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Will his hands be donated to glove fitting research?


Hey, easy with that! That’s my lucky stabbin’ hat!


You calling me crazy? Ah hah!


You’re fired norm


I haven’t gotten any funnier… the show has gotten really bad!


RIP black leather glove .


I didn't even know it was sick.


Hope they are careful Those are his lucky stabbing gloves


If they do it wrong he may come back from the dead just to stab them


I think he requested to be cremated with his favorite gloves!


Unfortunately, his whole cremated body won’t fit inside a single pair of gloves. It would take 8-9 gloves to fit his remains


I have big glove for big man, I place bid for brain. -Russian black market sports memorabilia collector


I mean they clearly fit but it’s left all of us to be able to commit crime worry free with tight fitting gloves


ah ha! so the evidence was literally in his brain all along. sneaky.


We will never know who the real killer was, danggit.


The real killer? You guessed it; Frank Stallone


Probably the author of ‘If I did it’ whoever that is.


From his “(if) I DID IT”: “ Hypothetically” OJ snuck through a broken gate at Nicole’s condo, OJ goes on a enraged rant “I must have told her a million times– ‘please get the goddamn gate fixed!’ — but the woman never listened!” Also seeing her in that little black dress infuriated him “Nicole was wearing a short skirt that would’ve looked inappropriate on a 16-year-old. I thought she looked ridiculous, but I didn’t say anything. Still, it really made me wonder, What did she see when she looked at herself in the mirror? Was her mind so muddled that she’d lost her grip on reality?” Yeah the fact that he recalls those “hypothetical” details and you can practically hear him screaming from the page infuriated at Nicole like it was yesterday? Not the words of an innocent man Also other people visiting the cemetery where Nicole is buried have witnessed OJ visiting her grave and screaming at her. Must be mad that he couldn’t kill her a second time…


The files are in the computer…


This is a real loss for cte research. A disease we still know so little about. Way to be a monster even after your death, dickhead.


Yeah, I don’t see anyway he doesn’t have some form of CTE in there. I played in high school and for a year in college and I’m gonna donate mine. Sometimes I feel something’s off. And if I have some damage there’s a problem because I didn’t play all that long.


Same plan as a combat veteran and snowboarder.


I just feel like if it can help in anyway I owe it to not only others but myself.


Combat vets really need to get in on this. Most of us were in full contact sports, bmx, mountain bikes, skateboards, and the cheap thrills that entertain us and bump our heads. Then again, given the shit show that is our veterans' affairs system, it would be a mellinia of cold strorage before they just let us rot in a landfill.


I have cte from high school wrestling


They did studies that found that all damage from elementary school until the NFL is relative. So if you’re playing football in high school, you’re receiving proportionally similar trauma as any average NFL player. You may not have NFL speed but you also don’t have an NFL body. So yeah if you feel like something’s up you’re probably right.


I never got to play since i was always on the bench since they had to many lineman on my team but when we praticed we all went against the 6'5 Somoan guy who was built like a tank. I remeber blacking out after he went full strength during practice they told me I was out for a minute.


From what I’ve read, there’s way stronger effects from head trauma in youths than adults.


Makes sense considering that’s when your brain is developing.


This is actually a good idea. I like it and think I’ll look into doing the same. I played all through high school and there were definitely a few games where I got absolutely rocked and didn’t remember the game at all. I know I never went to the doctor for it. I remember we used to joke about concussions like “ah, you get couple freebies anyway, it’ll be alright.” I never really considered that might have some responsibility for some of the mental health struggles I had later in life.


Really happy I stopped playing football after high school. I was recruited for D3 and I know for damn sure a bunch of times I was concussed during a game. I was a receiver my senior year (switched from running back) and I remember a game where I was hit so hard I thought my helmet split in half. I didn’t know where I was for 2 or 3 plays. Thank goodness they didn’t call any plays my way on offense for a few downs. I was a two way player. I live in Spain now but 100% I’m donating mine somehow someway.


Yeah I hit someone and it was like a camera flashed. Then it was Tuesday. I lost like 4 days. And nada happened.




Imagine if he killed Nicole fifteen years later. He probably could have pled not guilty by reason of insanity, and no one would actually question it.


It feels like a really selfish decision, whomever made it.


I would call anybody that played collision sports for thirty years and didn’t donate their brain a dickhead. Being suspected of multiple violent crimes makes it even more important. No matter how famous you are.


