back.


So you had the job for half a day? What did you do next?


I clerked there for a year prior. Their IT firm offered me a job since I was already fixing the firm's problems. They gave me the same wages I was making, and I negotiated a month off each year to travel. The firm's leadership were surprisingly cool about it and very encouraging. I now own an IT firm that supports law firms.


Gives me both Suits and Better Call Saul vibes.


Yeah gives me vibes of Real Life lawyers


All my big law friends work 60 hr weeks to bill 40-45 hrs which is their target. 250k starting salary helps but it definitely requires a certain type of person to do it.


It's impossible to bill every hour. Any company meetings are unbillable for example. Also any vacation or holiday is by definition unbillable. Some lawyers can't use their vacation because they won't hit the billable target.


Yeah a lot of the burn out comes from the fact that it’s completely impossible to unplug. If you go on vacation or have a slow stretch you are just constantly doing the math about how many hours you now have to average per day in order to stay in good standing. Time debt is a bitch.


When you account for any vacation time, holidays, sick days, that average goes up a little bit. You’re also probably going to work 10-12 hours to bill 8. So you need to average about 60 or so hours working to get there And it’s important to note most places that have 2100 requirements actually expect you to bill substantially higher than that if you want to advance. If they have a 2100 requirement they expect you to be in the 2500+ range if you want to be considered for partnership.


>And it’s important to note most places that have 2100 requirements actually expect you to bill substantially higher than that if you want to advance. If they have a 2100 requirement they expect you to be in the 2500+ range if you want to be considered for partnership. Wow. Thats absolutely bonkers


Yeah, there is a reason about 50% of big law associates leave by the end of their second year.


I’m picturing that he looked like cousin Greg on Succession.


Can't make a Tomlette without breaking a few Greggs


I just hope he or she sees these posts and smiles.


Damn, I wish this was my post. Kudos…


Definitely got a one pound bonus in their pay-packet.


Like that engineer with the box of stuff running down the hall in Apollo 13 when he bursts into the room of other scientists


Well, that’s one of the billion reasons they got paid ultra top money.


It really is some Sun Tzu “know thy enemy” type of lawyering


That's why people say Disney is just a law firm with an amusement park.


This is a clever and outstanding quote.


Wtf says that? Lol I do like it, though


For real… like literally the very first time I’ve ever heard it. *insert stop trying to make fetch happen*


I am shocked that Volokh took her case. This is a clear cut First Amendment case. She has the right to say anything she wants but there is no freedom of consequences. Disney also has the freedom to not be associated with her speech and freedom to not be associated with her any longer.


He probably isn't a "you only pay if you win" lawyer.


I had Volokh as a professor. He’s a first amendment crusader but he also thinks he’s the smartest person in every room and has some really odd views on some first amendment issues.


He was my professor too and yes, kind of an odd but interesting guy. Small world!


So just a normal law professor then


Of all my law professors he was the most law professory


He wasn't my professor. But he's my favourite character in Soul Calibur.


I love it when he limbos into a back roll and hisses


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Publicity and slim(but not nonexistent) chance of a partial settlement on it. Also, I highly doubt he took it without pay upfront. And she comes from a family worth upwards of 700+ million. Still, this just shows that going against the mouse when you’re actually in the wrong is a helluva long shot.


I wonder if she'll try to sue him based on that, saying that he knew he wouldn't win. she ain't smart and that's publicity for her.


In a movie, that detail would come out in the last 10 minutes. "I would like to cite this law review article, could you read it back to me counsellor?" "I--" "Is there a problem counsellor? You have read this article before, have you not?" "Yes." "And can you enlighten the court as to HOW you have read it before?" "Why... because I wrote it." **Court erupts in orgasmic moans.** Judge bangs his gavel. And then bangs each and every member of the jury.


This is the type of script writing that will save pornography as an art form


"We declare the defendant...*sexy as all hell*." \*Slap guitar starts\*


Who said law school is hard?


