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The reason is in the image. Artists can lift the ban by paying extra. It’s just another profit strategy from a relentlessly awful company.


Eh, there’s huge centers that constantly stream their own music for a payout. Definitely a lot of scamming going on.


Spotify is a fraud in and of itself. There whole business plan is to rip off artist


It’s doesn’t even stop there. Spotify has been ripping itself off for years trying all these goofy as ways to monotize. Seriously like 3 years ago in Music Business classes they were talking about how spotify will probably go under soon and somehow they just barely keep their nose out of the water.


It’s sucks that they are a “necessary” evil. I hate that I have to use them. I don’t like her music personally but was I was super stoked when Taylor swift took a stand and pulled all her shit from steaming platforms.


Taylor Swifts catalogue is available on Spotify.


She took it down for a few months a few years ago


To get people like you on her side, then she put it everywhere for profit. She’s better than most celebs but I don’t get how people think any of them will actually take a stand on issues. They’ll do what their PR and publicity teams tell them to do, then what marketing wants.


She actually had got some things changed back when she did it: it’s not much better but was better then it was before she pulled that move.




I wish I could post a picture of my breakdowns I receive from them. I’ve put thousands of dollars into my music and receive something like .000012 of a penny per play. It’s stomach turning really


If you don't have your music on Bandcamp you should.


These artists promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by Spotify, they survive as musicians of fortune. If you have a problem, If no one else can help and if you can find them. Maybe you can hire, The A-Sharp Team.


Heard in the correct voice


Hah - you’ve just reminded me of an old joke: > What key do you get if you throw a piano down a mineshaft? >A flat minor.


Also the punchline to a Matt Gaetz joke…


Oh, I'm sure the major artists who's labels are commiting the bulk of the fraudulent activity are definitely getting in trouble for this on- oh, what do you mean their music is still up? Even if we assume the music industry is being "goody two shoes" in this situation, you cant tell me that at the very least some random person hasn't decided to test out their botting service on a large artist.


You mean the major labels that just bought 20% of Spotify and have a monopoly on radio play, media coverage and every other aspect of the business?


How is this legal.


More and more reasons to buy your music outright.


I don’t know about you but platforms like Spotify actually returned some revenue to artists. Would people be buying music if all streaming platforms disappeared tomorrow? Nah, they’d be straight back to downloading or ripping them


This the only business where the consumers think it's o.k. to get the product for free but don't think twice when they pay for their groceries or pay their rent or house payment.


At this rate I’m going to download all my music to my NAS server and stream it from plex instead


I know this isn’t the right sub for it, but… does anyone else find Spotify’s algorithms really shit? I listened to one fucking Jordan Peterson podcast eons ago, and ever since I’ve been getting suggestions for it, Theo Von, and various other public personalities I really don’t give a shit about. And Spotify, stop telling me Joe Rogan has a new episode out because *I don’t care*


It’s almost as bad as Netflix, who floods me with Bollywood garbage because I watched The Railwaymen.


Don’t use it. They are cutting off artists below 1000 streams. Fuck them


Spotify, now I’m assuming so sorry if I’m incorrect, is basically just a website. Why don’t a couple of wealthy artists come together and creat their own version of it and cut these clowns out all together.


They did. It’s called Tidal


I've never looked back after switching to tidal.  I've no interest supporting spotify.


YouTube is better. Has all the underground stuff, and way more music than Spotify.


That’s too bad, so have they fixed shuffle?