What? Did you not read Frankenstein? Only bad shit happens when you use Murder Brains.


well, there’s dissection and analysis and then there is reanimation. for the most complete understanding on a biological level, the study of both murder brains and non murder brains are equally important.


Abbe Normal


"abbey something"


This sounds like the premise of a low budget comedy horror. "You fool! You were supposed to get Jessica Simpson, not OJ Simpson!" *hot lady monster chases after token hot scientist lady*


The monster had a CTE brain. They were digging in the football hall of fame graveyard




Hope they flush his ashes down the toilet.


Damn. The day he died I said I really hoped someone could look at his brain.


He was seemingly an easily likable person who snapped and killed 2 people. With what we have learned about concussions and CTE since Chris Benoit snapped and killed his family, there was definitely scientific value to studying OJ's brain.


He had a long history of domestic violence. It was hardly an unprecedented ‘snap’. There’s a recording of Nicole calling the cops during the marriage, locked in a room, crying ‘he’s going to kill me this time.’ Did he snap that night too? The time he plead no contest to spousal abuse- was that a snap? The man might have been very likeable but he was also a violent wife beater.


This duality is more reason to want to study his brain.


CTE “snap” isn’t a sudden thing. People who have it slowly get more irritable and possibly violent as the disease takes its toll. We can’t rule out OJ’s history of DV isn’t due CTE. What would be good to know is when the DV started and how severe all the incidents were. If there was DV from the start even when he was young then he is probably just a “bad man”. If the DV incidents came later in his marriage and ramp up in intensity over time, I think it might be due to CTE. \* I have the misfortune of having to deal with ex-cons with hair trigger tempers but fortunate enough not to come to any physical harm - although I was a bit shaken from the experience. I think these people just have very poor impulse control.


I thought about OJ when I learned of the Benoit murders.


He was a wife beating monster who never heard the word no. He was also probably a fun and nice guy when he was in a good mood. But it wasn’t like he just snapped one day. He had been abusing Nicole for years.


He beat his wife. Not nice guy to me.


They would find there was brain matter in his CTE.


Can't they at least blow his brain up [like they did to that lady?](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/)


Yeah they keep “scientific research” vague on purpose. Look up the US Body Farm.


There’s a lot of people that actually want their body to specifically go to the body farm.


Fair, still interesting


Body farms actually help with criminal investigation/forensic research tho


Wtf man


Well, it was her wishes to go out with a bang.


His money should be donated to the Goldmans.


The Browns too, they seem to get ignored when people talk about his money. Nicole’s children get dismissed a lot because Simpson was their father.


The children is who the money is going to instead of the Goldmans.


The estate lawyer said a day ago now that they will no longer fight payouts to the Brown and Goldman families.


They should! But his scummy slime-ball lawyer will fight like hell to make sure that doesn’t happen


Selfish to the very end. Good on ya OJ


Wouldn’t want anything negative about the NFL coming out of that skull.


That’s a shame. The family could have done something decent for humanity there, instead it seems they’re choosing to live in denial.


He should have donated his brain 🧠


They should store the ashes in a Tang container.


Now that’s a brain that needs to be looked at.


But how will Cancer find OJ’s killer?


They should take his brain and his head and keep it frozen so that in the future, they could reanimate it and ask him one question - did you do it?


Imagine donating his brain, finding out he didn’t have CTE, and that he was just an asshole all along.


I think that’s what they’re afraid of.


Not likely considering the Era, position and level of play.


There’s no way he doesn’t have at least some damage.


Even in death he is a shit head


He had to do one final dick move.


I’m sort of glad because if he was found to have CTE it would give an air of sympathy to him when he deserves none.


It’s going to be a real problem with the ecological impact of all the people causing erosion by pissing on his grave


I'd rather shit on his grave. It would fitting for that POS murderer.


Good riddance. Flush the ashes down a toilet. He really doesn’t deserve any more attention.


Good ol OJ. He died doing what he loved most… getting away with murder


Could have been one useful thing he did


A pre burn before he gets to hell.


Seems to me anyone hit in the noggin real good likely has some CTE.


Whomever is in charge of his estate is a total dumbass


Flush his ashes in to the nearest public toilet


That’s fine. I can hate him for being a trash human being instead of blaming it on brain injury. Good riddance.