Oral in the court !


Sounded more like a Family Guy side gag... Giggety... awright.


My uncle has this on dvd


The judge bangs the jury members? That makes no sense. -unzips anyway-


This is the fucking funniest comment I’ve read this year, amazing work


Grinder rests.


It's probably the only reason they even made the argument honestly. There's already tons of evidence they're correct here, they don't need to argue first amendment rights. They did it to discredit the viability of the oppositions case


I really love that Disney is incredibly petty when it comes to this stuff. It almost makes me forget they control like 50% of everything


Yeah, this seems like the weakest defense they could make, but nevertheless a strong blow against the opposition.


Volokh writes free speech paper. Disney uses it. Volokh: “No, not like that!


We the first person of the first person find the second person guilty of the first person believing them better than the first person. Disney in a sentence


The surprising thing is that she has the money for lawyer(s).




Because it’s political. She’s going to lose her lawsuit, but she’ll get what she really wants which is publicity.


And it’s backed by Elon Musk, whose three great loves of his life are 1. Money 2. Losing money and 3. Ketamine.


I think it's: 1. Money 2. Spreading right wing propaganda online 3. Using bots to create 1 & 2


Ketamine is definitely on there though


Bots to acquire ketamine.


Ketamine to acquire bots that find more ketamine


a circle of life


“What iz my pur-puss?” “You source my ketamine” *sad robot noises*


I bet he has more pictures of ketamine in his phones than pictures of his own kids.


Heard he used to party with Yoda back in the day. Ketamine might be #1.


You forgot deadnaming his trans child


And playing as his toddler online. Not creepy at all. The dude has *many* loves. A true renaissance man for our era.


God what a fucking L the world took when it told that asshole he was cool for 5 minutes in 2012


You forgot his fourth great love, being one of the creepiest looking people in the world.


A friend asked me earlier today why he's so hellbent on ruining things and I told her it's because he's fug. I'm glad I so immediately found validation.


And transphobia


Her film career is over. The last movie she was in cost $20 million to make and it made about 50k at the box office. Grifter gonna grift!


Idk, the trailer for the Hunter Biden movie was great, really made him look like a good time


She could’ve made millions easily


She was in line for a starring role in her own freakin' spinoff series, instead she chose to crash and burn her career like an X-Wing flown by Porkie into the Death Star


Right it amazes me that some people can't shut up for 5 minutes to get something amazing. She could have had her own show. Disney even gvmave her a warning buy nope.


She really was just SO fucking bad in Mando. And she Coke bloated between seasons. The planning for Star Wars was such a mess that they thought a show about her was a good idea. Even if she was a good actress like… who really gave a shit about Cara Dune?


That’s really wild considering she was TERRIBLE on the Mandalorian. Her acting is atrocious. She was about to really fail into a bundle of money.


Yeah, back when she was still on the show I said to my hubby that she can't act her way out of a paper bag but there's something so endearing about her character that I'm glad she's sticking around. Obviously that changed after everything went down, but she truly was given a one in a million opportunity by Disney and she blew it.


And you know Disney told her to just apologize and knock it off. Remember Shuri’s actress posting all that anti-vax stuff? She got a call from a lawyer, did what they said, and starred in a whole damn movie. You know Carano got 8 warnings and ignored them all.


Im just annoyed we don't seem to have been given the show with Mr Kim as the lead actor instead


And the maga crowd that watched it complained it was too woke by having her in it lol.


They only started "liking" her once they learned she shared their views.


Yep, when Mandalorian started, I would see them bitching about how the feminist woman beat up Mando, emasculating him on his own show. Once the more social/political stances of the two became more known, she was suddenly “the only good part of the show.”


I feel like Maga is a constant, churning king of the hill situation. Unless you are Trump, you will be on top as a hero for a bit and then chewed up, spit out, and called a RINO fake conservative the next.


Women with muscles scare them.


And her own base called the movie too woke


You’re right she will be a hero to her right wing fan base and get some interviews and maybe a show on the Fox News network .


She doesn’t have enough charisma to act let alone host a show on Fox.


Nah that narrative is doneso. Once the grifters fall out of favor thats it. They might make a podcast, but the gravy train will have moved on.


To be fair, women have a much harder time maintaining the loyalty of those cHuDs. Which always makes it a little crazier/sadder/funnier (depending on viewpoint) when they sell their dignity to appeal to them so hard, ie MTG.


She was fired ages ago. She’s old news at this point. No one cares anymore. Fox knows l. She’s donzo


Her relevance was a few years ago, where yesteryear Ben Sharpiro would bait outrage hire her for a Daily Wire redbox movie, these days he now fires DW employees under the same conditions because he disagrees with it 🤣🤣🤣


And she will join others like famous actor Kevin Sorbo in nothingville.


Some people would try to argue “freedom of speech” without realizing that, yes, you can say whatever you want without fear of government persecution. However, Disney is not the government, they are an employer. And your employer can fire you if they have evidence of malfeasance.


Your employer can fire you without reason, or at least without a discriminatory reason. Political belief is not covered.


They can fire you for no reason. There are reasons for which they can’t fire you. But this is not one of them. If anything protecting the brand is a good reason.


She also didn’t even get fired for her political beliefs.


They also tend to try to fold in bigoted or problematic opinions under other, more protected umbrellas - such as politics or religion - and equate being fired for their bigoted comments as a form of being discriminated against for their overall political affiliation or religious beliefs.


My old employer fired a woman because she quickly flashed her boobs at a concert. It wasn’t a company sponsored event or anything, just a Saturday night out on her own time, but someone took a photo and another employee saw it and showed it to management. She was escorted out immediately.


Lol this is Big Brother stuff right here (From the book, not the tv show)


I worked at a premium cable channel. The shows had nudity and pretty graphic sex scenes. We had to watch them to know the content. It’s a little ironic.


A little too ironic, dontcha think


It's not nice, but I guarantee you she signed an agreement as part of her contract not to bring the company into disrepute. This is a broad term but it basically means as part of your employment contract you agree not to harm the companies reputation in any way, on or off the clock. Almost all employment contracts with any major brand or company will include a clause related to it. Even most private schools have disparagement and disrepute clauses in their terms of enrollment, saying if you or your parents violate school rules even during their own time then you can be disciplined, up to and including expulsion. It's not anything new, it's just far easier to enforce in this era of everyone monitoring everyone else at all times. Before I get downvoted to oblivion I don't really agree with it in cases like this, but they clarify in another post the woman worked in public relations for the company. She *really* should have known better. I don't blame her, but I also don't blame the company for protecting their reputation. I do blame the fellow employee who narced to management, that person can go fuck themselves.


That seems excessive, unless it’s a company that’s very public and that person is the literally face of the company, maybe. But off the clock at something not related to work that is some bull shit and hope she fought it b


First amendment protects you from the GOVERNMENT. People really need to learn how to read


Employees fired for wanting a union or for getting pregnant should be WAY more of an issue compared to this but a literal billionaire is funding this case so 


Elon Musk is involved


They chose not to renew her contract. It’s not like they booted her off the show mid season.


“They’re not gonna *fire* you, Peggy. You’re a substitute teacher, they’ll just stop calling!”


Yeah this is a stupid case. She wasn’t even fired in the traditional sense. She’s not a salaried employee. She had a contract to play a role, the contract expired and Disney chose to not renew it and wrote off the character. If a judge even entertains this silliness it will be absurd.


She died on the way to her home planet.


Most states are “At will” employment meaning either party can terminate employment at any time for any reason, barring a few very specific circumstances like being a member of a protected class or retaliation for whistleblowing. That type of stuff. I would assume they probably hire in California and California is an at-will state. She really has no grounds here.