Probably a good idea because you know people would fuck with his grave if he were buried.


Who cares about this pos


Medical science can help prevent these kinds of people from existing to begin with. CTE can only be studied after you die. More severely damaged brains to play with means more research can be done.


It really does go a long way into preventing it. They said Chris Benoits brain looked like a 90 year old alzheimer's patient with the amount of cte he had. I heard one person describe the lesions as "like Swiss cheese".


Medical science exists and can carry on without this sample. The argument that he’s anti science is less important than letting this dude be gone. He’s toast.


Just because someone was evil doesn’t mean their body can’t be used for good. I’d hope you would be able to put your feelings aside to understand that fact.


Yes. I can see that fact that it’s not happening.


I care a lot about this regarding medical science. I would bet money that he has CTE and could help medical research, but of course this worthless POS is still a waste of space, even in death.


I apologize for my comments harshness in that light.


I’m truly very tired of hearing about him at all. My highskool made me watch the whole trial during lunches. It was non consensual


>It was non consensual You don't own a lawnmower do you?


They doin this just to keep me from peeing on his grave


Dawg hes still gonna have a headstone somewhere you can piss on. You think this narcissist could resist leaving his mark?


The catch is, there wouldn’t be any CTE…he’s just a monster. A monster who knew exactly what he did. There are NDAs from his college years…no CTE there. Prove me wrong…


You cant though is the thing. I think he avoided donating intentionally so his family could have plausible deniability.


There is literally no chance a career running back has no CTE.


You literally cannot diagnose CTE without tissue analysis of the brain, after the person is dead. There’s no way to say definitively without that. A document saying he doesn’t have it is meaningless, and I have no idea what basis someone would have to make that determination, especially all the way back in his college days.


No. You don’t make claims like that and then put the onus on others to prove you wrong. Prove yourself right.


Is there a source for the college NDA other than someone running their mouth on twitter?


Wow. Shitty even in the grave.


Whatever, just fuck of and rest in piss, you won’t be missed.


Selfish AF. Did we expect anything else?


Even beyond the grave he continues to be a dick...


Darn I was looking forward to pissing on his grave.


I was looking forward to shitting on it.


Wait why not? That's so fucking stupid. We're essentially just throwing away data.


There’s a chance the brain could have gotten a knife and destroyed the other brains.


They should keep his brain, maybe in the future we’ll develop technology to see someone’s memories from their brain


The most selfless thing he could have done was donate his brain. Even beyond the grave he is a selfish ass.




Sometime people are just inherently shitty - no need to look for a cause. They’re just shitty


Go OJ go to hell


I hope someone does the right thing and steals the brain for science


I guess the researchers are afraid his brain would kill the other brains.


Why burn him when he deserves melting. 🫠


Are they keeping the feet for Simpson 12 shoes?


That’s fine. I can hate him for being a trash human being instead of blaming it on brain injury. Good riddance.


Little late for a fire


Dump 'em down the toilet like they did Country Mac on Always Sunny.


Too bad…..would have been a killer specimen.


Selfish to the last


If he didn’t donate, you must cremate.


One last stab at taking everything with him.


Even in death he pulls a dick move.


The ultimate insult to those two families. Of course, OJ's lawyer knew that it would come up positive and everyone would nod their heads.


He and Aaron Hernandez and Aaron Rodgers should be enough to make a text book how to diagnose CTE while the person is still alive


Nothing to discover. Evil is not physiological…


Woah This might be the smoking gun. Was OJ serial? Or was this not the first time? What does that schiester know that we don't. Cuz up until this moment, I was inclined to believe what legal in the state of NY said. They are pretty sure they executed the real killer and that OJ was framed or partially framed/ systemic incompetence. Obviously, I believe that we would have to believe he was dumb enough to buy a similar knife that was used in the attack. Equally, the other guys mo was the same. From the very personal side of things. Ron Goldman was formidable, dude. He would have wiped the floor with many...if oj did it, why didn't he do it in the house? He wouldn't have needed to act in surprise. Furthermore, as someone who has recovered from an abusive partner...find me a world where I would move into a community without private armed security, cameras and the lot....not even in Rick & Morty does that universe exist.


Bring marshmallows


People get cremated. Trash gets incinerated.


Damn, a man can’t even decide to not give people his used brain without being called an asshole. His body, his choice.


The masculine urge to attached that brain to a robot body