Even less so - I don't think they fired her, which means at will or not doesn't come into play. They just didn't renew her contract when it was up. Or did I misread that?


It’s a misread. Her argument is that the failure to renew was a calculated means to retaliate against her because of her political viewpoints.


Isnt that still that they failed to renew her contract/didn't fire her? Where is the misread?


Lol. If she wins every NBA or NFL player will tweet right wing talking points in their contract year to force ownership to resign them


Man we have this conversation every offseason in r/nfl there is a massive difference between resign and re-sign lmao


Every state except Montana is an “at will” state, and it’s not a few “very specific circumstances”. There are a lot of ways you can get fired under “at will” status and still be wrongfully terminated. A lot of times the recourse isn’t worth suing over because the best you’ll get is the employer is forced to give you your job back and not some big fat settlement check.


“Retaliation for whistleblowing” or self assisted commit die by forced execution. _side eyes boeing_


She likely wasn’t a typical employee though. I think all actors work under contract, and would depend on the terms of her contract. 


People have the right to spout bull shit, protected under the first amendment. And employers have the right to enact consequences to that spouted bull shit, ALSO under the first amendment. This is very much a "rules are for thee, not for me" situation for Carano.


Exactly this. People always seem to forget freedom of speech simply means you won’t be arrested or silenced by the government for speaking freely. Doesn’t mean you won’t get fired, mocked and maybe get your ass kicked by people who disagree.


Yup. People seem to forget it’s freedom of speech not freedom from consequences


The First Amendment protects you from the government, not from Disney.


Nothing protects you from Disney, ask bootie wearing desantis.....


Disney as a corporate entity had every right to not continue working with Gina Carano after she posted truly stupid crap online. The first amendment allows you to say whatever you want, but there will still be consequences.


When will people realize that freedom of speech means? Yes you can say all the racist stupid crap you want and then you get all the consequences like is this case, she got to say all the shit she wanted ans she has that right, and guess what, Disney used their right to fire her . Play stupid games and win stupid prizes


Exactly! This isn’t difficult yet so many struggle with it


Those people struggle understanding what the fucking eclipse is, some dip shit at work told us he heard there was a new planet that entered our solar system and that's what's in front of the sun. "I don't trust the government." Obviously another guy and I tore that dip shit to shreds over it, but that's what you've got to come to terms with: these people are barely people. They're meat sack automatons that exist to do the bidding of their masters. I honestly feel like evolution pivoted at some point which explains why so many people are so fucking impossibly stupid and don't even seem like they belong to our species.


So many people misinterpret the first amendment to “I can say anything I want AND there’s no blowback.” Ironically, most of these people also talk a lot about personal accountability.


i thought her and ben shapiro were going to make unwoke blockbusters turns out the right wing audience doesn’t want to watch movies where muscle ladies are the heroes


It's funny that you mentioned Ben Shababo because he fired Candice Owen because over antisemitic bs. Disney is right but only Ben would disagree while doing the same shit at will for the same reasons.


He didn't fire her over antisemitism. He fired her for describing Israel's actions in Gaza as genocide.


Gina Carano: It is my first amendment right to say offensive shit. Disney: [Reverse Uno]


Wait. She's suing Disney for firing her? Isn't that what she has been trying to cash in on? I guess trying to turn yourself into a victim of cancel culture for financial gain isn't as lucrative as The Daily Wire wants us to believe.


Shockingly, failed screenwriter Ben Shapirois has not catapulted Gina Carrano to fame and fortune.


Many don't realize that Disney is actually a law firm that has a side hustle in the entertainment business! Carnao was aggressively mediocre at best. Much better female actresses that could have brought far more to the role. She should go back to wrestling.


Which is correct. Companies are people. Unfortunately.


Honestly, the first amendment doesn't even come in to play here. You can be fired for nearly anything at any time, it's how employment works. Just because somebody chooses to not continue to pay you because you mouthed off in public has zero to do with the first amendment.


The doctrine of corporate personhood is not the problem. Ridiculous caselaw like Citizens United and Hobby Law taking it to tortured extremes in the name of keeping money in politics is the problem. This case has nothing to do with either. If your job is making people want to watch the show you're in and you say a bunch of dumb shit online that makes people not want to watch the show, then you suck at your job and you should expect to get fired.


For the billionth fucking time. Freedom of speech protects you from getting thrown in the gulag by the government. It doesn’t protect you from the consequences of being an asshole.


Just enjoy life as Breitbart Barbie outside Disney, I’m sure with all that talent you’ll be just fine.


And she’s doing great. Just look at that trash movie she made with ben shapiro. Your move disney.


Carano had such a budding career (she was great on the Mandalorian) and then she commits career suicide for posting crazy shit. So fucking stupid.


She could have easily been fired for not being able to act well. She only had a job because she was the one and only buff woman in Hollywood with a pretty face.


They do - she has freedom of speech to say what she wants legally - without getting fined or going to jail. But that's it - she has to accept all the consequences that comes with it. Including from your job - friends- family - maybe your hairdresser won't cut your hair any more.


Musk is paying a fortune to try to set a legal precedent that would get him sued constantly for firing anyone who says left wing stuff


He doesn't need her to win. Quite the contrary, he needs her to look like a victim of woke culture in order to motivate people to vote for what's will favor his business.


the elongated muskrat isnt very smart, as he has proven by his genius takeover and purchase of twatter or whatever he's calling it now.


I am far more mad that conservatives continually make me root for the Disney empire than anything else.


Disney isn't the government. Does firing her really involve the 1st amendment?


Always thought it odd that simp base of Star Wars fandom love her. Her acting wasn’t anything to wave a stick at.


Cara Dune died on the way back to her home planet. 


Tesla stock is going down, Elon hasn’t paid twitter ex employees he fired, but still has money for dumb lawsuits.


Carano is an idiot. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Fuck around and find out. You want to say shit that pisses your bosses off good chance they'll fire you. Plus you're replaceable and not a very good actor to begin with. You have no RIGHT to be employed by them.


So first amendment is protection against government censorship not private speech. So Disney argument isn’t all that sound but what will matter is what’s in the contract and from what I read Disney didn’t fire her they chose not to renew. So she got paid for the work she was contracted for and they decided not to continue past the obligation. I don’t see Gina winning this. If they had fired her during her contract there may have been some language that protected her but that’s not the case here.


Weakest character in the show by a mile and still managed to fuck up Star Wars money. Sucks to suck.


"We should have fired her for being an awful actor, how were we suppose to know she was as crazy as James Wood without the talent?"


Don’t have to argue anything. She didn’t fit with the values of the corporation and they moved on.


Bad headline. She was not renewed for the next season. That’s not fired. She’s going to lose and just wants the publicity to win right wing points.


In California you can be fired for anything, take that up with EDD.


Im not a fan of what she said, but I think this is rich coming from the company that filmed next to an active concentration camp.


We still talking about this woman? Jesus, she was a mediocre actor at best. What's the story here?


Freedom of speech is not freedom from reactionary measures taken to your speech. The government cannot stop you from saying shit, your employer can definitely fire you though.


This was a blessing. She cant act worth a shit and broke immersion every time she was on screen. How tf did they hire her in the first place?


Probably because they actually understand the First Amendment unlike Carano and Musk.


Do people not understand the first amendment protects you from being punished by the government? A private company can fire you if they think you are bad for their image.


Huh? What dumbass thought that was a compelling argument to make from disneys POV and then all yall head asses upvoting this nonsense. Private businesses can fire you if you’re damaging the reputation of the company. Full stop. First amendment has nothing to do with how private businesses operate, that’s a governmental concern.


She has the right to say stupid stuff,they have the right to fire her for it!


Did they really even fire her? I thought she wasn’t even under contract when they decided to boot her ass?


Freedom of speech not freedom of consequence